Foram realizadas em 20 de Abril, 06 e 14 de Maio em S. Paulo (SP) as reuniões do Conselho do Downhill da Confederação Brasileira de Skate (CBSk).
O objetivo era aprovação na modalidade Downhill Slide do ranking 2007, do novo regulamento, do quadro de árbitros da CBSk, dos competidores profissionais com direito a carteirinha da Confederação, escolha de data de eleição dos representates do comitê dos competidores profissionais, definição dos campeonatos válidos para o Ranking 2008 com respectivas exigências para tanto e peso na pontuação destas competições.
Sobre o Ranking 2007 foi aprovado o elaborado pelo André Magriça e apesar de não ser válido neste ano para o programa do Ministério do Esporte, o Bolsa Atleta, servirá para pesquisa e histórico caso haja necessidade.
A respeito do Quadro de Árbitros do Downhill Slide na CBSk estão aptos e ingressaram os juízes Zequinha Rapanelli, Ramon Oliveira, Marquinho Careca, Rodrigo Maloteiro, Juliano Lilica, Willians Indião, Daniel Kim, Marcos ET, Rogério Sammy e entre os locutores Guto Gimenez, Cristiano Cri, Paulinho Davi, Renato Taroba, Willians Indião e Mao Walter.
Os demais interessados em julgar competições de Downhill Slide e que não fazem parte desta lista mas já trabalham em disputas da modalidade, deverão participar dos Testes de Aptidão para Árbitros para ingressar no Quadro da CBSk e estão nesta situação Sérgio Yuppie, Ricardo Mikima, José Carlos Birinha, Marcelo Bigardi, Márcio Natividade, Paulo Coruja, Flávio Ascânio, Ragueb Rogerinho, Alexandre Maia, Billy, Leozinho, Quirino, Fiori, Toni, Gustavo Kolling, Laura Alli e Christie Aleixo.
Quanto aos competidores profissionais na modalidade com direito a carteirinha são seguintes: Daniel Kim, Fernandinho Batman, Urso, Alexandre Maia, Marcos Marcola, Celso Not Dead, Sérgio Yuppie, Antônio Bonfá Totó, Ricardo Mikima, Ragueb Rogerinho, Juliano Lilica, José Carlos Birinha, Willians Indião, Marcelo Bigardi, Rogério Sammy, Celso Galani, Rodrigo Maloteiro, Speto, Marcelinho Compacta, Flávio Ascânio, Márcio Natividade, Paulo Coruja, Marcos ET, Banzai, Digo Menezes e Arnaldo Juninho.
Também foi decidido que para um amador se profissionalizar a partir deste ano deverá ser aprovado pelo Comitê dos competidores profissionais de Downhill Slide e para tanto precisa estar classificado entre os três primeiros do Ranking 2008, ter exposição em revistas mais TV, experiência, postura profissional, patrocínio e representatividade dentro da modalidade entre outros critérios.
A eleição dos representantes do Comitê dos competidores profissionais de Downhill Slide foi marcada para o dia 14 de Junho em local a ser definido sendo que poderão votar todos os atuais skatistas profissionais e membros do Quadro de árbitros que escolherão quatro skatistas que ficarão no cargo durante dois anos, quando será realizada nova eleição.
Já sobre os campeonatos válidos pelo ranking da modalidade deste ano foram definidos e começam pré classificados com os seguintes números de estrelas:
- Copa Centro-Oeste em Brasília (DF) - 1 estrela
- S. João do Deserto Downhill em Novo Hamburgo (RS) - 1 estrela
- Downhill Day em S. José dos Campos (SP) - 2 estrelas
- Over Meeting em Brasília (DF) - 3 estrelas
- Downhill for real skaters em Osasco (SP) - 3 estrelas
- Circuito Skate na Ladeira em S. Paulo (SP) - 3 estrelas por etapa
A quantidade de estrelas destas competições podem aumentar ou diminuir conforme avaliação feita pela Comissão de Downhill e/ou Comitê dos competidores profissionais de Downhill Slide posteriormente.
