Worlds 2012 in Stuttgart, July 27-29

Stuttgart, Germany, July 27-29

Moderator: Robert Thiele

Jani Soderhall
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Re: Worlds 2012 in Stuttgart, July 27-29

Post by Jani Soderhall » Fri Jun 15, 2012 11:19 pm

Hi Robert,

I understand your problem with accepting all riders, but it would be really nice if we could set a new World Record in participation. The most I know of is 112 from Morro Bay, Worlds 2002. If anyone knows of a bigger race, let me know.

For the kids, I don't think it takes a lot of effort to have a few more, they don't require a lot of practise on the spot. For the girls, just let them all in. If there has to be a selection, it should be among the men, but I would really appreciate if we could set a new record, so allow as many as you can in.

If you can recruit more people to help at the race. Have someone make sure riders are ready on time. Also, make sure you have one cone counter for each lane, it speeds it up. I'll help with the race organization if you are short of staff.

Looking forward to be part of this bigggest ever Worlds, and possibly also biggest ever slalom race!


Rob Ashby
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Re: Worlds 2012 in Stuttgart, July 27-29

Post by Rob Ashby » Sat Jun 16, 2012 2:26 pm

Robert, please ignore my previous e-mail. I phoned the Inter Hostel and booked my room.

Look forward to seeing you next month.


Nacho Caribbean
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Re: Worlds 2012 in Stuttgart, July 27-29

Post by Nacho Caribbean » Sun Jun 17, 2012 12:39 am

Hi Robert,

the countdown has started!! We really want the date to be here.

We are now starting to book the plane and accommodation, we spaniards love to this things at the very last moment ;D

Do you know if it's still possible to book at the Hotel Central Classic? In case it's not possible could you please give us some reference about this other hotel

We will like to know if it's a good place to stay in terms of proximity and transportation to the different spots where the races are going to take place. What do you think?

Thank you very much for everything.

Claude Regnier
Claude Regnier
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Re: Worlds 2012 in Stuttgart, July 27-29

Post by Claude Regnier » Sun Jun 17, 2012 4:03 pm

Hey Donald, Thank you I have forwarded your message to Louis. Hopefully he will firm things up soon.

Robert and crew Thank you for adding spaces. I know it could make it tougher if there are issues.

Really appreciated.


Many Happy Pumps!

Flavio Badenes
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Re: Worlds 2012 in Stuttgart, July 27-29

Post by Flavio Badenes » Sun Jun 17, 2012 8:34 pm

Shit!!!!!! I forgot to pay, please bear with me I had an event this weekend and it took all my time. Just now I realized todau is June 17th!!!!!!!. I will pay NOW. My excuses for being a little late!!!! Thank you!!!!

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Re: Worlds 2012 in Stuttgart, July 27-29

Post by Flavio Badenes » Sun Jun 17, 2012 8:40 pm

The money has been sent!
Luiz Flavio, you have sent €106,00 EUR to Robert Thiele.

We sent a receipt to your email inbox. We also sent a notification to Robert Thiele at View transaction details

You don't have this email address listed in your Contact Book. You can send money faster next time by adding it.


Robert Thiele
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Re: Worlds 2012 in Stuttgart, July 27-29

Post by Robert Thiele » Mon Jun 18, 2012 11:18 pm

we have now

8 kids
20 juniors
11 Women
96 Men
135 racers !!

but only 31 paid until today (the dead line for payment +Sign up was 15.June)
To make such a big race with more than 100 racers we need your assistance.
All of you buy many times via Banktransfer or by Paypal, so why not now?

So if you really want to participate in Stuttgart do Please your payments next days.

For this race we accept only payment in advance !
If you have troubles. Ask some of your friends or parents.
Maybe you can make the payment together with other people ?

Payment via banktransfer :

BW-Bank Stuttgart
Kontonummer (Account Nr.) : 2356776
BLZ (Bank Nr.): 60050101

For international Payment:
IBAN: DE75600501010002356776


For all payment via Paypal :

please add EUR 5,40 (Man), 4,20 (Women) or 2,80 (Juniors) for the about 5,3 % paypal fee !!!

