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Worlds, Euros, US Nationals 2016

Posted: Mon Aug 24, 2015 11:28 pm
by Jani Soderhall
Planning for 2016

It's high time for organizers to start planning for the 2016 season!

We are now inviting organizers to contact the ISSA BOD (anyone of us, or anyone of the status marshals) to let us know if you'd be interested in holding one of these high level events in 2016: Worlds, Euros, and US Nationals.

World Championships 2016
Preliminary applications to be submitted to EU or US status marshals (or directly to the BOD) by September 30th.
Typically the Worlds would go to Europe next year, but we've removed the mandatory annual switch between continents to open up for other continents, as well as making sure that the best candidate gets the event. Taking on the Worlds is no easy task so previous organization of high level events is a requirement.
The Worlds in 2016 may be subject to a limitation on the total number of riders. We believe this will be better for both organizers and participants. Riders, please note that your ranking position of 2015 will be used for this selection. Better get your points together to qualify.

European Championships 2016
Candidate applications are welcome until October 31st.
Review and assignment will be handled by the EU status marshals.
The Euros in 2016 may also be subject to a limitation on the total number of riders. We believe this will be better for both organizers and participants. Riders, please note that your ranking position of 2015 will be used for this selection.

US Nationals 2016
Candidate applications are welcome until November 30th.
Review and assignment will be handled by the US status marshals.
No racer limitation planned as of yet.

Other Main events
Candidate applications are welcome until November 30th.
Organizers are strongly invited to submit their preliminary applications for other high status events (Main, or Prime candidates). We need all Mains to be settled by new year to allow sufficient time for both organizers and racers to plan the next season.


Jani Söderhäll
ISSA President 2015