World Championship candidate: Brixlegg 2006 please read

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Sam Gordon
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Post by Sam Gordon » Sun Oct 16, 2005 7:08 pm

Paul Price and Sam Gordon:

So good you named us twice!

It's good to see criteria and clarity for future Worlds events coming out of this disussion.
What hasn't been mentioned is that these will be new courses for 99% of all slalom racers, especially given the recent resurfacing.
This all helps towards making the Worlds a level playing field.

Um, 78A Avolons for me please. And a lot of lip.

Claude Regnier
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Post by Claude Regnier » Sun Oct 16, 2005 8:21 pm

Hey Donald! You missed me, EH!

Everything you are proposing is excellent. We support it fully. We will work around the date to make sure we will attend.

Canada particularly Ottawa will also propose to hold a World Cahmpionship in the near future so you cannot have the next four or five in a row in Europe as someone suggested.

We should be trying to alternate them form now on.
Many Happy Pumps!

Donald Campbell
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Post by Donald Campbell » Sun Oct 16, 2005 9:58 pm

ummm sorry claude forgot you?
it's good to have some support from you guys,also from my friends from the uk,thanks guys.

claude:one of my main goals is to have the world championships travel around the world,i'm with you on what you are trying to do.

Marcus Seyffarth
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Post by Marcus Seyffarth » Sun Oct 16, 2005 11:47 pm

Sam Gordon wrote:What hasn't been mentioned is that these will be new courses for 99% of all slalom racers
So who is that 1% bastard that is already running the course?
Ramón Königshausen wrote:Hm...98A Avalons required! :-)
Ramon didn't your sponsor let you know that those wheels are not being made anymore? Hotspots? Ring a bell?
Donald Campbell wrote:#12
brixlegg does have very good and stable weather periods during and dry mostly throughout this month during the last 10 years.
Ask any Swede about the normal weather of mid July in Stockholm...


Anyways, it's good fun watching this. I'll do my best to be there whatever comes out of this debate. At both races that is. If I find Brixlegg on the map of course ;)
Last edited by Marcus Seyffarth on Mon Oct 17, 2005 8:37 am, edited 1 time in total.

Chris Eggers
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Re: Brixlegg

Post by Chris Eggers » Mon Oct 17, 2005 8:19 am

so you cannot have the next four or five in a row in Europe as someone suggested.
That was me............

I just said this because to this time only Euros debated about organising the worlds. If we can have the Worlds around the World in a new country every year that would be great, Maybe it will take a while until the Worlds will be in Switzerland or even Germany but I will still skate slalom at 70, so I have time................

Sam Gordon
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Brixlegg? It's here:

Post by Sam Gordon » Mon Oct 17, 2005 9:36 am

Image Image

Oh yeah Marcus, at the start of winter the local goats head down the valley from the Tirol hillsides on wheeled planks torn from the side of mountain rescue huts. The new tarmac facilitates their out-running of the fast moving glacier flow and helps them to avoid the amorous advances of the course-handed woodmen.

Images of this peculiar event were purportedly enshrined in woodcut by the Wiener Werkstatte at the turn of the century. Unfortunately most of the prints were later regarded as "degenerate" and destroyed for their impurity against the "new order."

Any that now remain are highly sought after by milkmen.


Ramón Königshausen
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Post by Ramón Königshausen » Mon Oct 17, 2005 9:55 pm

Marcus Seyffarth wrote:
Ramón Königshausen wrote:Hm...98A Avalons required! :-)
Ramon didn't your sponsor let you know that those wheels are not being made anymore? Hotspots? Ring a bell?
Have you ever seen ninety-EIGHT A Avalons?


Feel the flow – Airflow Skateboards

Real skateboard wheels come in green – ABEC11

Enjoy the ride – GOG Slalom & DH Trucks

Claude Regnier
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Is that all?

Post by Claude Regnier » Mon Oct 17, 2005 11:34 pm


I'm getting some 101's for the front and I'll go back to putting 2 narrow In-line wheels on the rear! :) I LUV Fresh Pavement :)

Less dirt to remove when you eat it, LOL ......................................
Many Happy Pumps!

Pierre Samray
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Post by Pierre Samray » Wed Oct 19, 2005 11:17 am

Just back for a few minutes from my work.

No more internet line since september 8 th so I can't challenge with you on this forum Donald. My place is on the slope not behind a computer.
No confusion about what I can think. I apreciate what you propose and for sure be present in Brixxleg. I can only say that Antibes crew get a good experience.

