World Championship candidate: Brixlegg 2006 please read

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Donald Campbell
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World Championship candidate: Brixlegg 2006 please read

Post by Donald Campbell » Wed Sep 21, 2005 11:00 am

ok... so let's decide where the worlds are next year

30 days is the time to vote for the race
here's my package:
july 22nd/23rd
prize money 10.000 euros-maybe more spring next year-this is confirmed money
am-prizes will be also expensive expect them to be even better than in stockholm

1 us-non slalom mag covering the event
1 german non-slalom mag covering the event
1 european non slalom mag covering the event
1 german sports channel covering the event
1 european sports schannel covering the event
sony is in the talks as media partner and sponsor
target group oriented promotion throughout the next spring with ads,flyers,poster,homepage,mailings etc...

concrete wave
community of brixlegg
more to follow

at the moment these are the main sponsors

race track/side events:

longest gs track in europe perfect asphalt,perfect slope
bus shuttle for the gs
freshly paved tracks for the event in the heart of brixlegg city
free food/free drinks for all contestants sponsored by carhartt and stiegl


professional ski race equipment with digital displays and screens for online results
dan gesmer-timing coordinator
chris hart co-organizer

the pool race:
orga will be held by the top german contest judges
expect hardcore riders to attend this special race

the park:
no words needed on that

the crew:
brixlegg skatepark crew-one of the best out there to help on this event
i am not talking smack here either-these guys absolutely rule my book.

prizes range between 20-30 euros per night and stay with breakfast and GOOD accomodations


3 supermarkets,lots of cheap restaurants,internet access
good regional transport close to munich and innsbruck airport

this is the biggest package i have ever seen til now
i am leaning myself out of the window,so please show some support for the idea.

anybody who can do better than me,i bow my head to you.
so please decide on what you want.
Last edited by Donald Campbell on Tue Feb 14, 2006 10:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.

David Rudnianski
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Post by David Rudnianski » Wed Sep 21, 2005 11:46 am

I think the combo Park/slalom in Brixlegg is a great idea.... I'm with you donald ;)
French Pirates are in the place...
Politic Longboard Activist...

Bernhard Kuempel
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Post by Bernhard Kuempel » Wed Sep 21, 2005 12:04 pm

where can i sign in for brixlegg slalom worlds

i already highlighted this date !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Jadranko Radovanovic
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Post by Jadranko Radovanovic » Wed Sep 21, 2005 12:11 pm

This sounds great !

It's a big media effort !

The question is, what should we show ?

I think it should be only for the top rider's !
The best 80 in the World ! The 20 start places for the women and junior's.
I would fix it to maximum 100 rider's.

Don, if it's possilbe, look that you can make the Pro runs in the night ! It's another atmosphery and it looks much better/faster, because our eyes aren't as fast in the night as at the day !

Think about a big screen with live tv-production.

I don't know which experience Dan Gasmer or Chris Hart has with timing equipment. But you have Alge Timing in Austria, ask them. If you use LED Display's you have to programm them on your timing computer. Which timing computer will you use ?
We have seen that the trackmate makes problem at every race. PARIS/Antibes. With the cheap tapeswitches you have to be very carefully, if they are to long in the sun or have contact with rain, they can make problem. If you use a real timing computer you can test with a button every time the function. If there are any problems with the cable, tapeswitches or photo cells it will show you on the display's. We saw in Paris that the Photo cell's didn't take Luca's time in Antibes the same with Vinzzz ! It's not fair if some rider's have 3 or 4 qualification run's because of the timing system.

I'm behind this project and Don make a big effort for the sport !
Hope all things will work fine and don't forget to organaise the important part of the event. The race itself ! Finish one categorie before start the next. You loose less time and the rider's haven't to waite hour's between the races.


Carsten Pingel
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Post by Carsten Pingel » Wed Sep 21, 2005 12:19 pm

why Top 80 ??? Everybody should be allowed to attend !

Chris Eggers
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Post by Chris Eggers » Wed Sep 21, 2005 12:23 pm

Klang and his mates did take the same route to let people decide where the Euros should be in 2005. I think it was the way to do it. See the reaction of people and then live up to your words and do it if the community agrees. I just think 30 days is a bit short also considering that Jack is still suffering from his latest effort in Morro, let him take a rest and relax and hear what he has to say, maybe he wants to do it again.

I would suggest a later date as the deadline, maybe Dec 1, 2005?
What do you think Don?

My vote will be given as soon as there are all offers available. maybe there are no others........It sounds great btw. ...................

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Post by HUYNH BACH SAC Frédéric » Wed Sep 21, 2005 12:49 pm

I'm 200% with you Don !!!!!
Very impressed by the work you have already done...

I don't totally agree with Jadranko for the idea of top 80, big media coverage is essential but IMHO, this is first a RACE and not a "SHOW".
Don't "close the door" or I will stop travelling to compete !!!
Podium or pavement... but PAVEL !

Donald Campbell
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Post by Donald Campbell » Wed Sep 21, 2005 12:50 pm

i will take all considerations in mind as i start working on this thing NOW.
that's why i don't want to wait and waste precious time.
the gs track is available for 2 days so this will lead me into new ideas for attending racers plus a max time effort on all races.
registration for this race will close-once the site is online-2 months prior to the race-so that everything can be arranged in good order.
i will ask which timing system it exactly is j-rad as i see it there are no tape-switches involved

Jadranko Radovanovic
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Post by Jadranko Radovanovic » Wed Sep 21, 2005 1:27 pm


i don't want to close any doors ? But the big question is where we want to go with the sport ?

