The New ISSA 2004 - Relaunch 2006

Archive of older ISSA topics

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Donald Campbell
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Post by Donald Campbell » Sun Dec 12, 2004 5:49 pm

hopefully this thread won't turn out in a "europe vs. the usa" dilemma.
i often have the feeling that the american side has a deep desire to recive respect in whatever form possible-be it for being american,being a skateboarder-or whatever...
the list is endless.
i really like to treat the good guys with respect,since they show the same to me.
there's quite a few folks out there,in this world,who think like that.
but as always,there's also the few who disrespect anything european,just for the sake of it and for their own selfishness and righteousness.

i PRAY...
that this won't happen here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

so pleeeezzzz-lighten up folks,

even though,some didn't realize it yet

Jeff Goad
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Post by Jeff Goad » Sun Dec 12, 2004 6:11 pm

Last edited by Jeff Goad on Sun Jan 09, 2005 7:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Sam Gordon
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Oh dammit, he's off a-bloomin'-gain...

Post by Sam Gordon » Sun Dec 12, 2004 6:37 pm

Yeah Corky, Donald, Jeff; like you mean it.

The initial part of my posting was a paraphrasing of a piece that was written against Arab a while back when he was proliferating on NCDSA. It was galling in its arrogance/ patronising stupidity and I had the same reaction as Rich had to my repeat of it.

We had seen such defensive puffing-out of chests before the posting that I could not resist popping in that 'set piece' to further polarise or diffuse. Shamelessly naughty, not too clever. Tremendously fun however. It even contradicted what I went on to offer later in the post. I was expecting the reply of 'yeah, yeah. Heard it all before.'
Rich's response was better than that.

Where the posts of Wahl and Smart have been useful, however, is in revealing the intentions and character of many of the 'investors' (although it should not be regarded as an investment).

Why assistance from the UK to the site?

Firstly to support the work that both Corky and Jani had put towards developing the site and slalom rankings. It is not stuff that I can do myself; however I can show assistance in a small way because it benefits all skaters.

Agree or not with the ranking system (I am far too high in the Ams) it does help to offer global comparison, create rivalry and produce battles that might prove the ranking system wrong. Is that not really the goal of all competitive ladders?

Secondly, and more selfishly, to promote UK racing in both a European and American sphere.

Following a rift between the UKSSA and European skating, the above donation was to work as a tie-line to our continuation in European slalom involvement. To open the door for UK supertight and flatland (for example) to be discussed, considered and included. My votes could be used to reflect the greater UK opinion.

Furthermore, in the UK there is not enough capital for timing systems, ramps, equipment hire, insurance or location rental. All racing is either outlaw or based on goodwill gesture (such as using Brands or Silverstone).

One way to generate such capital is to offer a development plan for funding from the Sports Council. The council demands that there exists an elected, affiliated and approachable body in order for a sport to even be considered. Making the UKSSA more than the efforts of one man is something we are working on, if partly to relieve and share his burden.

If that body is affiliated to an International governing body, then the Sports Council will look at its proposals more seriously, partly because of the possible international PR ramifications. The sport appears globally recognised and therefore 'bonafide.' The UK can offer 'world-class athletes!'

At home then, we are therefore more likely to gain funding for a good timing system, ramps, insurance and race-site. That's a good start for now.

A convoluted way towards simple stuff.

And that is one way that an ISSA might be able to help.

edwin james brockman
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Well put

Post by edwin james brockman » Sun Dec 12, 2004 7:40 pm

Sam, i've just read your post.
Well put mate!

Edwin (LSD)
Ed the fat bloke

Hans Koraeus
Corky - World Ranking Master Mind
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Post by Hans Koraeus » Sun Dec 12, 2004 8:18 pm

Sam, you make a good point there. Already by having an intenational body like ISSA even if it was just and empty shell could bring out some good things. And I can add another one when wanting sponsors or help for a local slalom competition just by being able to fill in with "the International Skateboard Slalom Association" here and there could certainly help out sometimes.

