[2005] Outlaw Race in Park City, Utah?

Slalom Skateboarding in Utah and surrounding states

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Martin Drayton
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[2005] Outlaw Race in Park City, Utah?

Post by Martin Drayton » Thu Sep 01, 2005 8:50 am

OK boys and girls...Lets hear your ideas for our first outlaw race...Things to decide (We already have the kick-ass venue!)

1) Date...A Sunday before the weather changes? When...
2) Events...TS, Slalom/Hybrid, GS ? Some/all? Combined times/best times?
3) Timing gear? Mike?
4) Men and women compete together or in seperate divisions?
5) Juniors start at what age?
6) Anything I have missed?

Once we have the date decided, I can approach PCTV for coverage and potential sponsors for swag/prizes.
What do you think?

Oh yeah...nearly forgot:
a) A name for our race.
b) A name for our "Crew"

miKe M
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Post by miKe M » Thu Sep 01, 2005 9:33 pm

Yea outlaw Race!

my suggestions/comments:

1) Sunday probably before, what, end of october? mid october? might be a little chilly, but weather baring it could be cool with the color of fall leaves up there... would give us some time to get it together.
2) we need to figure out roughly how many people will come to the race. it won't be much use making a junior catagory if only two juniors are going to race. it would be nice though. i personally like the best run of three runs style. it would be real easy to just make a start list and run down it, and announce the standings in whatever catagories we decide to make based on who shows up.
i think we need at least a GS (becuase that hill is so awesome) and slalom, either TS or Hybrid. by hybrid do you mean with offsets? if so, i think offsets would be killer, but not as user friendly.
3) timing gear will not be a problem. i'll either have a wand start, or hopefully a tape trip by the time we get to the actual race. i have an aquanitance who will run the timing so as i can race.
4) women can be in their own catagory. i have no problem racing against them however...
5) juniors are <18?
6) promotion! we need to get some posters up and set some safety rules- helmets at very least. pads/no pads mandatory? my uncle is a amatuer sports photographer and has done some great work in the past, including printed media for mountain biking magazine. i can show you some examples sometime. i've got him all preped and he will be there to shoot. photos will be sold back to compeditors at a nominal fee, and we can use some for promotional reasons after the race...

we need a crew name and race name, i agree! lets come up with one tonight...

martin- i hope i don't sound too forward here. i'm just trying to help, and i know there are a lot of small details needed to make it awesome for people who might show up who haven't trained with us.

l8r sk8rs,


Billy Bordy
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Post by Billy Bordy » Fri Sep 02, 2005 6:17 am

Utah Pavment Carvers. as in hell ya I roll with the UPC.

I can help with any and everything also, mostly because the doc says I can not skate with a broken shoulder.....

I am now Billy the goper!!!!!

And thats o.....k.....

alpine dedicated

Chris Peddecord
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Post by Chris Peddecord » Fri Sep 02, 2005 7:23 am

How's your hip and shoulder? Sorry to have seen that happen, hopefully your wife (who's name I didn't get) is taking good care of you.

UPC, heh. Nice.

miKe M
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Post by miKe M » Fri Sep 02, 2005 10:42 pm


you broke your shoulder? what's the status? that was a nasty fall, but broken?

whats up man?


Martin Drayton
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When? UPC Outlaw Race...

Post by Martin Drayton » Sat Sep 03, 2005 10:49 pm

Billy, I felt the ground shake when you hit...Damn, that was hard!!! So glad you had your helmet on, as your bell got rung pretty good too..

Utah Pavement Carvers Fall Shindig...
I think as early as gives us time to get everything ready...
How about Sunday 2nd October?
Is a month enough time to get ready?
Do we want to advertise it outside the skate community with posters? I'm just wondering if someone finds out we are using the road, they may get us moved...
Do we need an entry fee to cover colour copies and photopaper?
We could have a BYO meat BBQ when we are done too!

If we are going to be "UPC", we could steal the graphic from "UPS" and slalomise it?

Posters for mailshots I can do (like I did the skate session ones), anyone got a colour printer?

