Council of CBSK defines Brazilian Slalom Calendar 2009

Slalom Skateboarding in Brazil

Moderator: Bruno Oliveira

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Sammy Nogueira
Posts: 141
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Council of CBSK defines Brazilian Slalom Calendar 2009

Post by Sammy Nogueira » Wed Apr 08, 2009 11:09 am

In meeting happened in 31 of March of 2008 in the Confraria Queijos & Wines, beside the Sumaré Skatepark in S. Paulo (SP), Council of Slalom of CBSk was created.
In the occasion ,Cesinha of Plimax attended, Rogerio Sammy ,Christie Aleixo, Cristiano Indinho, Juliano Lilica, Ramón Oliveira, Renato Saw, Ricardo Caco Ratos, Ricardo Mikima, Thiago Gardenal, Willians Indião besides Ed Scander representing the confederation.
Beginning the works of this piece of advice was defined the temporary calendar of the events of Slalom of this year that in spite of they need confirmations, if they happen they will be valid for Brazilian Ranking:

April: Skateonline Slalom Race in Porto Alegre in 18 and 19 Copa Centro-Oeste in 25 and 26
May: Osasco in date to define
June: Outlaw in Alphaville in date to define
August: Overmeeting in 08 and 09 / Outlaw in Alphaville in date to define
September: Cup Independence in 19 and 20
October: Outlaw in Alphaville in date to define
November: Malibu in Rio de Janeiro in date to define
December: Outlaw in Alphaville in date to define / São João of the Desert in Novo Hamburgo in date to define

Besides these GP Brasil in July in a date to define can be valid like Championship Panamericano and Porto Alegre Masters in December, also in date to define, it will be valid as Sudamerica Championship , increasing the chances of Brazilians to get program the Bolsa international Athlete and motivating the practice of the Slalom.
Due to the great number of tournaments and the proximity of dates among them like Skateonline Slalom Race in Porto Alegre and Copa Centro-Oeste in Brasília, it was voted for if there would be discard of some event and for 6 votes to 4 was resolved that there won't be, being all valid ones for Ranking 2009.
Another discussed aspect was of adapting the dispute type (super tight, tight, hybrid, giant and super giant) in agreement with the slope and profiles of the places in order to attract more followers and competitors in the places of the stages.
One more lifted up subject referred as there to be exclusive disputes for girls in these tournaments, arriving the promoters' suggestion to include the Feminine category even doing among the last sockets of the men's time, same not having award just medals and adapting the course at the women's level, everything this to attract more apprentices.
Plus other voting happened during the meeting about the need of minimum quórum for the stage to be valid for Ranking, and for 8 votes to 2 was defined that this won't be necessary.
During the event they decided that the stages will be pré classified by stars that can increase or to decrease in agreement with the level of the event, as it happens today with Downhill Slide after decision year passed by his/her Council in CBSk.
In this system the champion and the other participants take points more or less in agreement with the amount of stars that the tournament receives.
The items to they be appraised for Council of Slalom for a competition to win or to lose stars will be resolved in the next meeting.
It was also defined that all these championships will have to respect the regulation standardized by Council of Slalom of CBSk as for the size of the cones, timing type, distances of the cones among other rules the they be certain also in the next meeting on April 07.
Therefore it is very important the presence of the competitors' maximum in this encounter next Tuesday, April 07, at the 19:30 hours again in the Confraria Queijos & Wines, beside the Track of Sumaré in S. Paulo (SP).
Who cannot appear due to live in other municipal districts, we suggested that he/she sends their suggestions for e-mail for they be analyzed.