I don't see a great risk that we are turning towards an Europe vs America dilemma like Donald said. This is however something that could have happened if it wasn't for all those that have crossed the ocean and by that worked for the social communication and contacts that is needed to avoid such scenarios. Looking only on the American side John Gilmour and Dan Gesmer have been such traveling diplomats since way back and are still today with the likes of Kenny Mollica, Richy and Maria Carrasco, Michael Dong, Bruce Brewington, The Gordons (Howard, Dylan and Lauren), Keith Hollien, Steve Olson, Chris Favero, Lynn Kramer, Joe Iacovelli, Bobby Mandarino, Jason Mitchell, Sharon and Alan Sidlo, Farid Abraham and not to forget Vlad Popov (Russia/USA) and Claude Regnier and Mike Cividino from Canada. There are probably others that I have forgot. They have all made a huge step to avoid the alienation that easily builds up without social contact. And that to a prize many times higher than $25. And the same has been done from the European side. It has been much better than my initial hopes. I mean it is also a question of money involved here too that give you good reasons not to do it.

The hope is that ISSA can enforce this feeling that we are all a kind of a family. That we are all skateboarders like Jeff so loudly explains and on this site even more specifically often slalom skateboarders.

Jani Soderhall
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Complement - not replace!

Post by Jani Soderhall » Sun Dec 12, 2004 10:37 pm

The new ISSA
I don't think the new ISSA should replace something that is already being done. There's no need for that.
What we need to do is look into things which are currently overlooked.

Nobody could or should take over the responsability of the stuff being done right now. Jack's doing a great job, the sport needs him to continue. Gary Fluitt too. The various outlaw and grass roots series (by Gorman, Stanziale and others) should go on and hopefully we'll see more of them. UKSSA should carry on with their program and Riderz with theirs.
The best the new ISSA can achieve is to help and encourage these organizers.

The site
Freedom of speach doesn't come for free. The initial investors here didn't have a set agenda, all they wanted to achieve was for this forum to carry on. Nobody else stepped forward to offer a solution. Rather than calling the forum International SlalomSkateboarder Association we reused a name that wasn't far off and currently available. What we make out of it is up to ourselves, nobody else. Those who care to join are welcome. Those who prefer to stand on the side can do so, their ideas are just as welcome.

Can we put this topic aside now and get started on what, how and when?


Hans Koraeus
Corky - World Ranking Master Mind
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ISSA Calling

Post by Hans Koraeus » Tue Dec 14, 2004 1:43 am

We still have to do our best to get the word out to as many slalomers as possible. Everybody should be given the chance to be a part of it from the beginning. I sent this e-mail to all my slalom e-mail addresses. If you do the same and also make sure a post is done in your local forum I think we have done all that possibly can be asked of us.

This is the e-mail I sent. Feel free to copy it.

<center>Breaking news!</center>

ISSA Calling!

ISSA (the International Skateboard Slalom Association) is now officially revived. To make a successful start of a new era in this association, and for the international skateboard slalom scene in general, we are all invited to join in.

The international skateboard slalom forum “” has been taken over to secure the administration, maintenance and the ideology as a common forum and service for all slalom skaters around the world. It should no longer be seen as a personal website. It is now the site of the international skateboard slalom community and the home of ISSA.

This is an invitation for all of you who for any reason have ended up in my e-mail slalom address book. I think it is very important to make this historical event start up in the right direction and with a broad international base.

Step 1: Getting the base
It’s important that we, the skaters, take control of our sport. There are many out there who have already put down a lot of work and money for the international skateboard slalom scene. Those who have had the opportunity to lay down cash for the monthly expenses of the old and recently helped out with buying over the ownership of the site, will automatically be members in this restart of ISSA. We know there are many of you who would have stepped up to the occasion if needed. Also all the previous ISSA coordinators have got automatic membership in this restart.

At the beginning of next year (2005) all the current members at that point in time will be published as the initial creators and supporters of a new era in skateboard slalom and ISSA itself. Don’t miss out on this historical event. A media release worthy of the occasion will be done.

