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some photos from Stuttgart

Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2012 4:13 pm
by Petr Klein

Re: Worlds 2012 in Stuttgart, July 27-29

Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2012 4:14 pm
by JP Fullana
I want to thank Robert Thiele and all his crew for such an event. This were mi first worlds and my first international race and i have a lot of fun and all the organization was perfect. I'll come back.
Best regards from Mallorca.

Re: Worlds 2012 in Stuttgart, July 27-29

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2012 11:30 pm
by Jani Soderhall
On behalf of the ISSA Board of Directors I would like to thank Robert Thiele and the entire Stuttgart crew; Martina Thiele, Oliver Dieterle, Stas Mironenko, Radan Knobloch, Max as well as support staff from Czech Republic; Petr Klein, Jarda Knettig, Aisha-Milca Urbanova and Charlota Kleinova, for hosting the ISSA World Championships 2012. Our thanks also extend to the other members of staff, including cone judges, kitchen staff and Donald Campbell who helped out with the speaker duties.

Early 2012 the European continent did not have a good candidate for the organization of the 2012 World Championships until Robert Thiele stepped forward to propose the candidacy of Stuttgart. In one of the first conversations we had at the time he said he would do it in appreciation of all the events he had participated in over the last 5 years.

Said and done. Robert spent the last 6 months promoting slalom racing to the local authorities and local media, to obtain the necessary approvals and also to attract a good media coverage and finally to make sure all aspects of a full weekend would be taken care of.

The 2012 ISSA World Championships in Stuttgart attracted 119 skaters from 16 different countries making this the largest ever slalom event, bypassing the 2002 World Championships, organized by Jack Smith, that had 112 participants. With 19 of this years Worlds top 20 Pro racers present the starting field last weekend was the hottest ever.

Organizing an event of this caliber doesn't come without a considerable investment and Robert made a huge effort to make sure all skaters would enjoy racing at the 2012 Worlds, in preparing every aspect of the weekend, including two nights of partying.

As we all know now, rain made the event even harder to handle and finally cut short the head-to-head racing in both tight and hybrid, but luckily we had a great racing day on the Sunday, downtown Stuttgart, for an excellent giant slalom race.

Positive memories from the weekend include the friendship among the participants and the desire to race, to improve, to win but also to just enjoy time together around a common interest - slalom racing!

Robert, Martina and others members of staff - thanks for making it all happen!

ISSA Board of Directors 2012

Jani Soderhall, ISSA President
Jonathan Harms, ISSA Vice President, ISSA Treasurer
Ricardo Damborenea, ISSA Secretary
Hans "Corky" Koraeus, ISSA World Ranking Administrator
Flavio Badenes
Ron "Fatboy" Barbagallo
Petr Janousek

Re: Worlds 2012 in Stuttgart, July 27-29

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2012 7:53 pm
by Richy Carrasco
How did the final tally of expenses come out ...Will there be something for the payout...On behalf of Joe Mac, He is 19yrs old and a student in Co, We all know that being a Pro racer can not be a career, but most young pros not only look at the challenge of competition but hope to shoot for prize purses to help cover travel expenses and further the possiblities of attending more races.

Re: Worlds 2012 in Stuttgart, July 27-29

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2012 2:19 pm
by Donald Campbell
robert enjoy your holidays thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

brad jackmann should get the money,richy and maria are rich campers,joemac is a winner and a good boy,brad is the guy who needs it

i just compared the flight distance from louis ricard and brad.brad is the winner when it comes to flight miles

so if there are no objections let brad have the money

Re: Worlds 2012 in Stuttgart, July 27-29

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2012 8:26 pm
by Claude Regnier
I'm sorry! Was there no prize money awarded?

Re: Worlds 2012 in Stuttgart, July 27-29

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2012 12:38 pm
by Jani Soderhall
Claude Regnier wrote:I'm sorry! Was there no prize money awarded?
No, there was not. Robert had told me about this possibility before hand. He said he would favour paying the cone judges to make sure have people working on site to assure a good race. It was very important with so many riders. That part worked well, except for a few difficult cone judging situations, which will always happen, and more so when you have non-skaters doing it.

At the end of the race Robert said that he'll review the budget and see if there is something left over.

