Limited Entry
Ranking, Rules and Discussion for International Slalom Skateboard Ranking

Moderator: Hans Koraeus

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Hans Koraeus
Corky - World Ranking Master Mind
Corky - World Ranking Master Mind
Posts: 1982
Joined: Fri Aug 23, 2002 2:00 am
Location: Stockholm, Sweden

Limited Entry

Post by Hans Koraeus » Sat Mar 08, 2014 4:46 am

Limited entry for events can be useful in some cases.

1. Risk that too many racers will attend.
If there is a risk that too many racers will attend the race it will affect the quality of the event. If there are too many racers attending there is a great risk that racers who take time off and pay a lot of money for travel, hotels, event fee aso will not get the expected number of runs. It does increase the risk that things will not go according to plan. There might be some rain. There might be problem with timing equipment. Things often take longer than expected.

2. Increase the level of the race
For events like World Championships, European Championships, US Nationals aso it could be a good idea to make sure there is a certain level on the racers showing up. It does not look good with beginners on such races. And even if we of course should support new racers to the slalom scene these Major events are maybe not the place for this.

3. Limited time for racing
It might be that a big event does not have all day to race. They might have a strict time schedule with many other events going on. Maybe TV-station are booked to film aso. In these cases you will make sure you have margins to be able to follow the time plan. And for this you may calculate how many racers you think is possible to do just that. And set limit of racers according to this.

Overview selection process for limited racers

When setting a limit for racers it is important that the selection process becomes fair and equal for all events. And also that it is easy for organizers to make such limitation. For this reason ISSA has created special ranking lists for the purpose. They are published on the World Rankings page together with all other rankings. They are called Limit PRO, Limit AM aso.

Racers who have raced a lot with good results have priority. Also racers who have made top placements in the big events. And we also take into account results from a couple of years back.

More details of selection process for limited racers

If an event organizer wants to limit the field they need to do this per class. Not all classes need to have limitations.

You can also set limit for a specific region or country. But note that this is just a way to publish the limit. It is not possible to exclude racers from other regions or countries for an event to count into the World Ranking.

Example with limit: 20 AM Europe
So setting a limit of for example as 20 best racers from Europe it means 20 best racers from Europe and other racers outside Europe who are better or equal to the 20th European racer in the limit list.

Also if not all the 20 best Europeans register the start list will fill up with next registered racers in line according to the limited entry list.

Registration process

The event registration of racers at the world ranking site now takes into account limited entry for classes.

When a racer register for an event with a limited class there will be a check towards the limit ranking list for that class. If racer is within the limit they will get marked as "Registered". If not they will be marked as "Wait list".

While you are on wait list don't buy any travel or event fee's.

When registration deadline is up then all the top racers according to the class limit and limit list ranking for the racers will get marked as "Registered".

If there is also a part pre-payment of the event fee then all racers who are marked as "Registered" should also pay the pre-payment fee before the payment deadline. Those who have paid will get marked as "Confirmed". After the payment deadline the top racers with status "Confirmed" are ready for the race.

So there is always a reason to register if you want to try an qualify for the event. Even if you are not within the limit you might be so after the registration deadline. And if still not within the limit you might be after the payment deadline.

The organizer will contact racers according to the limit list after payment deadline if there are open places to fill up. When the start list is filled up and complete the racers who did not make it will be taken away from the registration list.

If a class is not filled up after registration deadline you can only register by contacting the event organizer manually.

The limit listing logic

See all the complete limitation ranking lists at the World Ranking Page.

Below you can see how the priority for racers are built up. The backbone of the limitation lists are the previous years world ranking. But there are other criteria that also come into play like previous years rankings and specific top results made in big events.

A new limitation ranking is created every year after the final World Ranking for the year is official.

