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best board?

Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2005 3:08 am
by Noah Koski
whats the best kind of board

P.S. this is the first poll i have done so lets try it

Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2005 3:19 am
by Jack Quarantillo
i've ridden all of the above with the exception of s9 and airfow.

(we're talking "test drives" on other people's boards)

They are all nice. Many of them have differing levels of boards.

The answer, unfortunately, is: whatever board is best for you.


Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2005 9:17 am
by Carsten Pingel
Jack, you 're right ! I think every company has "good" boards and "not so good" boards !
But overall you can't say that this or that one is the best.
They have so many variations ! Foam, pure wood, fiber-wood combination, flat top, concave, special airflow C-81 "concave",tails, upturned noses, camber,s-camber and so on.
Every rider prefers his own kind of board ! Maybe some riders like pocket pistols more because they like the attitude and the image of the company ?!
Or they like Roe because they know Gareth Roe and they want to support his company....I don't know !?!? There are many reasons.


Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2005 7:22 pm
by Martin Siegrist
some people love ferraris because they are red...

Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2005 7:42 pm
by Vlad Popov
Performance/Value = CKAT ($18-$25 board+trucks). State level comps, local races, 6 cones per second, ect.

Performace/(Value X Accessability) = Performace Series Roe (under $100). State level comps. Local races. World Championships.

Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2005 1:36 am
by Cameron Conn
I think you should edit it and make it say, what's your favorite board?

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2005 12:05 am
by Glenn Garbett

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2005 12:17 am
by Christopher Bara
No offense intended here Noah.....but...

The choices given are like comparing a Vette to a Ferarri to an SUV to a Minivan to a dune buggy.......they all do a good job of serving different niches in the market.

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2005 8:36 pm
by Justin Pannulla
Yeah, it definitely depends on the person.

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2005 8:38 pm
by Frank Henn
my boardImage

roll me over in the clover

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2005 2:45 am
by Steve Collins
The best board was buried in a landfill north of Topeka in 1979. All other boards can now only be second best.

The Best...

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2005 5:24 am
by Eric Brammer
Was my Kryptonics 8.5" wide foam-cores from '78-79. They did everything, and did all things well (except T.S., just a bit long for that). I think I rode that board in some 30+ pools (not bad for a Vermontah,Eh?), 53 skateparks, and countless ramps, plus I used it for G.S. racing, downhill, and cruised a crapload of miles on it around these local hills. My normal setup was either Futracs or Extracs, and the early C-Series or CX Kryptos. With 70mm Red C's on it, I did 57 mph on it, timed over a 1/4 mile by my Dad (who was an Engineer,and had 'the facts' always down cold).
I rode one for almost 9 years, and rode it quite often, on the steep rough roads in backwoods VT, and in 22 states of the union that I travelled to in my youth. It sucumbed to an aggressive redneck pickup truck driver who ran me off the road (in San Andreas,CA),then backed up to run the deck over! I lost two kryptonics C-70 blues, and a Tracker fultrac, plus the deck that day, about 1/3rd of a mile from the motel we were at. The song "If I had a Rocket Launcher" resounds in my head when I recall that little moment in my life. :-(
A second one, that got tossed nose-first off the 3rd story roof of a local store by a punk who was a tad jealous of my owning it. Apparently, it passed the survival test, I got it back (from his brother) about 4 months later, with a nice split across the nose bumper. That one I still have, and hope to one day repair the glass up by the nose. It's probably a wall-hanger, but I kinda hope it can be brought back to rideable condition.

The only other board that really changed my riding as much was my Turner Fullnose. That board made me aware of of the little, but important, tweaks in my style that could allow me handle steeps and perfect a slalom technique that was good enough to place well in a few races. That board, I still have, and still will race with, albeit in the Vintage Class nowadays.
I also have this one old Hobie Parkrider. It has just always 'been there', and I'll likely never get rid of it. It's not my fave, it's not great at anything, but it's JUST FUN, and always has been. If I had to sell them all, the Hobie would go last, but not without one hell of a fight!