WADA Certificate guide

Italy - Organized by World Skate on their homeground

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Bruno Oliveira
Posts: 8
Joined: Tue Apr 28, 2009 6:19 pm
Location: Santo Andre - SP - Brazil

WADA Certificate guide

Post by Bruno Oliveira » Fri Jul 19, 2024 8:16 pm


All competitors must have a valid ANTI-DOPING certificate in order to register in the Infinity platform for the World Skate Games Italy 2024. The certificate lasts for 2 years, so for those that took it for World Skate Games Argentina 2022 you should check the EXPIRACY DATE. For those that took it for the World’s Championships last year in Oregon, it is valid.
To renew your certificate you should take the same steps as last time.
You can start that anytime and it's good not to wait until the last minute - especially if this is your first time through.

- This is the link for the course for international-level athletes. This course includes 10 content modules and each module addresses a specific topic about anti-doping as specified in the Code.
ADEL for International-Level Athletes (English) - https://adel.wada-ama.org/learn/signin

Choose the language that is best for you:

-The above-mentioned course includes the option of a refresher course when the course expires after 2 years. The system sends it automatically.

I would suggest doing it on a PC instead of a mobile phone (although it’s also possible to do so).

When filling up your information you will come across these:
Sport (required) = you should select “Roller Sports”
Primary role (required) = you should select “Athlete”

After going through the course and completing the final test you will then get your certificate.
Bruno Silva de Oliveira
- ISSA Board of Directors member and South America status marshal
- World Skate Slalom Working Group member
- CBSK Presidente da Comissão de Atletas da Confederação Brasileira de Skateboarding e membro do Comitê de Slalom

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