Para um evento conseguir cinco estrelas, nível máximo de pontuação no Ranking válido para o Bolsa Atleta, o promotor precisa disponiblizar os seguintes grupos de recursos (cada um vale uma estrela e os itens em letras maíusculas tem peso maior):
- Infra-estrutura: ambulância / isolamento da área de competição / alimentação e bebidas para competidores / áreas reservadas para competidores / banheiros
- Comissão técnica: 05 juízes / 01 locutor / 01 coordenador de notas / 01 diretor de prova / head judge / coordenador de competição / inspetor técnico
- Premiação e Divulgação: qualidade e quantidade
- Nível técnico: quantidade de competidores / número de municípios e estados participantes / dificuldade da ladeira / treinamento por baterias / cumprimento de cronograma
- Número de etapas: sendo no mínimo dois campeonatos
A pontuação máxima segundo a quantidade de estrelas num evento será:
- 01 estrela: 400 pontos para o campeão, 380 (95% dos pontos do campeão) para o vice, 361 (95% dos pontos do vice) para o terceiro e asim por diante até o último colocado
- 02 estrelas: 600 pontos para o campeão, 570 (95% dos pontos do campeão) para o vice, 542 (95% dos pontos do vice) para o terceiro e asim por diante até o último colocado
- 03 estrelas: 800 pontos para o campeão, 760 (95% dos pontos do campeão) para o vice, 722 (95% dos pontos do vice) para o terceiro e asim por diante até o último colocado
- 04 estrelas: 900 pontos para o campeão, 855 (95% dos pontos do campeão) para o vice, 812 (95% dos pontos do vice) para o terceiro e asim por diante até o último colocado
- 05 estrelas: 1.000 pontos para o campeão, 950 (95% dos pontos do campeão) para o vice, 903 (95% dos pontos do vice) para o terceiro e asim por diante até o último colocado
A partir de 2009 somente competições oficializadas pela CBSk formarão o Ranking válido para o Bolsa Atleta e para tanto os promotores destes campeonatos ou circuitos deverão seguir o Caderno de Normas da modalidade definido pela confederação.
Também para um evento contar para o Ranking CBSk da modalidade é necessário dividir por categorias, não sendo permitido o Open e nem que skatistas de outras categorias participem de uma abaixo ou acima da sua, com penalidade de não pontuar no ano.
E por fim o novo regulamento para o Downhill Slide foi discutido, aprovado e será publicado no site da Confederação Brasileira de Skate além de ser enviado para os promotores e imprensa para ser divulgado e acessível a todos interessados.
Compareceram nestes encontros os seguintes skatistas: André Magriça, Rogério Sammy, Willians Indião, José Carlos Birinha, Juliano Lilica, Ramon Oliveira, Christie Aleixo, Bel Aranha, Reine Oliveira, Kaká e Ed Scander.
Ao final deste trabalho a Comissão de Downhill da CBSk espera que o Downhill Slide continue o crescimento reiniciado há alguns anos, retomando o lugar de destaque que merece por ser a mais brasileira de todas as modalidades de Skate praticadas no mundo.
Conselho do Downhill da CBSk
Moderator: Bruno Oliveira
- Sammy
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- Joined: Tue Jul 10, 2007 1:10 pm
- Location: São Paulo - BRAZIL
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Conselho do Downhill da CBSk
Rogerio Nogueira
CHIXILL ***** #sk8_slalom_independente
CHIXILL ***** #sk8_slalom_independente
- Sammy
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- Joined: Tue Jul 10, 2007 1:10 pm
- Location: São Paulo - BRAZIL
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BRAZILIAN - Council of Downhill of CBSk
They were accomplished in April 20, 06 and May 14 in S. Paulo (SP) the meetings of Council of Downhill of the Brazilian Confederation of Skate (CBSk).
The objective was approval in the modality Downhill Slide of the ranking 2007, of the new regulation, of the picture of referees of CBSk, of the professional competitors with right the identification card of the Confederation, choice of date of election of the representates of the professional competitors' committee, definition of the valid championships for Ranking 2008 with respective demands for so much and weight in the punctuation of these competitions.
On Ranking 2007 it was approved him/it elaborated by André Magriça and in spite of not being valid on this year for the program of the Ministry of the Sport, the Bolsa Atleta, will be for research and historical in case there is need.