Once we decide a date, I can write to potential sponsors for prizes.
Also, if we keep to 3 runs for each event, we might be able to get GS, Hydrid (like the 1st white course Mike) AND Tight Slalom (not as tight as the 2nd white course!) on the same day!

I was planning on setting the courses and fore-running and not competing, that way the courses won't be biased towards the person setting. It looks like I will have an assistant to help with timing and scoring now...eh, Bordy!

ps. I will be skating at some point in the day too next Thursday and a bit on the Sunday after in preparation for Morro...Anyone around? I need to work on 50+ cone courses, TS and SL and a little steeper than the School Car Park...Any ideas? SLC? Mike?

Billy Bordy
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Post by Billy Bordy » Sun Sep 04, 2005 1:13 am

I am in,as the helper cat..do to my fractured collor bone. Mike;( In the Arnold voice) you know I am so bad arss that I show no pain....Naw I was just to scared to cry in front of the grown ups.. Plus I love a good Shindig

Martin call me if you are going to session I'll come help and film. We will get you ready for worlds cool guy style.

I cant wait to see the Hydrid is that like hybrid with water and plants?

O-maybe thats the pain killers talking. Back to bed.....

mmmmmmmm Slalom injury...... still has some thing to so with slalom, so I am happy.

Chris, that Fatboy is way to fast for me!

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Chris Peddecord
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Post by Chris Peddecord » Sun Sep 04, 2005 2:36 am

Billy, I still feel pretty bad that it was my board you cracked yourself on... jesus man...

Anyhow, I just dicked around with a UPS logo and created a C... I realized after some of the vector grunt work was done I could have just used any old font and typed in "c" and take it from there.... oh well:

I'll see if I can add wheels and cones or something...

As for somewhere in SLC to set down cones, the stadium parking lot is butter smooth on a nice grade and about 2-4 acres (my acre-measuring-sense isn't that good) plus you can pick what grade you want to skate on because of the size. Empty on the weekends also. Only unknown is whether or not you'll have to deal with the man.

Martin Drayton
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Love the logo!!!

Post by Martin Drayton » Sun Sep 04, 2005 8:01 am

Great work Chris! I did a similar thing for my snowboard camps with an English Bank logo, but the T-shirt guy nixxed it!
It shouldn't be a problem over here (I have seen "Shred-Ex" and "Boardwiser" shirts in the shops), especially if you add a pair of wheels etc!


Martin Drayton
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1st Sponsor steps up!

Post by Martin Drayton » Mon Sep 05, 2005 8:56 am

I haven't even written to any sponsors yet and I just got an e-mail from Gareth Roe offering to send one or two decks as prizes!!!
This is going to be a mega finish to our first season, it'll be a blast!

Billy Bordy
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Now worries chris.

Post by Billy Bordy » Mon Sep 05, 2005 6:23 pm

Chris feel no sorrow for me, I was the guy driving so its my bad.

The logo looks great ! I am not as computer friendly, but I do have some sketches with cones and wheel marks etc. I'll bring them Thursday when I become the UPC gopher maybe a SL deck where the package is? I can picture it now, brown T-Shirts with some silly saying about shipping and skating... Perhaps even a UPC barcode with some crazy words or some thing. Maybe the pain killers make me feel more creative then I am. Back to bed...


Isn't there logo "what can brown do for you"? Perhaps a good spin whould be "what can cones do for you"

Or when you absolutly have to finish this course over night, naw thats fed-ex...Ha Ha

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Scott Snow
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Collar Bone

Post by Scott Snow » Mon Sep 05, 2005 7:13 pm

Sorry to hear that you took a spill especially on a Fatboy. Remember, "Chicks dig scars, Pain is temporary, Glory is forever!" Fell twice on my Fatboy yesterday, (damn flexible cones folded under my wheels), and still didn't put on my elbow pads after the first time. It's amazing how eating a little pavement will humble you. Heal quick because the snow will soon be falling.

trish erickson
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Post by trish erickson » Tue Sep 06, 2005 3:36 am

