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Slalom contest in Rio de Janeiro

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2007 7:33 pm
by Juarez Mascarello
Last Sunday, we had a mini slalom contest in the Malibu Hill , Barra da Tijuca, Rio de Janeiro.We don't have the full results, but we know that Indiao took first place.

The Crew

Yes ,Flavio ,is your teammate in the 70's Cesinha Chaves

Mikima x Indiao

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2007 7:39 pm
by Robert Gaisek
Nice place!!

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2007 8:09 pm
by Flavio Badenes
Cesinha and I were never in the same team. As I rode for Waimea Surfshop and he had at first his own team Sufcraft and later went on to join Company.

We were part of the first group of Brazilian professional skaters though.

Cesinha was and still is a very good friend of mine. Nice to see him slaloming

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2007 8:17 pm
by Flavio Badenes
Hey by the way....

Am I seeing things or is that a proper DUAL tight slalom course.

The way to go!!!!!!

Man how I miss the city I was born at!

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2007 12:04 am
by Guto JImenez
Yep, Flavio, that's a dual slalom course. It was an underground contest - that is, no $$ for timing devices, so the guys have to choose the most reliable way to judge the winner. That is, the fastest dude wins and period.

Tha funniest thing about this spot is that it connects "nowhere" to "nothing"... I'll explain: it's a paved road that was built between two condos is Barra da Tijuca, in Rio's western zone. After the road was built, both condos couldn't reach an agreement on who was responsible for security; there's a quarrel going on in local court and the judge ordered the street to be blocked on both sides until the whole case is over. There's safety on motorcycles, paid by one condo per month, and the condos residents use the spot for jogging, cycling etc as no cars are allowed to the spot.
So we have this nice & safe spot for ourselves as the big guys fight among themselves. We're so lucky these cases take long to finish in Brazilian courts...

The spot has 2 downhill slopes: the one used for the contest site is the smoothest, longest one. Then you have a 1/4 mile section that leads to another downhill section, shorter but way steeper, a great place for giant/hybrid practise. Local Barra surfers use the spot for sidewalk surfing on the smoothest hill, and sessions get hot on Tuesday and Thursday nights and on Saturday afternoons. So far, a couple of local underground contests have already been held there, all of them organized by veteran Carlao, a skateboard-brands sales rep who's being responsible for holding the coolest contests in the area.

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2007 2:48 am
by Juarez Mascarello
Flavio Badenes wrote:Cesinha and I were never in the same team. As I rode for Waimea Surfshop and he had at first his own team Sufcraft and later went on to join Company.

We were part of the first group of Brazilian professional skaters though.

Cesinha was and still is a very good friend of mine. Nice to see him slaloming
I remember the Brasil Surf Mag, POP Mag, with pics of you, Marcelo Neiva and Cesinha.And probably you are part of the ZS group.I was at Rio Grande do Sul , skating for Skate World team, local Surf and Skate shop.
I lived in the same Cesar's building from 1985 to 1990, In Copacabana .We skated together a lot.

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2007 3:08 am
by Juarez Mascarello
Flavio Badenes wrote:Hey by the way....

Am I seeing things or is that a proper DUAL tight slalom course.

The way to go!!!!!!

Man how I miss the city I was born at!
I have nothing to do with it!!!!LOL!!!

I lived ten years there, my wife and daugters are cariocas.I miss Rio too

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2007 5:56 am
by Márcio Benevides
I really dig that spot... Lucky guys!!

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2007 9:36 am
by Flavio Badenes
Juarez Mascarello wrote:
Flavio Badenes wrote:Cesinha and I were never in the same team. As I rode for Waimea Surfshop and he had at first his own team Sufcraft and later went on to join Company.

We were part of the first group of Brazilian professional skaters though.

Cesinha was and still is a very good friend of mine. Nice to see him slaloming
I remember the Brasil Surf Mag, POP Mag, with pics of you, Marcelo Neiva and Cesinha.And probably you are part of the ZS group.I was at Rio Grande do Sul , skating for Skate World team, local Surf and Skate shop.
I lived in the same Cesar's building from 1985 to 1990, In Copacabana .We skated together a lot.
Juarez now you scored high. The ZS. The ZS reached across all teams boundaries. ZS was a life style. I remeber the day Cesinha came with that idea. We where done with skating the ramp at Morro da Urca. Cesinha then said, Flavio we should have something to show what are we talking about when we skate. We were heavyly influenced by the ZBoys (who wasn´t ?). So we talked about the two main areas that composed Rio in those days, Zona Norte, away from the see, the poor version of the San Fernando Valley, CA and the Zona Sul (South Zone) the right place to be and where surfing was on the menu just everyday. Because of that our skating style was more related to surfing.
That is it, we will be the ZS!!!! (Zona Sul). Cesinha designed the logo and printed some stickers and it all started from there. I remember we posted the initials of the skaters that belonged to the ZS group on BrasilSkate Mag. No names just the initials. That was cool! The list grew every month. Later on ZN appeared, just like years later Windows would be an answer to the Mac OS, if you know where I am coming from. :-)

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2007 9:58 am
by Flavio Badenes
Guto it is a killer spot.
Let´s try to have a bigger contest there. I will keep in touch.

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2007 12:08 am
by Juarez Mascarello
More Pictures
Three Generations


Christie Aleixo

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2007 8:29 am
by Flavio Badenes
Carlao, gostaria de entrar em contato com voce. Por favor me informe o seu email.