In case there are 110 - 135 racers on Start we need to make this arrangements :

1. Registration will be at Thursday evening between 18:00 - 22:00 hours in the Inter-Hostel.
(here you get your bag with T-shirt, Starting Nr.,"tickets" for meal,city map,infos and also you sign the waiver)

2. We will set the course not so hard. As you know it is OPEN class (Am+Pro+Masters in same race)
Last week we tested it with some good Amateurs : They made after 30-35 cones (with 1,8 m) every run DQ.
If most of the racers hit some 7-10 cones it takes much time to prepare the course for the next.
so if we make courses with 1,80 we spend too much TIME with it. Even the risk hit some cones in the other lane is
much higher. (= Troubles)
So it makes sense set the courses like this:

Tight (straight) slalom will be the distance 2,00 m / 45-50 Cones
Juniors+Women also 2,00 m, Kids 2,20 m 35 cones (?)(settted by Oliver Dieterle )

Hybrid will be between 2,00 - 3,50 m / 40-45 Cones (settted by Dalibor Danhel )

Giant slalom will be (setted by Peter Pletanek)

3. Friday+Saturday (Tight+Hybrid) we wil have "warm up" area with one single lane course ( Not sure if with starting ramp and with helpers for the cones)
Here you can set up your board. Because the slope is bit less, we probably make here the distance only 1,90 m.

4. We print the starting list so you can see early enough when you have to be on start.
(Hear also the speaker !)

5. Strictly two practice runs only .

6. We have to start early in the morning !

I check every day the payments. After we know the exactly number of participants we can change some of this points.
But even if we have "Only" 90 people on start it must be well organized.

Homepage :

Preliminary Schedule on this page will be changed after we know how many of you are coming !
There are som points to change so see please this schedule not too serious.
(for example the registration move to the evening before. See above point 1.)

Thank you for your help and for your patience !!

Big Thank also for our Sponsors:

Concrete Wave Cologne
Pavel Skates
City of Stuttgart

Fotohaus Sänger
Dr. Rezutka
Wulle Bier

Stuttgart is looking forward to you !!!

Donald Campbell
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Re: Worlds 2012 in Stuttgart, July 27-29

Post by Donald Campbell » Tue Jun 19, 2012 9:24 am

everything you wrote is absolutely agreeable robert
i want to thank you for arr oyur efforts and the heart you put into this project-
i will make payments in the next 3 hours and call my teamriders to do the same asap!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

otherwise-to be honest,why can't we all just prepay?

robert is the organizer-he has all the stress on his shoulders

be cool and prepay or get refused at the race when you show up


Flavio Badenes
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Re: Worlds 2012 in Stuttgart, July 27-29

Post by Flavio Badenes » Tue Jun 19, 2012 11:15 am

Nice work Robert !!!! I am really looking forward to this event!!

C'mon guys let's pay. Organizing a contest this big is really though.
There are so many things that need to be taken care of. Paying in advanced is required, so please do it!
By doing it your are helping the organization to do their best for you, you are actually helping yourselves!!!

Janis kuzmins
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Re: Worlds 2012 in Stuttgart, July 27-29

Post by Janis kuzmins » Tue Jun 19, 2012 3:19 pm

huge commitment , Big and not and not a easy Job Robert!

supporting You everything what you do , do not want anything to object just think about tight it up for Pro elimination to 1.80
just strayght line and 2.0 m sounds not really chalenging for best Pros on tight course.

Jani Soderhall
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Re: Worlds 2012 in Stuttgart, July 27-29

Post by Jani Soderhall » Tue Jun 19, 2012 4:31 pm

Stas told me it's faster than in Paris, so maybe we should be a bit conservative with the cone distance. On the photos it looks almost flat.