Hey Gang,

I just got back from vegas and Mesquite and was catching up. You guys have been brainstorming! I think a race is a great idea! I wanna race. Although I just got a looksee at those pictures you posted Martin.... That course looks hard! I can't say how much training I am going to be able to squeeze in though. I have a pretty tight schedule the next few weeks. might have an "eye" problem on thursday! But if you guys run cones during the days, post it and I will try to hook up. That parking lot at the university would be a great spot to run. Most of the campus seems to be legal. I was riding there a few weeks ago and a cop rode by and just waved at me. He was probably laughing at me because I almot fell on my face trying to run out. But still a good time. anyway, can't wait to ride again. keep posting updates and hopefully we ride soon!


miKe M
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Post by miKe M » Tue Sep 06, 2005 6:30 pm

billy- oh no! collar bones suck!

race day-

yes, the 2nd of october works for me. it'd be nice to get all three races in with a BBQ after. i'll get timing all set up this week so it works. i've got a photographer too, if i haven't already said that before. as far as the outlaw thing goes, lets do it full on outlaw style. location to be announced and all that. we could say sign up by calling a number, and telling them where it is so it is not advertised. the boys down in new mexico were really good at that becuase all their ditch races are outlaw and i think i learned a thing or two about keeping it on the down low and keeping those that need to know informed. we should probably make out a map to email people that haven't been before. it can be done without putting the location on the flyers! and, yes i think flyers would be a great thing to get out there. i've got some places down here in SLC that we need to put them up at...

logo- i've got a buddy that has a print shop that will do shirts and posters for cheap, if not for free to get his name out there. he does a really good job. personally, i am more inclined towards the whole skulls and death and bones type logos and being a bad ass, even though i'm not that badass. it's just nice to have a hard core image to fall behind. i've got another really good buddy that is a kickin local artist. he could work on this for us, for the price of some equipment. he has really been liking my slalom boards and want's me to help set up an old metal skate he has with trucks and wheels. perhaps he could do something for us in return for schwag to set up his deck. his website is www.swinj.com so let me know if that's something you guys want. he'd be real interested to do something with us and it's make our deal look that much cooler. he has done a lot of stuff for SLUG mag, so totally professional... i'll run it by him. i do like the whole UPS/UPC thing though, it just needs some skate touch to it.

skating this thursday- martin, i've got car troubles, or more exactly things to get fixed on my car so i can sell it asap. it's getting worse and i need to get rid of it. so, i might not have a car this thursday to get up there early. i can take a work truck and be there for the evening, but earlier than that might be a problem. i can't really think of any place to skate here during the day other than some road up emigration canyon that might not be too busy. it's an area very similar to what we have been training on. but, you might have to come get me, and we'd be down here and not up in PC. i'll keep you posted. if billy is going to help you out anyway, perhaps i can just try to get up there in time...

way to go on the decks martin!


Chris Peddecord
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Post by Chris Peddecord » Wed Sep 07, 2005 1:07 am

miKe M wrote:skating this thursday- martin, i've got car troubles, or more exactly things to get fixed on my car so i can sell it asap. it's getting worse and i need to get rid of it. so, i might not have a car this thursday to get up there early. i can take a work truck and be there for the evening, but earlier than that might be a problem.
Mike, I'm planning to get up the hill rather early next thursday if you want to carpool.

miKe M
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Post by miKe M » Wed Sep 07, 2005 2:36 am


i'm assuming you are the same chris that has been showing up on thursdays. it would be great to carpool. you've got my number...
somebody help me be responsible (not always the case in the skateboarding community) and give me a time so i can work it out at work.


Martin Drayton
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Its on Baby!!!

Post by Martin Drayton » Wed Sep 07, 2005 7:36 pm

Its on....Sunday 2nd October, time to be announced. The Sponsors are really getting behind us, its so cool! I have had e-mails from the following companies so far who are happy to send us product:

Concrete Wave
North Carolina Longboarders

We just need a meat sponsor for the BBQ ;)
What I'm suggesting, if its cool with everyone, is to have a GS, a Hybrid and a TS. 3 runs with your fastest to count. It will mean no "sleep-in" Sunday morning!
The times will be totalled to decide final placings and Overall winners. If we have enough prizes we might have seperate winners for each event.
We will also have special category winners too...ie. Most improved, best Junior etc. All suggestions welcome!
Don't you just love the Slalom Community!!!
Last edited by Martin Drayton on Thu Sep 08, 2005 3:12 am, edited 1 time in total.

