Swag at races

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Jani Soderhall
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Swag at races

Post by Jani Soderhall » Thu Nov 08, 2007 1:57 pm

Donald in another thread wrote:
Tons of stuff have been thrown out at races. almost everybody who enters a race these days has all he needs, in most cases even more than that. maybe the producers (including me) of skate products should shift their orientation towards money, cash prizes, or, even better than that (thanks to greg fadell for the idea!!!!) promote their race in skatemags by advertising there.
take cw for example, if brooke would be willing to do it and the ads are done professional,this might attract new potential sponsors for the future of the sport when those ads are run on the back cover f.e.
everybody will see these full page ads and this would be a way to promote the sport and increase the growth.

let's hear some thoughts...

Ed note: Topic split - comments on swag here. /Jani

Erik Basil
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Post by Erik Basil » Fri Nov 09, 2007 7:00 pm

I think this is generally correct: that cash prizes are better for racers and public perception than is schwag-only. Schwag is great for crowds, for junior classes and for photos along with cash.

The thing to remember is that most "sponsors" are small companies that have an easier time giving (for example) $100 Worth of gear than they do an actual $100, when that gear really costs them $50 and it gets into the hands of racers (even if that racer is "sponsored" or uses a different product and never rides the prize). So, understanding that, we have an issue to overcome: ensuring sponsors perceive a benefit to handing over cash instead of hardware they hope to see waived around.

Of course, coverage before and after events has a lot to do with "return on investment" for event sponsors, and ads in magazines cost money. Ads on skateboard websites and race reports cost only time and courtesy, but even those can be tough to take care of: someone has to have the discipline to concoct and present the promotion in advance. Then, if it's going to have some return, ie be viewed by people that aren't already fully aware of the product/company/support, you've got to find a place for that, too.

Somebody's going to figure out that I think one such place for that is Silverfish, and that's right: one of the primary reasons that site offers time, money and effort to promote events for others is that we know an audience outside "the core" is necessary for niche sports to grow. There are a few other sites --multidisciplinary sites-- that also attract internet viewers outside the core, and it's repeated exposure to both the existence and the professionally organized/sponsored events that generates new skaters at events, new customers and a return on investment for sponsors. This means advance promotion other than posts in forums, race reports after the events and visual media: photos and video presented somewhere outside of forums.

Our longstanding offer to promote events on the Silverfish Longboarding.com and with our "Fish Report page in Concrete Wave has been very effective for some, but may also be the topic for an excellent illustration of how far slalom (in this case) has to go: how many events go down in anonymity because of a reluctance to reach out to skaters that aren't "core" (or to be seen doing so), or an inability to get pre/post event coverage together? Outside of the hardcore slalom sponsors (who will toss down schwag on principle), what is the incentive for others to toss down cash? Charity?

Now, I fully realize that someone's ox is hereby gored. My point is that, if we want cash sponsors for slalom events, it's going to be up to the Event Promoters to demonstrate --in advance-- that such sponsorship will result in perceived ROI for the sponsors. Where we have been able to secure CASH sponsorship for events we help promote, it always requires this. Whether you find that magic mixture using free help from Silverfish is irrelevant: that' a mechanism, not a result. The issue is that it needs to be done somewhere, somehow before sponsors line up with checkbooks in hand. Well, sponsors other than those that happen to be the event promoter, too.

As for magazine coverage, that's hard to justify sometimes: is there editorial value to stories covering an event that hasn't happened yet? I think the answer is, generally, no. That's what ads are for, and those cost money. Some large speedboard events have paid for ads in advance, but I think that's pretty rare.

After the fact, race coverage is cool! But, it's harder to get written up well than you may think and isn't what a lot of people want to read about. Who here has written, or paid someone to write up, race coverage after an event? If you have, then you know what I'm talking about here. If you haven't, you either know why it was too hard for you, or maybe you never even thought about "finishing the event" for the benefit of the sponsors and racers. I know this for sure: each and every time Concrete Wave runs coverage of slalom races, certain advertisers scream "Foul!!" and adamantly maintain that the type of photos and reportage our sport is able to come up with is interesting to only a very few -- we need to be smart enough to see some truth in this, even if we disagree. (BTW, this occurs with coverage of speed events, too. Don't argue the situation, work it.)

