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... and there's more to come soon!

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2007 7:49 pm
by Guto JImenez
Rumors about a HUGE slalom contest in SP next month. If the SPOS already had good coverage from both specialized media and tvs, this one will really raise some hairs. Keep your eyes opened for this...

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2007 7:26 pm
by Márcio Benevides
I hope I can make that.
I am a slalom addicted rider and I have been practicing it since 1999.
I can not tell you guys how happy I am by seen those big slalom events taking place in our country. The next one should be in Porto Alegre. We got lots of slalomers down here... Let's think about it!!

The wigglers will take the world!!