Bicknell TS - August 7th, 2006, 8pm

Slalom Skateboarding in California

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Steve Collins
Harbor Skateboard Racing
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Bicknell TS - August 7th, 2006, 8pm

Post by Steve Collins » Tue Aug 22, 2006 9:22 pm

Copied without permission from Dave Heggstrom's post at ncdsa:

Hey everybody...Floyd, Jesse Martinez, and myself have decided to run an outlaw TS on the famous Bicknell Hill south of the Santa Monica pier on full moon Thursday night, September 7th at 8pm sharp!

This is gonna be H I S T O R Y folks...the last Bicknell contest was put on and won by Attila and went over killer a few years back...with only Jack Smith and Gorman running clean that night...or was it Arab who ran clean also? I forgot. Anyways, we'll have a flyer and contest calender description and sign-up up by, ASR is the very next day-we figured some of you slalom heads would be in town and up for a true and challenging test of your TS, it'd be great practice for LaCosta-which is the weekend after! Maysey, Floyd, and Jesse will be setting the course-which will be slightly more do-able and friendly than the last one'll be a ultra speedy TS set at 6.5 to 7ft. with a super tight 6ft. section! The entry fee is only $10 and winner takes ALL. We will prize out places 2nd through 10th place respectively...

Any sponsors who wish to show support and throw down some prize shwag can e mail me at:

Here's who we have as sponsors so far:

SMA skateboards
Skaterbuilt Racing
Khiro Skateboard Products
Rockin' Ron's Rocket Bearings

Any other support and sponsorship will be very much appreciated.

Keeping it REAL.


Steve Collins
Harbor Skateboard Racing
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event poster by Tim Kienitz

Post by Steve Collins » Tue Aug 22, 2006 10:43 pm


nice work by Tim Kienitz

Steve Collins
Harbor Skateboard Racing
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Post by Steve Collins » Wed Aug 23, 2006 11:21 pm

Formal announcement and signup at ... testID=264

Steve Collins
Harbor Skateboard Racing
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Post by Steve Collins » Wed Aug 30, 2006 9:32 pm

(copied from slalom forum at ncdsa. Additional text & photos are to be found there)

Dave wrote:

Hey all...a coupla changes have been made for the Bicknell Hill TS Challenge...
1) The top 3 racers will split the cash purse more winner take all.
2) The official race course has been marked, ran, and set at 30 cones at 6.75ft.
3) There will be an additional offset, meandering, and "flowing" side course set at 7-8+ft. on the other side of the street for the folks who wanna race but don't have expert-level TS skills.
4) We decided to push the time back an hour-so practice starts at 9PM and the race starts at 10PM...should go pretty quick.

Martin Drayton
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Hmmm....sounds tempting!

Post by Martin Drayton » Thu Aug 31, 2006 7:57 am

A very cool company, Skullcandy, are trying to arrange to fly me to San Diego for the ASR on the Thursday morning so that I can help on their stand (they are one of my sponsors). Once they confirm, I will try to find out if its feasible to get to Bicknell for the evening.
Is there any chance that someone might be driving up from SD for the event? happy to pay towards fuel/food?

Martin Drayton
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Post by Martin Drayton » Sat Sep 02, 2006 3:48 pm

Hi Dave,
My sponsors Skullcandy have now decided not to fly me out until the Friday morning, so no Bicknell for me....I'm bummed! I was looking forward to hanging out with you guys and doing some high-speed TS in the Land of Legends.

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