Robert Thiele
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Re: Worlds 2012 in Stuttgart, July 27-29

Post by Robert Thiele » Tue Jun 19, 2012 5:52 pm

the spot is faster then it looks. Stas says, that it is faster then in Paris-Trocadero. Few weeks ago we tryed the 1,80 distance with 50 cones. Stas and me we had times (first to last cone) between 10,07 or 9,84 sec. (= approx. 5 cones p. second !). Many Slalomers (no beginners) of our small group had massive troubles with 1,80 course! Mostly going out of this course after 30-35 cones. So it means the slope is quite fast and you will have enough speed.
One point that we maybe change the straigt ("boring") to special slalom. We try it this weekend and let you know about our experiences.
Tommorow (Wendsday 20.June) we have our organisation Team meeting.The news you can read here.



Robert Thiele
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Re: Worlds 2012 in Stuttgart, July 27-29

Post by Robert Thiele » Tue Jun 19, 2012 6:44 pm

Plese note:
if you pay via Banktransfer we can actualize the payment sign only once a week.
Tommorow I get next list from the Bank. So no worries if your "YES" for payment takes more time.

Donald Campbell
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Re: Worlds 2012 in Stuttgart, July 27-29

Post by Donald Campbell » Wed Jun 20, 2012 1:00 pm

dom und ich haben grad überwiesen
nen schönen tag noch

Rob Ashby
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Re: Worlds 2012 in Stuttgart, July 27-29

Post by Rob Ashby » Wed Jun 20, 2012 2:25 pm

Thanks for all you are doing Robert. Happy to help with anything during the racing.

Even for the smallest of races here in England we struggle with getting payments in before the race - too many people are keen to sign-up then they sit back and watch what the weather will be like, they then turn up and pay on the day if it is dry. People don't understand that things need to be paid for in advance be it for track hire or insurance etc. We are now looking at incentives for those that sign up early for our races, things like being entered into a raffle to win a complete board or discounted entry fee if paid before race day. It's never easy!


Donald Campbell
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Re: Worlds 2012 in Stuttgart, July 27-29

Post by Donald Campbell » Thu Jun 21, 2012 10:06 am

hey robert
carsten pingel bitte löschen
carsten hat mich grade angerufen und wusste gar nichts davon,dass er sich angemeldet haben soll.
ein dummer scherz,von einem dummen menschen, zu lasten von carsten und dir,dem veranstalter.

Robert Thiele
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Re: Worlds 2012 in Stuttgart, July 27-29

Post by Robert Thiele » Fri Jun 22, 2012 8:57 am

We have a new sponsor for Stuttgart !!


Here little statement from the company:
"Top quality ENTITY skateboard wheels are manufactured from Helium-Suprathane - an advanced technological polyurethane, developed by NamTec Systems. They are made in a controlled Helium atmosphere to give the polyurethane superior properties - the most flatspot resistant, superior slide ability, faster and lighter wheel than any others"

I tryed this wheels myself. They are really good, fast +grippy. At the moment they make 70mm with 86A in different colors (also in green + blue)
In Stuttgart you can see more (We also have some sets of this unique wheels for the victory ceremony)

Thank ENTITY for the sponsorship !!

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Robert Thiele
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Re: Worlds 2012 in Stuttgart, July 27-29

Post by Robert Thiele » Sun Jun 24, 2012 1:10 pm

Check please your Registration / Payment at

No Payment in advance = No racing !!

Deadline : 04.July 2012

For all payment via Paypal :

please add EUR 5,40 (Man), 4,20 (Women) or 2,80 (Juniors) for the about 5,3 % paypal fee !!!

The fee is between 2,30 - 5,50 I don´t know how does it work. Some amounts came complete, some with minus 2,20 some with 5,50 paypal fee.
I will refund it if comes too much. Don´t worry.

Robert Thiele
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Re: Worlds 2012 in Stuttgart, July 27-29

Post by Robert Thiele » Tue Jul 03, 2012 8:10 am

Last week we start tu building the ramps. This weekend we continue...
When finished , pictures follow !