PRO status groups

Code: Select all

PRO A1: Place 1-4 in Season or 4-year ranking
PRO A2: Season Major winner
PRO B1: Place 5-8 in Season or 4-year ranking
PRO B2: Season Major 2nd place
PRO B3: Place 1-4 in Prev season or 4-year ranking
PRO B4: Prev season Major winner
PRO C1: Place 9-12 in Season or 4-year ranking
PRO C2: Season Major place 3-4
PRO C3: Place 5-8 in Prev season or 4-year ranking
PRO C4: Prev season Major 2nd place
PRO D1: Place 13-16 in Season or 4-year ranking
PRO D2: Season Major place 5-8
PRO D3: Place 9-12 in Prev season or 4-year rankin...
PRO D4: Prev season Major place 3-4
PRO D5: Prev 2nd season Major winner
PRO E1: Place 17-20 in Season or 4-year ranking
PRO E2: Season place Major 9-11, Main Winner
PRO E3: Place 13-16 in Prev season or 4-year ranki...
PRO E4: Prev season Major place 5-8
PRO E5: Prev 2nd season Major 2nd place
PRO E9: PRO Rookie 1st AM
PRO F1: Place 21-24 in Season or 4-year ranking
PRO F2: Season place Major 12-16, Main 2nd
PRO F3: Place 17-20 in Prev season or 4-year ranki...
PRO F4: Prev season place Major 9-11, Main Winner
PRO F5: Prev 2nd season Major place 3-4
PRO F6: Prev 3rd season Major winner
PRO F9: PRO Rookie 2nd AM
PRO G1: Place 25-28 in Season or 4-year ranking
PRO G2: Season place Main 3rd
PRO G3: Place 21-24 in Prev season or 4-year ranki...
PRO G4: Prev season place Major 12-16, Main 2nd
PRO G5: Prev 2nd season Major place 5-8
PRO G6: Prev 3rd season Major 2nd place
PRO G9: PRO Rookie 3rd AM
PRO H1: Place 26-32 in Season or 4-year ranking
PRO H2: Season place Main 4th
PRO H3: Place 25-28 in Prev season or 4-year ranki...
PRO H4: Prev season place Main 3rd
PRO H5: Prev 2nd season place Major 9-11, Main Win...
PRO H6: Prev 3rd season Major place 3-4
PRO H9: PRO Rookie 4th AM
PRO I1: Place 33-40 in Season or 4-year ranking
PRO I2: Season Prime Winner
PRO I3: Place 26-32 in Prev season or 4-year ranki...
PRO I4: Prev season place Main 4th
PRO I5: Prev 2nd season place Major 12-16, Main 2n...
PRO I6: Prev 3rd season Major place 5-8
PRO J1: Place 41-48 in Season or 4-year ranking
PRO J3: Place 33-40 in Prev season or 4-year ranki...
PRO J4: Prev season Prime Winner
PRO J5: Prev 2nd season place Main 3rd
PRO J6: Prev 3rd season place Major 9-11, Main Win...
PRO K1: Place 49-56 in Season or 4-year ranking
PRO K3: Place 41-48 in Prev season or 4-year ranki...
PRO K5: Prev 2nd season place Main 4th
PRO K6: Prev 3rd season place Major 12-16, Main 2n...
PRO L1: Place 57-64 in Season or 4-year ranking
PRO L3: Place 49-56 in Prev season or 4-year ranki...
PRO L5: Prev 2nd season Prime Winner
PRO L6: Prev 3rd season place Main 3rd
PRO M1: Place 65-300 in 4-year ranking
AM status groups

Code: Select all

AM A1: Place 1-4 in Season ranking
AM A2: Season Major winner
AM B1: Place 5-8 in Season ranking
AM B2: Season Major 2nd place
AM B3: Place 1-4 in prev season ranking
AM B4: Prev season Major winner
AM C1: Place 9-12 in Season ranking
AM C2: Season Major 3rd place
AM C3: Place 5-8 in prev season ranking
AM C4: Prev season Major 2nd place
AM D1: Place 13-16 in Season ranking
AM D2: Season Major 4th place
AM D3: Place 9-12 in prev season ranking
AM D4: Prev season Major 3rd place
AM D5: Place 1-4 in 2nd prev season ranking
AM D6: 2nd prev season Major winner
AM E1: Place 17-20 in Season ranking
AM E2: Season Major 5th place
AM E3: Place 13-16 in prev season ranking
AM E4: Prev season Major 4th place
AM E5: Place 5-8 in 2nd prev season ranking
AM E6: 2nd prev season Major 2nd place
AM F1: Place 21-24 in Season ranking
AM F2: Season Major 6th place
AM F3: Place 17-20 in prev season ranking
AM F4: Prev season Major 5th place
AM F5: Place 9-12 in 2nd prev season ranking
AM F6: 2nd prev season Major 3rd place
AM F7: 3rd4th prev season Major Winner
AM G1: Place 25-28 in Season ranking
AM G2: Season Main winner
AM G3: Place 21-24 in prev season ranking
AM G4: Prev season Major 6th place
AM G5: Place 13-16 in 2nd prev season ranking
AM G6: 2nd prev season Major 4th place
AM G7: 3rd4th prev season Major 2nd place
AM H1: Place 29-32 in Season ranking
AM H2: Season Main 2nd place
AM H3: Place 25-28 in prev season ranking
AM H4: Prev season Main winner
AM H5: Place 17-20 in 2nd prev season ranking
AM H6: 2nd prev season Major 5th place
AM H7: 3rd4th prev season Major 3rd place
AM I1: Place 33-40 in Season ranking
AM I3: Place 26-32 in prev season ranking
AM I4: Prev season Main 2nd place
AM I5: Place 21-24 in 2nd prev season ranking
AM I6: 2nd prev season Major 6th place
AM I7: 3rd4th prev season Major 4th place
AM J1: Place 41-48 in Season ranking
AM J2: Season Major 3rd place
AM J3: Place 33-40 in prev season ranking
AM J5: Place 25-28 in 2nd prev season ranking
AM J6: 2nd prev season Main winner
AM J7: 3rd4th prev season Major 5th place
AM K1: Place 49-56 in Season ranking
AM K3: Place 41-48 in prev season ranking
AM K4: Prev season Main 3rd place
AM K5: Place 29-32 in 2nd prev season ranking
AM K6: 2nd prev season Main 2nd place
AM K7: 3rd4th prev season Major 6th place
AM L1: Place 57-64 in Season ranking
AM L2: Season Main 4th place
AM L3: Place 49-56 in prev season ranking
AM L5: Place 33-40 in 2nd prev season ranking
AM L7: 3rd4th prev season Main winner
AM M1: Place 65-1000 in current 4-year ranking
WOMEN status groups