...if we want to criticize this decision we have to review what has been communicated in both status application and announcements. The BOD should do so, but I personally didn't have the time to do it prior to just responding to this direct question.


Re: Worlds 2012 in Stuttgart, July 27-29

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2012 11:57 pm
by tim kienitz
Everybody appreciates the hard work that the 2012 Worlds organizers did but no prize money? Where did all the entry money go? How much were the race expenses such as the cost of the road, cost of cone officials etc.

*Can all the receipts for the cost of the Worlds be made public or at least be presented to the ISSA committee? It seems unfair that the winners get no prize money at all.*

Even a little bit would be appreciated especially for the racers that had large traveling expenses.

Tim Kienitz

Re: Worlds 2012 in Stuttgart, July 27-29

Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2012 4:24 am
by Claude Regnier
I'm sorry Jani but that is totally unacceptable. Especially if the riders were not advised beforehand. If the BOD was aware of this and said nothing it is even worse. I am sure given the choice the racers would have coned their own event in order to keep the minimum prize money!

I hope you guys figure out a way to rectify this. I was not to happy with our event last year but we shelled out over $12,000 out of our collective pockets to put on the race and when I was doing the prize money with the minimum $2000.00 I did not like the spread so I decided to put in some extra cash for the womens' division.

I will say it again. I hope to hell you figure something out if you don't then you can kiss it all goodbye because that simply sucks. I do not blame Robert for this. I know exactly how hard it had to have been.

Re: Worlds 2012 in Stuttgart, July 27-29

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2012 8:15 pm
by Richy Carrasco
When are we going to get an answer! thanks !

Re: Worlds 2012 in Stuttgart, July 27-29

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2012 9:08 pm
by Robert Thiele
Hi, I´m still in holidays.
First week in September I´m back in Stuttgart. After finishing the finally calculation we will make next decissions.
At the moment it looks that we didn´t made any profit. I have no Problem to give our calculation to BOD.

There is a little chance to get some money from the city council but please let me bit time to manage it.

One thing is sure: nobody from the organisation team put some money to own pocket !!
Even everbody from this team which participate in the race paid also the starting fee
( Me, my son Max, Oliver Dieterle, Radan Knobloch, Stas Mironenko, Alex Ryabov ...)

I think we made in Stuttgart much work to make this "Last minute" worlds possible.
Just try to see it under this point of wiev.

Re: Worlds 2012 in Stuttgart, July 27-29

Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2012 10:42 pm
by Richy Carrasco
There is no excuse for not having a payout, especially with the amount of racers who paid, You should have put some of the moneys aside for this and sacrificed in other areas.

Re: Worlds 2012 in Stuttgart, July 27-29

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2012 6:56 pm
by Claude Regnier
Is there any news yet?

Re: Worlds 2012 in Stuttgart, July 27-29

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2012 11:33 pm
by Jani Soderhall
I spoke to Robert today. He's (still) looking at his options to find a solution for a partial Pro purse, and hasn't been able to announce anything yet.


Re: Worlds 2012 in Stuttgart, July 27-29

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2012 1:32 pm
by Donald Campbell
the best solution is to make expenses visible to the riders,so they see what happened to the money.
then we could continue talking about possible options regarding prize-money.
when you run a contest you do have a biz-plan which focuses on sponsor money and entry-fees and also on expenses

we should see the calculation and continue from there
that takes away a lot of doubts and questioning

Re: Worlds 2012 in Stuttgart, July 27-29

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2012 5:00 pm
by Jani Soderhall
I'm not sure anyone has ever published their race budget before, or will ever do it in the future. We're not onto a criminal case here. The status application stated there may not be any prize money, there wasn't. It's bad, but no crime has been committed. After the facts, it's easy to see that Robert should have been clearer with this communication as it is a deviation from the normal case. Knowing before is always better as racers can then make up their mind to come or not anyway. That's why we have applications and they are public, even if they are not always consistently posted.

There is now an additional wait because Robert is trying to see if he can find a solution.


