BOD Change - Ricardo Damborenea

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Ricardo Damborenea
Posts: 213
Joined: Fri May 16, 2008 8:31 pm
Location: Madrid

BOD Change - Ricardo Damborenea

Post by Ricardo Damborenea » Tue Jan 08, 2013 1:32 pm

This is an annuncement to all ISSA members of my resignation to the BOD. As you all know and experience, there are lot of things to do and little time so that means we need to prioritize. In my case this means I felt I was not spending enough time to the local slalom scene at a very critical stage. So I will focus my efforts from now on that, supporting local associations, organizers and racers to strenghten the scene both through direct work and through my role of EU Marshal with responsabilities over Southern Europe. Thanks to all of you, specially to my fellow BOD members for their support and understanding...and Happy New Year!
Skate Hard While You Can

Hans Koraeus
Corky - World Ranking Master Mind
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Re: BOD Change - Ricardo Damborenea

Post by Hans Koraeus » Fri Jan 11, 2013 6:35 pm

Just let us all keep on working for slalom anyway we can. Inside or outside of BOD doesn't matter really. Your efforts are appreciated either way Ricardo.