Should it be an amateur sport or want we to become one day a professional sport.

If we want to grow the sport we have to do some decissions.
I don't know how long some top rider's will travel and spend some money if nothing happens. I don't want to say it's because of the money, but it's from year to year harder to get any sponsors if the sport doesn't grow. It's a lot of work what you have to do to organise a big event, and there are about 400 hour's to work all things out.

If you ride the post here on slalomskateboarder, the people are every time talking about the long waiting time ! And the question is how you can make the waiting time shorter ? The answer is reduce the participant's. Or make the race office faster.

This year in grueningen we had 92 rider's on Sunday. 92 run's only for the qualification, 32 cut for the am's = 64 run's 16cut for the girl's and Pro's = 64 run's, and 8 run's for the junior's.

Total you have 228 timed run's and 456 difrent times which you have to put into the computer. We started at 11 and finished at 5. That means 6 hour's of racing ! And i'm 100% shure it's not possible to do it faster! Did you ever see a competition which goes more than 2-3 hour's ? If you want to have spectators the race can't be longer than 3 hour's. 3 hour's should be a limit.

I don't know what the other people think, but we have to do a decission ! Amateur Sport or try to bring the Slalom Sport back to the people...

For the skate shops, company's it's important to grow the sport, if we don't grow the sport, some day they will sell nothing.

I don't care about the result of the decission, but it will be nice to know what we want to do with the sport ? Between 2001 and 2003 the skateboardsport grow in switzerland with 79%. Skateboarding is getting bigger and bigger here.

You can see it now with the Over 80 Cones contest in Zurich. We have now 32 rider's, compare with Antibes World Cup 39 !

I don't want to exclude anybody. I only want to say, that there are other way's to grow the sport. More smaller Amateur races and only the best rider's at the big races ! All the Amateurs have the challenge to come one day to race at the big races...

Don't forget, it's not the only way. I like it too how does it works now. You can travel, meet nice people and compete...


Donald Campbell
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Post by Donald Campbell » Wed Sep 21, 2005 3:34 pm

you are both right both -in some way....
it is very very hard to get the best of both worlds.
i have certain ideas on how to make this sport more attractive,which i will bring into next year's race.
i want it to be more appealing to the broader masses-definitely.
that's a big piece of work which has been nglected by some organisers completely,as far as i can see i will try to improve things on the track and in the presentational media field.

one small example:the pool-race will be the hardest ever,combining for the first time ever-on this level-us vs euro.
so i get attention from different magazines which are more pool-street oriented.
attention which is desperately needed in order to make this sport bigger.
i did most of the euro-events this year to see what could be done better.some contests were done in a very good way-others had thir faults,some really sucked.

i did my homework and the sport needs some people with experience or a general overview,which doesn't only reflect slalom but the total of it all to bring the sport to a new level.

next year will have ams and pros but in a new order.
this contest will be held at a certain quality level and as sad as it seems,some people might not be able to enter due to their rankings.

i don't have a certain idea for any restrictions yet,i want to play it fair for each and everybody-so no flame-wars on that topic yet.
if you deide to give me a go-i will work fast,hard and efficient to bring the utmost quality level to that contest-it won't be a cakewalk-definitely.

or why do you think this contest is named:WHO'S THE RULER?"

Steve Hinzen
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Post by Steve Hinzen » Wed Sep 21, 2005 5:31 pm

As I said before, Donald has my fullest support.
I've been working, competing, racing, training and travelling with Donald for one year now and all I can say is:

I totally believe in Donald's project for the Worlds 2006.
Don is a dynamic and true personalety who definetely can pull this off. He has a long experience in skateboarding (not only slalom) and he knows the right people. The rest is details.
So my advice to everybody out there:


b.t.w.: a voting time of 30 days is enough for anybody taking this serious.

Heiko Schöller
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Post by Heiko Schöller » Wed Sep 21, 2005 5:45 pm

Why a voting!!! When the worlds are in Brixxleg we are all happy. Nobody can compete with 10.000€ and the Skatepark and the GS and the cheap hotels and the nice friendly locals and the prices for Am´s...!!!!! I was last year on Dons event in Brixxleg and it was a blast!!!

Stop writing here the Worls must go to Brixxleg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Don for President.
100% Skateshop and no fucking fashion store. GOG homebase.
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Jani Soderhall
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Post by Jani Soderhall » Wed Sep 21, 2005 6:38 pm

a voting time of 30 days is enough for anybody taking this serious.
But maybe we should give other candidates a chance to get their act together and present their proposals.

Once we know the candidates, the voting can certainly be done in 30 days.


Donald Campbell
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Post by Donald Campbell » Wed Sep 21, 2005 7:19 pm

i can easily pile up a big number of people to get this going.
the question i have right now is:who can make a bigger and better event in europe?

i didn't see anything that big yet.

i want 30 days,because,i don't want to waste any time-time is precious.
i got my act already together.
what i am offering has never been offered before.
if there's anybody out there who can top my package,please let him speak up now or never.

i don't want to wait as long as most of the race organizers did in the past.
this event is announced NOW and not somewhere next year
we are working on the hompeage NOW to get things going and to create HEAT.
PROMOTION in any serious biz starts way earlier than it is done in slalom-look at bigger street-contest and how far in advance they are announced.this draws more attention.

