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Points Questions: Racing both Masters and Open

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 11:24 pm
by Rick Floyd
I'm wondering how ISSA points are distributed. If you race Masters, for example - are you then ranked only in Masters in ISSA? I think we should have to make a class declaration at the beginning of the calendar year and stick with it. You would be allowed to move UP a division during the year (and lose your points), but not allowed to move down, or into an age-defined division you don't qualify for of course. That's how we do it in USASA snowboarding and it works great.

When Marty Schaub won a silver in Masters in Morro this year, then was allowed to race Open and got a bronze there - how are his points figured? Exactly...thus the need for declared divisions with no "crossover".

Just skate

Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 3:12 am
by Marty Schaub
I just went and had fun. F#@K the points.......

Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 3:33 pm
by Rick Floyd
Marty - I hope you know I was just using that as an example to illustrate a point. Probably should have said "a racer" instead of a name...sorry. I'm just curious how that situation would be scored.

It was an insanely good time, and you deserved everything you got!!

Ride on.