ISSA Membership Information 2003 - 2009

Archive of older ISSA topics

Moderators: Jonathan Harms, Jani Soderhall

Jani Soderhall
ISSA President 2011-2024
ISSA President 2011-2024
Posts: 4653
Joined: Thu Aug 22, 2002 2:00 am
Location: Sweden, lives in France

ISSA Membership Information 2003 - 2009

Post by Jani Soderhall » Tue Nov 17, 2009 10:02 am

Please note: In January 2010 the ISSA Board of Directors changed the membership charter so that memberships are no longer life time. The information in this post reflects how it was until the end of 2009.

Here's some information for those of you who would like to join the ISSA membership.

What does it cost?
EUR 20 or USD 25.

How can I pay:
Paypal EUR 20 or USD 25 to

What happens when I've paid:
1. You will get an email reply that your payment has been received.
2. You will be added to the ISSA members user group on
3. In the additional forums that will now be available to you, you can participate in discussions restricted to the members and vote on official polls of the ISSA. You may nominate board members and be eligible for election yourself.

Who handles the payment?
Jani receives the payments and reports annually to the board on the current account balance. Post questions here, or email to jani@slalomskateboarder DOT com.

What is the difference between site sponsorship and membership?
Site sponsorship was created as a means to cover the monthly hosting costs for the site. It has been decided that site sponsors automatically get a membership too, if they're not already members. So, site sponsorship gives you both a month of visibility as the site's sponsor AND a life time membership.

What is the money used for?
The membership money that comes in through site sponsorship is used to pay for the hosting costs. Sponsor pay more than the actual cost, so the rest is added to the account balance to be used for other purposes decided by the board of directors. The remainder is kept in the pay pal account.

Duration of membership
So far the membership duration is for life. There has been some discussions to change that to annual membership, but it hasn't happened yet. The Board of Directors may decide to put this up for a vote and let the members decide if this is going to change.

