stop the fight!

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Leonardo Ojeda
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stop the fight!

Post by Leonardo Ojeda » Mon Nov 10, 2003 1:30 am

< Ed note: Posts moved here from the Contest Calendar, which we need to keep "clean" with only contest related information. /Jani >

Nice idea Jani, i REALLY hope that events organizers Read all the events BEFORE planning events and avoid date conflicts

andy bittner already wrote the un-confirmed date of The Gathering 4. i hope that it doesn't conflict with FCR races

Last and not less important a thought I always say every year:

STOP WEST-EAST FIGHT for the slalom Scene, don't try to divide us, instead SHARE the number of participants, it's BETTER to have 1 event with 100 riders thatn 2 events the same day with 50. More riders means more media attraction, hence more new persons will be interested in the sport, therefore the slalom scene will prevail a lot longer!

"I`ll see you at the end of the hill"

Slappy Maxwell
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Post by Slappy Maxwell » Mon Nov 10, 2003 5:15 am

There really isn't an American East/West fight other than in the minds of a few close-minded people. Don't believe the hype on the other site.

If you're interested in getting more skaters in the sport I think more regional races are the way to go. Trying to get skaters from all over the US and other countries together for more races is counterproductive at this point. Both financially and logistically.

Leonardo Ojeda
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Post by Leonardo Ojeda » Mon Nov 10, 2003 7:50 pm

Slappy Maxwell wrote:Leo,
There really isn't an American East/West fight other than in the minds of a few close-minded people. Don't believe the hype on the other site.
Slappy, i know that this site its almost bulls!hit free, but sometimes those posts brake through.
i know there is not an official "war" between coasters(and central, northern, southern, etc) but u know its pretty bothering the smack talk about who is a better skater/state, etc.
This come from mostly from California, its 100% "understandable" (really?) cause the sport was born in there; but there has been fight backs to those statements and thats whats bothering/annoying/worrying me.
that only will seclude new riders into the sport. again its what I think.
If you're interested in getting more skaters in the sport I think more regional races are the way to go. Trying to get skaters from all over the US and other countries together for more races is counterproductive at this point. Both financially and logistically
Why you say its counterproducive?, i worked and receive a lot of help to travel to the US to go to The Gathering "contest", so far i am not sure if i be able to make it next year, but i see that hard work and blessing (from the help received) i got and compare that to everything i learned, saw, enjoyed, taught, heared, talked, etc and realize that its a HUGE thing for me, cause i compare my country wich is smaller than most of US states(geographycally and in numbers of slalomers) and take that experience and all i mentioned before and transfer it to every person i know in here to help the sport grow. So i think that traveling its pretty good, take the Radical guys for example, they live down in FL, and they have traveled to most of the central and eastern races the past months, i havent read a post about "how bad the contest was" or "god, why we travel so far to this?", all the opposite, they are a very competitive team and they have gained:1-experience, 2-Fame(who needs it anyway), 3-points for a natl rank(not official i think) and 4- they have put their team and the brand they represent in the spotlight.

U are right about the regional races, but why are most of the series have to be in one particular region?, u can have a true regional races, in a unified concept but working independently. its hard to explain.
natl races are also very important, i hope next year there will be at least 3 natl races one of each zone(east, central and west) so the sport its really enhanced nationwide and why not? worldwide.

"I`ll see you at the end of the hill"

Jack Smith
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Post by Jack Smith » Tue Nov 11, 2003 3:09 am

Deleted by Jack Smith on December 14th, 2003.
Last edited by Jack Smith on Sun Dec 14, 2003 9:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Leonardo Ojeda
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Post by Leonardo Ojeda » Tue Nov 11, 2003 3:49 am

Jack Smith wrote:Leo, unfortunately there's plenty of BS on both sites. Certain people in our slalom community need to quit fanning the fires of controversy.
Yes Jack, thats what I intended to write, I don't want to put more logs in the fire, I forgot to mention in my last post that I have NOTHING against any particular person, really, and I know there are exceptions in the things I say.

I just hope that we don't get buried with all the crap.