Re: Worlds 2012 in Stuttgart, July 27-29

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2012 6:34 pm
by Ricardo Damborenea
Just for the record and as a side note:
-Please remember than back on March we were headed not to have a Worlds event. This was publicly discussed. Robert stepped forward and there were trade offs that were made between status criteria and having (or not) the event. It's easy tp forget this after the fact, but let's not do it.
-The application from Robert was indeed public & -this time- consistently posted around march 2012 for all interested riders to read. It also says what Jani points out. Here's the link ... 12/574.pdf

Personally and on Donald's point, I think its a good one in essence. I think we should include strict budgeting and some kind of "after the fact" economic due diligence (if deviations occur) as an additional criteria for Major events. Nevertheless, I don't think this process should be public but conducted by ISSA BOD & Marshalls (are tax audits public?). The results indeed could be public (honors/pass/need action/no pass).

Re: Worlds 2012 in Stuttgart, July 27-29

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2012 10:57 pm
by Robert Thiele
Oliver Dieterle "The Banker" (he really works in an Bank !) which make the calculation is comming back at Sunday. We will public it (maybe only to BOD) after translation to english. If somebody here think we made big profit which is now on Cayman Island please be realistic. Everbody of you had the same chance in early spring to make this race. After making it I know now really good why nobody wanted to do it. I'm open for every discussion. That's OK . At Tuesday I made a 52 minutes call with Jani explaining and recommending some points for futures Major/Main races. He will speak about it in BOD. If there are some news or changing Rules they will publish it.
About the prize money (The "most important point" ) : we have an option from the city council to get something.

The Photographer which made this nice "Study" about us on Starting ramp want make a little Exhibition with these pictures.
Please - The skater which are shown, and which agree to public it, please send a few words about you : Age, Hobbies, Work, how long are you Slalom skater, The name of the Band you are playing in (Brad Jackman) that you are 360 spin Champion (Richy Carrasco) Freestyle PRO (Christian Seewaldt) Skateshop owner (Heiko Schöller) or some special info about you (for example when did you lost your virgin...)

Mail to: info [at] robertwestrich [dot] com
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Re: Worlds 2012 in Stuttgart, July 27-29

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2012 11:31 pm
by Robert Thiele
Oh, I forgot,
Honestly it makes me crazy to hear the theme Prize Money !!
Six Months of work, many times missing my children, because coming home late or sitting on PC. But the biggest point (for some of you) is Prize Money ?

Just an Example:
In case I would sweep the street same time I worked for the worlds I could make enough money to make nice holidays everywhere on this planet !
(You don´t need a calculator to understand it)

Re: Worlds 2012 in Stuttgart, July 27-29

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2012 4:41 am
by Claude Regnier
Dear Ricardo, in March we were not headed into having No Worlds. Europe was about to lose it's opportunity to host the Worlds. There was and option to hold in the United States. Robert believe me I (we all) know how hard you worked along with several individuals on the event. No PRIZE MONEY is a big issue. It should not have happened. The board should not have let it happen. After all these years it is a disgrace. Other expenses or luxuries should have been dropped. The racers should have been advised as well as the sponsors.

Sorry (Robert) my friend but it is inexcusable and I do not blame you solely. Do not take it personally. I am a little more bitter then most people after what we went through to host the Worlds in 2011 and went into our personal pockets to do it.

The ISSA board made some poor decisions!

Re: Worlds 2012 in Stuttgart, July 27-29

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2012 11:52 am
by Jani Soderhall
For the record book:
Most participation ever in a World Championships: Stuttgart 2012

Men: 85
Women 10
Junior boys: 8
Junior girls: 3
Teen: 5
Kids: 6

Total = 117

Could this even be the biggest of any slalom event?


Re: Worlds 2012 in Stuttgart, July 27-29

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2012 1:31 pm
by Claude Regnier
Therefore less justification for no prize money!

Re: Worlds 2012 in Stuttgart, July 27-29

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2012 4:23 pm
by Donald Campbell
just for the record:
when brixlegg went off i ended up paying 7.000 euros out of my own pocket.
well..i did not complain-i paid the invoices that were due
at the contest i handed out CASH to each racer as promised before
i paid out everybody,everybody got what i promised.

so,coming back to my expenses:
i had to pay 7.000 euros out of my own pocket in the aftermath because one sponsor let me down on the promised money
it was carhartt and even thoug they paid most of the promised money,they left me in the end with 2/3 of the amount promised.

so what can i say?
i agree with claudes discontent
if robert cannot pull it off by himself,the issa should step in!

Re: Worlds 2012 in Stuttgart, July 27-29

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2012 5:10 pm
by Flavio Badenes
I have to voice my opinion on this matter as well.