Regarding the Picture of Referees of Downhill Slide in CBSk are capable and judges Zequinha Rapanelli entered, Ramón Oliveira, Marquinho Careca, Rodrigo Maloteiro, Juliano Lilica, Willians Indião, Daniel Kim, Marcos ET, Rogério Sammy and among announcers Guto Gimenez, Cristiano Had faith, Paulinho Davi, Renato Taroba, Willians Indião and Mão Walter.
The other interested parties in judging competitions of Downhill Slide and that you/they are not part of this list but they already work in disputes of the modality, they should participate in the Aptitude tests for Referees to enter in the Picture of CBSk and they are in this situation Sérgio Yuppie, Ricardo Mikima, José Carlos Birinha, Marcelo Bigardi, Márcio Natividade, Paulo Coruja, Flávio Ascânio, Ragueb Rogerinho, Alexandre Maia, Billy, Leozinho, Quirino, Fiori, Toni, Gustavo Kolling, Laura Alli and Christie Aleixo.
As for the professional competitors in the modality with right the identification card is following: Daniel Kim, Fernandinho Batman, Bear, Alexandre Maia, Marcos Marcola, Celso Not Dead, Sérgio Yuppie, Antônio Bonfá Totó, Ricardo Mikima, Ragueb Rogerinho, Juliano Lilica, José Carlos Birinha, Willians Indião, Marcelo Bigardi, Rogério Sammy, Celso Galani, Rodrigo Maloteiro, Speto, Marcelinho Compacts, Flávio Ascânio, Márcio Natividade, Paulo Coruja, Marcos ET, Banzai, Menezes and Arnaldo Juninho Say.
It was also resolved that for an amateur to become professional starting from this year should be approved by Downhill Slide professional competitors' Committee and for so much he/she needs to be classified among the first of Ranking 2008 three, to have exhibition in more magazines TV, experience, professional posture, patronage and representativeness inside of the modality among other criteria.
The representatives' of Downhill Slide professional competitors' Committee election was marked for June 14 in place to be defined and they can vote for all the current professional skatistas and members of the Picture of referees that will choose four skatistas that will be in the position for two years, when new election will be accomplished.
Already on the valid championships for the ranking of the modality of this year were defined and they begin pré classified with the following numbers of stars:
- Cup Center-west in Brasília (DF) - 1 star
- S. João of the Deserto Downhill in Novo Hamburgo (RS) - 1 star
- Downhill Day in S. José of Campos (SP) - 2 stars
- Over Meeting in Brasília (DF) - 3 stars
- Downhill goes real skaters in Osasco (SP) - 3 stars
- Circuit Skate in the Slope in S. Paulo (SP) - 3 stars for stage
The amount of stars of these competitions can increase or to decrease as evaluation done by the Commission of Downhill and/or Downhill Slide professional competitors' Committee later.
For an event to get five stars, maximum level of punctuation in valid Ranking for the Bolsa Atleta, the promoter needs disponiblizar the following groups of resources (each one is worth a star and the items in letters maíusculas has larger weight):
- Infrastructure: ambulance / isolation of the competition area / feeding and drunk for competitors / reserved areas for competitors / bathrooms
- Technical commission: 05 judges / 01 announcer / 01 coordinator of notes / 01 proof director / head judge / competition coordinator / technical inspector
- Award and Popularization: quality and amount
- Technical level: amount of competitors / number of municipal districts and participant states / difficulty of the slope / training for batteries / cronograma execution
- Number of stages: being at least two championships
The maximum punctuation according to the amount of stars in an event will be:
- 01 star: 400 points for the champion, 380 (95% of the champion's points) for the vice, 361 (95% of the points of the vice) for the third party and asim for before until the last put
- 02 stars: 600 points for the champion, 570 (95% of the champion's points) for the vice, 542 (95% of the points of the vice) for the third party and asim for before until the last put
- 03 stars: 800 points for the champion, 760 (95% of the champion's points) for the vice, 722 (95% of the points of the vice) for the third party and asim for before until the last put
- 04 stars: 900 points for the champion, 855 (95% of the champion's points) for the vice, 812 (95% of the points of the vice) for the third party and asim for before until the last put
- 05 stars: 1.000 points for the champion, 950 (95% of the champion's points) for the vice, 903 (95% of the points of the vice) for the third party and asim for before until the last put
Starting from 2009 only competitions made official by CBSk will form valid Ranking for the Bolsa Atleta and for so much the promoters of these championships or circuits should follow the Notebook of Norms of the modality defined by the confederation.