"I`ll see you at the end of the hill"

Slappy Maxwell
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Post by Slappy Maxwell » Tue Nov 11, 2003 7:07 am

Jack Smith wrote:Leo, unfortunately there's plenty of BS on both sites. Certain people in our slalom community need to quit fanning the fires of controversy.
I still think its sad that a few manufacturers and promoters in the US slalom community are used by one person for his own psychotic tirades. If they want respect they should publicly tell him to stop propping himself up using their work to attack the very people they supposedly support.

It's easy to stand back and criticize the 'fans' of the flame. If you really want to stop the 'fire' go right to the source.

What a coincidence! The forest fires are all in So Cal.

Jack Smith
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Post by Jack Smith » Tue Nov 11, 2003 8:21 am

Deleted by Jack Smith on December 14th, 2003.
Last edited by Jack Smith on Sun Dec 14, 2003 9:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Slappy Maxwell
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Post by Slappy Maxwell » Tue Nov 11, 2003 11:09 am

Jack, You're right.
I do know exactly where Morro Bay is. My somewhat lame reference was specific in leaving it out. (the real source of most conflict is in So Cal)

Sorry, but when someone continually uses your name, association or company in public posts to attack or discredit other people, and you don't agree with it, and don't ask him to stop. You are being used.

How many times have I read junk like this...
"Thank God for people like Jack, FCR for making the greatest races ever! And people that don't like it or didn't go are just begineers that know nothing!!! If FCR packs it up and goes away and stops it's because of YOU!!! blah, blah, blah..."

"I ride THE BEST wheels...they placed 1st, 2nd, 3rd at this slalom contest. Where were your sh!tty wheels Mr.blah, blah, blah?'"

The motives of his posts are more transparent than the Invisible Man.

I agree with you about getting more people to enjoy the slalom.
I think this site has become a great place for it to grow internationally without the delusional aggro attitude.

Leonardo Ojeda
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Re: Forest Fires

Post by Leonardo Ojeda » Tue Nov 11, 2003 3:09 pm

Jack Smith wrote:I am so tired of all this. All I want is for people to experience the joy of slalom. Will everyone please help?
Jack, i said the same thing, its pretty annoying the fights and argues between the "community" (common-unity).
if everybody puts their grain of sand, well, we can have a nice dune.

"I`ll see you at the end of the hill"

Henry Julier
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Post by Henry Julier » Tue Nov 11, 2003 5:51 pm

I've skated on both coasts and have learned a lot from people on both shores. I do beleive that stereotypes exists about racers from each coast but with time, racing experience and an open mind you can ignore them quite easily.
Last edited by Henry Julier on Tue Nov 11, 2003 11:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Ted Clement
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Post by Ted Clement » Tue Nov 11, 2003 8:32 pm

I'm new here and am not up to snuff with the who is who and the what is what, but I'm confused. Why is it that you all want the east/west flap to stop, but yet you escalate it by saying that it all originates out of so cal, sounds a bit hypocritical don't you think?

Slappy Maxwell
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Post by Slappy Maxwell » Tue Nov 11, 2003 11:54 pm

Hey Ted,
You should get out and slalom skate whatever you want to skate (regular slalom board, longboard, rollerblades, etc).

I don't know where you're at...but if you've got time and funds I'd recommend going to as many races in as many places as you can. Just about everybody is cool and great to hangout with.
Try all the different styles of slalom from flatland to giant. They are all fun and challenging in their own ways. If you practice on a street and want to call it street slalom, cool. Don't worry about style or fashion, skate in lycra, jeans, leather, or nude. It's all good. I'd also recommend wearing a good helmet for common sense reasons, it doesn't matter if its a bike helmet, skate helmet, or motorcycle helmet.

I wasn't being hypocritical. If you visit the slalom forum at it will become painfully obvious what I'm talking about. I personally think it would be a big waste of time but if you need drama (or comedy) it's there. It can be very funny until you start to realize certain people take it WAY too seriously. I don't recommend getting involved in posting there.

Jack Smith
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The other site

Post by Jack Smith » Wed Nov 12, 2003 1:15 am

Deleted by Jack Smith on December 14th, 2003.
Last edited by Jack Smith on Sun Dec 14, 2003 9:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Vlad Popov
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Post by Vlad Popov » Wed Nov 12, 2003 1:27 am

Promote the sport.

ed note: I have removed an offensive comment from this post.