Plattform: 130 cm High, 133 cm Length,100 cm wide

Many thanks to Alex Ryabov and to Stas Myronenko !!

Working with Elvis Presley glasses...
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Alex & Felix
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Stas & Alex
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Robert Thiele
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Re: Worlds 2012 in Stuttgart, July 27-29

Post by Robert Thiele » Sat Jul 07, 2012 7:32 am

During the weekend we want finish building the ramps and after we manage the Starting list.
We want make the starting list by the ISSA world ranking. (It means - fast racers on the end of the list.)
Of course it is not possible to make some "AM+PRO+Masters Overall ranking" but we want to allready in Qualificatien let ride people with similary skills.
So please don´t be sad if you are at place 54 und you feel like Number 1 ;-)
It is only to make it more interesting for the spectators and of course for you
Cheers Robert

Jani Soderhall
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Re: Worlds 2012 in Stuttgart, July 27-29

Post by Jani Soderhall » Sat Jul 07, 2012 9:17 am

Excellent Robert, Corky can help you if you like, at least to get the first list going and tell you about the little details.


Donald Campbell
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Re: Worlds 2012 in Stuttgart, July 27-29

Post by Donald Campbell » Sat Jul 07, 2012 9:56 am

lets do it in english now,for all the others watching this thread
robert...when you create the starter lists for the first day,maybe it is a big help for you and all the others to publish these here.
so we get the most efficient info available for everybody to make it to the race ON TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

please check markus kaffke again-he said he paid the entry fee-if there are any irritations i can doublecheck from here immediately and let you know details asap
markus roch has lower back problems,severe problems as it seems,please take him off the not paid list.he is in no condition to race at all

Miguel Marco
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Re: Worlds 2012 in Stuttgart, July 27-29

Post by Miguel Marco » Sat Jul 07, 2012 6:43 pm

Robert Thiele wrote:One point that we maybe change the straigt ("boring") to special slalom. We try it this weekend and let you know about our experiences.
Tommorow (Wendsday 20.June) we have our organisation Team meeting.The news you can read here.
Robert, Is it still Straight or as it changed to Special? Thanks in advance for the answer.

Robert Thiele
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Re: Worlds 2012 in Stuttgart, July 27-29

Post by Robert Thiele » Sat Jul 07, 2012 8:08 pm

For Check your Registration + payment look please here: ... zdXc#gid=0 - under "racers list"

if something wrong please contact me as soon as possible.
Add this Information:
Date of payment ? paypal ? Banktransfer ? Other account owner ?

So we can check it faster.

(Oliver Dieterle works in this Bank so we can look for all payments via banktransfer right fast and effective)

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Re: Worlds 2012 in Stuttgart, July 27-29

Post by Robert Thiele » Sat Jul 07, 2012 10:06 pm

Public TRANSPORT in Stuttgart

From Airport to the city take S-Bahn (the sign for S-bahn is White "S" in Green round Field")
Line Nr: S2 + S3
one of it rides every 20 minutes and need only 23 minutes to Stuttgart-center.

If you stay in "Central Classic" hotel go out at Station "Schwabstrasse" and follow the mainstreet (Rotebühlstrasse)
(On this way is nice slope and you can use your board)
Second street left is Hasenbergstrasse which leads direkt to the Hotel

If you stay in "Interhostel" take from Trainstation U 14 (U-Bahn) and go to station "Österreichischer Platz".
Take exit in direction of drive and than go Right up to the street.Turn left and stay on the street which goes
after few meters to the right. You reach the Interhostel after about 50 meters more.

If you stay in hostel "Alex 30" take from trainstation U5,U6,U7,U12 or U15 and go out at station "Olgaeck"
The Hostel is situated in the Alexanderstrasse which turn left in direction of drive.
(Important : in two more stops you reach the GS Spot !! Also same direction with U7 to Scharnhauser park)

If you stay in others places just contact the reception there.
The public Transport in Stuttgart is well organized.