The starting point is simple: Prize money minimum 2000 €uros/US $ for a MAJOR EVENT. This is what the rules say.
We must have followed this as BOD, and if we saw that this was not in order we should have signalized it in time and flag it as a possible problem for the acceptance of the sanction request.
I read the sanctioning request and it was not clear if they would come up with the money or not. All it says that is the prize money was not approved yet. The idea you get is that at a certain stage the money subject would be approved of NOT. We never got to this point.

Then nobody said or asked anything and we went ahead with granting the MAJOR and the WORLDS to Robert. Again no further communication was done regarding the prize money.

Months went by and nothing was informed.
Until the day of the registration. We went to Stuttgart and we signed it. This was then written on the registration form and not communicated to riders verbally, this also came as a surprise to myself. Good practice would have made this a good procedure to follow and would have ended all discussions we are having now. The communication that : NO MONEY PRIZE WILL BE AWARDED has never been done VERBALLY. This was a total failure in the communication and led to this situation now.

It is too late now to point our fingers at who we think is guilt, this is not going to help the situation.What fixes this is that, in a way or another, at least the first 3 overall get some cash.

The next step is how will this be possible ?

a) Robert has informed us that the city of Stuttgart would help. I agree with him, I know that the city of Amsterdam could easily come up with some sort of subside to help fixing such a misunderstanding during an event that the city has been involved with. As a matter of fact I am surprised that they haven't offered the organization this kind of help before the contest. Anyways that sounds like a solution and of course I am talking from my experience with the city of Amsterdam.

b) The sponsors involved could help as well.

Besides that there are some issues in organizing a contest that I seriously see as unnecessary and costly. One of them being **paid cone judges**, they are too many and in most cases don't have any experience with slalom skateboarding. It is much easier, much cheaper and much RELIABLE to use the participant skaters as cone judges. Thats is of course my personal opinion. That saves a lot of money and it is really useful in situations when you need the money to pay for other, more important things.

Re: Worlds 2012 in Stuttgart, July 27-29

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2012 5:29 pm
by Richy Carrasco
From the start of this wave of Racing in 2000 there has always been a pro purse to help bring racers from all over the world to compete for it! Kids races were run before the pro courses were even set,in the early morning ! So Cal Racing put on the Oceanside Open this year and yes we all know its a giant labor of love to put events on, ask Lynn who helped coordinate race ,setup the timers announced and even raced! but its the only way at this point to keep the scene going. Claude and MB besides organizing the Worlds last year ,cooked a ton of food on two serperate nights and served it to feed all the skaters! Its hard to see that with the amount of racers and fees brought in that there was no prize money alocated.

Re: Worlds 2012 in Stuttgart, July 27-29

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2012 1:17 pm
by Flavio Badenes
Has Einstein already finished the incredible amount of calculation necessary to add up all the expenses and then subtract the result from the total budget? Thank you!

Re: Worlds 2012 in Stuttgart, July 27-29

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2012 7:53 am
by Robert Thiele
Flavio Badenes wrote:Has Einstein already finished the incredible amount of calculation necessary to add up all the expenses and then subtract the result from the total budget? Thank you!

Einstein was Physicist.

Re: Worlds 2012 in Stuttgart, July 27-29

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2012 10:52 am
by Donald Campbell
could you please tell me/us if brad jackman received the 150.- euros prize purse for the longest travel distance yet?

Re: Worlds 2012 in Stuttgart, July 27-29

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2012 11:58 am
by Robert Thiele
Donald Campbell wrote:robert
could you please tell me/us if brad jackman received the 150.- euros prize purse for the longest travel distance yet?
I do it asap i have the adress to make the paypal payment. Maybe I can send it to the sk8kings e-mail ?

Re: Worlds 2012 in Stuttgart, July 27-29

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2012 12:11 pm
by Flavio Badenes
Robert Thiele wrote:
Flavio Badenes wrote:Has Einstein already finished the incredible amount of calculation necessary to add up all the expenses and then subtract the result from the total budget? Thank you!

Einstein was Physicist.

I agree, in this case we are beter off calling Hercule Poirot.