Rogerio Nogueira
CHIXILL ***** #sk8_slalom_independente

Sammy Nogueira
Posts: 141
Joined: Tue Jul 10, 2007 1:10 pm
Location: São Paulo - BRAZIL

Post by Sammy Nogueira » Thu Apr 16, 2009 11:36 am

Aconteceu em 07 de Abril na Confraria Queijos & Vinhos, ao lado da Pista do Sumaré em S. Paulo (SP) a segunda reunião do Conselho de Slalom da CBSk.
Desta vez compareceram Cesinha Lutfi, Cristiano Indinho, Juliano Lilica, Renato Serra, Ricardo Caco Ratos, Ricardo Mikima, Rogério Sammy, Thiago Gardenal, Willians Indião além de Ed Scander representando a CBSk.
Foi decidido pela maioria que em vez de definir o regulamento padronizado pelo Conselho de Slalom da CBSk quanto ao tamanho dos cones, tipo de cronometragem, distâncias dos cones entre outras regras, trabalharia a pré classificação por estrelas dos eventos do calendário provisório dos eventos de Slalom deste ano.
Lembrando que neste sistema o campeão e os demais participantes levam mais ou menos pontos de acordo com a quantidade de estrelas que o torneio recebe.
Esta pré classificação para o Slalom será entre 01 a 03 estrelas e baseando-se na estrutura apresentada em 2008 ficou desta forma para 2009:

Skateonline Slalom Race: 02 estrelas
Copa Centro-Oeste: 01 estrela
Osasco: 02 estrelas
I Outlaw: 01 estrela
Overmeeting: 02 estrelas
II Outlaw: 01 estrela
Copa Independência: 03 estrelas
III Outlaw: 01 estrela
Malibu - Rio de Janeiro: 01 estrela
IV Outlaw: 01 estrela
S. João do Deserto - Novo Hamburgo: 01 estrela
GP Brasil: 03 estrelas

Através de uma votação definiu-se que um campeonato com:

- 01 estrela o campeão levaria 500 pontos, o vice 90% dos pontos do campeão, o terceiro 90% dos pontos do vice e assim por diante
- 02 estrelas o campeão levaria 750 pontos, o vice 90% dos pontos do campeão, o terceiro 90% dos pontos do vice e assim por diante
- 03 estrelas o campeão levaria 1000 pontos, o vice 90% dos pontos do campeão, o terceiro 90% dos pontos do vice e assim por diante

Também decidiram por seis votos a dois votos que as etapas pré classificadas por estrelas poderão diminuir sua classificação de acordo com o nível do evento, após avaliação do Conselho de Slalom na reunião logo depois a sua realização, porém nunca poderá ser aumentada e o aperfeiçoamento na estrutura será contabilizado para o ano seguinte.
Porém caso o promotor avise à CBSk com 60 dias de antecedência melhorias na estrutura do evento, o Conselho de Slalom poderá aumentar a pré classificação por estrelas do torneio.
Os itens a serem analisados pelo Conselho de Slalom para uma competição ganhar ou perder estrelas serão:

- Infra estrutura valendo 50% da avaliação: ambulância / gate / isolamento por grades / alimentação / água / cronometragem eletrônica / banheiros / tendas para competidores / aparelhagem de som / resgate / translado / walk talks / qualidade do circuito
- Comissão técnica valendo 20% da avaliação: mesário / operador de cronometragem eletrônica / fiscais de pista / diretor de prova / locutor / seguranças / cumprimento do cronograma
- Premiação valendo 20% da avaliação: trófeus / medalhas / premiação em dinheiro / premiação em material / diferencial como pagamento de viagem, eletrodoméstico, note book, moto etc
- Divulgação valendo 10% da avaliação: convite com pelo menos 30 dias de antecedência / cartaz / hotsite / anúncio em revista / assessoria de imprensa / aviso da intenção de realizar o campeonato à CBSk

Na próxima reunião a ser realizada em 14 de Abril, serão discutido o regulamento a ser padronizado pelo Conselho de Slalom da CBSk quanto ao tamanho dos cones, tipo de cronometragem, distâncias dos cones entre outras regras.

