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2008 Board Of Directors Election Results

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2007 6:38 pm
by Wesley Tucker

The voting went rather smooth. There was one issue in the 5-vote forum that lead to some overvoting, but a quick e-mail fixed the problem. So, the results are as follow. The four new members of the 2008 Board Of Directors are:

Gary Fluitt (USA)
Peter Klang (SWE)
Paul Price (UK)
Wesley Tucker (USA)

The Board Of Directors has made a bit of shift from two European ISSA members and five North American members to four from Europe and three from North America. The 2008 Board Of Directors are:

Vincent Berruchon (FRA)
Pat Chewning (USA)
Gary Fluitt (USA)
Peter Klang (SWE)
Hans Koraeus (SWE)
Paul Price (UK)
Wesley Tucker (USA)

The vote forums are now public but LOCKED. The vote difference between the top four and the remaining nominees was substantial (9 votes between 4th and 5th.) Although any egregious and substantial errors on tabulating the votes will be addressed, it would have to be a substantial number of votes to add and subtract to change the outcome.

Also, I totalled the number of votes cast (216) and divided by four. Assuming everyone voted honorably for no more than four nominees, I can safely assume at least 54 ISSA members participated in the election. This is a 50% turnout which I consider commendable.

Let's hope this level of participation and enthusiasm for the ISSA continues into the future.

Wesley Tucker
ISSA Board Member (STILL!) and maybe Secretary Administrator

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2007 8:02 pm
by Steve Collins
Congratulations Gary, Peter, Paul and Wes. I'm sure you will all be excellent board members.

Very cool!

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2007 9:44 pm
by Martin Drayton
I as a member feel confident that the four of you have the best interests of our sport at heart, good luck with all the work ahead!

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2007 7:37 am
by Carsten Pingel
That's what we wanted ! EU and US 50/50 ! That's a perfect base for a common solution and maybe some day we have kind of a standardisation? (Race Modus, Ramps, Pro racing division, AM racing division, checklists,etc.)
Ok, that's not punk rock but some regulations do we need to prevent long discussions in every race! :-)
Now it's up to the BOD with the help of us members ....!