[2007] Administration: Competition statuses

Ranking, Rules and Discussion for International Slalom Skateboard Ranking

Moderator: Hans Koraeus

Hans Koraeus
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[2007] Administration: Competition statuses

Post by Hans Koraeus » Sat Mar 13, 2004 1:15 am

This topic shows the currently proposed and decided competition statuses for each season and world region.
See also http://www.slalomranking.com.

Registered competions for season 2005
2005-03-01 Current overview of World Ranking events with the higher statuses Major, Main and Prime.

It looks good I think. Very well spread out. Europe has two Prime statuses missing since there are no proposed events for these yet. USA West have one Prime status missing.

Registered competions for season 2004


Currently registered competions for season 2003
2003 West Atlantic Statuses.
2003 East Atlantic Statuses.

This topic is aimed for general discussion about competition statuses. Discussion on competition statuses for each specific region are done in their own topics.
Last edited by Hans Koraeus on Sun Sep 16, 2007 1:52 am, edited 7 times in total.

Hans Koraeus
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Post by Hans Koraeus » Sun Mar 14, 2004 5:19 am

Just added links to the currently registered competitions for 2003 and 2004 in the post above. It might not be easy to have it all in the head and it does change now and then.

The idea is to fill the table above as the regions decide competition statuses.

The goal is to know the statuses well in advance so that one can better plan for the yearly personal competition schedule. Especially when you travel far you might want to aim for the high status competitions.

Hans Koraeus
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Post by Hans Koraeus » Mon Mar 15, 2004 12:45 am

Why has this competition in our region a lower status than that in the other region even though ours had more high level skaters.

The way the system is built up you shouldn't compare competitions too much between the different regions. Each region on the other hand should rank their own competitions as correctly as possible.

The most important competition in South America or Japan will not have the same level of skilled racers as the most important in "USA West" or Europe. This is normal and is why the different regions don't have the same number of competitions with the existing statuses.

South America, Canada, Russia, Japan and Australia only have one Main/Large status each.

USA have 5 (West have 3 and East have 2)
Europe have 4

Moreover there are the highest status Major. Only one of the Main's on each side of the Atlantic will get this status. The Major should attract the best skaters from all the world. For now this is not the case on either side of the Atlantic but it doesn't matter. Hopefully this ranking will push things in the right direction.

The system is also made to encourage racers to travel. The statuses are there to help out selecting those competitions that might be worth traveling to. Especially if you are going over the other side of the Atlantic.

And if you think the skill of the racers are lower in another region then make use of it. Go there and take advantage of the situation. This is a part of the game and also a part to make people travel more and meet more skaters.

Hans Koraeus
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Post by Hans Koraeus » Wed Mar 17, 2004 1:35 am

Remember that there is a 4:th status level as well, "Basic". This level has no limits in numbers but should still be a serious competition. The only other thing to say about "Basic" competitions is that they can't have a Pro class. I.e. they are always treated as an Open class.

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Post by Hans Koraeus » Thu Apr 08, 2004 11:26 am

pierre samray wrote:About races status there is not a lot of reaction coming from west atlantic.
but anyway. Let's go on!
It's true that there has not been too much reaction but they have put up the American Cup Slalom Series with 4 comp's in the USA West and 2 comp's in USA East. If nothing else is concluded in the region topics these comps will be strong candidates for getting the Main status.

Could be good to know for European and other out of region racers like Canadians to know. I think the European region discussion of statuses has given a good picture for out of region racers. And there seems to be quite a lot of Americans showing up. By playing with blank cards you don't really feel invited to go to another region. On the same time I know it is a very sensitive issue so I can understand the situation.

Hans Koraeus
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Post by Hans Koraeus » Thu Sep 23, 2004 1:20 am

The tables above (first post) with all events an their proposed statuses for the world ranking 2004 season is updated according to what I know.

I have also posted the event lists for each worldrank region in their specific forums. For people to check out and have their final word.

Hans Koraeus
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Post by Hans Koraeus » Mon Feb 28, 2005 3:12 am

In the first topic I just posted this overview of some of the world ranking events for 2005. Some events have been set a World Ranking status, some have not. It will be updated. It gives you a better overview seeing it like this.