it won't help to wait too long.
my background is concert promotion,tour-merchandising,tour-promotion/management.
i worked for acts such as motorhead,iron maiden,ac/dc and so on just to name a few.
my bigger projects were the "MONSTERS OF ROCK" during the 90's,i was responsible for the whole merchandising circus and coordination of promotion.
all things coinciding with a tour are prepared at least 6-9 months in advance-and that happens for a good reason-to have the project in save blankets,to have enough time for extra planning,setting up anything involved and MOST IMPORTANT-to keep it PROFESSIONAL.

trust me-i know EXACTLY what i am doing here.

and i also want to see results from the community NOW.

that's my way of working-i am not used to waiting,nor do i keep other people waiting with decisions.
people who know me personnally know that,that's the only way to go and to make things happen.
go and ask my team-or reflect on how old PAVEL is right now.with the COMBINED work of me and MY TEAM we left some marks on this year's races,which is pretty good for a newcomer brand .

i hope nobody feels offended right now,but i am very DETERMINED on that project.
i also don't want this to sound arrogant,i really do hope you all see my point.

Sven Lippert
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Post by Sven Lippert » Wed Sep 21, 2005 7:27 pm

the concept sounds solid. donald knows how to arrange events. the area is perfect. the tracks are perfect. the skatepark is perfect. the sponsors are rich. the beer tastes good and is cheap. do we need more ?

i mean there are other threads about this topic going on i know, but let`s think about limitation of riders of the top 80 in every class for the worlds. its more a matter of a structured organisation !!!!

not everybody can afford 5 or 6 races a season to catch enough points to enter the worlds, even if he skates among the top 15 for example in his class if he shows up on a contest.

some thoughts of a "little shabby amateur" ranking 154 or whatever in this ranking stuff.


Donald Campbell
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Post by Donald Campbell » Wed Sep 21, 2005 7:51 pm

i will consider your input into my thoughts on the race and make things possible.
fact will be that i do include a strict regiment for the pro-entrants.
there will be enough time for ams and for pros and inbetween those races absolutely nobody will enter any track at any time without permit.the tracks will be different and they will be reserved for the contestant group exclusively at that time of day.

this means f.e. giant/sat ams from 10-1400pm

pros from 15.00-till end

this makes the event far more predictable for the orga-team and also for the racers attending the race.

what happens is-AGAIN-no pro on the am-course and no am on the pro-course.
no exceptions-nothing.
tight schedule.

Sam Gordon
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Worlds 2006

Post by Sam Gordon » Thu Sep 22, 2005 1:57 am

If the eyes are the windows on the soul, then Donald has a rich vein of skate coursing through him:


Either that, or he's in line to be the next Michelin man. Nunc est bibendum. Stein bitte.

It now seems right that the Worlds come to Europe. Jack's excellent events at Morro Bay have set the precedents and benchmark. That two race organisers in Europe wish to hold the World Championships is testament to this.

With the volume of races and manufacturers in Europe, a global view of slalom skating should be addressed. Perhaps the Championships could run between continents on alternate years provided that interest and organisation is maintained. That is not to disclude Africa and Australasia for example, but currently there is lesser communication from these continents towards being the next major host.

Campbell's bid is in position, sponsors are lined up and he seems to have surrounded himself with a good organisational team. Why not go ahead with an already functioning operation?

The longer a decision is put off, the longer seeds of doubt are sewn in sponsors' minds. Larger companies typically sort out their annual marketing budget and advertising strategy many months in advance of its outlay, often coinciding with the financial year. If slalom racing can show both attitude and an organised, progressive front then sponsors might be more pre-disposed to increase outlay for future years.

Surely we can only gain from taking an early decision and once made, then the minutiae such as contestant numbers, alternative events due to bad weather, timing, transport and accommodation can be resolved.

Martin Drayton
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I vote Brixlegg!

Post by Martin Drayton » Thu Sep 22, 2005 6:05 am

I understand the need to see if anyone else is willing to hold a World Champs, but here we have someone who has ALREADY done a huge amount of preparatory work and sounds like everything has been thought of.
Donald has catered at the highest level for every aspect of the event as far as I can see.
It may be necessary to have separate qualifying days, Jadranko is right when he talks about spectators ability to concentrate for only small periods.
Sam is right...Surely the sooner we let Donald "have at it", the sooner and better everything will be organised. The longer the lead-in time for an event of this magnitude, the better...
Just IMHO...

Donald Campbell
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Post by Donald Campbell » Thu Sep 22, 2005 8:40 am

another thing floating around in my mind-probably the way to go:
ams start early in the morning around 8.00 am-max 3 runs per entrant-the we have a go on the track at 9.00 am.
the races will start early for the ams-that's the way it will be.
expect me and the crew to at the site around 6.00 am to set things up,mabe even earlier.
i have NO problems with that and the CREW neither.
i want to separate the am class from the pro class timewise in order of "must appear now".
this way i can avoid having everybody at the tracks to try them out.
the tracks will be fresh for each and everyone who enters NOBODY will have more runs than anyone else.
the system is easy as follows:you get a card and it gets stamped each time you practice on the course.once you had your runs IT'S OVER
the race will start immediately then-this is fair to each and everybody who enters the contest and it makes things way more predictable.
we will have no stretcho shirts for this event either-show your colors!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

as an extra the timing people will face a strict regiment from my side to STAY at their place all the time-they wil have food,drinks,toilet at hand and they will have to work very hard.
as an extra i will have at least one photgrapher at hand to support the rtest of the world on each day with photos and i will make sure that the timing results will be online the same day.
so we have an immense impact on the scene who will be watching this around the world,there's another feature i would like to include,but this is too fresh to be mentioned now.
if it happens-cool you will see it then.