My Recommendation:
Ask in your Hotel /Hostel for "Three day ticket" which is with speciall rate only for hotel guests.
It costs some 14,00 EUR and you can use it for all public transport !!

Transport to the race venues:

27.+28.july (Friday+Saturday)

Location: Scharnhauser Park
Street: Parkallee

from the city take U7 (U-Bahn) which goes to Scharnhauser park.

1. Go out at stop "Zinsholz" and follow about 200 m in direction of drive.
(good asphalt,flat, you can skate ...)


2.Go out at station "Parksiedlung" and ride with your board about 200 m
in direction which you are coming (Stuttgart)

If you go by car, ride to "TV-Tower" (Stuttgart-Degerloch) after passing it ride direction "Ostfildern". "Scharnhauser Park" is a Part of it.
Look for "Trendsportzentrum /Skatepark" which is direkt on the racevenue. Parking opposite of skatepark possible.

29.July Sunday

GIANT Slalom

Location: Stuttgart
Street: Etzelstraße

U5,U6,U7,U12 station "Bopser"

This location is in the city and PARKING IS NO POSSIBLE !!
Please use the public transport ! From all hotels which are recommended is it no more than 15 min.

If you have more questions:

Stuttgart Public transport page:


On our page we also have "googlemaps" and a PDF File with all Public transport lines.
To see "Scharnhauser Park" please make the map smaller ( look in south-east of stuttgart )

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Re: Worlds 2012 in Stuttgart, July 27-29

Post by Robert Thiele » Sat Jul 07, 2012 10:12 pm

Jani Soderhall wrote:Excellent Robert, Corky can help you if you like, at least to get the first list going and tell you about the little details.

Hi Jani,
It would be great if you and Corky can help with the Starting list.
Tommorow I will have from Petr Klein the list of participants. You can also look on
Thank you for the offer to helping me !

Cheers Robert

Robert Thiele
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Re: Worlds 2012 in Stuttgart, July 27-29

Post by Robert Thiele » Sun Jul 08, 2012 12:32 pm

Donald Campbell wrote:lets do it in english now,for all the others watching this thread
robert...when you create the starter lists for the first day,maybe it is a big help for you and all the others to publish these here.
so we get the most efficient info available for everybody to make it to the race ON TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

please check markus kaffke again-he said he paid the entry fee-if there are any irritations i can doublecheck from here immediately and let you know details asap
markus roch has lower back problems,severe problems as it seems,please take him off the not paid list.he is in no condition to race at all

Markus Kaffke/GER -- Payment -- OK !!

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Re: Worlds 2012 in Stuttgart, July 27-29

Post by Robert Thiele » Mon Jul 09, 2012 12:59 pm

Now we have the decission about Friday:

Friday 27.July - Tight Slalom -- (No straight ! )

Cone distance : 1,8 - 2,5 m

We tested this distance yesterday (Sunday 08.July) with some AM riders and women.
It is still fast enough, you will have fun.

The Tight course will be setted on Thursday 26.July on the evening

= For everybody same chances !!

Donald Campbell
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Re: Worlds 2012 in Stuttgart, July 27-29

Post by Donald Campbell » Mon Jul 09, 2012 4:03 pm

thanks for all the info you share robert!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Re: Worlds 2012 in Stuttgart, July 27-29

Post by Robert Thiele » Mon Jul 09, 2012 5:25 pm

Hi !

We have now 124 paid + registered racers !!

My intention was only to safe this years Worlds for you. But now It looks like we have one of the biggest race ever.

Please help us make this "big event" not to "big disaster" !

I planned everthing as good as possible but you are also on place, so please don´t hesitate to ask me or Martina if we need some (little) help. We probably mostly say that we are OK but just make it as a sign of our community.

Let us use this unique chance to show the world what is slalom skateboarding.