Code: Select all

WO A1: Place 1-4 in Season ranking
WO A2: Season Major winner
WO B1: Place 5-8 in Season ranking
WO B2: Season Major 2nd place
WO B3: Place 1-4 in prev season ranking
WO B4: Prev season Major winner
WO C1: Place 9-12 in Season ranking
WO C2: Season Major 3rd place
WO C3: Place 5-8 in prev season ranking
WO C4: Prev season Major 2nd place
WO D1: Place 13-16 in Season ranking
WO D2: Season Major 4th place
WO D3: Place 9-12 in prev season ranking
WO D4: Prev season Major 3rd place
WO D5: Place 1-4 in 2nd prev season ranking
WO D6: 2nd prev season Major winner
WO E1: Place 17-20 in Season ranking
WO E2: Season Major 5th place
WO E3: Place 13-16 in prev season ranking
WO E4: Prev season Major 4th place
WO E5: Place 5-8 in 2nd prev season ranking
WO E6: 2nd prev season Major 2nd place
WO F1: Place 21-24 in Season ranking
WO F2: Season Major 6th place
WO F3: Place 17-20 in prev season ranking
WO F4: Prev season Major 5th place
WO F5: Place 9-12 in 2nd prev season ranking
WO F6: 2nd prev season Major 3rd place
WO F7: 3rd4th prev season Major Winner
WO G1: Place 25-28 in Season ranking
WO G2: Season Main winner
WO G3: Place 21-24 in prev season ranking
WO G4: Prev season Major 6th place
WO G5: Place 13-16 in 2nd prev season ranking
WO G6: 2nd prev season Major 4th place
WO G7: 3rd4th prev season Major 2nd place
WO H1: Place 29-32 in Season ranking
WO H2: Season Main 2nd place
WO H3: Place 25-28 in prev season ranking
WO H4: Prev season Main winner
WO H5: Place 17-20 in 2nd prev season ranking
WO H6: 2nd prev season Major 5th place
WO H7: 3rd4th prev season Major 3rd place
WO I1: Place 33-40 in Season ranking
WO I3: Place 26-32 in prev season ranking
WO I4: Prev season Main 2nd place
WO I5: Place 21-24 in 2nd prev season ranking
WO I6: 2nd prev season Major 6th place
WO I7: 3rd4th prev season Major 4th place
WO J1: Place 41-48 in Season ranking
WO J2: Season Major 3rd place
WO J3: Place 33-40 in prev season ranking
WO J5: Place 25-28 in 2nd prev season ranking
WO J6: 2nd prev season Main winner
WO J7: 3rd4th prev season Major 5th place
WO K1: Place 49-56 in Season ranking
WO K3: Place 41-48 in prev season ranking
WO K4: Prev season Main 3rd place
WO K5: Place 29-32 in 2nd prev season ranking
WO K6: 2nd prev season Main 2nd place
WO K7: 3rd4th prev season Major 6th place
WO L1: Place 57-64 in Season ranking
WO L2: Season Main 4th place
WO L3: Place 49-56 in prev season ranking
WO L5: Place 33-40 in 2nd prev season ranking
WO L7: 3rd4th prev season Main winner
WO M1: Place 65-1000 in current 4-year ranking

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