The complete contest schedule for Europe, America and Japan

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John Gilmour
Team Roe Racing
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The complete contest schedule for Europe, America and Japan

Post by John Gilmour » Thu Nov 06, 2003 3:15 pm

I would certainly like to see this.

I think it is a good idea to have a large coordinated scheduler for the Organizers to see. They could list tentative dates and discuss with others to avoid conflicts.

Who would ever had thought we would have enough interest to need such a thing! I'm glad we do.

IMHO we could have the Major contests avoid conflicts. But it would be okay for smaller local contests to be close to or on the same day as the Major ones- as not all skaters travel for contests. So a minor Contest in the USA conflicting with a Major contest in Europe is okay. As would a Major contest in the USA being in conflict with a minor contest in Europe being okay. I don't think we should have any conflicts around the most major events like the European Championships or The World Championships.

Again it would be great to see organizers try to schedule contests appropriate for the weather. I wouldn't want to skate a summer contest in Las Vegas or a winter contest in Switzerland or a contest in London during the rainiest time of the year. Basically to see larger contests held in Southern climates during colder months and larger contests held in Northern climates during hotter months would be ideal...and easier to bring the families along.

The more logical the schedule is and the better the weather at the venues the more racing participation we should have. Whenever possible events should be scheduled to reduce the amount of miles driven or flown so we don't end up criss crossing back and forth across the country or globe.

Having a local adjacent Minor contest either before or after a local Major contest makes sense. Ie after the next Farm race it makes sense to have a smaller single event or Outlaw race in NYC as most competitors will be coming from the South they could easily attend another short race and break up the driving on the way home.
One good turn deserves another
john gilmour

Chris Eggers
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Post by Chris Eggers » Fri Nov 07, 2003 8:10 am

Yes John, lets talk about this.
Jani posted something in another thread about having the Euro races close together to let racers from overseas participate in as many as possible. I really understand this, I was happy to have Wlac and the Worlds on following weekends in 2002.
I and I think many others will not be able to get away 4 weekends in a row. I would understand if girlfriends, wifes, children, familiy would revolt against this.
Secondly I would not want this. I would not want to be on the road 4 weekends in a row, No. I love to travel, but I think this would b too much. I want to enjoy it I am not a World Cup ski racer. Then again, imagine, there would be races in June/July and then nothing in the rest of the year.
Not good. My opinion, others may think different, I would like to hear it.

Jani Soderhall
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Post by Jani Soderhall » Fri Nov 07, 2003 11:09 am


I don't want races together either. I would like the European races to be spread out all over the summer season. Only visiting skaters would benefit from a schedule where all the competitions are gathered together, but is anyone really going to stay in Europe that long?

I don't and can't make any decisions here. It seems like a few organizers want to do it like this and there are others who can't move their events (Paris and Rimini), so I guess we might have to accept whatever comes out of this planning.

Personally I'd prefer to see Gruningen later if that's possible and they haven't yet booked their date.

Antibes, same thing. Why not have it later in the year, weather is great down there and that's a site where according to Johns ideas we could race late in the autumn.


Chris Eggers
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Post by Chris Eggers » Fri Nov 07, 2003 3:39 pm

I know, Jani.

I personally out of several reasons would like to have the whole series start later in the season, but anyway we have to accept what the organizers decide its them doing the work and they have to do it when their time allows. I just hope that there will be no collision, this would be stupid.
It would be about time to get all of them togehter at one table somehow.

Ted Clement
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Post by Ted Clement » Fri Nov 07, 2003 9:27 pm

There is already a place where all the races are posted, Its on the home page at ncdsa in the right hand column, I just stumbled on it the other day.

Hope this helps!


Mickey Williams
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Post by Mickey Williams » Fri Nov 07, 2003 11:42 pm

Ted Clement wrote:There is already a place where all the races are posted, Its on the home page at ncdsa in the right hand column, I just stumbled on it the other day.

Hope this helps!

Actually, it doesn't help, because there are racers that are barred from that site. From my point of view, it's unfair to use that site as a central location when the webmaster can simply prevent people from seeing or registering for races based on his own criteria - no matter how good his intentions are.

John Gilmour
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No fee posting of races.

Post by John Gilmour » Sun Nov 09, 2003 11:30 pm

There is no cost to promoter to post a race on This is a non commercial site. charges a fee for posting a race. For those promoters that want specifically to target NCDSA readers posting a race on is a good idea. For those promoters who don't wish to pay a fee and are happy to post here can offer them this option.

IMHO lower fees for promoters means more money for prizes and the potential to attract more skaters through larger purses. I also feel since insurance is a "perishable" in that it is completely consumed, I see no reason why we should not use the Rollersports insurance at a low cost. If any reputable insurer can offer insurance at a lower price than the Roller Sports Insurance then we should go with them.

In regards to back to back races. I only think it would be interesting to have a back to back weekend race next to a Major event. That way someone willing to travel a long distance could attend two races. Even if the Minor race were a night time race mid week that would be fine. Of course back to back races are not necessary- but everytime I go to California I do find myself wishing that there was another race just a few days away from the major race. I travel by plane for 6 hours at 520mph to go 18mph for 15 seconds for a few runs. I'd like to race more than that.
One good turn deserves another
john gilmour

Ted Clement
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Post by Ted Clement » Mon Nov 10, 2003 3:16 am

I was looking at NCDSA, it appears that it does cost money to use the Contest Calender for sign up purposes, you can post a race or an event without being charged a fee.

John Gilmour
Team Roe Racing
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Post by John Gilmour » Tue Nov 11, 2003 6:27 pm

I was told It costs twice the entry fee to list an event at
One good turn deserves another
john gilmour

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