I read quickly the 3 pages of discussion. I'm just waiting to be connected soon and I expect I will have time to answer and defend my event.
Riders from the world have to take the decision that's the only way I'm sure. With a private vote... for those who are afraid of Donald :-)

Donald Campbell
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Post by Donald Campbell » Wed Oct 19, 2005 11:45 am

dear pierre:
my place is in construction,design,on the tracks-trust me.ask around and you will see that i am definitely what i say i am.
i am taking my time off from my regular work to be here and present
no private votes will be accepted from my side anyway,since the contest is of public interest.
unless you start building a skatepark and increase the length of your tracks 10fold i already know the decision of the public.
i am doing this for the public with the best package ever offered so far.
sorry,no smilies just my comment.

also,refer to my previous list of riders voting for my event,there are quite a few top pros in there.
see you in brixlegg next year and hey-no hard feelings!!!!

Donald Campbell
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Post by Donald Campbell » Wed Oct 19, 2005 8:03 pm

something else to chew on:
just got word from some nice guys in the skateboard racing scene,namely:
jason mitchell
kenny mollica
they will come to brixlegg,they want to race the park and have a good time skating
the rest will follow
you know what that means eh?

i will pull it through no matter what

Jani Soderhall
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Post by Jani Soderhall » Thu Oct 20, 2005 3:33 pm

I'm convinced that both of these events will attract a fair amount of skaters from all over.

If Brixlegg gets the Worlds title Antibes will still have the advantage of being the last (main) event of the year in Europe. That's an important race for those that want to earn more points in the World Ranking. We could also make it the final event of the European World Cup 2006 series and if we create a classification for the overall World Cup results that event will be equally important.

Donald, can we give Pierre a few days to come online again?

Last edited by Jani Soderhall on Mon Oct 24, 2005 12:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Heiko Schöller
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Post by Heiko Schöller » Thu Oct 20, 2005 7:19 pm

i will pull it through no matter what
Yes Don this the right way. Nearly nobody beside JRAD here in this forum speaks clear and says what he thinks. All the blabla and we do decide it now and then brings nothing. We need facts no more blabla.

Most of the good skaters come for a good race, price money, the skatepark... and not to get some world ranking points. I know a lot of guys who laugh about the whole ranking system. I think the system is ok and it works but don´t take it too serious when only 2 people decide about the whole ranking, contests or whatever.

See you on the Worlds in Brixxleg...Skate or Die.
100% Skateshop and no fucking fashion store. GOG homebase.
Pavel über alles
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Donald Campbell
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Post by Donald Campbell » Thu Oct 20, 2005 7:53 pm

good idea jani,antibes will be good for collecting some extra points,if needed.

brixlegg will be good for having the best of both worlds of skateboarding.

brixlegg is the world-championship place next year-nothing else and that's what i will do.

my input into the european slalom scene will show benefits for the whole sport and so,in the end,being a shouter helps the sport grow.
another thing i want to mention,besides being very early in announcing this contest is,that i also had problems being online,since my store moved.but i find it rather important to show presence when heading into any discussion.and if i were in somebody elses shoes i would have made sure that i am online each day to see and follow an important discussion.
that's what i see you have to do,if you are serious about a thing,anything else is not determined enough and totally unacceptable for anybody who wants to do the worlds.

on a side note:the above comment is not coming directly from my mouth,but i have to fully agree on the statement made by some of my closest friends.

jani,no disrespect,but i have shown enough already,more than you have ever had as a promise here on this forum ,there's no denying that.
for me and most of the involved racers,the discussion is over.
i also respect what pierre has been doing in the past,i really respect everybody,but right now i respect myself and my ideas and the commitment shown to me by my friends.
and this respect is a bit bigger than the other respect i am willing to share at the moment.

next year will show us who rules in slalomskateboarding

thank you all for listening and supporting/critizing/whatever me.

detailed info will be available at the website.

Hans Koraeus
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Post by Hans Koraeus » Thu Oct 20, 2005 9:58 pm

- Donald,
your sitting with a very good hand. Why are you sweating? Pierre is the one who should be sweating right now. He needs a miracle to get a winning hand. But miracles do happen and I prefer waiting until all the cards are on the table. It's only fair for the sake of it to give Pierre or anybody else in the future some time to get their cards together. And since Pierre still havent thrown in the towell at least he still thinks he got something that he can pull out from his sleeve.

