2009 Board Of Directors Election Results

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Wesley Tucker
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2009 Board Of Directors Election Results

Post by Wesley Tucker » Mon Dec 22, 2008 3:59 pm

The voting for the 2009 ISSA Board Of Directors is now completed and the polls are closed.

First of all, congratulations to all the nominees. To be considered for these positions and to be nominated by fellow slalom skateboarders is an honor in itself.

But, as we are all competitors and know there has to be winners in every race, let’s welcome our three new members:

Jonathan Harms of St. Louis, Missouri (USA)
Daniel Gesmer of Boulder, Colorado (USA)
Marcus Rietema of Lakespur, California (USA)

They will join with current Board members Gary Fluitt, Paul Price, Peter Klang and myself as we continue to work making the ISSA the premiere and respected slalom skateboarding association.

Again, congratulations to the new members. Between now and December 31, the Board will still have the current seven members but Jonathan, Dan and Marcus will part of any and all Board correspondence and be part of the Board Members’ forum. They will also have ADMINISTRATOR status on Slalomskateboarder.com.

I would also like to take a moment and thank our outgoing Board Members for their service and participation on the board for the past two years. Pat Chewning has done tremendous things with the contest sanctioning process and also the rules revisions we accomplished in 2007. Corky’s work with the World Ranking is one of the cornerstones of the ISSA and Vinzzz has been an integral part of developing and promoting the European race scene.

Let’s hope 2009 will see slalom skateboarding grow internationally with the ISSA as the foundation for making racing fun, competitive, fair and an exhilarating experience for everyone.
Last edited by Wesley Tucker on Sun Dec 06, 2009 4:07 am, edited 1 time in total.

Pat Chewning
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Post by Pat Chewning » Mon Dec 22, 2008 7:14 pm


These three new additions to the ISSSA board should bring in some welcome change and new ideas to implement.

As always, if you need assistance, please let me know.

Wesley Tucker
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Post by Wesley Tucker » Mon Dec 22, 2008 7:29 pm


Glad you asked.

I have to be honest: I have no clue as to the contest sanctioning process you and the sanction coordinators developed.

There's going to have to be a free-flowing and immediate exchange of knowledge to keep the process going through 2009.

Pat Chewning
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The sanctioning process

Post by Pat Chewning » Tue Dec 23, 2008 9:41 am

Process is documented here:
http://www.slalomskateboarder.com/ISSA/ ... nction.doc

Sanction application document is here:
http://www.slalomskateboarder.com/ISSA/ ... cation.doc

Sanction applications and anouncements are supposed to be put here:
http://www.slalomskateboarder.com/phpBB ... php?t=6456

For N. America, the 2008 sanctioning body consisted of: Pat Chewning (ISSA), Eddy Martinez, Chris Barker. For 2009, I know Gary Fluit has expressed interest and has started gathering applications.....

For Europe, the 2008 and 2009 sanctioning body consists of: Peter Klang (ISSA), Donald, Ramon

Australia usually sends applications in to me and I would take care of these myself. (Now Gary)??

Brazil does its own thing and it is very hard to follow what is going on there because I don't speak the language and they seem to be at a different party .....

Steve Collins
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Re: The sanctioning process

Post by Steve Collins » Tue Dec 23, 2008 7:23 pm

Pat Chewning wrote:...
Brazil does its own thing and it is very hard to follow what is going on there because I don't speak the language and they seem to be at a different party .....
I want to be at that party.

Donald Campbell
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Post by Donald Campbell » Tue Dec 23, 2008 8:01 pm

"For Europe, the 2008 and 2009 sanctioning body consists of: Peter Klang (ISSA), Donald, Ramon "

there is a guy in europe called donald-he owns pavel
there is another guy in europe called dominik-he races for pavel


Ramón Königshausen
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Post by Ramón Königshausen » Tue Dec 23, 2008 9:21 pm

Maybe he meant "Peter, Ramón and a guy named Pavel"?

However, I appreciate that you kept this position for me and I'm looking forward to do this job in 2009, although I won't be able to go to as many races as in the past year because I'll be doing my military service starting June 29.

Feel the flow – Airflow Skateboards

Real skateboard wheels come in green – ABEC11

Enjoy the ride – GOG Slalom & DH Trucks

Marcus Rietema
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Post by Marcus Rietema » Tue Dec 23, 2008 10:03 pm

The ISSA needs to always remember that the "I" in ISSA stands for international. We need to have official ISSA representatives for Africa, Asia, Australia, and South America. At the moment the ISSA only seems to represent the interests of Europe and North America. We need dedicated ISSA representatives on the ground and immersed in the local skate cultures to let us understand their needs and make them an integral part of the ISSA.