Jack Smith
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Exactly what I mean

Post by Jack Smith » Wed Nov 12, 2003 1:47 am

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Last edited by Jack Smith on Sun Dec 14, 2003 9:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Glenn S
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Post by Glenn S » Wed Nov 12, 2003 2:38 am

I was banned from ncdsa recently. And not because I bash people online or post as an alias, I don’t.

Did anyone see the posts that were blatantly bashing Chris Chaput that were "RE-POSTED!!!" by the webmaster at ncdsa after unanimously and quickly being voted off by the viewers?

Might anyone see that as a bit vindictive by the ncdsa webmaster because Chris pulled his ads?

Did anyone see that certain people were willing to post there saying that what I did was WRONG?

Did anyone notice there was not even a whimper from these very same people saying that the blatant bashing of Chris Chaput being reposted was WRONG and should not have been re-posted, or that the constant put downs and online bashing of all sorts of people by a certain person is just WRONG?

Glenn S
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Post by Glenn S » Wed Nov 12, 2003 2:45 am

Hey Glen,
Not if this element brings more hits to the site!


Adam Trahan
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Post by Adam Trahan » Wed Nov 12, 2003 3:40 am

I am very proud of this web site. The people who participate here are intelligent. They don't hide behind an alias and they want to forward the sport of skateboard slalom INTERNATIONALLY.

This alone makes the site a success.

By far, EVERYONE who is someone in the skateboard slalom industry and even those individuals who are enthusiasts and top level racers has told me that this site is far, above and beyond That's a quote, all of you know who you are who have said these things.

Jack Smith is right, there is drama at both sites, the difference is that doesn't run on drama, the site is built on content from the community and does not "SELL OUT" your content or arbitrarily moderate your content.

It's amazing to see a large group of California skateboarders who are an independant breed congregate and rally around such bullshit to have their words sold as advertising, I don't get it but you know, it's definitely entertaining to me and I will continue to read since I somehow am not filtered anymore. is an intertaining spot on skateboarding and I am happy that the name designates a specific geographic/demographic.

It makes things easier for people who targets to understand.

"We" made a choice, content over "sensationalist visitation or HITS" is a web site where you can edit your own post but you must use your own name to make a post. That is an honest trade for your participation.

As your editior, I bought my first slalom skateboard in 1978 or so and started my first "forum" web site in 1996. I skated my first pool in 1974 on a Wayne Brown, Chicago Trucks and Stoker Wheels before hearing about dogtown. I learned to snowsurf from Dimitriji Milovitch's crew who invented the sport of snow surfing, board surfed the North Shore for three seasons while I was learning to hang glide at Makapuu. I became an accomplished desert terain cross country soaring pilot in hang gliders. Those accomplishments are nice to have when you have a lot of "hardcore" skateboarders talking bullshit about me who don't even know me.

I made this site with the help of my skateboarding friends in the community FOR the community without profiting from your input, imagine that.

Jani Soderhall is a past European Skateboard Slalom champion and his software company has helped me develop this site into what you see here. His participation alone lends this web site AWESOME credance to the international community.

People like Jack Smith, Howard Gordon, John Gilmour, Henry Hester, Terence Kirby, Gareth Roe, Daniel Gesmer, even Barett Deck 2002 World Skateboard Slalom Champion and many many other people helped get the site rolling. None of these people were afraid to sign in using their names and write about skateboard slalom.

It's not about California vs. the "least coast"

It's about "hits."

One person is at the helm, Adam Nathanson. He has the ability to make change at

It's his site.

What you see at is his direction. I'll continue to visit every once in a while to check out what the drama is all about, it's quite funny and sometimes a great post rolls through. I could care less about what site has the most visitation rate...

Have fun and spread the word about slalom. People will find this site, it's grown on word of mouth and either is or will become the largest web site on skateboard slalom found on the internet because of you, the intelligent skateboard slalom enthusiast, that's who I am targeting as the editor.