I can list a few events in 2007 and 2008 where actual hard cash, other than that pulled from registration fees, came from sponsors and wound up on podiums or will do so. A few of those situations are due to hardcore fanatics that sponsor, but the others are due to the sponsors' perception that there will be a Return on Investment via coverage and PR. If we want more of that for slalom, I feel like it's up to us to make it happen.
I ride fast boards, slowly.

Jani Soderhall
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Post by Jani Soderhall » Fri Nov 09, 2007 9:25 pm

Good post Erik!

Everybody loves getting free skate stuff, but I agree with Donald that it's probably not the best for this sport. The few slalom manufacturers we have actually needs to earn a living from selling stuff, so it would be good if we could reduce strain on them. Most of the time they actually help out in other ways making the event come together. That should be enough. I think the solution might be for race organizers to offer other items of interest:

a) stuff from sponsors that are not dependent only upon this small group of skaters. Damned, it can't be that hard to obtain stuff from other companies, could it? But we have to be creative and come up with things that people still value.

b) stuff that can't be bought for money - The enormous cakes in Latvia. Really cool trophies. Fun things! Magnum bottles of champagne or beer! (free if you get the right sponsors, or not too expensive to purchase otherwise).

c) make sure the guys on the podium gets their seconds/minutes/hours of fame. Have their results and photos published in the local news, on the event site, in forums. Make sure the guys feel appreciated for their effort!

I'm sure we could come up with other ideas to increase the value returned to the skaters at an event. This is only one aspect. But it's good to return this favour to our sponsors, after all we prefer they continue to earn a living (if that much) from this sport! We need their stuff under our boards, not necessarily on the podiums.


Donald Campbell
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Post by Donald Campbell » Tue Nov 13, 2007 11:24 am

so far i picked 3 races for next season here in europe where i want to sponsor the races with money.
cadwell will receive 300 euros
amsterdam will receive 300 euros
gothenburg will receive 500 euros

i can't sponsor all races but i will do my part in this whole deal
hopefully other vendors will react the same way

Dave Gale
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Post by Dave Gale » Tue Nov 13, 2007 1:15 pm

Good on ya!
ENJOY!! (while you can)

Donald Campbell
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Post by Donald Campbell » Sun Dec 28, 2008 6:35 pm

coming back to this topic i'm wondering if anybody followed my trail?

Jani Soderhall
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Post by Jani Soderhall » Sun Dec 28, 2008 10:07 pm

Donald Campbell wrote:cadwell will receive 300 euros
amsterdam will receive 300 euros
gothenburg will receive 500 euros
Did they?
If so, very cool.

(Wow, I never saw this post from last year...)


Erik Basil
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Post by Erik Basil » Tue Jan 27, 2009 3:29 pm

Who's got events planned in '09 with cash for the winners and schwag for the crowd?
I ride fast boards, slowly.

Joe Iacovelli
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Post by Joe Iacovelli » Tue Jan 27, 2009 4:04 pm

I do In Antrim Erik, although with a slightly different twist. Cash for pro's, trophy's for bro's, and any swag we get goes to the prize pool for the new kid race. Last year we had 20 kids who had never slalomed before step up and put down a time. They all got something and both the under 16 and over 16 walked away with a deck.

While I appreciate a new set of wheels or another deck, I'm proably just going to give them away, so we cut out the middleman.

Side note, the guys that got decks ended up with completes via a set of wheels here and a truck there out of my good friends tool boxes. It was a real kumbaiya moment.

Jani Soderhall
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Post by Jani Soderhall » Tue Jan 27, 2009 5:04 pm

Erik Basil wrote:Who's got events planned in '09 with cash for the winners and schwag for the crowd?
The Désaxé World Cup in Grenoble, June 27-28 will have at least 3.500 euros in prize money in '09 and as usual plenty of sponsor goods for the non-Pro categories.


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