Ranking, Rules and Discussion for International Slalom Skateboard Ranking

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Post by Charles_Thubert » Fri Dec 10, 2010 3:10 pm

Slalomranking is ready yet?

Guillaume Saint-Criq
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Post by Guillaume Saint-Criq » Fri Dec 10, 2010 4:12 pm

Charles_Thubert wrote:Slalomranking is finish?
Charly, if you did not already send Island Tour results to Jani, please send them to me.

Jani Soderhall
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Post by Jani Soderhall » Fri Dec 10, 2010 9:57 pm

Guillaume Saint-Criq wrote:Charly, if you did not already send Island Tour results to Jani, please send them to me.
They're already in. Corky is just now reading in the results, so you can already see some of them available on There is no 2010 ranking up yet, until we have more or all of the Mains and Primes. It's just a matter of days.

As for now this is the unofficial ranking though, but it seems it will be more complete than the current so called "new" ranking recently posted. With both up-to-date we could compare them and decide what to do moving forward. Well, you already know my thoughts on the topic, but it's up to the new BOD to decide, and that specific announcement is due in 8 hours or so.


The link has been corrected now.
Last edited by Jani Soderhall on Sat Dec 11, 2010 10:34 am, edited 2 times in total.

Sj Kalliokoski
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Post by Sj Kalliokoski » Fri Dec 10, 2010 10:09 pm


Neil Orta
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Post by Neil Orta » Fri Dec 10, 2010 11:01 pm

Who is it that updates the SlalomRanking website? Not the one who is doing ranking tabulation/data entry but who actually does the website updates???

Guillaume Saint-Criq
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Post by Guillaume Saint-Criq » Wed Dec 15, 2010 9:35 pm

Jani Soderhall wrote:... so you can already see some of them available on There is no 2010 ranking up yet, until we have more or all of the Mains and Primes. It's just a matter of days.
Jani, do you know how it will be deal with the PRO/AM merge in the system?

Jani Soderhall
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Post by Jani Soderhall » Thu Dec 16, 2010 8:47 am

Neil Orta wrote:Who is it that updates the SlalomRanking website? Not the one who is doing ranking tabulation/data entry but who actually does the website updates???
The current site was built by Timo Elverkemper supervised by Corky.

I entered this years contest calendar on that site using Corky's software "ISSA Ranking Calendar". That tool should be a tool of the Status Marshals to make sure the calendar is constantly up-to-date.

In order to create the actual ranking Corky needs formatted results. Petr Janousek and myself and a few more have been working on that for the past two months. We're pretty much done, there probably less than 10 left out of approximately 80 events last year. Corky is reading them in one by one (it's a semi-automatic process designed to connect the results with the skaters already registered in the ranking database, getting the spelling, countries and ages right). Once read in they become available on the ranking site.

Corky has come up with a plan how this work can be distributed to more people and we're looking into that for next year.


Jani Soderhall
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Post by Jani Soderhall » Thu Dec 16, 2010 8:52 am

Guillaume Saint-Criq wrote:Jani, do you know how it will be deal with the PRO/AM merge in the system?
All events are now Open, but the ranking still shows a Pro / Am separation. That division is based upon the old Pro class. New Pro's will have to request to be upgraded to Pro status.

I don't know yet how if that needs a change in 2011, but maybe. Let's discuss.


Neil Orta
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Post by Neil Orta » Fri Dec 17, 2010 4:00 am

"ISSA World Ranking 2010
Ranking for 2010 postponed.

A whole season passed by waiting for ISSA BOD to come to their senses...
...but wait a minute. How could you expect an insensible BOD to come to their senses. Makes no sense does it. So it's quite normal that we could only wait for a change in BOD to have something happen there.

Good news is that change is finally coming.

Good news 2 is that there are people taking on the challenge to clean up the mess concerning the world ranking and making results get registered for the slalom history archives and so also to make a sensible ranking also for 2010. All for the good for the slalom community.
So who is responsible for the slam of the ISSA BOD and why has this type of comment been allowed on a site that appears to be an ISSA site? Not very professional and goes a long way to help hold the ISSA from gaining any support from outside financial possibilities. If the Slalom Ranking site is not an ISSA site then the BOD should not be putting any work into rankings that appear on the site but rather developing an ISSA ranking on the ISSA site.

