[2005] Outlaw Race in Park City, Utah?

Slalom Skateboarding in Utah and surrounding states

Moderators: Jonathan Harms, Ron Barbagallo, Maria Carrasco, Russel Cantor, Lynn Kramer, Martin Drayton

miKe M
Posts: 54
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Post by miKe M » Fri Sep 30, 2005 5:15 pm

Jam Format? Kevin must have had something to do with this....

no really, i'm super stoked for this weekend. does jam format include max amount of runs, or can you just hit it as many times as you want to get your times down? i have to admit, kevin is awefully good at shaving off those tenths and hundreths by his 11th or 12 runs.

can't wait for sunday. let me know if there is anything i can help with other than bringing whatever food and beer i feel like. i'll bring some to share with everybody.

Martin Drayton
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Post by Martin Drayton » Fri Sep 30, 2005 8:23 pm

Yeah Mike, he is, but people will also have to pace themselves...Its a loooooooong day! Slip him a few beers as the day goes on!

STOP PRESS! Andy from Max's shop here in PC has arranged for a TV company to come film!!!!

trish erickson
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Marion and the DHB's

Post by trish erickson » Sat Oct 01, 2005 4:41 am

Hey Everybody,

I just got a call from Marion Karr. If you all don't know who he is, He's the greatest, most energetic, sharin' the stoke leader oft he Downhillbillies. Check out the website! I wear the team shirt to almost all of the thursday jams sessions. Marion called to let you all know that he sent some stuff for our race, including some t-shirts. He though that us Utah girls would look sexy wearing them for PJ's. Thats because he only had xl and xxxl to send. He wanted Martin to know that he sent it to the shop. So hopefully martin will be able to pick it up for Sunday. I loved talking with him. Marion, I am so glad we finally got to visit via phone and not just through the forums. This guy has soooo much stoke! This is what skatin' is all about! sharin the stoke and having fun. Marion, thanks for helping us to all remember what this is all about. Someday I will be racing you in the seniors class!

See ya all Sunday,


Martin Drayton
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We love Marion...

Post by Martin Drayton » Sat Oct 01, 2005 5:33 am

Thanks Marion! Just wish we could all beam ourselves down to your race, sounds like it would be a blast!

I think 5 more riders from PC are coming, folks that I work with. One is a good outside bet, he has some slalom skills. Also, remember the video guy from PCTV? Well looks like his talented brother will be dropping in....Hmmmm (Big Bro might bring the camera-2 camera crews ;))
Billy and I will be setting and marking the courses before Sunday's event. Last thoughts on stuff to bring....

A big plain sheet/blanket to lay the prizes on.
Push broom.
Bring some warm clothes, weather.com says getting warmer but possibly windy, so if you have any cones, please bring them in case we have to double up!

Sleep tight my little ones you have a big day coming up!

Martin Drayton
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11th hour stuff!

Post by Martin Drayton » Sat Oct 01, 2005 12:53 pm

Woke up at 3:15am and suddenly remembered stuff!

1)So that the top of the course doesn't get too crowded, I'm thinking we should get people to park in the Lower Cul-de-sac of Eagle Pointe (actual name of the hill) once the top area starts to get full.

2)I will put signs on race day directing people from Kearns Blvd to the race hill.

3)Will set up my GMail/Yahoo account to automatically send directions.

4)Can someone bring trash bags...Can anyone staying to the end help pick up trash?

This is getting exciting!

Billy Bordy
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Post by Billy Bordy » Sun Oct 02, 2005 5:06 pm

O-kay its here the Fall Shindig! But it is windy, windy, windy. Lets go find out who can pump and tuck!!!

alpine dedicated

Martin Drayton
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HUGE Success!

Post by Martin Drayton » Mon Oct 03, 2005 5:45 pm

WOW!!!! What an amazing day... It made all that hard work worthwhile to see all those happy faces at the end of the day. Once I get the paperwork off "MC Billy", I will post full results.
I cannot believe that this all started with a conversation between Jeremy Davis and myself and an e-mail from me to Mike May with a suggestion that we get together in PC and skate (I get bored skating on my own), to an event with over 20 competitors, as many spectators, two photographers and a TV crew!
The standard was very impressive and those new to the sport were taken aback by the speed and skill of you guys. When the TV spot airs in a month, the whole of PC will be amazed!
We have so many more locals who want to skate regularly now, the momentum is enormous...I just wish we had more summer left!
I didn't get a chance to thank the sponsors at the end (I did at the start), so here goes!

Without the following companies and individuals our 1st Annual Shindig would not have been the day that it was:

Park City Mountain Resort
Bahne Skateboards
Concrete Wave Magazine
Max's Snowboard Shop
Bob Harper
Skateshops of Logan
Destination Sports/PC Park & Ride
Brighton Ski Team
Pocket Pistols
Tracker Trucks
DownHill Billies
Asphalt Playground
and the Members of UPC!