Whatever happens, Brixlegg and Antibes are already booked in my calendar.

- Heiko and laughing friends,
Why not start looking at the World Ranking Forum or the World Ranking website.
Take advantage to laugh at Heiko's World Rank placement as fast as you can because soon it will be him laughing at you.

Donald Campbell
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Post by Donald Campbell » Thu Oct 20, 2005 10:39 pm

hey corky

no sweat

Donald Campbell
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Post by Donald Campbell » Sat Oct 22, 2005 7:45 pm

i am very pleased to announce that concrete wave magazine will be the international media partner for the upcoming brixlegg-world-championships.along with boardstein magazine from germany and rugged from carhartt the official representation of the sport and the event featured in them will be outstanding.
concrete wave will promote the event in the new upcoming buyers guide,heiko will receive a couple of 1000 for europe,which will be passed along then to skatehops and skaters.
also the event will be highlighted in the upcoming dvd release slated for spring next year.we are also talking about thousands of copies.along with that the event will be highlighted by ads in the magazine prior to the contest.
michael brooke promised at least a 4 page feature on the event in an issue following it,which looks also very promising.
besides that concrete wave will be giving away prizes for the amateurs also.

i want to take the chance and thank michael officially for the full support he is offering this event.

Pierre Samray
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Post by Pierre Samray » Sun Oct 23, 2005 12:19 pm

Just some minutes to read all the commentaries.
Sorry my english is not so good than yours Donald and I don't always understand all the subtilities of what you say.
I expect I have more time tomorrow and anyway I 'll have internet again at home in 2 weeks.

So one important thing for a world championship is to have : together best europeans and best americans on the same race. May be we can ask to the best 30 americans where they will be able to come next year.(sure best europeans will be in Brixxleg and Antibes) If 20 Americans come in Brixxleg and 5 in Antibes for sure Brixxleg will become the world championship and in this case Antibes can be the Eurochampionship or inverse. Let's them tell about that.

Jani Soderhall
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Time to conclude?

Post by Jani Soderhall » Sun Oct 30, 2005 11:27 pm

Now that we've had the debate open for several weeks, maybe it's time to conclude.
Although Pierre seems to ready to defend this event being the Worlds 2006, there's does not seem to be enough fighting from his side. OK, he has his internet trouble, but for such an important decision, maybe it's worth to log in from somewhere else.

Donald, despite having proclaimed himself the Worlds organizer and talking too fast and strong for his own good, has solid support and could very well pull off a great event.

My conclusion would be that Donald and Brixlegg gets the World Championships 2006.
Antibes with the calendar (and weather) advantage becomes the last event of 2006 in Europe and thus will gather plenty of participants anyway. If we do a European World Cup series (using Dete's website etc) it'll be an important event as it is closing the season and it'll be the last chance to earn good points in 2006.

Now it's time to battle for the Main and Prime statuses of 2006 (in another topic, thanks).

Donald, you've set the level. Don't disappoint us now! If you need help to reach your objectives, ask for it. There's plenty of skaters out there ready to give a helping hand. This first World Championship ever (!!) in Europe is important for us all!

Full steam ahead!

I would have liked the voting to have taken place, but time is running and I haven't got the time to a) defend it b) make it happen. With the arguments we've seen over the last few weeks I think it's fair to say that Donald have the strongest cards in his hands. Sure there are arguments against (yes, many) but on the other hand he's promising to put a lot of energy into making this event one of the best so far. That in itself is honorable and what we need to provide new exciting events for the racers. Unless there are strong protests I'd say this debate is now closed.

Any closing arguments?
Any solid protests?
Any alternative solutions to end the discussion?


Donald Campbell
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Post by Donald Campbell » Mon Oct 31, 2005 1:07 am