Chris Eggers
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Post by Chris Eggers » Thu Sep 22, 2005 8:46 am



Vote from Eggers: Go
I will be there...........July 22/23. is marked.

Jadranko Radovanovic
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Post by Jadranko Radovanovic » Thu Sep 22, 2005 9:06 am

Now the emotions are in!
the question i have right now is:who can make a bigger and better event in europe?

i didn't see anything that big yet.
We will think about to candidate for the World's in 30 day's !

The question is what do you understand under a big event !
Makes an event big, when you have 10'000 Eur price money ?

Brixlegg as location:
2776 habitant's somewhere in Austria.

Will the European and US Magazins bring any spectators ?
Why the tv don't make a live coverige on the race side at a big screen ?
We had a lot TV coveriges, Latvia, Antibes, Paris .....

What is the target group of Slalom ?

How much did you get ? 50'000 Euro ?

You don't know nothing about the other event's because no one has posted somthing, but the big mouth is here !

Is it only possible to do the event if it's the World's ?

Here is a video where our Giant will be held:

More than 5000 Spectators and a live tv-coverige on a big screen.

By the way, the production cost more than 10'000 Eur...
By the way, the timing is another 7000 Eur...
By the way, 80'000 Folder's and distribution for the whole region another 5000 Eur...
By the way, we are supported by a marketing company (, who organise the car free day event in Zurich and this is a big event in my eyes !

And that's only a 1/4 cost of the whole event...
We don't need any international coveriges. Our target group is in Switzerland in our region, where 200'000 people live.


Let the other organiser's the time which they need !!!

Donald Campbell
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Post by Donald Campbell » Thu Sep 22, 2005 10:01 am



stay calm

i don't want to give you lessons in media-coverage,my background speaks for itself.
i don't have switzerland as my main target group,as you can clearly see when you reread my previous posts.

i can't see any big skate-related sponsors in your event either.
sponsor who do have an interest in using material from the worlds for their promotional tasks.

which actually helps the sport grow.
what's bigger and better than having VANS and CARHARTT on board
two industry giants-FACT

you have your ego i have mine
yes j-rad the worlds are the thing the big dogs want to see-nothing else...

Donald Campbell
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Post by Donald Campbell » Thu Sep 22, 2005 10:05 am



Jadranko Radovanovic
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Post by Jadranko Radovanovic » Thu Sep 22, 2005 11:39 am

Of course we have no big skate-related sponsors in our event.

But the question is does we need big SKATE-RELATED sponosrs in our event ?

Who cares from where the money comes.

The important thing is that we have the same target group as our sponsors.
the young people, the same target group of the big non SKATE-RELATED Company's, like telecommunication Company's, Sport Stors and so on... use Maurus photo from Morro 2004 for their ad in the 7thsky magazine ! Full page with the picture from Maurus.

Who is supporting the Freestyle Tour, which goes to the school and teach the kids how to skate and what they should eat to don't be fat. It's all about skating (longboard, slalom, freestyle) Not only one SKATE-RELATED Company !

You needn't to have Switzerland as your target group, but the spectators come from the region where the race is. They don't dirve 300 kilometers to see slalom in Brixlegg...

It's not important how who organise his event. It's only important to have respect from the other peoples work.

I don't have a background like you, i don't need any lessons in media-coverage from you. There are a lot of people here who give us some advices, who have respect for what we do and with which energy we do it. Nobody of us has his/her owen company, and nobody of us has to distinguish himself/herself. We have the support from our companies where we work
and they count the for day's which we are off from Work befor and after the contest as normal work day's.
There is no cash in this sport, because there aren't many people who do this sport. Our target is to grow this sport, because we love it and we do it now for 7 year's.

I don't know what my ego is. I never say somthing bad about a competition, if i say somthing, than what they can do better and not that i can do it better. I know what happened in Grueningen 2003, and i know who has help us. I know when Pierre needed help this year. I helped him and i don't expect that he has to give me somthing back or that i haven't to pay my entry fee. I will help him every year again if he needs my help! I haven't any business in this sport and i'm not interessted to earn money from this. I'm happy when i'm see happy people like Pierre last year in Grueningen.


Donald Campbell
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Post by Donald Campbell » Thu Sep 22, 2005 11:55 am

easy j-rad let it go
our discussion won't bring a thing and i didn't start this topic to have a brawl with you,ok?

Ramón Königshausen
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Post by Ramón Königshausen » Thu Sep 22, 2005 5:32 pm

Coop? Why not Migros?

Feel the flow – Airflow Skateboards

Real skateboard wheels come in green – ABEC11

Enjoy the ride – GOG Slalom & DH Trucks

Vincent Berruchon
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Post by Vincent Berruchon » Wed Sep 28, 2005 12:45 am

Don talk about all that for a long time now....
Serious candidates should have show up now.
It seems that the only other candidate is Jadranko.. with PS-Contest I suppose?

Paris project should be big this year too - it will probably take place in a big Paris city event - Jani is the one who know about .. but it seems that we cannot compete with the Brixlegg combo as we are not candidate.

A big event need time to organize, Donald is right to ask for a approval as soon as possible.
It's time to know now.
So Jadranko and eventual otherscandidates, bring strong facts quickly!

And the Worlds are the Worlds, but we can have some other big races with big media: Euro or international cup... it's not a problem!
[ ] [ ]
"Dont care what the World say - I and I could a never go astray -Well wee gona have Things our Way" - Robert Nesta Marley

Vincent Berruchon
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Post by Vincent Berruchon » Wed Sep 28, 2005 12:50 am

Hey J-Rad, Croatia is forgotten?
You seem to talk about Switzerland but it's not clear where you want to do it?