For giving their time and going that extra mile, for doing stuff like posters (Chris), bringing the trailer (Trish & Greg), distributing & printing posters (Mike) MCing (Billy), ALL you UPC'ers made me proud to be associated with you.
Hopefully I haven't forgotten anyone...
I also want to say a huge thank you to Utah's coolest group of skaters, that award you gave me, that Bob made so beautifully, almost brought tears to my eyes. I will NEVER forget that moment...THANK YOU!

miKe M
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Post by miKe M » Mon Oct 03, 2005 11:44 pm

i'm so excited this race went off without a hitch!
thanks everybody for making this summer a great skating summer! i am so used to longboarding and downhilling alone. i'm glad that we all hooked up and i have a great group of friends to skate with now. i can only imagine next year!

anway, my uncle was up taking pictures on sunday. it sounds like we got quite a lot of media exposure for the event, but i wanted to make sure each of us got a little photographic memoir for the summer. i got all the pictures today and am burning CD's soon. they are all about 3 megs, so let me know if you want me to email them to you instead. they are all great quality that you can print out. if anybody has access to some webspace we could post all of these, let me know. otherwise i will get these distributed on a one by one basis. my uncle only asks that if we end up giving these to anybody, he gets credit. posting on BB's are just fine...

anyway, here are a few teasers...
<img src="http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b311/ ... CT0020.jpg" alt="Image hosted by Photobucket.com">
<img src="http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b311/ ... T00092.jpg" alt="Image hosted by Photobucket.com">
<img src="http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b311/ ... CT0080.jpg" alt="Image hosted by Photobucket.com">

Bob Harper
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Utah Weathermen luv UPC

Post by Bob Harper » Tue Oct 04, 2005 5:06 am

Boi what a day yesterday. It couldn't have run smoother. It was great seeing new faces getting into the wiggly thing,and watching their turns progressing. By this time next year,UPC will be faster than Next Day Air.
Thanks to all the supporters,sponsers,coneheads,photodogs,time keeping technitions,comunication personel,the longboard sliders,all the guys who like to turn hi tech sk8s really friggin fast,and most off all that one dude who took 2005 world tight slalom open mens. You all made my day. I hope to get down for a couple more before the snow falls,if not it was a great time and I met some great people. I"m looking forward to next season and ROAD TRIPS.
And another thanks to the unknow longboarders that found my cell phone and turned it in to the P.C. Police. It is being sent back to me.

It was a great day for Me and my Kids
G-pa Wiggly

trish erickson
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weekend Jam

Post by trish erickson » Tue Oct 04, 2005 4:19 pm

Hey Mike,

Your Uncle took some great pictures. Thank you!? for posting Greg and me. Kevin deserved it for sure. I would love to have a disc of all the shots he got. Just lets us know how and when and how much ok? I tried to post yesterday but was unable to log on to this site but I just wanted to say thanks to Martin. I am soooo hooked on this sport. I hope that this continues on next summer. I will be riding for sure. I had such a great time meeting and skating with you all! The race was great. Thanks to everyone that was so nice to the the "coneheads." Carly can't wait to do it again. Thanks to all the sponsors that sent all the swag. That was a nice thing to do. And thanks to everyone who showed up to watch and to everyone who helped with all the things it takes to make a race happen. I really had no idea how much work it is. What a great day.....do it again next year? Ya!

see ya all until the snow flies,


Billy Bordy
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mmmmmm Fall Shindig

Post by Billy Bordy » Tue Oct 04, 2005 10:59 pm

Great time! Great racing... Thanks everyone for making it happen. I Can,t wait to do it again next year We have a handfull of photos posted here [url] http://hardbooter.com/gallery/Longboarding

I am working on some video for the UPC crew...

It was a great turn out.

See you Thursday a 5!

alpine dedicated

Billy Bordy
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Post by Billy Bordy » Wed Oct 05, 2005 5:22 am

Here they are! Nice work every one.

The time orders are TS- GS--H--Total I can,t seem to get the heading over the times on the forum.

Veterans (over 50) TS GS H Total
Gib Lewis-Colorado (COSS Team) 14.02 24.97 26.01 64.99

Mens (over 40)
Kevin Hornibrook-Logan (UPC Team) 12.71 24.21 24.17 61.09
Bob Harper-Boise (UPC Team) 14.48 26.01 27.86 68.35
Greg Erickson-Heber City (UPC Team) 17.47 31.04 31.09 79.60
Scott Murphy- SLC (Brighton Ski Team) DNS 29.12 DNS

Mens (21-40) TS GS H Total
Mike May-SLC (UPC Team) 13.36 24.00 26.03 63.39
Chris Peddecord-SLC (UPC Team) 15.61 26.57 28.16 70.34
Fernando Steffey-SLC 18.26 29.68 38.74 86.68
Jared Quilter-Park City (UPC Team) 18.73 29.95 DNS
Jeremy Davis-Park City DNS 28.78 32.97
John Pohl-Park City DNS 29.08 32.78
Greg McCormick-Heber City DNS 30.56 DNS

Youths(under 21) TS GS H Total
Daisuke Sakamoto-Japan 21.06 30.21 33.09 84.36
Skylar Seabrook-Park City DNS 25.91 45.84
Dustin Paulsen-Sandy DNS 36.51 41.70
Kelby Harper-Logan (UPC Team) DNS 26.95 DNF

Boys (under 15)
Kevin Loughlin-Park City DNF 30.61 DNF

Women (over 40)
Trish Erickson-Heber City (UPC Team) 16.87 27.31 29.27 73.45

Women (21-40)
Christy Bordy-Heber City (UPC Team) 18.85 29.89 34.60 84.34
Jackie Baulch-Park City DNS 61.14 DNS
Maggie Nichols-SLC DNS DNF DNS

alpine dedicated

Martin Drayton
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We are in the Park Record Newspaper!

Post by Martin Drayton » Thu Oct 06, 2005 5:18 am

The issue that came out today has pics of Kevin, Kelby and Dustin...I have copies for Kev & Kelb!
Also check out their website for pics of some of the rest of you guys! http://parkrecord.mycapture.com/mycaptu ... vent=66091

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