thanks jani

another add-on for the website will be a forum .
the function of the forum will be to gather and give as much info as possible for the races and the tracks involved.
also a great place for improvements.
i'll listen to each and everybody and everything will be evaluated by me and chris and if positive in any way,it will be used.
we do have lots of ideas ourselves for this event.
next year the riders will also see a spreadsheet of the actual track,which will help to memorize different sections of the gs course especially.the spreadsheet will be at the starting ramps and might be a great help to some riders.
some of you will have their 100 cone challenge there for sure-gear up and stay in shape-this course will be very demanding,especially for your physics.
don't expect it to be relaxing and will have the same feeling-even worse-than having done a difficult ,long tight.
i thought i'd share a bit if anybody's interested.
besides that i'm fully aware that these will be the first world-championships on european ground,i do have helping hands all around me,i might need a bit help here and there from time to time,the rest of the worldshould see brixlegg as an example of how good things can be done,here in europe.
if the others like what we offered and talk about it in good words,then we really have achieved something very big.
all my work and strength will go towards that final goal,chris will do the same-we are on the same line,we both know about the heavy burden upon our shoulders,we will be strong enough to fulfill what,especially i, promised.
inbetween all you europeans--TRAIN HARD--time to show everybody how good the euros are,that's your thing to do for next year.
i'm just setting the stage-you are the ACTORS.

Claude Regnier
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Post by Claude Regnier » Mon Oct 31, 2005 1:24 am

If we can assume that Donald and his crew will run the Worlds for 2006 then a big Congrats to all of you for getting so much together so early for the rest of us to plan.

I guess I will have to train for the 2006 season if I'm going to act and perform like a world class Slalom Skateboarder at 47.

There is a whole new crew of young uns to beat up on as well as several well aged veterans.

Good Luck to everyone hosting and participating in events for 2006. Let's have a toast at midnight on New Years Eve for the Greatest Year in Slalom Skateboard history to date. More to come, Eh!
Many Happy Pumps!

Chris Eggers
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Post by Chris Eggers » Mon Oct 31, 2005 7:52 am

Calendar is updated.-

Alex Luxat
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Post by Alex Luxat » Sat Nov 05, 2005 7:12 pm

My main reason to vote for Brixlegg is that I can rip the park after getting kicked in the qualification. To be honest: The park alone is more reason for me to travel there than the slalom race which will be great anyway.

Pierre Samray
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Post by Pierre Samray » Mon Nov 07, 2005 11:43 am

too buzy to discute and defend my race now.
Ok friends, I think I stop fighting for the world championship and just want Antibes to be the last main of the season. Some details to see with the city for the next edition (place, accomodations, date...) What is sure is that. Antibes will stay a nice race front the sea and all the staff will try to make you having fun during this week end. I would like to think all those who believe in us. I expect you'll play the game behing present next year.

Congratulation to Donald who will have now all the pressure on his shoulders after proposing so and so nice things and amazing price money. What can I say :Good luck.
I'll be there.

Detlef Rehbock
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Good Luck from Hannover

Post by Detlef Rehbock » Mon Nov 07, 2005 1:45 pm

we see us in brixlegg.

some words from me.

hans, we don´t laugh about your world ranking system. your system is good and it is interesting for racers. if somebody laugh about the ranking system, then present your own ranking version. let´s stay together.

my website is open for everybody. i appreciate all race organizers to use this webadress as a portal for all slalom races. on this side you can see all the important races in 2006 on one site. just push the link button for your favourite countrie or city. no more searching for competition websites. free for every race organizer.
just send me an email

congratulations donald. hannover will show up in brixlegg.

for the growing of the sport. good races are beeter than bad races. but for the growing of the sport, we prefer to work on the base. after our race we decide to work with interested skaters. each tuesday we offer free slalom practise. now, we have the official cones, we have boards and we have the place to race. hmm, place to race, not bad. don´t forget this. we show interested skaters how to be fast at a track. that´s how we help slalom to grow.

european world cup? what´s that? is it european or is it world?

i have my toast for the new season of slalom skateboarding on the north shore of hawaii, see you next year.

Martin Siegrist
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Post by Martin Siegrist » Fri Nov 18, 2005 11:50 am

i wanna go to brixlegg.
but i also wanna go to scheid.
it's both gonna be bigg.
all skater please unite.

2006 euro downhill tripleheader

Ramón Königshausen
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Post by Ramón Königshausen » Fri Nov 18, 2005 1:20 pm

Mmm....nice, very nice!!!

Feel the flow – Airflow Skateboards

Real skateboard wheels come in green – ABEC11

Enjoy the ride – GOG Slalom & DH Trucks

Vincent Berruchon
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Post by Vincent Berruchon » Wed Dec 07, 2005 12:47 am

It would have been so great to have the two events just one after the other.
The true allaround skaters could have show up from all over the world:
pool - slalom - speed downhill!!
[ ] [ ]
"Dont care what the World say - I and I could a never go astray -Well wee gona have Things our Way" - Robert Nesta Marley

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