Without offense, but I have to react:
Jadranko Radovanovic wrote:Here is a video where our Giant will be held:
THe video seems like a joke here!!! Roller skates with sticks slaloming between polls and dance music background!!!!!
WTF Irie J-Rad??? and we can't see the spot : that's torture!!
Jadranko Radovanovic wrote:We don't need any international coveriges. Our target group is in Switzerland in our region, where 200'000 people live.
So it seems great for a Swiss championship...

Ride on!
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"Dont care what the World say - I and I could a never go astray -Well wee gona have Things our Way" - Robert Nesta Marley

Jadranko Radovanovic
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Post by Jadranko Radovanovic » Wed Sep 28, 2005 12:18 pm

There will be nothing in Croatia this year.

I don't know how you can't see the spot ? It's this road where the inliner are skating.
I know, it doesn't look steep on the video, but i skated there before two weeks and i footbrake twice, because it was to fast. I skated the GS in Morro last year, and it is as fast as the SGS in Morro.

Because of the international coveriges.
We are talking about the target group of Slalom, about the spectators ! And they are in our region. No one will come from another country to watch a slalom race.

That's what i'm talking about:



Brixlegg is a smaler town than Grueningen, in Grueningen there was less spectators. We made a new koncept how we want to promote our race's. The pictures are the result.

You saw the video of the Giant Slalom Spot Hinwil. Are there people or aren't there people ?
More than 5000 spectators.

That are all fact's !

I think all the work which Donald do is good for the sport. I'm shure he can do a good event. But, how does he communicate it's not Okay !

I need time to get my things together, i will do my race if i have the World's or if i haven't it.

Corky did the rules, who long before the World's had to be definite... I don't think it has to be done now...


Chris Eggers
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Post by Chris Eggers » Wed Sep 28, 2005 1:40 pm

I don´t believe it!

You guys better sit on a round table have a few beers and divide the next 4 years of World Champs between you.
For decades we did have NO ONE to organise these except Jack and now you are working against each other.

I don´t believe it! Don´t do this. Talk to each other.

Please. unbelievable..............

Donald Campbell
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Post by Donald Campbell » Wed Sep 28, 2005 6:20 pm

i don't even know what's happening here
i stick my ass out of the window,talk to people,try to get things done the right way,announce way ahead of everybody else.
j-rad you're claiming the worlds?

then say it,don't wander around the pie all the time


i'm not here to defend my position nor am i willing or ABLE to back off from my position.

yes brixlegg is different thatn grüningen-it has a FUCKING BIG SKATEPARK-known by all the us-pro-skaters-famous as can be
yes brixlegg has an infrastructure which i could not see in grüningen
and yes i do have two of the biggest names in skateboarding involved
my target group are the skateboarders around the world who read mags why don't say "slalom" on their cover i am doing a crosswalk to bring slalom to a certain level of attention among all the other skaters who might think this is gay.

i am over with this discussion absolutely over
i am starting to get really pissed when i read all this crap.

i will get hints from a few people to behave and calm down-i know that.

but hey...

i am honest to the bone about what i want to do.

j-rad do your thing promote it in switzerland cool stuff

let me have the rest of the world to pay attention to what i am doing this is ok.

did you ever read and combine all that's gonna happen on that magic weekend?
i even have positive go from the usa.

hey... i'm out of this discussion

i never meant to attack you in any way,but i find that you are really making me sick with all the stuff you post-i don't want that to happen j-rad,i like you too much for that.

this is also NOT my attempt to profile myself in any way.
i am so stupid,why do i even try to pull the event off?


absolutely embarrassed to say the least

but i'm gonna do it no matter what you say,ok?

live with it
come to the race
have a good time

over and out

Jani Soderhall
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Post by Jani Soderhall » Wed Sep 28, 2005 9:30 pm

No sour arguing please, but let's discuss!

When Jack decided to offer the Worlds to Europe I expected we'd see three candidates:

1. Switzerland, J-Rad, deserves it the most. For their numbers, for their participations, for their race organizations. Central to everyone in Europe.

2. Antibes, good venue for Giant / Super G, a regular event that attracts good participation and good reviews.

3. Brixlegg, the runner up. Offers everything, but a newcomer in terms of large slalom events.

I don't know if Antibes is still a serious candidate, but let's give them a few weeks to make up their minds.

Maybe we should bring out the checklist that was brought up about a year ago to discuss major events in Europe. It could be useful once again. Even if most have an idea on how to cast their vote, it's always good to run through the arguments, check the details and know what to expect before we vote.

No matter what the outcome is, it'll be good. Once the decision is made we'll all stand behind it.


Ramón Königshausen
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Post by Ramón Königshausen » Wed Sep 28, 2005 9:47 pm

Note: Switzerland's got the biggest slalom-scene. Here it will be much easier to get more people into our "sport" than everywhere else....

Feel the flow – Airflow Skateboards

Real skateboard wheels come in green – ABEC11

Enjoy the ride – GOG Slalom & DH Trucks

Jadranko Radovanovic
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Post by Jadranko Radovanovic » Wed Sep 28, 2005 10:22 pm

We will make the way free for Brixlegg and see what Don can do.

We will promote the sport with a race series here in Switzerland, perhaps in 3 year's the World's.

That is what i wanted to say and that is not fair. I will finish now.
the question i have right now is:who can make a bigger and better event in europe?
what i am offering has never been offered before.
if there's anybody out there who can top my package,please let him speak up now or never.