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Re: Worlds 2012 in Stuttgart, July 27-29

Post by Robert Thiele » Wed Jul 11, 2012 9:00 am

Call to all slalomers

Please check the racerslist in Advance
. Is everthing OK ? (Payment/Name/Category ?)
We have 124 racers on Start. We really don´t have time for discussions on spot !!
Only racers which are on this list can participate. NO Exceptions !! ... zdXc#gid=0

Don´t forgot:
You will get your bag with T-Shirt, Starting Number, Meal mark, Stickers, City map and important Infos
at Thursday evening between 18:00-22:00 at the Inter-Hostel.

We have to make such things as possible in Advance , so on race days we have enough time to make what we really love : SLALOMSKATEBOARDING

Infos also here:

Stuttgart_A2_poster - Kopie.jpg
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Re: Worlds 2012 in Stuttgart, July 27-29

Post by Robert Thiele » Wed Jul 11, 2012 12:07 pm

Some new pictures of building the ramps...
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Alex Ryabov+Stas Myronenko
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nearly done !
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Alex Ryabov
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Fernando Pastor
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Re: Worlds 2012 in Stuttgart, July 27-29

Post by Fernando Pastor » Wed Jul 11, 2012 2:06 pm

Hi Robert, Thank you very much for your super work!!!
Yeahhh mega ramps!!!
Only a small thing in my surname, Pastor.
In the racerlist, my wrong surname is Pastory (my surname in Czech??, ha, ha)

Anyway, my wife Natalia and I will arrive to the InterHostel at 23.30 aprox. Any problem if we get the bag before?

Thank you again for making our first super Worlds possible!!!!
Life is good ¡¡¡¡

Robert Thiele
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Re: Worlds 2012 in Stuttgart, July 27-29

Post by Robert Thiele » Wed Jul 11, 2012 11:10 pm

Micke Hadestrand wrote:We will have World champion football game on thursday afternoon!
5 people in each team Robert is there a football field near by?
How many teams?
There is an little field only 2 minutes by walk from your hotel Cenral Classic !
Note: betwen the field and the hotel as a little pub.
You can choose where do you prefer to play ...
Cheers Robert

(If somebody want play please contact Mika)

The football field is about 18x38 meters

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Re: Worlds 2012 in Stuttgart, July 27-29

Post by Robert Thiele » Thu Jul 12, 2012 11:38 am

Flavio Badenes wrote:Hi Robert,

I hope all is fine.

I understand how busy you are but if you can find sometime to change my sponsor from Oranje to Concrete Surfer Skateboards and Dr. Concrete Skate Shop I would be thankful.

Also on Melle Stolk (kids) please add Concrete Surfer Skateboards to his sponsors.

Thank you very much.
See you soon!!!

OK - Done ... zdXc#gid=0

Robert Thiele
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Re: Worlds 2012 in Stuttgart, July 27-29

Post by Robert Thiele » Thu Jul 12, 2012 12:21 pm

Philipp Enzman /GER
year of birth : 1994 = This year 18 years old
NO Junior more !! (ISSA Rules) We move him to Open Class.

(If year of birth 1994 not correct please contact me)

Here is an extract from the ISSA rules:

Juniors (17 and under): Racers whose age will not reach 18 in the current calendar year.

(11 and under): Racers whose age will not reach 12 in the current calendar year.

: Racers whose age is 45 years or older.

Flavio Badenes
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Re: Worlds 2012 in Stuttgart, July 27-29

Post by Flavio Badenes » Thu Jul 12, 2012 1:51 pm

Thanks! Robert.

Rob Ashby
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Re: Worlds 2012 in Stuttgart, July 27-29

Post by Rob Ashby » Thu Jul 12, 2012 5:04 pm

Hi Robert,

The ramps are looking good.

Thank you for posting up the information, it makes things so much easier to have the information in advance. I will arrive late morning on Thursday 26th and am staying at the Inter Hostel.
Really looking forward to it.