Re: Worlds 2012 in Stuttgart, July 27-29

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2012 12:22 pm
by Robert Thiele
As I wrote above:
We work on the prizemoney and we give our calculation to BOD .
Please Imagine that if you make a race middle of the city there are more costs for barriers and other stuff than if you
make it somewhere outside like in Amsterdam or London with lower costs for it.
(well I actually don´t know about the costs in other citys but I didn´t saw any barriers there)
Stuttgart is also the city of Companys like Porsche, Mercedes or Bosch and you can think that everhink here is a bit more expensive than elswhere.
The City council is very friendly to us, and we have good chance to get some money for the best racers in the world. But still nothink is sure.
If The city don´t pay, I kill my pillow and take out all the money.

Re: Worlds 2012 in Stuttgart, July 27-29

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2012 12:25 pm
by Robert Thiele
Flavio Badenes wrote:
Robert Thiele wrote:
Flavio Badenes wrote:Has Einstein already finished the incredible amount of calculation necessary to add up all the expenses and then subtract the result from the total budget? Thank you!

Einstein was Physicist.

I agree, in this case we are beter off calling Hercule Poirot.
Who pay him, You ?

Re: Worlds 2012 in Stuttgart, July 27-29

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2012 4:25 pm
by Richy Carrasco
Robert Thiele wrote:
Donald Campbell wrote:robert
could you please tell me/us if brad jackman received the 150.- euros prize purse for the longest travel distance yet?
I do it asap i have the adress to make the paypal payment. Maybe I can send it to the sk8kings e-mail ?

Robert -- Brad sent his entry fee to you via paypal right? You should have his paypal address from that transaction which will also work for you to send this payment back to him. If you can send it as a personal money transfer, it will keep the fees low to none for Brad to receive. Otherwise, paypal will take 4%.

Re: Worlds 2012 in Stuttgart, July 27-29

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2012 5:20 pm
by Robert Thiele
Richy Carrasco wrote:
Robert Thiele wrote:
Donald Campbell wrote:robert
could you please tell me/us if brad jackman received the 150.- euros prize purse for the longest travel distance yet?
I do it asap i have the adress to make the paypal payment. Maybe I can send it to the sk8kings e-mail ?

Robert -- Brad sent his entry fee to you via paypal right? You should have his paypal address from that transaction which will also work for you to send this payment back to him. If you can send it as a personal money transfer, it will keep the fees low to none for Brad to receive. Otherwise, paypal will take 4%.
He is not on paypallist until march 2012. May I send it to : ? (In this case don´t worry about the paypal fees)
I see Your payment 16.June and the payment from 15.June for Joe (which was made by Keith Holien)

Let me know the paypal or the Bank acconunt Nr. We make the payment as soon as we have it.

Re: Worlds 2012 in Stuttgart, July 27-29

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2012 8:13 pm
by Claude Regnier
Sorry but this is bullshit! It has obviously been handled wrong from the outset! Very sorry for the racers involved!

Re: Worlds 2012 in Stuttgart, July 27-29

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2012 9:09 am
by Robert Thiele
I sended today the Travel money payment for Brad via Paypal to :

Re: Worlds 2012 in Stuttgart, July 27-29

Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2012 4:56 pm
by Micke Hadestrand
First of all i want to give Robert cred for hosting the worlds i know what it takes to organize an event like this.
I dont agree how the event was planned with all this juniors etc first of all the prime time should always belong to
the proriders as it use to be when i started to compete again at 2005 we (the amateurs) always had to wait for the pros
to finish and it was always nice to see the best riders to compete (study the best riders is always the best way to get better)
Party and activities is always nice but should never take focus and time from the contest,the contest should always be
Priority no1.It should be a maximum of participants on each contest to avoid chaos, its not possible to handle more then
50-70 people and if it rains it must be an option to go inside.Do the juniors very early in the morning or efter the pros but the pros have to fininsh first all the way to the finals.
As for the economy: To contemplate as any business 1.Do a budget 2.Get paid in advance 3.To reserve pricemoney
Use rest of the money for the contest.When i asked Robert after the priceceremoni "is there no pricemoney"
He answered "we have to look at the economy first we dont now the balance yet" if you dont now the balance it can end
up in a economic disaster if you dont have a sponsor who can take the costs you have a problem.
A recommendation for everybody who planing to do a big contest: do a budget and have total control regarding your costs
To everybody who will go to Mallorca........see you soon!