Some time ago, Chris Chaput made a web site, or something like that. There were lot's of people who he was working to promote at that site in rider pages. There were reflections on the ISSA and well, I just want to say, "thanks Chaput, there is a lot of your inspiration in this web site." I think he is a great "thinker" in skateboard slalom, skateboarding in general. I read every one of his posts, he is a sharp person...


If you don't like what I am doing, replace me. Maybe one day the "other" site will figure that one out...

Slappy Maxwell
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Post by Slappy Maxwell » Wed Nov 12, 2003 8:56 am

Glenn and Adam have given perfect examples why I don't recommend the NCDSA slalom forum.

I still go by the Vendor's Forum & Trucks and Wheels just to see if there is any new stuff. But even they are getting junked up by the ego. Congrats Glenn! You're the lastest bug up the ego's ass! He is so upset that he has to blab on about it in the Trucks forum!?

Jack maybe you have a special ncdsa filter that allows you not see this kind of stuff?

On a positive note, I just saved a ton of money on car insurance. :)

Leonardo Ojeda
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Post by Leonardo Ojeda » Wed Nov 12, 2003 3:29 pm

This really sux.

maybe it was my fault for not starting this topic the right way.
i wanted to express my feelings about what i think of the STUPIDS fights among north america. but maybe i was one of the fanners.
damn, do u realize that there is a palpable situation here?

guys, think on every contest, day, gathering, practice, chat, phonecalls, emails, post it notes, gifts the slalom has gave you, those specials moments that wont come back, this world its always turning you dont know what will happen in the future. forget all the bad moments, forgive , forget and move on.
dont think regionally, or coastally(sp.?) think nationally, globally.

and please, stop throwing $h!t to each other. dont fall in that. u see what happened to ncdsa, for me i think it lost some of its quality. this forum was way over the slalom forum at, dont sink it.

"I`ll see you at the end of the hill"

Jack Smith
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Post by Jack Smith » Wed Nov 12, 2003 4:06 pm

Deleted by Jack Smith on December 14th, 2003.
Last edited by Jack Smith on Sun Dec 14, 2003 9:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Robert Sydia
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End the BullShit Conflict

Post by Robert Sydia » Wed Nov 12, 2003 4:10 pm

Hey Guys:

We need to end this nonsense conflict between the East and West - it does nothing to promote and grow the sport.

I hate to see what happens this coming season - are we going to have a north versus south battle between the Canadians and Americans??

No one wins - so let's work on growing the sport - not destroying it.


Glenn S
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Post by Glenn S » Wed Nov 12, 2003 5:04 pm

I agree that Vlad's jab was not right. You had heartache in your life and flet the slalom community was your extended family and needed to voice your pain. I can totally understand. I had both my parents die in the last 5yrs. My father die a very slow death of Cancer in my house. And I am also a cancer survivor of 2.5yrs now. Deaths and human sufferings are not something to use as a weapons for disagreements.

Eddy Martinez
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Post by Eddy Martinez » Wed Nov 12, 2003 6:15 pm

May 24,2003 Marcos Soulsby Monroy and I arrived at Tower Grove Park in St Louis probably one of best quality asphalt/courses on the GRS circuit. We were totally stoked to be there. The name and the quality of the skaters that were there spoke for itself. The vibes were so cool. No animosity. Just a bunch of cool dudes gathering to skate. Marcos and I were blown away when we met Jack Smith and Chris Chaput. Both of these guys skated hard that day. They are both very professional in their demeanor and excellent representatives of our sport. These pioneers have done alot for slalomskateboarding. I am glad to have met both of you. Eddy Texas Outlaw

Brian Parsons
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Post by Brian Parsons » Wed Nov 12, 2003 7:21 pm

Vlad, very bad form....

That is all I have to say in this forum.

Adam this subject needs to be deleted.

Jani Soderhall
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Post by Jani Soderhall » Wed Nov 12, 2003 7:54 pm

It's pretty discouraging to read posts as some of the above.

To sad that Jack has to suffer personally because of NCDSA's poor judgement in some situations and for one single SoCal guy's poor mentality. Don't forget he is one of the regular visitors and supporters of this site. And he has done more than anybody to keep this sport going.