Louis Selby
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Re: Worlds 2012 in Stuttgart, July 27-29

Post by Louis Selby » Fri Jul 13, 2012 1:44 am

Hi Robert,

Myself and Bruno Oliveira could not book into the Hostel because it is full. We are both short on money so a hotel is a last option as it's expensive. Could you advise it there are other cheap Hostels available nearby or if any of the local skateboarders could host us on their floor? We'll be there from the 26th until 30th.

Looking forward to this! Thank you!

Louis Selby


Robert Thiele
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Re: Worlds 2012 in Stuttgart, July 27-29

Post by Robert Thiele » Fri Jul 13, 2012 6:49 am

Louis Selby wrote:Hi Robert,

Myself and Bruno Oliveira could not book into the Hostel because it is full. We are both short on money so a hotel is a last option as it's expensive. Could you advise it there are other cheap Hostels available nearby or if any of the local skateboarders could host us on their floor? We'll be there from the 26th until 30th.

Looking forward to this! Thank you!


I booked now 2 Persons : Luis Selby + Bruno de Oliveira in INTERHOSTEL !
You must change the room for every night but you can stay there.
Please contact the reception to check all details !!!!

Robert Thiele
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Re: Worlds 2012 in Stuttgart, July 27-29

Post by Robert Thiele » Fri Jul 13, 2012 11:12 am

Fernando Pastor wrote:Hi Robert, Thank you very much for your super work!!!
Yeahhh mega ramps!!!
Only a small thing in my surname, Pastor.
In the racerlist, my wrong surname is Pastory (my surname in Czech??, ha, ha)

Anyway, my wife Natalia and I will arrive to the InterHostel at 23.30 aprox. Any problem if we get the bag before?

Thank you again for making our first super Worlds possible!!!!
Your name is now correct ,but actually you was filling the sign up :-)
If you arrive such late you get the bags in the morning, or maybe somebody stay longer in the hostel.
I don´t now at the moment.
Important is to sign the waiver (which you get to sign in same time with the bag).

Fernando Pastor
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Re: Worlds 2012 in Stuttgart, July 27-29

Post by Fernando Pastor » Fri Jul 13, 2012 1:12 pm

Thanks Robert, perfect!!

No problem with the Hostel and the bag, maybe someone will be there. Yes, sign the waiver!

Mika!!Football game?? Spain?? Agggg!!!! I arrive at night and the spanish team needs INIESTA!

Thanks for your work Robert!
Life is good ¡¡¡¡

Peter Pletanek
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Re: Worlds 2012 in Stuttgart, July 27-29

Post by Peter Pletanek » Sat Jul 14, 2012 9:09 am

Here is a small article/interview with Robert from the Stuttgarter Newspaper ... 9bb27.html

and here for you, the free translation by Google Translate to english

Stuttgart-South - slalom skaters from 16 nations will compete on Sunday 29 July, for the title of world champion in giant slalom. The top athletes are curves in seconds down the road Etzel. The organizer Robert Thiele talks about the excitement of the upcoming world championships and his own ambitions.

Blood or spectacular falls, they announced in advance, must not expect the audience at the World Cup slalom skaters. What then?
In any case, are the best slalom skateboarders in the world. With speeds up to 50 kilometers per hour, they will drive down the street Etzel. The whole thing in a very friendly atmosphere. The slalom skaters are a fairly small community of elite athletes.

You live in the south of Stuttgart. What makes it so attractive to organize a world championship on our own doorstep?
I am glad that I can think of Stuttgart our sport. Slalom skating is more to the original style of skateboarding, which has indeed evolved from the surf out. In this respect, at the World Cup to see something different than what we know of the skateboarders who are otherwise in Stuttgart on the go. The special feature on 29 July is, however, that the race start in the middle of the city. Otherwise, we were mostly out in the sticks, on the outskirts of big cities like Amsterdam and Ottawa. We hope this year at least to many viewers.