This time Cesinha Lutfi attended, Cristiano Indinho, Juliano Lilica, Renato Saws, Ricardo Caco Ratos, Ricardo Mikima, Rogério Sammy, Thiago Gardenal, Willians Indião besides Ed Scander representing CBSk.
It was resolved for most that standardized by Council of Slalom of CBSk instead of defining the regulation as for the size of the cones, timing type, distances of the cones among other rules, he/she would work the pré classification for stars of the events of the temporary calendar of the events of Slalom of this year.
Reminding that in this system the champion and the other participants take points more or less in agreement with the amount of stars that the tournament receives.
This pré classification for the Slalom will be among 01 to 03 stars and basing on the structure presented in 2008 was this way for 2009:

Skateonline Slalom Race: 02 stars
Cup Center-west: 01 star
Osasco: 02 stars
I Outlaw: 01 star
Overmeeting: 02 stars
II Outlaw: 01 star
Cup Independence: 03 stars
III Outlaw: 01 star
Malibu - Rio de Janeiro: 01 star
IV Outlaw: 01 star
S. João of the Desert - Novo Hamburgo: 01 star
GP Brasil: 03 stars

Through a voting it was defined that a championship with:

- 01 star the champion would take 500 points, the vice 90% of the champion's points, the third party 90% of the points of the vice and so on
- 02 stars the champion would take 750 points, the vice 90% of the champion's points, the third party 90% of the points of the vice and so on
- 03 stars the champion would take 1000 points, the vice 90% of the champion's points, the third party 90% of the points of the vice and so on

They also decided for six votes to two votes that the stages pré classified by stars can reduce her classification in agreement with the level of the event, after evaluation of Council of Slalom in the meeting soon later his accomplishment, however it will never be able to be increased and the improvement in the structure will be counted for the following year.
However in case the promoter informs CBSk with 60 days of antecedence improvements in the structure of the event, Council of Slalom can increase the pré classification for stars of the tournament.
The items to be analyzed by Council of Slalom for a competition to win or to lose stars will be:

- Infra structures being worth 50% of the evaluation: ambulance / gate / isolation for grating / feeding / water / electronic timing / bathrooms / tents for competitors / sound equipment / it rescues / moving / walk talks / quality of the circuit
- Technical commission being worth 20% of the evaluation: board member / operator of electronic timing / fiscal of track / proof director / announcer / safeties / I greet of the cronogram
- Award being worth 20% of the evaluation: trófeus / medals / award in money / award in material / differential as trip payment, appliance, notice book, motorcycle etc
- Popularization being worth 10% of the evaluation: invitation with at least 30 days of antecedence / poster / hotsite / announcement in magazine / press consultantship / I inform of the intention of accomplishing the championship to CBSk

In the next meeting to be accomplished on April 14, they will be discussed the regulation to be standardized by Council of Slalom of CBSk as for the size of the cones, timing type, distances of the cones among other rules.
Rogerio Nogueira
CHIXILL ***** #sk8_slalom_independente

Sammy Nogueira
Posts: 141
Joined: Tue Jul 10, 2007 1:10 pm
Location: São Paulo - BRAZIL

Post by Sammy Nogueira » Thu Apr 16, 2009 11:46 am

Agora segue o relatório sobre a terceira reunião do Conselho de Slalom CBSK.