The Australian Skateboard Racing Association (ASRA) should be able to elect their own ISSA Regional Contest Coordinator and two Racer Representatives. A similar thing should happen in Africa, Asia and South America. These people should be fluent in both their native language, English, and ideally the languages of neighboring countries as well. This is the only way we will get true global representation that gives all slalom competitors around the world a voice. Only then will we experience growth on an international level.

The whole process of granting World Championship, Main and Major status' needs to be moved up by about nine months from what I've seen. Applicants who want to host these important events should have their applications in by Aug 15 of the preceding year. A finalized schedule for these events should be released no later than Oct 15 of the preceding year. This is very important so that racers can plan their schedules ahead of time, sponsors can be found (both event and competitor) and media opportunities can be seized.
Marcus Rietema
President- International Gravity Sports Association
Phone: 951-532-6378
Email: rietema.m@gravity-sports.com
Website: www.igsaworldcup.com

Steve Collins
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Post by Steve Collins » Tue Dec 23, 2008 11:05 pm

Marcus Rietema wrote:...
The whole process of granting World Championship, Main and Major status' needs to be moved up by about nine months from what I've seen. Applicants who want to host these important events should have their applications in by Aug 15 of the preceding year. A finalized schedule for these events should be released no later than Oct 15 of the preceding year...
It makes sense but to do it we'll need to get the ball rolling for 2010 during the 2009 peak contest frenzy. The 2009 Worlds award will likely be business as usual.

Ramón Königshausen
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Post by Ramón Königshausen » Tue Dec 23, 2008 11:23 pm

Steve Collins wrote:
Marcus Rietema wrote:...
The whole process of granting World Championship, Main and Major status' needs to be moved up by about nine months from what I've seen. Applicants who want to host these important events should have their applications in by Aug 15 of the preceding year. A finalized schedule for these events should be released no later than Oct 15 of the preceding year...
It makes sense but to do it we'll need to get the ball rolling for 2010 during the 2009 peak contest frenzy. The 2009 Worlds award will likely be business as usual.

...which makes it easier for organizers to plan. Remeber when I was asking for 2009 plans in October? I think two organizers posted their dates, all the others haven't replied yet.

Guess why the IGSA could publish their 2009 plans two months ago and we couldn't.

Feel the flow – Airflow Skateboards

Real skateboard wheels come in green – ABEC11

Enjoy the ride – GOG Slalom & DH Trucks

Marcus Rietema
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Post by Marcus Rietema » Wed Dec 24, 2008 1:14 am

Ramón Königshausen wrote:
Steve Collins wrote:
Marcus Rietema wrote:...
The whole process of granting World Championship, Main and Major status' needs to be moved up by about nine months from what I've seen. Applicants who want to host these important events should have their applications in by Aug 15 of the preceding year. A finalized schedule for these events should be released no later than Oct 15 of the preceding year...
It makes sense but to do it we'll need to get the ball rolling for 2010 during the 2009 peak contest frenzy. The 2009 Worlds award will likely be business as usual.

...which makes it easier for organizers to plan. Remeber when I was asking for 2009 plans in October? I think two organizers posted their dates, all the others haven't replied yet.

Guess why the IGSA could publish their 2009 plans two months ago and we couldn't.

Ramon, Your request for contest dates in October was a good effort that unfortunately seemed to fall on deaf ears... We need to work even harder on this for 2010. Steve it's difficult organizing events for the coming year in the middle of the summer but entirely possible. The IGSA manages to do it...

Has anyone else even submitted a formal application for the World's other than Australia? To award the event to Australia should be a no-brainer. Europe hosted the World's in 08', North America in 07'. Seems logical that Australia should get their turn in 09'. It is also going to be the IGSA Downhill World Championships. To have both events together would be a major boost to the sport and encourage a lot of crossover participation. 90% of downhill racers are between 16-30. Slalom could definitely use an influx of youth like that! There will also be a very heavy media presence including international television, web based and print.

The event hill is perfect for Super G, GS, Hybrid and tight. The pavement is the best anywhere on the planet. November is the beginning of summer in Australia so the weather should be great! ASRA knows how to organize a first class competition. The facility is a famous motor racing circuit (Mount Panorama) and has all sorts of amenities including a media center. There is a festival atmosphere with some of the biggest bands in Australia (Grinspoon played in 08'), mini ramp with pro skaters, bmx dirt jumping, wake board jumping pool and concessions with action sports related merchandise. There is also a campground on site for racers on a budget . Speaking of budgets, this event has a huge one and the guy organizing it (Simon Rollin) has made organizing this event his full time job!!! So while others are trying to find the time in their busy schedules to throw an event together, the Australian organizers are working on it on a daily basis and have been for months.