Donald Campbell
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Post by Donald Campbell » Wed Sep 28, 2005 11:31 pm


i don't want a subscription on brixlegg anyway

one of my thoughts and intents was/is to have the worlds rotating from venue to venue.

that is what i want to see in the future.

yeah everybody has had some entertainment now,let's move on....

on the decision and your proposal jani:

most of the decisions made here ore anywhere else-if they ever happen at all-are made way too late.this is a fact at the moment and absolutely unquestionable.

some decisions,once they are made,also demand a longer time to fulfill promises that are made with the decisions.
right now sponsors are setting their budget for next year.

so i can't and won't wait for the benefit of all people involved.

no ego-tripping from my side either.

i think we have seen enough people supporting the idea i presented-that counts for me as a "YES".
i can pull in more people from the american side who will support brixlegg.
i've had my share of e-mails from friends who DON'T visit here,but are important to the of that"are there any more who want to say a bit?"
you all know that i have a loud mouth,but i'm more than willing and able to back it up.

see "pavel" see the biggest private pool in germany-once it was a dream,i made it true with the help of loyal supporters and believers.

that's how things happen:fast without lots of questioning and discussions.

there's no other way to move forward-if you want to see movement.

i am not asking you to follow me blindly,but i am asking for commitment.

the website is in progress....a few days left-i'm all over it.

when you bring other cities into discussion always remember:i DO have 4 different tracks at the moment.

you need fresh blood?
you got it-make the best out of it.

Sam Gordon
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Post by Sam Gordon » Thu Sep 29, 2005 1:08 am

To an outside observer, it would appear that we have two organised and energised Europeans with very different skills that could assist in making a very good World Championships.

As Chris Eggers pointed out, they should work together in some capacity to make the best of their qualities so as to benefit the community and develop the sport.

Donald brings marketing knowledge to the table with encumbant old school attitude. He has experience of oganising skate events outside of the racing scene and has contacts that can reach new school environments so that the racing is seen as an integral part of the developing European skate scene.

In other words, it can be put on the map within the sport through using the sport associated sponsors.

J-Rad has excellent organisational skills, has contacts and sway with both local government and external sponsors in order to fund at least two great events a season; Greuningen and Zurich.

The Swiss Slalom scene is possibly the most vital in Europe, other areas need waking up.
Jadranko represents this youthful, but developed, culture and has a natural empathy with a younger audience. The long-term future of the sport if you like. If he was to be given the World Championships in three years time (after Brixlegg and USA) then he could start the marketing early and milk the in-sport sponsorship that will have been developed by Donald.
Donald, for his part, could act as a kind of 'executive race developer' and direct his sponsorial contacts in J-Rad's direction.

The sooner each race organiser understands that the other has plenty to offer and makes said skills openly avaliable, whether it be J-Rad's (typically) smooth political approach or the BIG MOUTH comminication skills of Donald, then the basic tasks of each organiser should be made easier. An outsider might view this as an international collusion representative of a mature and established sport. One in which it is worth investing.

Assistance between two parties never works out as a perfectly equal input, neither should it be expected so to be. But co-operation could bring better results that could reflect well on both organisers and their respective events.

With their energies pointed in the right direction, the next few years look very promising!

Jack Smith
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Post by Jack Smith » Thu Sep 29, 2005 2:09 am

From what I've been reading, it looks Donald has a great venue and some healthy sponsors lined up. He is correct about companies setting their sponsorship budgets at this time of year.

I admire his enthusiasm regarding the 2006 Worlds. I offer him my support and any knowledge I have gained over the last five years.

Hans Koraeus
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Post by Hans Koraeus » Thu Sep 29, 2005 4:09 am

Here is the text I have put together concerning event statuses at
Rules/Definitions/Setting Region Competition Statuses

There are listed a couple of points that we have used before when comparing event proposals.

Time advance rule
The time advance rule was new for 2005. It was a try to make sure event organizers has a carrot to put their act together in good time. The higher status they ask for the earlier the slalom community need to know. For a Major it was set to 4 months. I.e. the status has to have been decided at least 4 months before the event starts. These minimum limits was not set very hard since it was the first time. But I would gladly make them tougher when the slalom organizers are ready for it. The sooner statuses are set the better it is. Both for racers and the organizers themselves.

If we think organizers are ready for it I could propose (in the World Ranking rules forum) to make the minimum advance limits for Major and Main statuses harder for 2006. But are we ready?

Current limits
Major: 4 months
Main : 3 months
Prime: 2 months
Basic: 1 month
Plain: (no time advance needed)

New proposal for 2006?
Major: 6 months
Main : 4 months
Prime: 2 months
Basic: 1 month
Plain: (no time advance needed)

World Championships
How to deal with the world championships is nothing that has been regulated in the world ranking rules more than that the yearly World Championship should always have Major status.

The current consensus seems from now on to be to alternate it between the east and west Atlantic regions.

For world ranking statuses in general the rules are that the regions should themselves be responsible for setting them. But for a World Championship one could imagine it is of interest also for racers outside the given region to have their say.

