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Posted: Mon Dec 09, 2002 2:50 pm
by Adam Trahan
I attended my first real race at WLAC this weekend, Dec 8, 2002.

What a fun time.

I was prompted by Rene, Richie, Evans, Aszodi and many others (1 - 2, I won't forget) in my technique and equipment. The TS course was fun and to make things quick here, I had a blast.

You learn quickly at the races.

All of you guys are the coolest.



California Slalom Series #7 Results
(California Championship Series date 10)
West LA College, California


The 2002 California Slalom Series finals at West LA College featured tight slalom racing with pleasant, sunny weather. The field was the largest of the 10 race series, with strong competition. The course continued to produce tight racing, with many finishes up in the air until the last second.

The racers packed a local restaurant for the awards party, where the prizes included 2 sets of Kryptonic Classic K wheels as sportsmanship awards for the day's tight slalom (2 finishers closest to the end of the field who were at the awards). The grand prize was an Ed Economy Gravity super-longboard, donated by Ed Economy himself, that went to Richy Carrasco for taking the season title in skateboard giant slalom. Richy also took home the Baku Torsion Trucks for the season tight slalom title. The racers who made podiums got medals, and season title winners (California Champions) received nice glass plaques. Finally a batch of T shirts from Sasquatch Skateboards and Pure Guts were handed out. After a great season of racing, everyone is looking forward to more in 2003!

Tight Slalom (best of 3, 0.1seconds/cone):

1 Richy Carrasco 11.848
2 Attila Aszodi 12.209
3 Bill Wahl 12.466
4 John O'Shei 12.611
5 Richard DeLosada 12.955
6 Floyd Reid 12.956
7 Michel Kaelon 13.089
8 Brent Kosick 13.113
9 Rick Howell 13.308
10 David Bryant 13.380
11 Jeff Thomas 13.392
12 Dave Hegstrom 13.794
13 Mike Gorman 13.899
14 Aaron Murray 14.042
15 Rene Carrasco 14.314
16 Adam Trahan 14.946
17 George Gould 15.129
18 Roger Jennings 15.169
19 Grant Chamberlain 15.361
20 Jesse Martinez 15.776
21 Glen Shotwell 16.134
22 Julian Martize 16.292
23 Lynn Kramer 16.448
24 Rick Kludy 16.864
25 Thomas Edwards 16.921

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Adam Trahan on 2002-12-12 14:24 ]</font>

Posted: Mon Dec 09, 2002 3:23 pm
by Chris Eggers
Hey Adam, can you post the results?

Posted: Mon Dec 09, 2002 9:44 pm
by Rene Carrasco

Great meeting you in person -
...and great to see you come out to
race @ WLAC!

You charged the tight slalom course pretty good.
Did you try that Giant Slalom hill?
It is a rush!

Conratz- to Dave "Caveman" Bryant, Richard
Jennings[happy birthday], "Touchdown" Tommy Edwards[Sasquatch Skateboards] , Attila Aszodi, and Bill Wahl.

At the awards ceremony afterwards, my bro.- Richy C. won the overall

Besides winning some more medals, [ Richy has about 25 lbs. of medals at home from these races ]...........
Richy won a beautiful 5 foot longboard
[ complete ]- - -the Ed Economy Model
by Gravity Skateboards!!!....
.......graciously donated by the "Aloha Brother" himself- - - -- - - Ed Economy! BIG THANKS ED!!! WAY COOL!
Thanks to Scott Peer, Jennifer, Mr.Delore[timing guy], Ed Economy , and all those that helped this racing season!

Adam- keep up the GREAT WORK with !

......-p.s....... I just noticed your photo that goes with your name on this site-
- - - -that's the "Lucky Shirt!"
......another p.s.-....Chris Eggers- Howzit goin in Germany, brah!

Thanks to all the photog's that came out to the races- especially Maria Carrasco, Glenn S, Bill "Coneman" Meusch, Patrick, Juice Magazine, Concrete Wave Magazine, Glenn Darcy, and Jennifer from

Thanks to the Good Lord, for another great racing season....good racing friends........and cool skateboard websites!
-Mele Kalikimaka !!! TO ALL ! ! ! ! ! !

...........-Rene' "Flying" Carrasco Brother.

Posted: Thu Dec 12, 2002 6:47 am
by John Gilmour
Adam- congrats on WLAC. I'm not sure if you know who Rick Kludy is---but that's one downhill machine.
I was amazed by how many people showed up to race. Very cool. Good to see Atilla doing well and Ritchie rulin' it. Also cool to see the times packing closer together now. Rick Howell was only .4 sec off of Floyd Reid. I think we may need a Rick vs Gareth race.

Anyone have video footage of the courses? I'd like to see what they are racing there now.

Posted: Thu Dec 12, 2002 8:45 am
by Glenn S
<img src=>

Sorry Adam it is a little out of focus, but I thought you might like it.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: glenn on 2003-07-02 11:46 ]</font>

Posted: Thu Dec 12, 2002 10:58 am
by Chris Eggers
Great pic Glen,

the course looks wider than the one I raced there in October. Can you tell what the cone distance was?

Posted: Thu Dec 12, 2002 11:37 am
by Glenn S
From my understanding it is the same TS course that was run the previous WLAC event, in Race #9 of the season.

I remember Rene Carrasco mentioning to me that it was a "Steve Evans Tight Slalom".

I was lucky enough to practice with Steve today. He set a straight course by pacing 6 foot lenghts and putting a chalk mark in front of his last foot, the cone was later placed on that mark. Steve measured this later and it was about 6.5' on-center. So I doubt that it was less spacing than that anywhere on the course, except for at the top and near the bottom which seemed near that.
UPDATE: Not the same course as the race before. Richy C. set this one and made it a tad easier for all the racers is what I have since been told.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Glenn on 2003-03-01 22:23 ]</font>

Posted: Thu Dec 12, 2002 11:53 am
by Chris Eggers
The course I rode there was set by Attila, I think it was tighter.

Oh man how do I like that blue sky in the photos......and shorts and t-shirts, we are freezing over rain today.

Posted: Thu Dec 12, 2002 5:43 pm
by Glenn S
How bout inventing a slalom iceboard?

Posted: Thu Dec 12, 2002 6:14 pm
by Adam Trahan
Glenn, thanks for the photo. I have to work on being a slalom racer, squaring up my shoulders to the line. Looks like I'm trying to surf through the cones. Rene and Richie gave me some good tips, tighten the rear truck as tight as possible to keep the line from swaying, tighten up the muscles in the stomach and give it the 1 - 2...

So cool, you guys are awesome.

I got to meet John O, Steve Evans, 'ick Howell, Ed Economy, Scott Peer, Kludy and many more people, Lynn from SD, man I could go on.

I even took time to watch the gravity bikes, luge, buttboard and inline going off on the other course.

I will race more and actually practice a bit more too. Before this race, the last cone I ran was a week before Morro. No excuse but practice will definately make me feel a little more comfortable.

The course at the bottom was exciting. The cones wizzed by QUICKLY and I think out of my three runs I knocked down 3 or 4 total. I was working on running a clean line and my goal was meet.

I can actually do this and I appreciate the help.

Posted: Fri Dec 13, 2002 1:34 pm
by Chris Eggers
Sarcasm, I hear you knocking...hahaha, man my legs almost fell off this morning when I rode to work on my bike .

This iceboard was actually invented many years ago....I remember a picture in Skateboarder........

On 2002-12-12 11:43, Glenn S wrote:
How bout inventing a slalom iceboard?
<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Chris Eggers on 2002-12-13 07:34 ]</font>