Re: Worlds 2012 in Stuttgart, July 27-29

Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2012 8:57 pm
by Peter Klang
Word. However, I don´t think anyone will dare to comment.

I don´t wanna piss on anyone but a helping hand going forward. In order to be successful as an orginizer and hopefully put some cash in you own pocket, well deserved, I might add. Follow a winning concept.

Make a Budget

Racers Pre pay

Sponsors pay

Put aside price money. Better to give away 1.000 then promise 3.000

Build the rest of the contest with remaining cash.

The number of racers in a Main and/or Major event should be limitet. 40-50 is manageable.

You are all wellcome to Stockholm next midsummer for world record weekend. If you break a record you´ll get 1.000 Dolares.

Ride in style
Yours Fastest

Re: Worlds 2012 in Stuttgart, July 27-29

Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2012 11:47 pm
by Claude Regnier
You simply do not spend any money until expenses and costs are in. Then you put aside the minimum prize money then purchase or acquire what is needed to put on the race. The racers can bring their own food, bring their own flag, pick up their own cones and several other things. Make a budget! It is a guideline until you get all the expenses in. You need to cut out unnecessary expenses. With almost $12,000 Euros in revenue there had to be several things that could have been discarded.

If you are a racer putting on the race then earning money comes from leftovers not a generated income ( I am replying to Klangsters post Robert). Right now I see the race being $2,000 Euros in the whole!

What is ISSA prepared to do about it! You guys made the mistake in the first place?

Re: Worlds 2012 in Stuttgart, July 27-29

Posted: Sat Sep 22, 2012 5:11 pm
by Richy Carrasco
Congrats, This could end up being the first Race of all time that the coneheads made more money than the Racers ! This is the worst for all the young Pro racers, I would not be surprised if many of them loose motivation towards this sport!

Re: Worlds 2012 in Stuttgart, July 27-29

Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2012 11:22 am
by Robert Thiele
1.700,00 EUR prizemoney will be paid.

To don´t make any mistake it would be great if BOD could decide how to share it.
I think top 5 or top 7 Men (and with some less amount top 3 Women?) should be fair.
I would send the money vie banktransfer, paypal or maybe the best way if someone from Germany can take it to Mallorca.
(I can not participate) Maybe is this the effectives way.
Thank you for waiting so long. Sorry for all this time you was thinking about this point.

Re: Worlds 2012 in Stuttgart, July 27-29

Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2012 6:32 pm
by Claude Regnier
Thank you Robert for putting this all together! I understand the problems if you were not in control of everything and appreciate the work you and the crew did! Congratulations!!!!

Re: Worlds 2012 in Stuttgart, July 27-29

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2012 12:53 pm
by Robert Thiele

500,00 Joe
350,00 Viking - paid on 27.September
200,00 Dominik
150,00 Henrik
100,00 Mika - paid on 27.September
70,00 Janis


200,00 Kathrin
100,00 Lienite
80,00 Olesya

( 1.750,00 Total )

Please let us know your IBAN

(if not possible we pay via paypal )

Re: Worlds 2012 in Stuttgart, July 27-29

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2012 8:25 pm
by joe mclaren
Hello Robert,

I have been trying to get a hold of you via Facebook have not gotten a reply. My paypal name is If there is anyway to get the money before I leave for Majorca on Wednesday Oct 10, that would be a huge help for me in order to pay for some of my expenses.

Joe McLaren

Re: Worlds 2012 in Stuttgart, July 27-29

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2012 9:24 pm
by Micke Hadestrand
Thank you Robert!

Re: Worlds 2012 in Stuttgart, July 27-29

Posted: Sun Oct 07, 2012 1:02 am
by Robert Thiele
joe mclaren wrote:Hello Robert,

I have been trying to get a hold of you via Facebook have not gotten a reply. My paypal name is If there is anyway to get the money before I leave for Majorca on Wednesday Oct 10, that would be a huge help for me in order to pay for some of my expenses.

Joe McLaren
Hi Joe,
We Paid today your money via paypal.

Re: Worlds 2012 in Stuttgart, July 27-29

Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2012 1:40 pm
by Nacho Caribbean
I finally finished editing the video I filmed during the Worlds.

Hope you like it. Thanks again to Robert and all the Stuttgart Crew.