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Ordered Up: Two Axe Two's

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2006 7:49 pm
by Erik Basil
Thanks to Lynn Kramer and Tiger Williams' Pump Station event in December, my buddy Malakai Kingston and I caught enough of the slalom bug that we want more. Thanks to Lynn offering to let us check out her AXE II, we also found the boards we're gonna jump in with!

The concavity at the nose and the firm, stable footbed fell great, particularly under my 220-230lb on size 12's. The next time we hit Pump Station for the Am class, we'll be on Sk8Kings decks, set up by Richy. Thanks to Maria, Richy and Rene' for helping us get dialed-in!!

Nice Choice

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2006 1:03 am
by Marty Schaub

A very nice choice. Any one that knows me knows how partial I am to Sk8Kings and Richy's set-ups. I just ran my sexy red one, do tell me you bought the sexy red one, through it's paces in preparation for Tom's Georgia Outlaw this weekend.

Split 107 front and back, wedged to Richy's specs, bushing tips that I promised to keep secret, and Manx 80's that reduce the truck width quite nicely. Tossed in some Ousties fresh from the cleaning kit and took off.

Ran some 8 ft starters offset, jumpy back and forth into some 7's offset with a semi pyramid, down into a string of 6 foot stingers at the bottom for a top speed wiggle rush. The II handled it all like it was nothing, even the sixers.

The AXE II is one fine pump machine.....Enjoy!!!!!

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2006 6:54 pm
by Erik Basil
I did get the red one! My buddy and I didn't want to be TOO "twinsy", and he's got the black one coming. We went with the RT-s/RT-x setup, being new enough to slalom that the nuances of the trucks are likely to be lost upon me, at least. Certainly for a while.

I've got a special bonus on the setup: although I plan to learn to ride it however Richy sets it up, I'll have the opportunity for him to watch me utterly crush the, ride it at Pump Station and suggest any changes (e.g. "Hey, ride better, ya dork!") he thinks might work.

I'll run either the Manx Richy specs or the new ZigZags, based on how they compare and feel under my feet.

With that killer red, I'll need to finally pickup that Ferrari I've been wanting.

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2006 5:24 am
by Marion Karr
Black is my color of as hell black........


Of course my bearings of choice (Thanks to Marty and Keith Hollien) are:
