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Let's have a ISSA meeting in Stockholm, July 2005?

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2005 4:30 pm
by Chris Eggers
I just checked around the Euro site and the registration. I think, never before so many big names in Slalom Skateboarding have been together in one city in one I right?

There is McCree, Smith, Söderhall, Koreaus, Jadranko, Hart. etc.etc.etc.

I also mean in Slalom Skateboarding Organisation!

Wouldn´t it be a good idea to book a room in Malmenhotel and discuss a few things?
A good opportunity? I mean I am not in charge of things here, but we could gather a few topics here to discuss in Stockholm, maybe a lot more efficient than on the net.

Let´s hear..............

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2005 11:09 pm
by Hans Koraeus
Good idea,

Let me have a look in my calendar... yes, 03:00-05:00 Saturday morning is fine with me. :-)

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2005 11:24 pm
by Donald Campbell
i take your word for it corky.
we'll meet in the elevator then?

Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2005 12:15 am
by Ramón Königshausen
Who is invited?


Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2005 6:22 pm
by Hans Koraeus
Klang just hacked in on Corkys pc.
I think thursday evening is a great time to hold a meeting at the Hotel.
Who´s invited? well all race orgenizers, big sponsors and ISSA representatives.

Just off the top of my head
Brown Bomber
Herr Strobel
If I left someone out please forgive me.


Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2005 6:28 pm
by Donald Campbell
oh no worries.ii'll go skate the pool then

Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2005 6:31 pm
by Ramón Königshausen
May I come with you, hm?


Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2005 7:53 pm
by Jani Soderhall
I wouldn't mind if there was a meeting. It's always good to sit down and discuss together what needs to be achieved and who's interested in giving a hand.

However, I will not be able to attend myself as I arrive only that evening. But go ahead!

With the new membership and voting procedures I announced at the beginning of the year I'd suggest all are welcome but only ISSA members can vote. Ideally I'd like this meeting to be preparation for real decisions to be made later on (on this site). That's the most fair method. Like that everybody (with the right to do so) gets to vote, rather than just those that made it to the meeting.

I think the primary discussion(s) needs to be:

- Why do we need ISSA?
- What should the ISSA do?

and then I think we should discuss:

- Proposal for updates of the ISSA guidelines (old rules)
- World Cup 2006
- World Championships 2006
- and 100 other topics.


Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2005 4:07 pm
by Peter Klang
And one more thing Jani, guide lines for what can or should be requerments for a Major, Main or Prime event.

I have as you all guest it my thought on this matter.

no time

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2005 4:17 pm
by Detlef Rehbock
sorry, i can´t come to stockholm. i don´t find time to practise.
hopefully next year. have fun and enjoy the euros.
sorry no time to come to the discussion group. be sure, we will make a better hannover race next year. why do we need the issa?

there are a lot of answers. we are organizing races and we compete in races.
racer needs good races. good races needs good sponsors.

issa can guarantee for good races. we need the same rules, so everybody can practise under the same conditions. issa can help race organizers with there know how. by the way, big,big thank you to jani, dan and chris for helping us with our first race in hannover.

i hope we will have a european and american race serie in the future. maybe with the same sponsors worldwide, with lots of price money and nice girls at the price ceremony. and with rules made from skaters for skaters. issa is on the right way. hannover will support issa.

have fun in stockholm. good luck christoph, i have to go to rotterdam for the snickers world cup. i have a meeting there with the marketing manager from snickers. maybe they are interested to sponsor skateboard slalom. we will see.

Re: no time

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2005 10:51 pm
by Jani Soderhall
Detlef Rehbock wrote:Have fun in stockholm. good luck christoph, i have to go to rotterdam for the snickers world cup. i have a meeting there with the marketing manager from snickers. maybe they are interested to sponsor skateboard slalom. we will see.

Snickers has been sponsoring events in Switzerland. See the Tunnel race from 2002 for example. There is a good example in the invitation/poster.

Let's have them as sponsor for all European World Cup events next year. You can negotiate for us all!


Stockholm Race

Posted: Sun Jul 31, 2005 6:31 pm
by Eric Brammer
To Everyone at Sweden,

I would like to thank Peter Klang and everyone at Sweden for helping me out and being nice to me. :-)
When I went over for the Euro Championships I only knew a handful of people but since everyome there was nice and let me in. I now know ten times the people.I would like to give special thanks to Michael Dong for being a really nice guy and lending me any part I needed and almost being like a coach. I want to give special thanks to Richie Carrasco for being a really nice and funny guy who made the trip alot more interesting and for helping me out. I'd also like to thank Claude and Keith and everyone else for all of there help and support. And I'd like to give alot of thanks to my coach Eric Brammer because without him I would never have started skateing and wouldn't be where I am today.
Adam Schwippert