World Ranking Management - suggestions for 2010
Ranking, Rules and Discussion for International Slalom Skateboard Ranking

Moderator: Hans Koraeus

Hans Koraeus
Corky - World Ranking Master Mind
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World Ranking Management - suggestions for 2010

Post by Hans Koraeus » Sat Jan 09, 2010 4:03 am

In 2009 the ISSA World Ranking was down during the whole season. Thanks to some brave ranking supporters we were able to make the effort of calculating a final ISSA World Ranking for 2009.

The work with the World Ranking, and the vision for it, is larger than a few volunteers. It is going beyond the hobby level. We are in a situation where we need to decide what path to take.

Ranking management
The solution of the ranking management is in part to try and break it down in small pieces so that the work for each task can be kept at a hobby level. This needs more people involved but since each task responsibilities will be limited hopefully there will be more people who could imagine taking it on also. And by making these efforts official and public it will show the importance and appreciation of the work and hopefully give motivation of doing these jobs.

But… some of these tasks will still be too big to be kept on a hobby level. I’m thinking of the development of the site and all that we have the possibility to build up around this. This is what we have to solve in some way.

Ranking budget
For those who put in all the extra hours of hard work for the ranking site I would like to pay in some way. To make sure the development advances faster and less shaky. Also there has been a wish from the very start of the World ranking to have some sort of prices for it. Money checks for the Pro World Ranking just as in a normal competition. This is all easy to say but the question is who will pay all this? We need some kind of a budget for the ranking. A ranking budget can come from different sources…
1. Racers.
This solution is hard to administer in many ways.
2. Event organizers.
This solution is easier to administer since they are fewer. And since priority is for the Major, Main and Prime statuses there are only around 30 events that need be handled. And less than 15 key events that must be handled (Major and Main statuses)
3. Ranking Sponsors.
This is also a good solution but hard to make use of before we have something of value to offer them. For example a well managed World Ranking website with a lot of hype and visitors.

Until we have the site up and working I see the point 2 above as the best solution. Event organizers handle payments already today from racers and they have the possibility to include a World Ranking Fee into this payment. Or raise it through their event sponsors. It also gives racers, sponsors and event organizers a direct value for themselves.

World Ranking Fee
This is an example of how the World Ranking Fee could work for events. The idea is that events pay for the World Ranking Status they demand.

$10 Plain status
$20 Basic status
$40 Prime status
$80 Main status
$100 Major status
Plain and Basic events get into the Calendar when they pay the fee.
Prime, Main and Major Events get into the Calendar when demanding the status. And payment is done once the status is granted by the ranking marshals.

Another cost for organizers. :-(
Yes, that’s the bad news but there is also good news. If the vision works and we get the sponsor bit to work once the website is running the idea is that the money flow will turn and go the other way around. When you get a Ranking Status the ranking management will help out making sure there are money checks for the Pros worthy of the ranking status for the event.

And apart from this already today you would get…

As event organizer.
- World Ranking Status. World Ranking Points
- Result archive
- Ranking Web Site
- Ranking Web site Article Admin
- Event registration handling
- Event result handling
- Supporting the ISSA World Ranking and its prizes (Pro Ranking Money Checks)

As racer.
- World Ranking Points
- Racer Web Site
- Personal Result Archive
- Easy to find info for all ranking events
- Easy registration for all ranking events
- World Ranking Diploma (Digital)
- Supporting the ISSA World Ranking and its prizes (Pro Ranking Money Checks)

As event sponsor
- An event that is in the World Ranking
- Gives a more serious impact
- Increased value of the event the higher the status
- Supporting the ISSA World Ranking and its prizes (Pro Ranking Money Checks)

Personally I think it’s a bargain.

This has been sent to high status organizers in 2009 and been put before ISSA BOD. Now it's time to get it out in the open. Event organizers are the backbone of the slalom scene and have a lot of knowledge of the current situation and if this is a possible way forward. To make this work there must be a strong commitment and understanding for the fee among the high level events and racers themselves. If not it will not work of course.

Think this through. Your comments may decide what path we will take for 2010 concerning the World Rankings.

Stephen Lavin
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Post by Stephen Lavin » Sat Jan 09, 2010 7:15 pm

I do not speak with the voice of an organizer but I do see value in the proposal. The numbers can be negotiated if there is concern I suppose however doing something like this brings more legitimacy and value to the org. Tasks will be completed and there should be little concern for volunteerism (will it get done, when will it get done, will it ever get done, etc.). Also will likely show depth of commitment which may attract more money.

Derek Yerke
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Post by Derek Yerke » Sun Jan 10, 2010 6:37 pm

I really like the idea. It would make bring more legitimacy to the sport, and the fees seem very manageable.

I am willing and would love to help the ISSA in any way needed.
Last edited by Derek Yerke on Sun Jan 10, 2010 7:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Joe Iacovelli
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Post by Joe Iacovelli » Sun Jan 10, 2010 7:00 pm


As a represetative of the BOD, I see value in your ranking system and want to facilitate continuation of a national ranking. We are working to determine what is the best way to fund that effort.


Steve Pederson
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Post by Steve Pederson » Sun Jan 10, 2010 7:18 pm

Last edited by Steve Pederson on Fri Feb 12, 2010 3:24 am, edited 1 time in total.

Hans Koraeus
Corky - World Ranking Master Mind
Corky - World Ranking Master Mind
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Post by Hans Koraeus » Tue Jan 19, 2010 3:22 am

Joe Iacovelli wrote:Corky,

As a representative of the BOD, I see value in your ranking system and want to facilitate continuation of a national ranking. We are working to determine what is the best way to fund that effort.

Funny, I have this as a point on my development list. Actually now all statuses are in the international perspective. But it would be fun to also use the system to be able to create other rankings. For example National rankings that could work in the same manner as the international but on a national level. I.e. there is one international status and one national status.

You can already now take the ranking as it is and filter on a country to get a "national" ranking. But it is not perfect. You would have liked to nationally have a Major event and so on just like in the international/world ranking.

And on top of this it would be quite easy to make Slalom Cups that make use of the ranking data. For example European Cup, Americas Cup, World Cup or whatever you want to do. And as Cups all events count the same so no status needed for that.
