New Slalom Spots?

Slalom Skateboarding in Utah and surrounding states

Moderators: Jonathan Harms, Ron Barbagallo, Maria Carrasco, Russel Cantor, Lynn Kramer, Martin Drayton

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Curt Chapman
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New Slalom Spots?

Post by Curt Chapman » Tue Apr 17, 2007 9:11 pm

OK, I know that we're in the market for spots to dodge cones. I moved to the South-West part of the Salt Lake Valley recently, and there's a fair ammount of constuction going on, which means new roads going in constantly. Here's a few I've found that will probably be skateable for the next while, if anyone wants to give them a try: (Sorry for the links, it was the best I could do while wasting time at work :)

One of the ones I like the most: From where I'm standing, there is also a hill behing me that goes to a circle, with a little less pitch, which could be good for beginner-type stuff.
A good looking spot.

Here's another in the same area:

Another with a nice run-out: (Watch out for bambi)

Another in the same area:
near bambi

GS anyone?

Promising in the near future:

Recently paved with a couple of pitches:
2 pitches

Next we have a park that could work. In the first photo, the parking lot to the left of the road has a decent pitch, but don't know how many soccer and baseball moms we'd have to deal with, the second photo is of a flatter lot below the first. The third would probably be open most of the time if we wanted to use it. The Sherrifs dept. was doing motorcycle training the day I took the photo, so it's cone friendly....
park 1
park 2
park 3

Bob Harper
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Post by Bob Harper » Thu Apr 19, 2007 2:02 am

Hey Yall
Bob from farm land Idaho keep Kevin and I in the loop of new spots. I'm hoping we can come down next week or the fallowing,depending on the weather. looking forward to this season and see if I can snap Martins old Indys.
later Bob

Jonathan Harms
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Post by Jonathan Harms » Thu Apr 19, 2007 3:44 pm

Ooooh, nice stuff. I'm envious. We just don't seem to get that whole "put in nice asphalt streets before building houses" thing around these parts.

trish erickson
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nice assphalt!

Post by trish erickson » Thu Apr 19, 2007 7:43 pm

Curt, you rock! I am willing to take the drive to ride those hills. Yes Jonathan, We are backwards here in Utah! But in this case, backwards is good. LOL.

Hey Idaho Bob, hope you guys can make it down. If not, I know you all have a great GS hill. I think for sure I will be making the trek up ur way this summer for sure to ride it.

Jonathan Harms
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Post by Jonathan Harms » Thu Apr 19, 2007 8:07 pm

Trish, you're not backwards. WE are. That was my point! :-)

(Actually, most of the new subdivisions I have seen around here put in bumpy concrete streets instead of smooth asphalt ones. :-() Same difference--hence my envy of U-all.

Cat Young
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Post by Cat Young » Thu Apr 19, 2007 9:21 pm

Oh crap, Trish is practicing.

I'd better step up my training!

Nice finds, Curt C !!

trish erickson
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kitty cat fast!

Post by trish erickson » Fri Apr 20, 2007 5:00 am

Thats funny Cat! I saw the results to your last race. What are you talkin' about. I neeed to practice. Your scarrin' me for sure! can't wait to hook up with you again.

Skate happy!

Curt Chapman
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Saturday April 28th Anyone?

Post by Curt Chapman » Tue Apr 24, 2007 5:06 pm

If anyone is intersted in checking out the hills in the first couple of shots in this thread, I'm going to head up there on Saturday Morning for a couple of hours. 7-9, 8-10 (More likely 8-10) in the morning.

Here's the directions:

Go south on I-15 to Bangeter Highway. Go west on Bangerter Highway until you reach 13400 South. Go west on 13400 South to 5000 West (Which is also named Monarch Meadows Parkway. Go South on Monarch Meadows Parkway. It will eventually turn into Juniper Crest Road. Follow Juniper Crest Road until it ends, at this point you will turn Left, onto i believe Ambermont Drive (or something like that, I don't remember the exact name, but at the end of Juniper Crest, you'll either have to go right or left. Follow Ambermont for a ways, and you're there. I believe the first picture is the third right, then first left off of Ambermont.

Bring brooms if you want to dodge cones......
Last edited by Curt Chapman on Wed May 09, 2007 5:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.

trish erickson
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Post by trish erickson » Tue Apr 24, 2007 7:39 pm

Hey Curt,

I have other obligations on Saturday so I won't be able skate. I will be up at the U on Thursday though. I really want to get out and skate those hills sometime soon though.

skate Happy!