I thought we had had enough of NCDSA bashing. Why do we have to keep going on about this topic? Those who like NCDSA: keep visiting both sites, those who don't: just stay away from there. Ignoring the site and that guy is the strongest point you can make.

I'll probably move this topic to the thrash can next.
I hope you all agree.

Jack Smith
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I don't get it

Post by Jack Smith » Wed Nov 12, 2003 8:18 pm

Deleted by Jack Smith on December 14th, 2003.
Last edited by Jack Smith on Sun Dec 14, 2003 9:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Jani Soderhall
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Post by Jani Soderhall » Wed Nov 12, 2003 8:34 pm

Jack Smith wrote:What I still don't understand is why you, Adam and Slappy continue to ignore the tasteless post that Vlad made in this thread.
This is of major concern to me too... I can only apologize. I was hoping they would end by themselves. As they don't it seems we have to use our editing abilities to clean up some of them.

Let's leave all this stuff behind us now. Let this topic sink down the ranks and eventually be completely forgotten.

Ted Clement
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Post by Ted Clement » Wed Nov 12, 2003 8:46 pm

This whole thread has left a sour taste in my mouth for slalom, I have gone from not reading NCDSA because of the backbiting there, then I came here and left and went back to NCDSA, then I got fed up with that and came back here, now its back to NCDSA.

And you people wonder why........................


Slappy Maxwell
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Post by Slappy Maxwell » Wed Nov 12, 2003 9:35 pm

I was ignoring it at first because I was hoping he would edit it. (Which is one of the nice things about this site and something Vlad has been known to use.) I agree it was in poor taste and uncalled for.

If you read my posts carefully you will see I'm not ganging up or attacking Jack. He is implying things are fine at ncdsa and that it is a great resource for slalom. I and others from both coasts have made the case that it is not true. Sorry, I don't get into the dick measurement contests of who's done what. It's pointless and has nothing to do with the discussion.
I can just as easily say what have you done for slalom to criticize me, other than make Henry wear a dress and take pictures of it?

Again, to Leo and the others that are now are now adding comments. There is no corny American East Coast/West Coast thing.
The posts are originating from both coasts and other countries with different opinions and ideas. The moderator really should change the name of the thread.

I've never met Adam T or Glenn but I can safely go out on a limb and say none of us have a problem with Jack. We disagree with the opinion Jack has posted and continues to discuss.

Adding your own personal attacks on any of us just brings the discussion down to the level of the other site.

Jack Smith
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Post by Jack Smith » Wed Nov 12, 2003 10:20 pm

Deleted by Jack Smith on December 14th, 2003.
Last edited by Jack Smith on Sun Dec 14, 2003 10:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Leonardo Ojeda
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Post by Leonardo Ojeda » Wed Nov 12, 2003 10:44 pm

Slappy, why are this topic keep growing then? i just brought something up, something that was bothering ME, Why? cause i am an event organizer in here, nationals contests, Downhillers, Sliders and Slalomers in one day. i share the riders with surfing events. i dont have any competition. so i have a good idea on the subject of the events. I say this because thats what I intended to say, that nationwide events or just events are (and i think thats what eddy intended to say in some way) a lot funnier/interesting than events with people you see most of the year in your region. I dont want/have anything bad with anybody in the community. i think i met u at TG2, i believe EVERYONE has something to learn from, even the persons you think are worthless.

My intention was to express what i felt about you guys sometimes fighting or attacking directly or inderectly each other it will keep away those persons that will enter this site for the 1st time.

again, i dont have anything against you.

and those who KNOW that wrote something bad against somebody, you are very matture to realize that.

i didnt liked the name of the forum either, why this have to be "dark sided" why it doesnt go to the public light and EVERYONE do something GOOD AND POSITIVE about it.

my 2 cents?: I love slalom and i will promote it Worldwide and will help anyone who needs something i can provide.

"I`ll see you at the end of the hill"

Adam Trahan
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Post by Adam Trahan » Thu Nov 13, 2003 2:34 am

You guys might find this interesting. I banned myself from I don't (can't) look at it from work. The time stamp will show what I'm talking about. I work on the site at home, work stays skateboard free...

I got an e-mail about this thread and I see that you guys are wondering why I didn't nix Vlad's post. I didn't need to, you guys did. Sometimes it's better to let someone make a bad mistake and learn from it. Even if his loved one is compromised, the post was in bad taste, I know, I've done it too and someone called me on it (thanks Joe) and I learned from it.

Old Jani told me to "shut up already." You guys know how I feel about it and yes, it's time to move on, time to own our actions and words, I'm cool with that.

Jack, you're a tough man, you get it, sorry about how this all went down.

Anybody know Ted Clement? Just curious.
Last edited by Adam Trahan on Thu Nov 20, 2003 1:44 am, edited 1 time in total.

John Gilmour
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Post by John Gilmour » Thu Nov 13, 2003 8:12 am

You know I though I had posted this somewhere- but I can't figure out how to search a member's posts.

In Nov 2000 after WLAC I went to Chaput's house- after the race Chris put up a web page for me on his server.

Some East Coast West Coast Rivalry. Ha! ;)

I was welcomed to WLAC by the local California crew and instantly felt like I had found some long lost friends. It was like reuniteing with the kids you skated with in the 1970's only they could drive and had families.

The East coast West coast rivalry is something Chris and I talked about "playing up" to motivate people from both coasts to practice. Underdogs need a rivalry to get their act together. In Boston the Red Sox were on the minds of every Bostonian during the playoffs against the NY Yankees the rivalry means the most to the underdog. An E/W rivalry would serve to mostly motivate the East Coast to practice and take up the challenge.

The E/W rivalry was meant to encourage, not discourage people from slaloming.

Sure things get heated...after all we really like this sport of slalom. As a fractionated fragmented sport we all have our own idea about what slalom is, and what the rules of the game should be. The fact that we are passionate about it- is okay.

Sure people's feelings get happens in lots of sports, fotball, basketball, hockey, Little league, Ice skating (at least Tonya Harding isn't reading this forum) . We see some people doing silly things like trying to hide behind "Unattackable people" as they launch their attacks on others. The Henry J. Big Ick Fund was just the start......................... like a crazed dog with a toy playing keep away- the entertainment can get out of hand.

Well no one is above reproach. If you are to believe the American addage that we are all created Equal (disclaimer..your speed may vary).

I haven't spoken to Vlad, but if I know him as well as I think I know him- it's likely his grandmother is actually ill. My condolences.

The East /West rivalry doesn't really exist in my mind other than to push this thing forward. To see so many non Californian racers do well at Morro Bay should have sent a signal to all skaters. If you practice and participate in competitions you will do well- even if you don't live in California. In fact nothing would motivate Californians and the rest of the World to slalom more than if California started to lose slalom competitions on a regular basis. huh? (It will likely never happen)

It's time to grow the pool of skaters and see what this sport is capable of doing. A few years ago I posted on about getting a World Cup circuit together, about getting the Europeans going again, getting Turner going, about the need for new carbon fiber/foam decks, complete high tech boards costing over $500, about Japan....etc.. people said I was whacked. I still am.

But Leo try not to measure the health of the slalom world through the eyes/words of limited vision. Instead...look at the growth of the Contest Calenders- the true indicators of the health of the sport and also look at the photos- the true indicators of good feelings between racers. Everytime someone gives me a slalom photo it makes my day.
One good turn deserves another
john gilmour

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Post by Dave Gale » Thu Nov 13, 2003 2:11 pm

I am not real savy on this site..YET. But thought I'd pop over and try to see what's up.. I'm a bit miffed that the virus has spread! Do like your momma tought you, "If you don't have something nice to say, don't say anything"
Ya'll enjoy now,
Ya' hear?
Dave G

Leonardo Ojeda
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Post by Leonardo Ojeda » Thu Nov 13, 2003 2:44 pm

John Gilmour wrote:But Leo try not to measure the health of the slalom world through the eyes/words of limited vision. Instead...look at the growth of the Contest Calenders- the true indicators of the health of the sport and also look at the photos- the true indicators of good feelings between racers. Everytime someone gives me a slalom photo it makes my day.
John G: Thanks for your wise word. yes you are right, I see St Louis pics and see the ever attending west coaster chaput, I see TG3 pics and see Dunn, and also a lot of central region guys. Thats what I love to see, and thats why I like to go to those contests. And the pics, well they have made a lots of my days!