Donald Campbell
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Post by Donald Campbell » Thu Sep 29, 2005 7:47 am

thank you very much jack!!!!
i will talk to you privately about several things and your part in the project.
when you reread my previous/numerous posts for b-legg you will find all the criteria one could ask for being fulfilled to the max.
so your spreadsheet should answer itself easily.
i'm not letting it all out of the bag now-only the stuff that is sure,more exciting things will follow/happen during this 3 day event yes it's gonna be 3 days now.
it's exciting it's fresh you will see a lot of new faces at the race tracks from the other side of skateboarding.

besides all that i am personnally putting 10.000 on the line racing against an industry giant,which has caused a major uproar in the german media scene and which will get some articles also in thrasher magazine next year.

the circus just started opening its doors

Heiko Schöller
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Post by Heiko Schöller » Fri Sep 30, 2005 7:28 pm

Yes switzerland has the biggest slalom scene but other countries are coming more and more...the problem in switzerland is that most guys are only into that slalom thing and have no idea what skateboarding is all about. That is absolutly ok for me but nearly all guys from Germany have a "real" Skateboard Background and see some things differently.

We need more bigger contest that are combined with other skateboard contests or parks or whatever. Stockholm was the first thing where this really happend. The whole day Slalom and in the evening a two hour session at the pool. That was perfect!!!!!!

Don´t get me wrong this year in Grüningen I had although a really good time and we will come back that´s for sure but when I think of Brixxleg I must say this is the place to be and Don is the man!!!!
100% Skateshop and no fucking fashion store. GOG homebase.
Pavel über alles
ASSA = Anti Skateboard Slalom Association

Etienne de Bary
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Post by Etienne de Bary » Fri Sep 30, 2005 10:16 pm

Heiko Schöller wrote:Yes switzerland has the biggest slalom scene but other countries are coming more and more...the problem in switzerland is that most guys are only into that slalom thing and have no idea what skateboarding is all about. That is absolutly ok for me but nearly all guys from Germany have a "real" Skateboard Background and see some things differently.
Let me suggest you to participate the Mad Cow and Burning wheels boardercross events, i'm sure your true hardcore alloverskateness will beat all these slow onetrackminded swiss in the minute.

Ramón Königshausen
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Post by Ramón Königshausen » Fri Sep 30, 2005 10:30 pm

Hehe, Etienne you got it!

Feel the flow – Airflow Skateboards

Real skateboard wheels come in green – ABEC11

Enjoy the ride – GOG Slalom & DH Trucks

Donald Campbell
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Post by Donald Campbell » Sat Oct 01, 2005 12:15 am

with his overall good board skills,which are way better than the average-only-slalom-skater HEIKO would surely leave a mark there,but that's not the topic.
if you think mad cow is gnarly then you will see that brixlegg will be scary.
don't think it will be easy in any way what'S happening there.

skate lots of tranny,be preared to drop in at 12 feet into the deep-end.

how's that for starters?

etienne: you never been to brixlegg?

trust me absolutely-next year will be way hardcore.

or as a good friend of mine used to say:FSU

Etienne de Bary
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Post by Etienne de Bary » Sat Oct 01, 2005 9:16 am

uh ? don't you think i was ironic or something ? i wouldn't dare...

Donald Campbell
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Post by Donald Campbell » Sat Oct 01, 2005 12:18 pm

i was ironic too

Etienne de Bary
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Post by Etienne de Bary » Sat Oct 01, 2005 1:06 pm

But where's the irony ? Heikos' post is very right i think: we need more bigger contest that are combined with other skateboard contests or spectacular hardcore combined practices, like they do in Switzerland. This will help making our sport much more popular, like it is in Switzerland, won't it ? Heiko has really pointed something here, and we all agree :)

Pierre Samray
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Post by Pierre Samray » Tue Oct 11, 2005 2:23 am

Hello I'm back still I have a big problem with internet and my computer (the storm before Antibes world cup one month ago) and see now it's moving a lot about the slalom world championship and I'm afraid that my silence during this passed month has broken a little bit my future project now.

At the begin of the year I have proposed Antibes to be world championship in 2006
We have now a good experience after
french cup in 2001
Euro championship in 2003
World cup in 2004 and 2005
This year was a transition and I organize alone the race. Those who were here can tell I know what a schedule is and how to respect it.

Now I see several organizer who want to be "world championship" in Europe next year. That's a good thing because by this way we are sure that we'll have a nice competition if first the city are racing to show why they must be choice. But I'm afraid I've lost one important month even if I was first in January to propose the "world" in Antibes. The big discussion start at the moment my computer die and I was not here to defend my race.
Yes only 40 racers in ANtibes this years without promotion and the concurence of Morrow but who forget the 175 racers I bring in 2003 with more media. Who forget the nocturn final last year with hundreds true spectators.

My question is : who decide at the end and when do they take the decision?
Because my staff began to work on 2006 edition now with media and sponsor and it's important to know which statuse we will have next year.


PLACE : 3 days of races. One on the flat Salice parking and 2 on the Garoupe hill

INVITATION : The best racer of each country will be invited by the organisation (lodge, entry fee...)
ACCOMODATION : 100 places (about 20 euros by night with breakfast) front the sea in a Youth Hostel which we will totally reserve for the event and the racers.(200 hundreds meter from the race)
MEDIA COVERAGE : 2 national channel + 1 sport cable channel
Several radios and papers to cover the event
Several specialist magazine to cover the event
SPECIAL, TIGHT, GIANT, NATION's SLALOM and a CROSS COUNTRY round the Cap d'Antibes. Animation with child slalom, freestyle demo...
Barbecue on the beach with live music on Friday evening
Disco party in a private place on Saturday night (fever) ha ha!
SPONSOR : Donald have a nice list of sponsors. Well! for me it's a little bit early to annouce it but we have already started to prospect and Europe 2, Banque national de Paris, Pirhana drink, Desillusion Mag, Newrider, Nowave, Sector 9, Aluflex, Silverspace, Coneracing, SC8, Scult, Smallaxe, Desaxe, Dantonku, Sybergiecad, Texas Instrument, Fédération Francaise de Roller Skating, Nice Matin, Conseil general des Alpes Maritime...and other should be partners of the event.
And more important a big experience of the organisation now and it's may be the most important.

