western michigan?

Slalom Skateboarding in the Midwest U.S.A.

Moderators: Christopher Bara, Jonathan Harms, Ron Barbagallo, Russel Cantor, Lynn Kramer, Maria Carrasco

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Doug Kadzban
Posts: 103
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western michigan?

Post by Doug Kadzban » Sun Dec 16, 2007 9:14 pm

is there anything that ever goes down in grand rapids area?

Christopher Bara
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Post by Christopher Bara » Mon Dec 17, 2007 4:28 pm

not too much....you guys get wasted with snow out there.....it's been pretty bad out here lately too though....when it's dry and the wind lets up, we'll get out unless it's near zero...

The wind has been a problem lately....and the frozen rain....

I saw your other post too....when it gets down below freezing, you probably want to put on som 78's in the rear and 80 or 78's up front.....

Cyber is boring as hell, but good for practice in parking garages when business are closed, like on Sundays, in the winter to keep you out of the cold...

If you go to a garage, sweep it up first...saltdust get slippery when it's cold outside


Marty Agather
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Post by Marty Agather » Mon Dec 17, 2007 4:49 pm

Life in midwinter midwest. Who woulda thunk it? CB: How ya been? Flippin ugly in my neck o'the north, but I'm healthy and still kicking so it could be worse.
Skate 'em if you got 'em.

Christopher Bara
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Post by Christopher Bara » Mon Dec 17, 2007 9:43 pm

been ok marty!.....i've been off the map since September...just stepping back and doing "life"......i moved and all my stuffs still boxed up...it really takes your mojo out when you cant at least LOOK at the gear....there's 10" of snow outside and it's 25 degrees and windy...but it'll pass.....i'm getting the itch again though

hey.....have a great Christmas.....to you and yours...

Stephen Lavin
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Post by Stephen Lavin » Mon Dec 17, 2007 10:02 pm

I think my 77a's are like 98a's today..., refreshing 17 degrees. Maybe we should have a winter solstice fest and line up some ice cones or something? My bearings are still frozen, BTW...


Marty Agather
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Location: TwinTown, MN

Post by Marty Agather » Tue Dec 18, 2007 7:44 pm

Moved? Did you leave the Rock City area for work or just trade houses in the same general locale?

I like the idea of Winter Solstice Slalom. It's got a nice ring to it. My only concern with the format is that if those cones freeze to the course, it might make for some new race strategies: Go clean or go to the hospital. And just to prevent criddling, we could ice down a two foot square patch on the inside of the cone. THAT would keep everybody honest.

So the important question is where exactly do we hold this event? If we triangulate everybody's location, we're probably racing in Racine. Or something like that.

Cold weather & snow on the roads hurts my brain and cramps my style!
Skate 'em if you got 'em.

Christopher Bara
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Post by Christopher Bara » Thu Dec 20, 2007 2:37 am

moved farther north....had to get away from the "everglow" and see some stars at night...

Doug Kadzban
Posts: 103
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Post by Doug Kadzban » Sat Jan 19, 2008 5:01 am

well i'm somewhat spreading the stoke in the UP. you'll for sure hear about it if we get an event going

Tom Mangelsdorf
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Post by Tom Mangelsdorf » Sat Jan 19, 2008 8:57 pm

Some great big mudda fuggin hills up in da UP, eh? Could have some sphincter-puckering Super-G action for sure. That would be AWESOME!
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Doug Kadzban
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Post by Doug Kadzban » Mon Jan 28, 2008 9:28 pm

Tom Mangelsdorf wrote:Some great big mudda fuggin hills up in da UP, eh? Could have some sphincter-puckering Super-G action for sure. That would be AWESOME!
hey, if anyone's gonna be UP here, let me know and i'll try and track down some of these sphincter-puckerers
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TALL, loose, and squeaky!

Doug Kadzban
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Post by Doug Kadzban » Mon Jun 02, 2008 4:58 pm

i know last summer there was talk of getting an outlaw type of race in lansing...the parking garages around MSU seemed to be the spot...or find a mellow hill in a parking lot, or something.

would anybody be interested in trying to get this going again this year?
I like my women like I like my trucks:
TALL, loose, and squeaky!

Doug Kadzban
Posts: 103
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Re: western michigan?

Post by Doug Kadzban » Tue Apr 03, 2018 4:53 am

I'm still here. I've graduated to capitalizing letters and using things like proper punctuation and grammar.
I like my women like I like my trucks:
TALL, loose, and squeaky!

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