I don't understand why the World's haven't already been awarded to this event? Some say it's not fair for people to have to travel so far. My response is how is it different for the Australians? Jackson Shapiero, Corey Leeson and Steve Daddow made the trip to Gothenburg last summer. Leeson and Daddow didn't even get to compete due to injuries and you didn't hear them crying about it being a long, expensive journey. I think if people really want to attend, they will be able to save for the next eleven months to make the trip.

Here is a video made for the latest Concrete Wave Evolutions DVD of the 08' event. It will give you a taste of the 08' event and the 09' version promises to be another step up.


Marcus Rietema
President- International Gravity Sports Association
Phone: 951-532-6378
Email: rietema.m@gravity-sports.com
Website: www.igsaworldcup.com

Wesley Tucker
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Post by Wesley Tucker » Wed Dec 24, 2008 1:38 am


Have the Australian organizers submitted a formal sanction application?

I don't know the answer but in answer to your question I have to ask what the Australians have done FORMALLY receive even a MAJOR status much less the Worlds?

Again, I don't know the answer either. But let's find out the first part before asking why the second part hasn't happened.

Marcus Rietema
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Post by Marcus Rietema » Wed Dec 24, 2008 3:43 am

Wesley Tucker wrote:Marcus,

Have the Australian organizers submitted a formal sanction application?

I don't know the answer but in answer to your question I have to ask what the Australians have done FORMALLY receive even a MAJOR status much less the Worlds?

Again, I don't know the answer either. But let's find out the first part before asking why the second part hasn't happened.
I was told they did but honestly I don't know the answer either...

The Australians hosted Newton's Playground in March that was an ISSA sanctioned Main. I was there and competed. It was a first class event in every way. I also attended the past two World's in Statesville and Gothenburg. In comparison Newton's was head and shoulders above both of those races.
Marcus Rietema
President- International Gravity Sports Association
Phone: 951-532-6378
Email: rietema.m@gravity-sports.com
Website: www.igsaworldcup.com

Art Pryde
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2009 World's

Post by Art Pryde » Wed Dec 24, 2008 6:07 am

I know that this is not the right forum to discuss this, so whoever wants to move it please do.

...Marcus wrote
Has anyone else even submitted a formal application for the World's other than Australia? To award the event to Australia should be a no-brainer.

Wesley Tucker wrote:

Have the Australian organizers submitted a formal sanction application?

..Marcus wrote. I don't know the answer but in answer to your question I have to ask what the Australians have done FORMALLY receive even a MAJOR status much less the Worlds?

Again, I don't know the answer either. But let's find out the first part before asking why the second part hasn't happened.

...Marcus wrote
I was told they did but honestly I don't know the answer either...

Marcus, I know you are a very good salesman, but this sounds like alot of hype.

I don't understand why the World's haven't already been awarded to this event? Some say it's not fair for people to have to travel so far. My response is how is it different for the Australians?

Marcus, my remarks about the travel cost of potentially ~99% of our small slalom world thinking about travelling to Australia were made more from a practical viewpoint. In 2008, it appeared that most slalom races in the US were attended by racers that lived in the region with a few pros and ams making the races on opposite coasts. I don't know the real reason, but I would guess $$$ had something to do with it.

We had top, young, developing AM talent from the east coast, Canada, Colorado, and the West Coast(?) that never went to a race outside of their region. I think energy should be spent in trying to get a few of these racers to a few "bigger" North American races in 2009.

I think, down the road, it would be great to have a World's in Australia, but why doesn't the ISSA grant more Main and Prime status races to Australia FIRST, and let's see them grow their numbers from ~40-50 ranked racers in 2007, and 1 ranked racer in 2008 (if I read it right), to a larger number. Some may say that if the World's were held in Australia then the numbers would grow, and that could be true, but I don't think it would make sense to do so for 2009.

..Like I said before, hopefully I can enter a couple of races in 2009....wherever they are.

Pat Chewning
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Post by Pat Chewning » Wed Dec 24, 2008 8:49 am

Marcus Rietema wrote: Has anyone else even submitted a formal application for the World's other than Australia? To award the event to Australia should be a no-brainer.


I don't understand why the World's haven't already been awarded to this event?

Yes, the GORGE GAMES has submitted an application for the 2009 World Championships.
No, I am not aware of any formal application for the 2009 Worlds from any other source.
The World's cannot be awarded without application and voting by the ISSA Board of Directors.
The ISSA is waiting for Gary Fluit to sumarize the applications he has received and to make a recommendation and a call for a vote. (Gary volunteered to solicit and collect applications for the Worlds).