Next year I hope that u guys can come down here and race in the 1st South-American slalom contest.

"I`ll see you at the end of the hill"

Rich Stephens
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Post by Rich Stephens » Thu Nov 13, 2003 5:34 pm

I've only been to one contest and only been reading this and the NCDSA forums for a few months but from my outside view, I don't see an east-west conflict. I do see a conflict between skateboarders and slalom skaters and two distinct approaches to what slalom is and how it should be promoted (if at all) in the future.

While EG's posts mostly read like entertaining "trash talk" to me, those who don't like him for whatever reason cross the line and their posts (on both forums) do not read like trash talk but read like really offensive, personal stuff. Vlad's comments towards Jack are particularly disgusting.


John Gilmour
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Slalom is still fun.

Post by John Gilmour » Thu Nov 13, 2003 5:48 pm

Leo- this is how slalom is doing. Image

Left to right

East Coast, Central USA, Italy (which coast?), West Coast
Fight? What fight?
Last edited by John Gilmour on Thu Nov 20, 2003 6:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.
One good turn deserves another
john gilmour

Leonardo Ojeda
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Post by Leonardo Ojeda » Sat Nov 15, 2003 4:10 am

Nice pic
thats what i am talking about. Thanks JG
"I`ll see you at the end of the hill"

Vlad Popov
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Post by Vlad Popov » Mon Nov 17, 2003 11:08 pm

I was away. Catching up.
Such a nice closure, Leo.

I apologize for the granny comment. It was an impulsive retaliation.

For me, there’s no East-West conflict. There’re Superiority Complex – Inferiority Complex collisions and most of them are on a personal level.

Adam Trahan
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Post by Adam Trahan » Thu Nov 20, 2003 1:56 am

Vlad Popov wrote:I was away. Catching up.
Such a nice closure, Leo.

I apologize for the granny comment. It was an impulsive retaliation.

For me, there’s no East-West conflict. There’re Superiority Complex – Inferiority Complex collisions and most of them are on a personal level.
Thank you Vlad.

Sometimes we lose it, I think Yoda said it best, "Anger leads to hate, hate leades to..."

#1. It would be cool if the two sites could somehow work together instead of working apart.

#2. It would be cool if we could drop our personal grudges.

#3. We don't have to sing KUMBAYA, we could sing "White Riot" by the Clash or something.

I'm going to lock this topic. If anyone else wants to raise this up again, their going to have to own it.

Yup Leo, good closure.

Wes Eastridge
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Can I have your attention.

Post by Wes Eastridge » Thu Nov 20, 2003 4:02 am


PLEASE change the name of the "East coast / West coast Dark side" topic to something that reflects the reality of it. I have only heared two people expressing their disrespect of people because of where they live. One is not allowed to post here, the other prefers not to visit (as mentioned in a Oct 27, 2003 post on Slalom forum).

Many of us on the East coast have mentioned our disapproval with the topic's title, and now it is locked in.

(Edited for clarity. Thanks, Adam, for changing the topic name.)
Last edited by Wes Eastridge on Fri Nov 21, 2003 12:35 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Adam Trahan
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Post by Adam Trahan » Thu Nov 20, 2003 3:15 pm

You got it.

What's his name does visit and post here, he does it under an alias. The admin panel gives us a lot of information based on visitation.

I'll unlock the topic and I will take the liscense to change the name of the thread.

Thanks for the heads up.

I wish would work with us or we work with them or both sites work together. I think slalomskateboarder is still filtered out of the content there, that would be an indication of what is going on as far as working together...

Thanks for the reality check.

Leonardo Ojeda
Venezuelan Racer
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Post by Leonardo Ojeda » Thu Nov 20, 2003 6:51 pm

Thanx Adam.

well i guess the topic name its even more strong.
lets hope we can unite forces to help the slalom grow.

"I`ll see you at the end of the hill"

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