THE DATE : middle of September as usual. Good period to have the World Championship.
THE WEATHER : The only thing we can't control, but Antibes have better chance than (Paris, Stockholm, Grueningen, Brixlegg or other) just have a look to the past.
THE NATURAL SWIMMINGPOOL : Problem to keep the racers to the start when the sea is just 50 meters from the arrival. I see some wet swiss racer running to the start very in late this year.

I expect some of you will defend our project too.
Let me know here, I'm back now.

Hans Koraeus
Corky - World Ranking Master Mind
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Post by Hans Koraeus » Tue Oct 11, 2005 3:38 am

So then there are two proposals for the World Championships...
- Antibes
- Brixlegg
(Switzerland backing out)

So let the two candidats fill in the points for each proposal and let us all decide. It seems like both of them want to have it decided as quickly as possible.

1. Prize money / sponsors

2. Organisation
(experience, race responsible, No of persons in organization)

3. Location
(flights/travel, sourroundings, big city, countryside, wood, park, inside)

4. Accommodation
(cheap, helping out with reservations)

5. Communication/media
(TV, papers, magazines, web sites)

6. Racers
(last year level, coming from far away/long distance, other regions)

7. History
(What edition?, First one?, General skate history)

8. Large audience
(chance to get a big crowd?)

9. Race quality
(Surface, hill/flat, width, length, startramps, food/beverage,
shops, Disciplines#, days#)

10. Added animation/happenings
(Other events than slalom, demos, shows, parties)

11. Dates
(Worlds at what point during the season)

12. Other advantages[/b]

Donald Campbell
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Post by Donald Campbell » Tue Oct 11, 2005 1:37 pm

brixlegg 2006

#1 10.000euros carhartt vans eastpak-the big sponsors
#2 me and chris hart are gonna show you how we think a big race should be held.chris' experience in organizing races speaks for itself in this case.
#3 munich and innsbruck airports are close by,brixlegg is located in tyrol,austrian alps,valley,outside event.
#4 accomodation goes from 20 -50 euros per night depending on what you want.20 starts with a real breakfast and private accomondation-which i can highly recommend.i did NOt find anything else comparable to this offer yet.accomodation will be reserved over the event page and in close contact to the local skatepark crew and the tourist office-everybody gets a room close by the tracks.
dsf and a european channel will report from this race,posters and flyers will forecast the event.circulation through austrian and german skate-mags,shipping to certain overseas (us) regions too.
german skate mag
international skate mag
european lifestyle mag
will be featured on :
2nd edition.
first oine was very successful-ask the people who were there to witness the huge potential of brixlegg.maybe it's also unnecessary to do that-these folks already posted what they experienced.
general skate history-you gotta be kidding me...
combined with a big skatepark race there will be a large crowd.
longest gs course in europe-leading into a valley-see previous videos,already posted
frshly paved innercity course for special and tight.
perfect ground
start ramps?
you all know what i want and how much i will see
free food and drinks by carhartt.
3 days
skatepark race super g special tight

the overall champion will be awarded the money after all events are over.
skatepark race-once again
july 21st-23rd
immediate broadcast of results through the internet-first day race results and pics.
most of you were unable to that yet.but this is so important.
the park race will definitely attract a lot of new kids/guys for the event-that's for sure.
i already have 20 kids signed up for the park race-20 FRESH young kids hahahaha
my promotion is based on and with serious skate-magazines/companies.
different from anybody else
brixlegg itself is gonna promote the event through their media presentation for next year as
a highlight during the summer season.
these guys are pulling some strings and putting very much effort into the project.i have a staff of approx.15 adults/skaters-by the way and 20 kids fromthe park for orga.
gesmer is time guru.
my american friends are 100% behind what i want to do.
i am following the ideas and visions of mccree and hackett when i'm doing this event-that counts for me as the biggest plus.
like it or not-that's the way it's going to happen,which will bring slalom definitely to the next level.
the contest will be invitational-since we are talking about the worlds here.
i will reserve the right to have 20 wildcards for amateurs and 10 for pros.
the courses will be set according to world-championship standards.
the schedule will be different from any other race i attended more wating here.

that's it for me i made a short rap up of points to "evaluate".
i have enough comments from serious pro-racers for my event.

basically i'm done with that subject-i don't want to bum anybody but brixlegg is gonna happen next year under the aforementioned format.
end of discussion for me.

Pierre Samray
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Post by Pierre Samray » Tue Oct 11, 2005 2:19 pm

Well anyway Brixxleg will seem to be a great event where I will be there for sure.
If you keep all the promise you do you're a good challenger.
In front of words I have to compare fact : 4 years experience...with mistakes to learn each time. A solid crew. 5 responsable people to organise. More than 30 the d day on the race.
Who already come in Antibes? : Luca, Kenny, Jason Mitchell, Dong, Straubel, Hart , Konighausen, Price, Soderhall.... all this guy are or was in the 10 first world ranking
You can ask to all of them what they think about Antibes. It's fact no promise.
Actualy it's difficult for me to say how many price money we will have. "I'm working with xtreme sport since 20 years now and know how dangerous it is to announce SO early 10000 euros price money.... I think I won't be able to propose so much money.

We are used each years to see new important race project in Italia, Germany or Sweden.
The result isn't always so good the organisers expect.
About Antibes there will be no bad surprise.

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