Troy Smart
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Post by Troy Smart » Wed Sep 07, 2005 9:34 pm

NYC to SLC $222.
16 bucks a day for a car.
My boys (well one of them anyway) getting to see Grandma, again, Aunts/Uncles and cousins for the first time and the place I grew up. $?
And, oh yea.... a little skating thrown in.


Martin Drayton
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Like Nike says "Just do it!"...

Post by Martin Drayton » Thu Sep 08, 2005 12:34 am

Yeah Troy! You know you want to....

Asphalt Playground
and SK8 Kings have signed on too!

Bob Harper
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Utah Outlaw

Post by Bob Harper » Thu Sep 08, 2005 11:36 pm

Hey UPC Dudes
Can't wait till 10 2 05 this sound like lots of fun. I wanted to come down with Kevin tonight but the Dirt Factory calls. It sounds like you guys are getting everything orginized quite well. if there is any thing Kevin or I can do to help let us know.
I'm going to try and find the time to build one of my hand built decks and i will donate it for a prize. I also havea conection to a big canopy. This sounds to fun, I haven't been in an orginized race since 78.

Billy very sorry to here about the shoulder. I don't know whats worse the break,or those danm braces. Heal quick I want another session with ya before the snow falls.

See yal next week.
Bob the spudland cone wiggler

trish erickson
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racin in Utah

Post by trish erickson » Fri Sep 09, 2005 4:08 pm

Hey Troy,

Minus the 16 bucks for a car. USE MINE! Cool if you really do come out.

Hey UPC's!

It sooo killed me not to be at the hill last night. I need a fix soon. Havn't been on a board in 2 weeks.......ugh! Can't believe how this is coming together. Martin, Please let me know if there is anything I can do. After this weekend things should slow down for me. In the meantime, be safe with the travels to Morro and rock on! We will be watching.

If anyone is planning on riding in Park city next thursday, post it. I have thursday off this week. Maybe we can set a course and be with Martin in spirit! LOL.

PS. Troy, I sent the money so look for it soon.


trish erickson
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New board for the outlaw race

Post by trish erickson » Fri Sep 09, 2005 6:45 pm

Hey Martin,

Greg just called me and mentioned that you may get that board today. Can you or would you hold it if you do? I work tommarow but I can maybe catch ya when you get back from Morro? Troy is sending a splifire and some wheels for me, So I want that board. Autogragh it for me too ok? I think it will be the Winning board to beat at the outlaw race! LOL. Thanks so much and think fast thoughts!


Billy Bordy
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rocket board

Post by Billy Bordy » Fri Sep 09, 2005 10:09 pm

Yes, but what will the rocket board class be like?


Maybe cut and copy

alpine dedicated

Martin Drayton
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Post by Martin Drayton » Sat Sep 10, 2005 7:34 am

Sorry Trish,
Just my two beauties came... Hopefully yours will arrive at the shop soon. Wait til I tell you why they have been so busy... ;)
But come skate somewhere Sunday and you can have a go on the Torsion Core verion of that shape combining Billy's and my shape...ITS GORGEOUS!!!!

miKe M
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Post by miKe M » Thu Sep 22, 2005 6:28 pm

whats the latest on this? are we still down? what do we need to do?

i got the timing fixed this week...

special project is underway...

did we ever decide on a logo? i think it would be bitchin to get some shirts made.

martin- did you hit up hackett and olsen for schwag? it would be cool to have BLR shirts and DVD's for prizes....

Billy Bordy
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BLR whore

Post by Billy Bordy » Thu Sep 22, 2005 7:50 pm

Mike your like a groupie!

BLR this BLR that.

!st prize one pair of BLR thong panties (worn twice by olsOn on race day)

mmm smells like victory....

O-h maybe thats the pain meds talking.....

UPC What can cones do for you.....

UPC What can Slalom do for you......

UPC life one cone at a time...

UPC the other other skate crew..

UPC home of world tight Sl Champ Martin (i go faster when Fartin) Drayton!....

UPC taking names and breaking shoulders since 05

UPC let us handle your package.......