-- Pat

PS: Australia was awarded the 1st two ISSA sanctions in 2008 (PRIME and MAIN)
PS: The history of applications and contest status can be found here:
http://www.slalomskateboarder.com/phpBB ... php?t=6456
http://www.slalomskateboarder.com/phpBB ... php?t=5599
http://www.slalomskateboarder.com/phpBB ... php?t=4674

Flavio Badenes
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Re: The sanctioning process

Post by Flavio Badenes » Thu Dec 25, 2008 12:36 pm

Pat Chewning wrote:Process is documented here:
http://www.slalomskateboarder.com/ISSA/ ... nction.doc

Sanction application document is here:
http://www.slalomskateboarder.com/ISSA/ ... cation.doc

Sanction applications and anouncements are supposed to be put here:
http://www.slalomskateboarder.com/phpBB ... php?t=6456

Brazil does its own thing and it is very hard to follow what is going on there because I don't speak the language and they seem to be at a different party .....
Hi Pat in Brasil me, Marcio Benevides and Sammy are the ones taking care of the sanctioning of events. There was only one ISSA event in 2008 but...there will be many more in 2009. At least the two events I will be organize in Porto Alegre and another yet to know city, will be ISSA events.

I will keep everybody posted on time and in English :-)

And you are right, we are having a different party in Brasil and what a party it has been so far!!! Whoooohooooooo!!!!

Jim Weatherwax
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Post by Jim Weatherwax » Thu Dec 25, 2008 4:19 pm

Seems to me there may be something fishy going on with Mr Reitma's push for having the Slalom Worlds in Australia. First off, how many traveling Aussie racers are there that have come to races in the US or Europe and supported those racing economies? Now many racers are there in Australia total? Does Mr Reitma have any financial gains to make by adding more events to his IGSA contract with Bathurst? Maybe a slight conflict of interest for an IGSA board member? I say have it somewhere where there already is a viable scene, with Slalom racers that have been part of this for a while hosting the event... Claude?

Wesley Tucker
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Post by Wesley Tucker » Thu Dec 25, 2008 4:44 pm


If every supposition you make is true, then my question is, "yeah, so?"

Starting January 1 Marcus will be on the Board Of Directors. If he brought an agenda with him to push certain events favorable to him, then so be it. Anyone who was unaware of his IGSA affiliation before the vote lives in a cave. (This assumes everything you allege is true. I don't know - it could be none of it's true.)

He is, though, only ONE VOTE on a seven-member Board of Directors. We'll vote on the 2009 Worlds based on criteria everyone knows: organization, location, venue, sponsorship, participation, reward, accessibility and the total bribe money the Aussies transfer to my PayPal account.

As I said before, though, let's give a few weeks first to see all who submit a sanction application. Maybe the Worlds will be in Australia because they are the only one who apply or maybe they'll end up seventh in an eight-way race?

Marcus Rietema
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Re: australia

Post by Marcus Rietema » Thu Dec 25, 2008 5:59 pm

Jim Weatherwax wrote:Seems to me there may be something fishy going on with Mr Reitma's push for having the Slalom Worlds in Australia. First off, how many traveling Aussie racers are there that have come to races in the US or Europe and supported those racing economies? Now many racers are there in Australia total? Does Mr Reitma have any financial gains to make by adding more events to his IGSA contract with Bathurst? Maybe a slight conflict of interest for an IGSA board member? I say have it somewhere where there already is a viable scene, with Slalom racers that have been part of this for a while hosting the event... Claude?
For those who are interested in learning more about the Australian skateboard racing scene visit the Australian Skateboard Racing Association (ASRA) website. www.skateboardracing.org.au After digging through their site my question is, "Is there any other national slalom scene in the world as well organized as the Aussies?"

The IGSA's contract with the Bathurst event organizers is for DOWNHILL ONLY and covers only our obligations to the event. If we brought in 1 or 1000 slalom racers it would make no difference monetarily for myself or the IGSA.
Marcus Rietema
President- International Gravity Sports Association
Phone: 951-532-6378
Email: rietema.m@gravity-sports.com
Website: www.igsaworldcup.com

Art Pryde
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Post by Art Pryde » Mon Jan 12, 2009 8:01 am

Hey Marcus,
As usual, it was good talking to you today at the Sk8kings freestyle jam in Huntington Beach, CA. Have fun on ALL your international racing trips in 2009....I'm jealous.

Wax, I am sure that ISGA and other travelling skateboard vendors may or may not "profit" from racing events, but hopefully they may/could receive "business travel expense tax relief" from attending races, but that's up to them, and I hope that they benefit from their vendor/business status.

Chris Barker
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Post by Chris Barker » Fri Jan 30, 2009 12:39 am

Who are the North American Contest Coordinators for 2009? Maybe I missed that info posted somewhere, but I wasn't able to easily find it...

Wesley Tucker
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Post by Wesley Tucker » Fri Jan 30, 2009 1:07 am

Chris Barker wrote:Who are the North American Contest Coordinators for 2009? Maybe I missed that info posted somewhere, but I wasn't able to easily find it...