If someone of your knowledge has not got this information, that you think should have it, please forward it to him or her.

Join ISSA by PayPal:ing $25 to

Step 2: Setting up the structure
The initial members will start working on the structure of this association. There are many things to be discussed. There are many experienced slalom skaters who will express their view on things. But if we as slalom skaters can’t build it up correctly, no one else will. We have to start from the ground. We need a statement of the main reasons why ISSA is needed and what it should work for. Boring administrational work has to be sorted out. We need an agenda to make us all work efficiently in the same direction.

For us as slalomers to be noticed outside our skateboard slalom bubble, by other skaters as well as for non-skaters, media and sponsors, a face for our sport is needed. When the structure is there we can take on our gloves and start working.

Step 3: Start working
ISSA should be run by slalomers and work for the global interest of slalom skaters. Making us all get noticed by the larger skateboard family and by the world of sports in general. Sounds good but what does that really mean? Here are some of the possible tasks in front of us to tackle.

- International websites (both for internal and external audiences)
- International forum (
- World Championship, World Cup, World Ranking
- Slalom magazine (Slalom! Support and lobby towards existing magazines)
- Increase the number of slalom skaters around the world.
- ISSA products (T-shirts, stickers, …)
- Rules and regulations (the old ISSA rules have to be reviewed for today’s slalom scene)
- Marketing and getting sponsors on an international level
- Olympic dreams?

“At the beginning of next year (2005) all the current members at that point in time will be published as the initial creators and supporters of a new era in skateboard slalom and ISSA itself. Don’t miss out on this historical event.”

Join ISSA by PayPal:ing $25 to

Read more about “the new ISSA” at

Just for your information. It seems like the International Olympic Committee has sent over a form of invitation to the International Roller Association. This roller association has contacted the skateboard industry (who or what organization I don’t know yet) to test the ground for a joint mission. July 2005 is the dead limit for entering new sports to the 2012 Olympics.

Is it just a coincidence that slalom skate in France will now get in under their national roller association?

Claude Regnier
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Post by Claude Regnier » Tue Dec 14, 2004 2:18 am

The Rollersport Association reportedly told the IOC that they were the voice of all wheeled sports.. They included In-Line skating, skateboarding and BMX bikes possibly others. This has everyone up in a fuss.

The skateboard Industry is started to have the Association they stopped supporting way back get re-instated. The Canadian Amateur Skateboard Association was one of the first and complete Association put together. It was re-born just before the Worlds last year. I was one of the last board of directors and will likely return as one in the coming year.

I will try to operate a Branch of the Canadian Slalom Skateboard Association as a by product to support slalom. Things are up in the air right now and as soon as I am advised of when and how the changes will happen I will let you know.

This is not entirely relevant to the New ISSA, I am only letting you know some of the stuff that is going on incase you are not aware. The industry is pissed. They have lost control to outsiders and are doing everything they can to regain some degree of control. IASC and World Cup of Skateboarding are behind it all in the US. CASA in Canada and if you look around you will likely see other industry led association being put together around the World.
Many Happy Pumps!

Hans Koraeus
Corky - World Ranking Master Mind
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Post by Hans Koraeus » Tue Dec 14, 2004 12:50 pm

Claude, this is exactly what I mean. When seeing things from this horizion how can anyone be against ISSA. I get upset everytime I see people take inline/roller skating, BMX and whatever as the same as skateboarding just beacuse we use the same tools (ramps, slalom courses and streets). Why don't they just put all ball sports into one big association I say. If you all want to save slalom from being taken over by others who have their heart somewhere else its time to see over your garden fence. Or else, big evil mr corporate roller man will come and get you. And it will not just be your common nightmare. It's going to be for real.

We need to show that we are organized. Having our s#it together with world support concerning organization, competitions, world cups, world ranking and yes even rules. Se rules more as a way of defence for our sport and not just something that will stop evolution. As long as we are in control of the rules we are in control of the evolution. If no rules we will firstly be looked upon as a joke not noing what the f#ck we are up to. Secondly roller people have all the right to impose their own way of looking at slalom like the French roller association did recently. That is to me a much greater threat than us making rules ourselves.

