CHIxILL teams been on FIRE this summer!

CHIxILL Slalom Skateboards

Moderators: Chris Novatny, Chris Favero

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Chris Favero
CHIxILL Master CFav
CHIxILL Master CFav
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CHIxILL teams been on FIRE this summer!

Post by Chris Favero » Mon Aug 13, 2007 11:35 pm

I have to take the time to say how cool it has been watching the CHIxILL riders blaze this summer.Collins,Oles,Hollien,Duquette,Winston,Lavin,Nate Favero and Jennings.Each of these guys have been doing some insane riding at one point or another this year,thanks for riding the decks.
A big shout out to Duquette for pulling off the overall win at the Farm,past winners are the likes of Mitchell,Pirnack,etc.Mike won the hybrid,downhill and got 4th in the G/S.Way to go!
Freak Bros. Racing

Ron Barbagallo
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Post by Ron Barbagallo » Tue Aug 14, 2007 1:57 pm

Duquette was on FIRE!!! Thanks so much for STEALING him from MY Team, you bastard!!!!

Hahahahahaha!!!!! Ah, you know I'm kidding - in fact I was rockin' my ChiXill shirt during the rain on Friday.

All joking aside, The Duque is an amazing racer. His family was fantastic and so supportive of him and ALL the skaters. We were honored to have him on Team Fatboy when he was starting out and we'll always consider him an honorary member. You're ALWAYS welcome at the Fatboy Tent, Mikey!

Cfav, Cnov - take care of our little boy.....*sniff*............they grow up so fast! ;)
Evil Potentate
Team Fatboy - all hopped up on goofballs!

Still douchebags, but CLASSY douchebags ;)


Noah Heinle
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Post by Noah Heinle » Tue Aug 14, 2007 3:02 pm

Yes they have....



Adam Winston
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Post by Adam Winston » Fri Aug 17, 2007 7:12 pm

just wait till cali when we are all together... we are going to RIP IT UP.... unless we get dq-ed in that case we will go surfing and drink booze :)

(im back at home now, so let the good times roll)

justin collins
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Post by justin collins » Fri Aug 17, 2007 9:24 pm

cali is my old stomping grounds. In fact, pump station was my first race ever. Can't wait to hit up the hills and parks of my home town. See ya guys out there!!!
ride with the kings

Stephen Lavin
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Post by Stephen Lavin » Fri Aug 17, 2007 10:57 pm

Adam, you still alive bro!? Team en masse but missing lemon boy.

We need to find my RayBans at that Pizza place by the beach. Check this out; I was in Yellowstone two weeks ago doing some lazy river floating action down the firehole river. I went to get out of deep water, slipped on a rock, whacked my face on the same rock and..., yep you guessed it, lost my prescription glasses - again. That was on day two. It went downhill from there.


Adam Winston
Posts: 202
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Location: Toronto,Canada

Post by Adam Winston » Sat Aug 18, 2007 4:35 am

hahaha topsider you crack me up every time dude....

i went white water rafting down the Ottawa river this summer and had a blast... white water kicks ass i almost thought about changing sports till i saw that the paddles they use are worth more than a Pavel with GoGs and wheels made from gold

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