Also for an event to count for Ranking CBSk of the modality is necessary to divide for categories, not being allowed Open and nor that skatistas of other categories participate in an I lower or above yours, with penalty of not punctuating in the year.
It is finally the new regulation for Downhill Slide was discussed, approved and it will be published in the site of the Brazilian Confederation of Skate besides being sent for the promoters and press to be published and accessible to all interested.
They attended in these encounters the following skatistas: André Magriça, Rogério Sammy, Willians Indião, José Carlos Birinha, Juliano Lilica, Ramón Oliveira, Christie Aleixo, Bel Aranha, Reign Oliveira, Kaká and Ed Scander.
At the end of this work the Commission of Downhill of CBSk hopes Downhill Slide continues the restarted growth there are some years, retaking the prominence place that deserves for being the more Brazilian of all of the modalities of Skate practiced in the world.
The objective was approval in the modality Downhill Slide of the ranking 2007, of the new regulation, of the picture of referees of CBSk, of the professional competitors with right the identification card of the Confederation, choice of date of election of the representates of the professional competitors' committee, definition of the valid championships for Ranking 2008 with respective demands for so much and weight in the punctuation of these competitions.
On Ranking 2007 it was approved him/it elaborated by André Magriça and in spite of not being valid on this year for the program of the Ministry of the Sport, the Bolsa Atleta, will be for research and historical in case there is need.
Regarding the Picture of Referees of Downhill Slide in CBSk are capable and judges Zequinha Rapanelli entered, Ramón Oliveira, Marquinho Careca, Rodrigo Maloteiro, Juliano Lilica, Willians Indião, Daniel Kim, Marcos ET, Rogério Sammy and among announcers Guto Gimenez, Cristiano Had faith, Paulinho Davi, Renato Taroba, Willians Indião and Mão Walter.
The other interested parties in judging competitions of Downhill Slide and that you/they are not part of this list but they already work in disputes of the modality, they should participate in the Aptitude tests for Referees to enter in the Picture of CBSk and they are in this situation Sérgio Yuppie, Ricardo Mikima, José Carlos Birinha, Marcelo Bigardi, Márcio Natividade, Paulo Coruja, Flávio Ascânio, Ragueb Rogerinho, Alexandre Maia, Billy, Leozinho, Quirino, Fiori, Toni, Gustavo Kolling, Laura Alli and Christie Aleixo.
As for the professional competitors in the modality with right the identification card is following: Daniel Kim, Fernandinho Batman, Bear, Alexandre Maia, Marcos Marcola, Celso Not Dead, Sérgio Yuppie, Antônio Bonfá Totó, Ricardo Mikima, Ragueb Rogerinho, Juliano Lilica, José Carlos Birinha, Willians Indião, Marcelo Bigardi, Rogério Sammy, Celso Galani, Rodrigo Maloteiro, Speto, Marcelinho Compacts, Flávio Ascânio, Márcio Natividade, Paulo Coruja, Marcos ET, Banzai, Menezes and Arnaldo Juninho Say.
It was also resolved that for an amateur to become professional starting from this year should be approved by Downhill Slide professional competitors' Committee and for so much he/she needs to be classified among the first of Ranking 2008 three, to have exhibition in more magazines TV, experience, professional posture, patronage and representativeness inside of the modality among other criteria.
The representatives' of Downhill Slide professional competitors' Committee election was marked for June 14 in place to be defined and they can vote for all the current professional skatistas and members of the Picture of referees that will choose four skatistas that will be in the position for two years, when new election will be accomplished.