UPC going down around town....

UPC we smell nice.......

UPC this thread is going down hill one Billy at a time.

Wheres Karr I am the original Down Hill Billy!


alpine dedicated

trish erickson
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Post by trish erickson » Thu Sep 22, 2005 8:50 pm

oh percocet, oh percocet! how lovely are we!

Martin Drayton
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Thanks Khiro and Asphalt Playground!

Post by Martin Drayton » Sat Sep 24, 2005 9:21 pm

Just opened a bumper box of product from Khiro that will ensure that EVERYONE goes home with some product!
Gary Fluitt and Jim Weatherwax of Asphalt Playground fame have sent us a beautifully upgraded 8mm axled Tracker Racetrack-S...Mmmmm!
I have spoken to the Park Record and a photgrapher will be coming to the event.

Also I am donating all my prizes from the Morro Bay World Champs (except my helmet trophy!).

Any thoughts on the BBQ? Who wants to organise T-shirts?

Chris Peddecord
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Re: Thanks Khiro and Asphalt Playground!

Post by Chris Peddecord » Sat Sep 24, 2005 9:52 pm

Martin Drayton wrote:Just opened a bumper box of product from Khiro that will ensure that EVERYONE goes home with some product!
Gary Fluitt and Jim Weatherwax of Asphalt Playground fame have sent us a beautifully upgraded 8mm axled Tracker Racetrack-S...Mmmmm!
I have spoken to the Park Record and a photgrapher will be coming to the event.

Also I am donating all my prizes from the Morro Bay World Champs (except my helmet trophy!).

Any thoughts on the BBQ? Who wants to organise T-shirts?

Mmmmmm, BBQ... I'm almost vegetarian and Ally, my girlfriend, is full on vegetarian (unless the meat is free range poultry). To whomever brings the actual grill upon which to cook, would it be too much to ask if you could bring a second set of utensils? Me and Ally will likely bring up some gardenburgers, is anybody else interested?

Bob Harper
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Post by Bob Harper » Sat Sep 24, 2005 10:23 pm

Hey Martin
I now have two skate shops from Logan kicking down shwag for the race.
later Bob

Chris Peddecord
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Post by Chris Peddecord » Sat Sep 24, 2005 11:40 pm

Tell me if I missed a sponsor, presenter, etc. This is a low quality version, if you'd like some uncompressed, just let me know.


Martin Drayton
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You are a genius!!!! Awesome poster!

Post by Martin Drayton » Sun Sep 25, 2005 1:54 am

I am speechless...Best skate comp poster I have ever seen!
As far as sponsors go, I'm still waiting to hear from Sector 9 and PCMR (Park City Mountain Resort).
If you send a low-quality version to me, I will send it to the sponsors on-board already and to those in the wings as a final persuader!
Great work Chris!

Chris Peddecord
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Post by Chris Peddecord » Sun Sep 25, 2005 2:06 am

No prob, I'll send a low- and high-resolution version over to your e-mail. The only thing I wasn't sure about adding was contact info for the event. Heh, I should put the board that took you the podium in the guys hand, probably more appropriate!

Billy Bordy
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Post by Billy Bordy » Sun Sep 25, 2005 7:05 pm

Thank You!!!!
Last edited by Billy Bordy on Mon Sep 26, 2005 7:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Chris Peddecord
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Re: Hardbooter.com

Post by Chris Peddecord » Sun Sep 25, 2005 7:51 pm

Billy Bordy wrote:What about me... Can hardbooter.com get some love please we are bringing swag.... plus I own the joint....

trish erickson
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Nice poster

Post by trish erickson » Sun Sep 25, 2005 8:29 pm

Cool poster! I think we should all get one for a souviner? Chris, you did a great job.

Hey Billy, are ya home this afternoon? I want to swing by and maybe get a cd of your crash and did you say you had a foot block too? And of course run some cones. I am taking Carly for a hike up soldier hollow burt we won't be long.

Martin Drayton
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Final arrangements for the big race?

Post by Martin Drayton » Tue Sep 27, 2005 4:00 am

Ok, last minute stuff to sort out....
Let me know if this sounds OK...