Jim Weatherwax
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Utah Cones

Post by Jim Weatherwax » Wed Apr 25, 2007 2:25 am

Curt, Trish, Bob and gang

I will be in SLC on 5/12 if anybody wants to get togeather and do some sk8n....

TS, Hybrid, GS, Super name it, just tell me where and when, I will pack the right stix and would love to come play

trish erickson
Posts: 223
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Jims visit

Post by trish erickson » Fri Apr 27, 2007 6:24 pm

Hey Jim,

I am working a 24 hour shift that day in the city so I won't be able to skate unless everybody is up for setting cones at the U of U. I might be able to swing up there between calls.

speaking of the campus....I was about and hour late last night and nobody was there. Ok though because it was crowded due the the NCAA finals. Maybe we should check out Curt's hills until summer hits and the campus is quiet.

Curt Chapman
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Post by Curt Chapman » Fri Apr 27, 2007 9:04 pm

I'm pretty sure I can find a couple of hours on the 12th to sk8. Are you in town all day WAX?

The U or wherever is fine with me Trish....

Martin Drayton
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Re: New Slalom Spots?

Post by Martin Drayton » Wed Oct 24, 2007 5:30 pm

Curt C wrote:OK, I know that we're in the market for spots to dodge cones. I moved to the South-West part of the Salt Lake Valley recently, and there's a fair ammount of constuction going on, which means new roads going in constantly. Here's a few I've found that will probably be skateable for the next while, if anyone wants to give them a try: (Sorry for the links, it was the best I could do while wasting time at work :)

One of the ones I like the most: From where I'm standing, there is also a hill behing me that goes to a circle, with a little less pitch, which could be good for beginner-type stuff.
A good looking spot.

Here's another in the same area:

Another with a nice run-out: (Watch out for bambi)

Another in the same area:
near bambi

GS anyone?

Promising in the near future:

Recently paved with a couple of pitches:
2 pitches

Next we have a park that could work. In the first photo, the parking lot to the left of the road has a decent pitch, but don't know how many soccer and baseball moms we'd have to deal with, the second photo is of a flatter lot below the first. The third would probably be open most of the time if we wanted to use it. The Sherrifs dept. was doing motorcycle training the day I took the photo, so it's cone friendly....
park 1
park 2
park 3
Hey Curt, how are tricks! Did you get to skate any of these spots this summer? Just wondered if any will be useable next summer...

Cat Young
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Post by Cat Young » Wed Oct 24, 2007 5:33 pm

Hey Utah peeps------ call Trish & tell her to get her butt to the Coss Open this weekend!

Better yet, get all your butts to the Coss Open!

C'mon--- last contest of the season.


Martin Drayton
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Post by Martin Drayton » Wed Oct 24, 2007 6:48 pm

Wish I could, but your Immigration Service says my butt needs to be in the UK a while longer....Next year I hope I'll be visiting COSS-land!
Plus Utah Trish will have had some intensive training with 2 coaches when you see her next Cat, watch your tail!

Cat Young
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Post by Cat Young » Wed Oct 24, 2007 6:59 pm

Martin....... I prefer to have someone else watching my tail!

Martin Drayton
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Post by Martin Drayton » Wed Oct 24, 2007 9:26 pm

From what I understand there is already a loooooong line....deservedly so ;)

Curt Chapman
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Re: New Slalom Spots?

Post by Curt Chapman » Wed Oct 24, 2007 10:04 pm

Martin Drayton wrote:Hey Curt, how are tricks! Did you get to skate any of these spots this summer? Just wondered if any will be useable next summer...
Hey Martin,

Yes I did skate some of these this summer. Bob, Kevin and the Smurf crew came out one day (Along with WAX) and we had some fun.

A lot of the streets where these photos were taken now have construction on them, but there are other, new streets that have been paved since then in the same area.

There will still be plenty of new pavement to skate next summer in the south-west corner of the Salt Lake valley.

'Twill be nice to have you back also!

Martin Drayton
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Hills please!

Post by Martin Drayton » Fri Jan 18, 2008 3:17 pm

Hey Curt, when the snow finally melts, get out there and do some scouting for me buddy, I'm desperate for some hills...nothing but flat ground down here on the British South Coast!
Take care,

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