Em 14 de Abril ocorreu a terceira reunião do Conselho de Slalom da CBSk, novamente na Confraria Queijos & Vinhos, ao lado da Pista do Sumaré em S. Paulo (SP).
Neste oportunidade estavam presentes Cesinha Lutfi, Rogério Sammy ,Cristiano Indinho, Derys, Fernando Camargo, Ramon Oliveira, Renato Serra, Ricardo Caco Ratos, Ricardo Mikima, Thiago Gardenal, Willians Indião além de Ed Scander pela CBSk.
Desta vez o objetivo foi definir alguns aspectos do regulamento padronizado pelo Conselho de Slalom da CBSk .
De comum acordo decidiram que será seguido as Regras internacionais da International Skateboard Slalom Association (ISSA), excluindo algumas normas que devido no Brasil nem sempre haver disponibilidade de recursos financeiros dificultam segui-las.
Uma delas e a principal é a obrigatoriedade de haver Gate (rampa de saída) em todos os eventos, portanto foi definido que deverá haver nas competições uma linha de largada entre 3 a 9 metros do primeiro cone (dependendo da inclinação da ladeira e a critério do organizador do campeonato).
Nela os competidores devem alinhar os noses de seus skates, sendo fiscalizada por um fiscal de pista para coibir queimadas na largada e após o sinal de largada os participantes poderão embalar (pedalar) quantas vezes quiserem até a proximidade do primeiro cone.
Foi decidido também que todos torneios realizados em lugares flats (retos) deverão ter gates obrigatoriamente e que a partir de 2010 em todas competições isto será uma exigência, mesmo em ladeiras.
Ficou estabelecido que haverá uma pesquisa via internet com os 20 primeiros do Ranking de 2008 para votarem se existirá descartes entre os campeonatos válidos pelo Ranking deste ano e como acontecerão os desempates nas disputas dual lane (homem a homem), ou seja, soma dos tempos ou terceiro round.
Também foi divulgada a realização de mais uma etapa que acontecerá em Guaíba (RS) em 09 de Novembro valendo duas estrelas.
Após o Skateonline Slalom Race em Porto Alegre e Copa Centro Oeste em Brasília novamente o Conselho de Slalom será convocado para analisarem como estes eventos aconteceram e se terá necessidade de diminuir suas estrelas pré classificadas.
Segue abaixo os links das Regras da ISSA para quem quiser saber como funcionam: ... S-2008.doc ... S-2008.pdf

On April 14 it happened the third meeting of Council of Slalom of CBSk, again in the Confraria Queijos & Wines, beside the Skatepark of Sumaré in S. Paulo (SP).
In this opportunity they were present Cesinha Lutfi, Rogério Sammy, Cristiano Indinho, Derys, Fernando Camargo, Ramón Oliveira, Renato Saw, Ricardo Caco Ratos, Ricardo Mikima, Thiago Gardenal, Willians Indião besides Ed Scander for CBSk.
This time the objective was to define some aspects of the regulation standardized by Council of Slalom of CBSk.
Of common agreement they decided that it will be followed the international Rules of International Skateboard Slalom Association (ISSA), excluding some norms that due in Brazil not always there to be readiness of financial resources hinders to follow them.
One of them and the main is the compulsory nature of there being Gate (exit ramp) in all of the events, therefore it was defined that should have in the competitions a start line among 3 to 9 meters of the first cone (depending on the inclination of the slope and to the organizer's of the championship criterion).
In her the competitors should align the noses of their skates, being supervised by a track district attorney to restraint burning in the start and after the start sign the participants can wrap (to pedal) how many times want until the proximity of the first cone.
It was resolved also that all tournaments accomplished in places flats (straight) they should have gates obligatorily and that starting from 2010 in all competitions this will be a demand, even in slopes.
It was established that there will be a research through internet with the first of Ranking 2008 20 for they vote for if it will exist discards among the valid championships for Ranking of this year and as they will happen them decide in the disputes dual lane (man to man), in other words, it adds of the times or third round.
Also the accomplishment was published of one more stage that will happen in Guaíba (RS) on November 09 being worth two stars.
After Skateonline Slalom Race in Porto Alegre and Copa Centro Oeste in Brasília Council of Slalom will be summoned again for us to analyze as these events happened and need will be had of reducing their stars classified pré.
The links of the Rules of ISSA for who he/she wants to know proceeds below how they work: ... k-2008.doc ... k-2008.pdf
Rogerio Nogueira
CHIXILL ***** #sk8_slalom_independente

Bruno Ribeiro
Posts: 52
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Post by Bruno Ribeiro » Fri May 01, 2009 3:37 am

Colé Sammy!!!! tudo certo, mano??

Então cara, tava lá no sul agora e fiquei sabendo destes e-mails que estão sendo trocados relacionados ao slalom. Queria pedir para me incluir nesta lista, pois estou tentando ir em todos os eventos possíveis então gostaria de opinar na estrutura dos mesmos...

segue meu e-mail.

Fucking 50's rules!!!

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