So, please, everybody. Don't stay on the outside and critizise ISSA. Get in their first and then start critizise. That is much more productable for our sport.

alavoine jean paul
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Re: ISSA its role then- Its role Now

Post by alavoine jean paul » Wed Dec 22, 2004 5:42 pm

John Gilmour wrote:
when Publishing of SLALOM! ceased slalom died pretty quickly.
. .
Never stopped, never stopped...
jean paul aka POPOL:
"I was born yesterday...
but I stayed up all night!"

Steve Collins
Harbor Skateboard Racing
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Post by Steve Collins » Tue Jan 04, 2005 11:02 pm

I think it might be useful for the ISSA to produce a document that covers the following, as a starting point for a discussion of standards:

1. Course Standards
---(Layout Guidelines, including start, cone spacing & offset, finish & runout)
---Super Giant

2. Race Organization Standards:
---Minimum standards that all races must meet (should be easy to meet)
---How long prior to race for announcement, method of announcement
---Racer pre-qualifications (i.e. pro/am/open/A/B/dagger, etc.)
---Method for signup (& payment)

3. Race Operations Standards
---Racer organization, qeueing, & herding
---Announcer responsibilities
---Go-to person for final word on all issues
------Ramp & push
------Sounds, lights, gates, etc
------Starter (i.e. Ed E.)
------Early start assessment & penalties
---Cone Management
------Coneheads & cone marshalls
---------Conehead education
---------Method for reasonably ensuring that all cones are in place prior to a run
---------System for counting hit cones & assessing penalties
---------System for determining missed cones for DQ

4. Racing Rules
------Such as: No touching the ground; Go around the cones; etc.
------Such as: Helmets are mandatory; No hazardous equipment; No motors; etc.
------Such as: No hands; Board or foot on board OK; etc.

(It's been raining a lot around here lately ;)

John Gilmour
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Re: Daniel Ridoli

Post by John Gilmour » Wed Mar 29, 2006 9:07 am

Jani Soderhall wrote:
Daniel Gesmer wrote:Didn't he compete in the 2003 Antibes race?
No, neither Ridoli, nor Sidler have competed during the last couple of years. They were both in Gruningen in 2002 but they were discouraged to the see the kind of cone distances that were used there (and then). I tried to talk Ridoli into making the 5 km drive for the 2003 event, but he didn't want to do it. It seemed there would be a chance to get him out of his retirement, but I haven't tried since then.

If they went to the Pump station TS or any of the good TS races in the USA this year they would very much like the courses and feel right at Home.

I think the overly simplistic and loose TS races with 8 foot cone distances are all but gone except in a Beginners race. I would expect the most PRO TS courses this year to be similar to the special slalom or Dual special slalom set in Hombrechtikon- the skill level in the USA has really risen. Even the kids are ripping on tighter and technical courses.

But perhaps the best thing we could do is send a video clip and show a tape with the measurements.

What happened to "growing up Gatti?" Paulo Gatti..that is.
One good turn deserves another
john gilmour

Rick Stanziale
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Post by Rick Stanziale » Wed Jul 26, 2006 3:05 pm

I never received my Membership package & T-shirt.

Joe Iacovelli
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Post by Joe Iacovelli » Wed Jul 26, 2006 6:40 pm

Sorry for the oversite Rick. I'll send you mine.

Ron Barbagallo
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Post by Ron Barbagallo » Thu Jul 27, 2006 2:03 pm

my ISSA Secret Decoder ring only instructs me to be sure and drink my Ovaltine, is this correct?
Evil Potentate
Team Fatboy - all hopped up on goofballs!

Still douchebags, but CLASSY douchebags ;)


Robert J Herten
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Post by Robert J Herten » Thu Jul 27, 2006 3:42 pm

You'll shoot your eye out.