Last year in Ottawa was third in the championship category hybrid nature, and you are three times European champion and 2010 have led the world rankings for amateurs. As you can see their chances this year?
I'm obviously in the World Cup, but if you organized an event, you may not have their own ambitions. I did not have time to prepare myself thoroughly, and also on race day I'll be pretty clamped. The Stuttgart can not expect that the "local hero" wins. But my greatest victory is already, that the World Cup takes place in Stuttgart. At this point I would like to thank you for the support of the city and the Scharnhauser Park, where the races take place in the first two World Cup days.

Which athletes are the favorites for?
The German Dominik Kowalski, who worked as a stuntman on the television series "Alarm for Cobra 11", the Swedish Viking Hadestrand student and Janis Kuzmins from Lithuania.

Slalom skating is a fringe sport. In Stuttgart, you have just set up an association to organize the World Cup. How do you finance for the event?
There are no large apparatus such as the World Cup. We make the most volunteers. Fortunately, a few smaller sponsors have found, without which the World Cup would be impossible to implement. If money is not enough, I'll need to print some of my old trophies again. Not that I mean nothing trophies, but we have not just the money for new - and to me the World Cup is worth. Even though my ego then maybe a little suffering.
worlds-robert-SlalomGangBang.jpeg (36.82 KiB) Viewed 270449 times

Robert Thiele
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Re: Worlds 2012 in Stuttgart, July 27-29

Post by Robert Thiele » Tue Jul 17, 2012 8:21 am

I organized the 3-Day Ticket for you !!
if you need it you get it in time of the registration in Interhostel.
14,50 EUR
It is the cheapest way to use public transport
This ticket is valid 3 days long (72 hours) after your first drive .

Please Note: The DATE of time stemp counts !!

Five minutes before midnight is not good than you have only 5 minutes +2 days.

( Five minutes after midnight = better)

Public transport in Stuttgart:

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Re: Worlds 2012 in Stuttgart, July 27-29

Post by Robert Thiele » Wed Jul 18, 2012 6:13 am

"Major Sponsors":

Concrete Wave Cologne
Pavel Skates
City of Stuttgart

"Prime Sponsors" :

Fotohaus Sänger
Dr. Rezutka
Kollektiv Sport
Wulle Bier
Entity Wheels

Welcome a new "Prime" sponsor on Board !!
INDIANA Skateboards

!! Many Thanks to all this people, which support our little sport with help, stuff, organisation or money !!

Robert Thiele
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Re: Worlds 2012 in Stuttgart, July 27-29

Post by Robert Thiele » Wed Jul 18, 2012 6:25 am

Just a little statement about the interwiev (above)

We made this interwiev before all sign ups were ready so the field of the favorits grew more (Joe Mclaren, Lous Ricard, Pelle Plast ...)
The google translater is good tool but some points in this text are not perfect. Even some facts are not correct.
For example : I was AM Eurochampion in 2009 (not 2010) in Policka/CZ and I was leading the Amateur Worldranking in 2009 (not 2010)
I hope you accept this little mistakes.

Peter, thank you to post it here.

Donald Campbell
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Re: Worlds 2012 in Stuttgart, July 27-29

Post by Donald Campbell » Wed Jul 18, 2012 4:11 pm

who cares robert-you are a good guy nonetheless
now its time to blush a bit

Flavio Badenes
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Re: Worlds 2012 in Stuttgart, July 27-29

Post by Flavio Badenes » Thu Jul 19, 2012 10:06 pm

The weather repost is looking great for next week!!!

Robert Thiele
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Re: Worlds 2012 in Stuttgart, July 27-29

Post by Robert Thiele » Fri Jul 20, 2012 12:11 pm

Pierre Hazera
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Re: Worlds 2012 in Stuttgart, July 27-29

Post by Pierre Hazera » Sat Jul 21, 2012 8:26 am

Hi Robert finally my knee is not broken, so I'll come as ''AM" photographer. I could not skate 'till end of of August or early september
I'll arrive on monday evening if there is some skateboarder or beer drinker let me know..
have safe travel and take care
see you there guys

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