Start time:

1st event: Giant Slalom
2nd event: Hybrid
3rd event: Tight Slalom

Each competitor gets 3 timed runs, best run to count. The 3 times are totalled to decide final positions. If you DQ in any event (fail to register a time), you will be given the joint slowest time for that event.

The courses will be makeable for all levels, but set so that you can still go as fast as you want. Bring as many people as you want, whatever level. EVERYONE WILL WALK AWAY WITH A PRIZE OF SOME KIND DUE TO THE GENEROSITY OF OUR SPONSORS!
We will have lots of different categories, ie.Best Newbie, fastest female etc.and of course...best wipeout (no Billy, it doesn't count if you did it 3 weeks ago!)

The only expenses we will be accruing will be postage on the Concrete Wave stuff, do we just split the cost?
Also if Chris can get posters done, we all need to split his costs.

Chris, as for contact info on the poster, to avoid anyone shutting us down don't put the location. Can you put my other e-mail address on it: emdee.sk8r4life@gmail.com and the phone number of the shop 435-649-8092. Oh, and if possible can you put Hardbooter.com on it to keep Bordy quiet ;)...

Bearing in mind that some of our number are veggies, should we just bring our own meat?
Has anyone got a BBQ that they can bring? If not the post-race festivities will have to take place in either City Park or the Rail Trail, where there are communal BBQ's that we need coals for....What do you think?

trish erickson
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outlaw race stuff

Post by trish erickson » Tue Sep 27, 2005 4:01 pm

Can't wait to race on Sunday! I think we should split the cost of the shipping as well as for the posters. Thats the fair way to do it. As far as the bbq thing, Greg and I have a gas grill we could bring and a small one that uses charcoal. we will bring those and bringing your own meat is a great chioce. IS everybody planning on a Thursday session? Maybe we can decide then?

Martin Drayton
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C U Thursday...

Post by Martin Drayton » Tue Sep 27, 2005 6:25 pm

I am working Thursday at the mountain til 6:30pm, but will try to get out early so we can chat about Sunday...

ps.Just heard from Tracker, they are sending trucks and TSG helmets to go in our prize pool! And a package has just left RoeRacing, bound for UPC! A big thank you guys!

trish erickson
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sponsors rock!

Post by trish erickson » Tue Sep 27, 2005 7:48 pm


I can't believe all of the sponsers and people sending stuff for our race. THANK YOU! The skate community rocks!

To the racers;

I will bring a cooler full of the basics like mayo, mustard, ect. I even have paper plates and cook stuff. Maybe a few can pitch in and bring bags of chips and I was thinking of doing a dutch-oven bake beans thing....thats if you all want some (good ole' Utah cookin'). I thing bringing your own drinks is a good thing too. Let me know if there is anything else you might want. See ya thursday.

proud member of the UPC's and a
proud charter member of the DHB"S

Billy Bordy
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Post by Billy Bordy » Tue Sep 27, 2005 9:05 pm

89 cones of Love tonight? I am home lets sk8 I also have that CD burnrd with the Vids!

alpine dedicated

Kael Russell
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Post by Kael Russell » Wed Sep 28, 2005 12:07 am

Hi guys, can somebody PM me directions to the hill?

Martin Drayton
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Location: Park City,Utah!

Directions for Kael from Sandy & Gib from Colorado!

Post by Martin Drayton » Wed Sep 28, 2005 3:55 am

Hi Kael,
Cool that you are coming!
To get to the venue...
Come off the I-80 at Kimball Jct. and take the SR-224 to Park City. Turn right as you come into PC onto Kearns Blvd. Take a right onto Monitor Drive.
You will come toa T-junction after crossing one juction. In front of you is the Raquet Club, turn right onto Little Kate. Turn left onto Lucky John Drive and follow it until it turns into Meadows Drive.
Go down Meadows Drive, pass the Golf Club on your left and continue up the hill as the road bends. At the top of the hill you will find a Realtor sign on you right and a wooden hut. Take that right turn and you will find us on the 2 hills down there. Come to the top of the left hand road and park in the cul-de-sac. If you get lost, call me on 435-513-1609.

Looking forward to meeting you!

