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2008 ISSA Rules Update -- Section 8 (Special Situations)

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2007 9:12 am
by Pat Chewning
Put comments on Section 8 here.

You may view the draft rules here in 3 forms:

As a WORD document: ... -DRAFT.doc

As a PDF document: ... FT-0_2.pdf

As a Webpage: ... -DRAFT.htm
8. Special Situations and Exceptions
8.1. Re-Runs
8.1.1. Situations leading to a Re-Run
A Re-Run may be granted in the following cases:

· The timing equipment malfunctions.

· The start ramp is displaced or damaged.

· The course is not set properly with each cone within the circle.

· The racer is interfered with by an outside agent (people on course, animals, wind blowing cones, soccer ball on course, etc.)

· The racer must abandon the course and immediately ask for a Re-Run.

8.1.2. Situations not leading to a Re-Run
· A cone from the adjacent course interferes with the racer.

· A cone from the racer’s course interferes with the racer.

· The racer’s own skateboard, pads, clothing, or other equipment fails.

· The racer does not immediately abandon the course and ask for a Re-Run.

8.1.3. Re-Run Procedure
· For single-lane courses, or during the Qualifying rounds.

· The racer receives a Re-Run at a time determined by the race officials.

· For Head-to-Head competition within the bracket rounds:

· The racer’s opponent is informed and may elect to also take a Re-Run.

· If the opponent does not elect to take a Re-Run, his results from the previous run stand as-is.

· If the opponent is taking a Re-Run, both racers take the Re-Run at the same time.

· The Re-Run must be completed before the current round is complete.

· The original run results are discarded and the Re-Run results are recorded.

8.2. Abandonment of Race
If the race should be abandoned by the race officials, the following shall apply to determine the final placings of the racers:

· During Qualifying or Single-Lane Racing:

· If the entire field of racers has not completed their 1st run, the race is declared void and no final results posted.

· If the entire field of racers has completed their 1st run and the race is abandoned during the 2nd run, then only the results of the 1st run shall be used to determine the placings.

· During Head-to-Head Racing:

· Racers not entering the head-to-head rounds receive results as usual, based on the completed qualifying round.

· Racers eliminated during complete rounds receive placings as usual.

· Racers currently competing in an abandoned round (both runs have not been completed) will receive the remaining placings based on their qualifying times.

8.3. Protests
Protests are only allowed in the higher status competitions (MAJOR, MAIN). Protests are not allowed in the lower status competitions (PRIME, BASIC, PLAIN). The procedure is:

· Race officials provide protest forms for the racer to fill in.

· Racer fills in a protest form.

· Within 10 minutes of the end of the current round (Qualifying, group of 32, etc)

· Racer states which rule was not followed and gives statements or evidence on the form.

· Race officials form a Protest Jury consisting of

· Head Race Judge

· Racer Jury Member (should be selected before race starts)

· One person chosen in agreement by the Racer Jury Member and the Head Race Judge.

· Protest Jury reviews the written protest form, may ask for witnesses, and may talk to the affected racer(s).

· Protest Jury renders a final verdict with one of the following outcomes

· The racer is allowed a re-run (subject to the rules on Re-Runs)

· The racer’s cone count or DQ status is adjusted based on the evidence.

· No changes in results are made.

· The decision of the Protest Jury is final and cannot be re-protested.

· A racer is only allowed one protest per race.

· A racer may only submit a protest for actions where the racer was involved.

The quoted text box above is the "draft proposal". In this area, we capture all of the requested changes in the form of a vote. Then the section will be changed as dictated by the outcome of the vote.

Please make comments as to whether the voting completely encompasses all alternatives, and without bias.

The expected date of this vote will be Nov 15-Nov30

Vote Question #8.1 (Section 8, 1st Vote)
In the case where a racer asks for a re-run for something wrong on the course (obstacle, intererference, cone-out, etc) -- what should be required of the racer?
A) The racer must immediately abandon the course and ask an official for a re-run.
B) The racer may finish the race, and then must notify officials and ask for a Re-Run within a reasonably practical period of time, as defined by the Race Director. (So that officials may review the grounds for a re-run before the race continues.)

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2007 5:30 pm
by Stephen Lavin
Pat, nice draft. You asked for feedabck and I have some for what ever it may be worth (hope more than zero!):

8.1.1. Situations leading to a Re-Run

A Re-Run may be granted in the following cases:

· The timing equipment malfunctions.

· The start ramp is displaced or damaged.

