2010 ISSA Board of Directors Announced

Archive of older ISSA topics

Moderators: Jonathan Harms, Jani Soderhall

Wesley Tucker
1961-2013 (RIP)
1961-2013 (RIP)
Posts: 3279
Joined: Tue Aug 27, 2002 2:00 am

2010 ISSA Board of Directors Announced

Post by Wesley Tucker » Tue Jan 19, 2010 2:00 am

Today for the first time since the ISSA elected a Board Of Directors, the Board held a conference call to discuss the important issues facing slalom skateboarding. There were a few decisions made but not every matter was settled in two hours.

First, though, we'd like to announce the 2010 ISSA Officers. The election was by acclamation with the Board agreeing on the nominations with no dissent:

President - Gary Fluitt
Vice President - Dan Gesmer
Treasurer - Jonathan Harms
Secretary - Wesley Tucker

Most of the conference centered around clarifying WHAT the ISSA needs and wants to accomplish in the short and long term. The next step will be the HOW to get the job done.

Among the topics discussed: updating and improving Slalomskateboarder.com, world rankings, improving communication with (and offering assistance to) race organizers, and offering specific benefits for members. More details will be announced in the next few days.

Finally, the Board agreed to continue the conference call strategy and will probably (based on everyone's availability) have another before the end of the month.