2005-03-01 Current overview of World Ranking events with the higher statuses Major, Main and Prime.

It looks good I think. Very well spread out. Many USA events have only proposed statuses (gray rectangles). Hopefully that will be settled soon. Europe has two Prime statuses missing since there are no proposed events for these two yet. For USA West one of the proposed 3 gray Mains will become a Prime. For USA East only one of the two proposed gray Primes will become a Prime.

I will soon post it on www.slalomranking.com as well. Then hopefully with less gray rectangles.

Hans Koraeus
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Post by Hans Koraeus » Sun Apr 24, 2005 12:39 am

In the first topic I just posted the final overview of top ranked events for the world ranking in 2005.
It is also posted on http://www.slalomranking.com.

2005-04-23 Current overview of World Ranking events with the higher statuses Major, Main and Prime.

Hans Koraeus
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Post by Hans Koraeus » Mon Oct 10, 2005 7:11 pm

Latest News!

Europe signs up another Prime status for 2005. Dec 10, Stockholm.

Europe: Statuses 2005

Mor info about the competition: Stockholm Winter Clash 2005

Hans Koraeus
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Post by Hans Koraeus » Tue Jan 31, 2006 3:04 am

The current statuses for 2006 is under way. It has been tougher this year since more organizers are stepping up to do more and hopefully better events. This has made some people awear that it is a competition amongst organizers as well as for the racers. For the most popular events to keep the hype and for new organizers to try and step up to the plate and try to propose something better.

Unfortunatly since only the World Ranking statuses exists they may get too much importance on a local level. The World Ranking statuses should be seen on a world level and on a local more regional level one would have hoped to have a couple of big cups and series that could be just as important regionally as an event with hight World Ranking status.

People who don't care about series, cups, rankings an such would not care less. At least one would think so but sometimes you do wonder. Many slalomers though see slalom as a fun racing sport and love looking at resultlists, times and all kind of existing rankings. No event, cup or ranking is ever 100% fair. You just have to play the rules and try to take advantage of every opportunity you see. If a golfer only played the tournaments he liked to play he would not be very high on the World Ranking. There are some you have to play weather you like it or not. And if you miss out you loose out. But that is a part of the game.

Now this bla bla got too long so I will stop and do a new topic to say what I really came here to say...

Hans Koraeus
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Post by Hans Koraeus » Tue Jan 31, 2006 3:10 am

The current status situation can be seen in the topics for each region. Also you can have a look at www.slalomranking.com where there are some overviews and event listings for 2006.

According to the problems with statuses in USA East region here is a proposal for 2006.

2006 statuses proposal
The ranking status limitations was set up in 2003 to make some sort of balance to the current world slalom scene but also taking into account and push regions with less active slalom scenes. But it was always said from the beginning that this could be changed over time depending on the current development of the world slalom scene. I still think that current Major and Main statuses should stay the same and be a way of filtering out the top world ranking events in each region every year. But the current number of Primes for each region could be seen as a base limit. And could be increased for regions in need of it. For the moment USA East is the only region having this need as I see it and I will propose that they get one extra Prime status for this year (2006).

Hans Koraeus
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Post by Hans Koraeus » Sat Dec 30, 2006 9:37 pm

ISSA will now take over the sanctioning of event statuses for the ISSA World Ranking.

This will be done by three ranking coordinators. We need voulonters from both the American and the European continent. There will be a head coordinator from the ISSA Board of directors for each continent. To serve as the final judgement if regional coordinators does not manage sorting it out.

Events seeking higher statuses Major, Main and Prime (and maybe even Basic) will have to make a demand in writing (e-mail is ok) according to the ISSA sanctioning document.

We need voulonteer brave enough to take on this challenge for 2007. Both for the American and the European continent. ISSA will try and take all this to a new level. Are the Slalom scene ready for it? We will see. Any voulonteers?

Peter Klang
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Post by Peter Klang » Mon Jan 01, 2007 7:00 pm

I will gladly voulonteer.

By the way,
Happy new year
Frohes neues jahr
Gott nytt år

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Post by Hans Koraeus » Sat Jan 13, 2007 11:47 pm

That was hard!

Only one Mr Klang, Sweden as voulonteer. We need one more person stepping up.

We have to start taking care of the European event statuses for 2007...