· The course is not set properly with each cone within the circle.

· The racer is interfered with by an outside agent (people on course, animals, wind blowing cones, soccer ball on course, etc.)

· The racer must abandon the course and immediately ask for a Re-Run.

The governing official or chief race organizer (or Head Race Judge) should also be able to determine re-run opportunity. Abandoning the course in-run (in the case of a cone-out for example) may result in a DQ for the racer if for some reason the actual case cannot be immediately confirmed - the time should stand should no re-run be granted rather than have to accept a DQ(?). Racer should finish the course IMO unless there is a gross application of circumstances like a goat in the middle of the course, etc. This is a pretty loose rule anyway - sometimes can get testy though.

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2007 7:08 pm
by Pat Chewning
Stephen Lavin wrote:Racer should finish the course IMO unless there is a gross application of circumstances like a goat in the middle of the course, etc. This is a pretty loose rule anyway - sometimes can get testy though.
The intent of having the racer immediately abandon the course is to prevent the case where the racer finishes the course, the cones are counted, the times entered and then about 10 minutes later the racer shows up at the top of the course demanding a re-run because a cone was out.

If the racer immediately abandons the course three outcomes are possible:
A) The course was not ready and the racer gets a re-run.
B) The racer was mistaken and the course was ready -- sorry, you just DQ'd
C) It cannot be reasonably determined if the course was ready -- time for a re-run.

If the racer waits until finishing and then some time after that, demands a re-run --- it is too late to reasonably determine if the racer or the course was correct.

Re: 2008 ISSA Rules Update -- Section 8 (Special Situations)

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2007 9:30 pm
by Erik Basil
I noted the requirement for abandoment of the course, and also for immediacy, both of which suggest that it's supposed to occur mid-run. Is this correct?
Pat Chewning wrote:...
8.1.1. Situations leading to a Re-Run
A Re-Run may be granted in the following cases:

· The timing equipment malfunctions.

· The start ramp is displaced or damaged.

· The course is not set properly with each cone within the circle.

· The racer is interfered with by an outside agent (people on course, animals, wind blowing cones, soccer ball on course, etc.)

· The racer must abandon the course and immediately ask for a Re-Run.

8.1.2. Situations not leading to a Re-Run
· A cone from the adjacent course interferes with the racer.

· A cone from the racer’s course interferes with the racer.

· The racer’s own skateboard, pads, clothing, or other equipment fails.

· The racer does not immediately abandon the course and ask for a Re-Run.
If there's no need for an immediate bail out, elimination of the abandonment requirement would accommodate racers that deserve a re-run but are not aware of the incident until after the run is finished, or that continue on out of uncertainty. I'm thinking of soccer balls that cause damage behind a racer, missing cones on a 35mph GS run, gusts of wind on the top of the course at Hood River and rabid squirrels.

Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2007 5:25 am
by Pat Chewning
I added your concerns to form a vote for what process the racer must take when asking for a re-run. (See 1st post, proposed wording for the vote).

Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2007 8:02 am
by Erik Basil
" some later time"? That's the only alternative you can imagine to immediately cutting the course and quitting mid-run? How exactly does that serve the interests described by this fellow:
If the racer waits until finishing and then some time after that, demands a re-run --- it is too late to reasonably determine if the racer or the course was correct.
As written, the proposal above is not only unworkable, it's unintelligible. The racer is supposed to cut a u-turn and approach the official for a re run? "Immediacy" is the goof.

8.1.1. Situations leading to a Re-Run
A Re-Run may be granted in the following cases:

· The timing equipment malfunctions.

· The start ramp is displaced or damaged.

· The course is not set properly with each cone within the circle.

· The racer is interfered with by an outside agent (people on course, animals, wind blowing cones, soccer ball on course, etc.)

· The racer must notify officials and ask for a Re-Run immediately after the run, so that officials may review the grounds for a re-run before the race continues.

8.1.2. Situations not leading to a Re-Run
· A cone from the adjacent course interferes with the racer.

· A cone from the racer’s course interferes with the racer.

· The racer’s own skateboard, pads, clothing, or other equipment fails.

· The racer does not notify officials to ask for a Re-Run within a reasonably practical period of time, as defined by the Race Director.

Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2007 9:03 am
by Pat Chewning
Erik: I've put your suggested changes (bold and blue in your post) into the vote for the rules.

"Immediate" in the context of a slalom race probably means : The 20 seconds or so to run the race, plus time to come to a stop, plus time to find an official.