Gib, awesome that you are coming from so far!

miKe M
Posts: 54
Joined: Mon Aug 08, 2005 8:41 pm

Post by miKe M » Wed Sep 28, 2005 9:17 pm

still looking for an email from chris with the poster so i can get it printed tonight...

martin- did he send you a higher res pic that i can use to print out?

stoked for the race for sure. it will be memorable as it will be the first annual outlaw series race here in PC!!!!

also: i have better directions from Salt Lake. just before you make the last right hand turn on SR-224, get in the left hand land and turn onto meadows drive. you will just stay on this road as it crests the hill, and you end up coming at the hill from the top end rather than the bottom. it's a little less confusing if you are coming from salt lake anyway.

see you guys tomorow night! can't wait to get that foam core from martin set up tomorrow!

Kael Russell
Posts: 2
Joined: Wed Sep 28, 2005 12:01 am
Location: Sandy, Utah

Post by Kael Russell » Wed Sep 28, 2005 11:47 pm

Thanks. My friend Dustin will be coming also.

Chris Peddecord
Posts: 54
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Location: SLC! UT!

Post by Chris Peddecord » Thu Sep 29, 2005 2:32 am

UPDATE! :) (do note this is a 72ppi and is not good for printing, if you'd like the 144ppi version drop me a line)


Martin Drayton
Gecko Decks
Gecko Decks
Posts: 732
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Location: Park City,Utah!

Our Sponsors totally rule!!!

Post by Martin Drayton » Thu Sep 29, 2005 2:54 am

How cool is that poster? Nice work Chris! Sunday will be awesome, I cannot believe the generousity of the sponsors named on the poster.
There are still a couple of packages to arrive (Concrete Wave,Roe,Sk8Kings,PP-all en route!), but so far we've got , decks, trucks, bushings, risers, free lift tickets for Park City, windstopper jacket and pants and a snowboard!!!
EVERYONE will go home with something! Damn, I wish I was racing... :(

The Skateboarding Community rocks!!!

Martin Drayton
Gecko Decks
Gecko Decks
Posts: 732
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Location: Park City,Utah!

Bahne too!

Post by Martin Drayton » Thu Sep 29, 2005 3:50 am

Just got an e-mail from Jack Smith pledging to send a Bahne deck, which he has suggested to be awarded to a newbie who gives their all!
Thanks Jack!

miKe M
Posts: 54
Joined: Mon Aug 08, 2005 8:41 pm

Post by miKe M » Thu Sep 29, 2005 10:05 pm

posters are printed. i'll distribute a few, and have the bundle up at the hill tonight for people use.



Martin Drayton
Gecko Decks
Gecko Decks
Posts: 732
Joined: Mon Sep 02, 2002 2:00 am
Location: Park City,Utah!

More swag and Comp details!

Post by Martin Drayton » Fri Sep 30, 2005 5:57 am

Max's Snowboard Shop in Park City has given us skate trucks, accesories and grip tape for 15 boards!...Thanks Andy.

And just in.....
Maria wrote:Martin -- I'm swamped with things right now though I did send a package off to you yesterday (to your PO Box which should arrive tomorrow). I had intended to include a couple of my new Worlds 2004 dvd but alas did not have the pressing/packaging done in time to include in the shipment. Sooooooo, I want to "pledge" two copies to be given out as prizes at your event. If the recipients can contact me post event -- I will mail out directly to them. Sorry for the piece-meal donation . . . I need a clone!

Good luck with your event!

With best regards,

Maria Carrasco, Operations Manager
Great to see everyone skating tonight, I'm definately tipping Kevin for the no.1 spot..Mind you Mr.May was looking quick on his new set-up! The battle between Trish and Christy will be interesting...

Just to confirm, final details for Sunday are...

10am start.....Giant Slalom...2hr jam format. 0.2sec cone penalty (no max)

12am start.....Hybrid Slalom...2hr jam format. 0.1sec cone penalty (no max)

2pm start.....Tight Slalom...2hr jam format. 0.1sec cone penalty (no max)

4.30pm BBQ!

Mrs.B don't forget the table, chairs and Flip chart/whiteboard...Thanks Teach!

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