Already on the valid championships for the ranking of the modality of this year were defined and they begin pré classified with the following numbers of stars:
- Cup Center-west in Brasília (DF) - 1 star
- S. João of the Deserto Downhill in Novo Hamburgo (RS) - 1 star
- Downhill Day in S. José of Campos (SP) - 2 stars
- Over Meeting in Brasília (DF) - 3 stars
- Downhill goes real skaters in Osasco (SP) - 3 stars
- Circuit Skate in the Slope in S. Paulo (SP) - 3 stars for stage
The amount of stars of these competitions can increase or to decrease as evaluation done by the Commission of Downhill and/or Downhill Slide professional competitors' Committee later.
For an event to get five stars, maximum level of punctuation in valid Ranking for the Bolsa Atleta, the promoter needs disponiblizar the following groups of resources (each one is worth a star and the items in letters maíusculas has larger weight):
- Infrastructure: ambulance / isolation of the competition area / feeding and drunk for competitors / reserved areas for competitors / bathrooms
- Technical commission: 05 judges / 01 announcer / 01 coordinator of notes / 01 proof director / head judge / competition coordinator / technical inspector
- Award and Popularization: quality and amount
- Technical level: amount of competitors / number of municipal districts and participant states / difficulty of the slope / training for batteries / cronograma execution
- Number of stages: being at least two championships
The maximum punctuation according to the amount of stars in an event will be:
- 01 star: 400 points for the champion, 380 (95% of the champion's points) for the vice, 361 (95% of the points of the vice) for the third party and asim for before until the last put
- 02 stars: 600 points for the champion, 570 (95% of the champion's points) for the vice, 542 (95% of the points of the vice) for the third party and asim for before until the last put
- 03 stars: 800 points for the champion, 760 (95% of the champion's points) for the vice, 722 (95% of the points of the vice) for the third party and asim for before until the last put
- 04 stars: 900 points for the champion, 855 (95% of the champion's points) for the vice, 812 (95% of the points of the vice) for the third party and asim for before until the last put
- 05 stars: 1.000 points for the champion, 950 (95% of the champion's points) for the vice, 903 (95% of the points of the vice) for the third party and asim for before until the last put
Starting from 2009 only competitions made official by CBSk will form valid Ranking for the Bolsa Atleta and for so much the promoters of these championships or circuits should follow the Notebook of Norms of the modality defined by the confederation.
Also for an event to count for Ranking CBSk of the modality is necessary to divide for categories, not being allowed Open and nor that skatistas of other categories participate in an I lower or above yours, with penalty of not punctuating in the year.
It is finally the new regulation for Downhill Slide was discussed, approved and it will be published in the site of the Brazilian Confederation of Skate besides being sent for the promoters and press to be published and accessible to all interested.
They attended in these encounters the following skatistas: André Magriça, Rogério Sammy, Willians Indião, José Carlos Birinha, Juliano Lilica, Ramón Oliveira, Christie Aleixo, Bel Aranha, Reign Oliveira, Kaká and Ed Scander.
At the end of this work the Commission of Downhill of CBSk hopes Downhill Slide continues the restarted growth there are some years, retaking the prominence place that deserves for being the more Brazilian of all of the modalities of Skate practiced in the world.
Rogerio Nogueira
CHIXILL ***** #sk8_slalom_independente
CHIXILL ***** #sk8_slalom_independente
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- Joined: Wed Oct 17, 2007 10:40 pm
- Location: Rio de Janeiro-Brazil
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- Sammy
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Ola Bruno , tamo agitando as paradas por aqui ...
Por enquanto sem muitas novidades , a não ser o peso de estrelas para os eventos que foi definido em votação semana passada.
De novidade atem o champ do sul dias 13 e 14 de Dezembro e o tão esperado interlagos... dia 20 de Dezembro
Vamos nos falando... espero vc em interlagos este ano.
Grande abraço
Por enquanto sem muitas novidades , a não ser o peso de estrelas para os eventos que foi definido em votação semana passada.
De novidade atem o champ do sul dias 13 e 14 de Dezembro e o tão esperado interlagos... dia 20 de Dezembro
Vamos nos falando... espero vc em interlagos este ano.
Grande abraço
Rogerio Nogueira
CHIXILL ***** #sk8_slalom_independente
CHIXILL ***** #sk8_slalom_independente
- Flavio
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