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Longboard shape [help?]

Posted: Tue May 06, 2003 8:52 pm
by Adam Trahan
I am putting together a long board for speed carve/GS and big ditch riding. I have purchased some .75" 11-ply and I have two blanks. I am struggling with making a good shape for this board.

I like the shape of Olson's Van Herrster (sp?) slalom board and the Pocket Pistol Super G 36" (I own one) and I would like to keep it in that vein. Bullet shape, sort of a block or shallow diamond tail and a pointed nose. Widest part part about where my front foot will reside. I am going to use 130mm metal Seismics so a board of about 9.5" x 44" will work for my application.

Can any of you who are "shapers" so to speak provide me with a simple half outline or even a full shape on paper? Thick paper ala paper shopping bag is good, meat wrapping or anything that can be sent folded up in the mail. I'll send the self addressed stamped envelope, I just need the shape...

I have done some overhead projection to make kiteboard shapes from magazines so if you can even send a jpg of the shape, I think I can project it to trace a shape on paper and then scribe the blank from that.

Any help would be fine. The shapes I am making just look weird. I am pulling the nose too much, looks sort of needle nose 80's style.

E-mail or a post is good. I will send a self addressed stamped envelope with the paper for the shape if you can help me with my request.

I need Help too!

Posted: Mon Jan 31, 2005 6:37 am
by Ben Himovitz
You probably got an email that you got a response to your desperate cry for help thinking that someone has answered your prayer...sorry...i need help too. if you have already talked to someone, and not posted an update on this thread, please tell me either by email: ...or by posting a reply here...if you haven't found anyone yet, good luck and if i find someone, i will tell you. i see your in AZ... i am in California so i could always go to a surf shop or something, but i would suggest that you go online and find a popular surf company's website, and ask them to develop a shape for you or something like that. if you end up doing this, PLEASE give them my email address as well. if you don't want me to have the same shape as you, ask them to make two different shapes...thanks and good luck, BEN

Posted: Mon Jan 31, 2005 3:34 pm
by Frank Henn
go look at board building section. There are a few pdf's with alot of good board shapes there.