I am quite sure as an incoming BOD member you will see to it that this situation is rectified and steps taken to ensure that ISSA information will be protected on a site under ISSA control in the future.

Jani Soderhall
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Post by Jani Soderhall » Fri Dec 17, 2010 9:03 am


I think you're absolutely right. That specific message is new, but the whole year it said "Waiting for the ISSA BOD to come to their senses" but without any real detail.

The behind-the-scenes story is that Corky asked the BOD to take ownership of the ranking. He also proposed a plan for that, but At the same time the BOD asked Corky to work with them on the "new" ranking. None of it happened, so it all just ended up stalling. The BOD starting working on a new ranking, but never took away the old. It always surprised me that they never even tried to update the message, ie ask Corky to remove it and write something better in its place.

I'll make sure this particular message is removed when the 2010 ranking comes up. It should be part of the general clean up to create a more positive attitude on both sites.

...and for sure the ranking site should be under the responsability of the BOD, so help us do the job, if we oversee anything.


Hans Koraeus
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Post by Hans Koraeus » Mon Dec 20, 2010 6:31 pm

Sorry for my comment... eh no, actually I’m not sorry at all. Believe me this is my very, very diplomatic version. And for the last 2 years have been the Corky’s ranking and not the official ISSA world ranking so I guess it has given me some sort of a ”wild card”.

Actually I think it has been the most catastrophic single failure in the history of ISSA. The way the ranking issue has been handled by the recent BOD. It would have been ok to play around with this ranking idea of theirs on the side maybe until they had something to come up with. But since they did not understand anything of what they were doing and did not understand the consequences it would have on the slalom community risking to destroy the historical even data we had gathered since 2003.

And if it wasn’t for some people to step in and clean up the mess at the end of each year it would have been a real shame. We can just thank these people who were thinking more on the slalom community than their own ego.

For every month since two years a small hope existed that they would come to their senses. And that we could have the monthly updates of the World Ranking back. And get all the well deserved motivation for those who do travel and compete out there. It’s just fantastic how the slalom community itself has let it go this far.

Already from the start it went all wrong by deciding to redo a fully functional ranking. Even in the best scenario they might have come up with something slightly better. And with all the work they would have gained 1-2%. Instead of taking the obvious route with the same amount of work and continue the development of all the missing parts of the ranking with automatic calendar, event registration, automatic event home pages to help organizers with getting out info about their events, registration handling, start lists, result list, automatic live update of events, automatic registration of results into the ranking, racer homepages, and more, and more. We could easily have gained 500% of more service to the racer community.

And where are we now with the world ranking. There is a new ranking in ruins. We have an old ranking were those who had inspiration and motivation is long gone. Right now the community has lost 2 years of developing and some people who could have been very useful for our slalom scene.

We can only hope that a new ISSA BOD will have some more insight of the future ahead and trying to turn this sinking ship around. Rest assured that if ISSA decide to continue with the site the above message will be but a memory. It will only be a very bad memory of a very dark period in the modern World Ranking history. And the initial idea with a separate ranking site was from the beginning just to show the good parts of slalom and less of the negative forum atmosphere. And the forum atmosphere has not got better since those days. It’s been quite dark ages here as well the last years I have understood. At least something good in all this is that my slalom vacation saved me from that part.

Already I see some progress with the new BOD. This new idea with national coordinators is a really good idea. Actually all ideas that includes other people in the work process than the BOD itself is a good thing. It’s always dangerous when you get into the trap that BOD should do all work. Actually a BOD should be more of a visional part and support the community and get it to work. The few persons in a BOD can’t do everything. And once the BOD changes often those people no longer continue working with some of all the tasks needed. Let’s try and change this. Let the community work and let the BOD make sure things are controlled and get done in the right way.

Merry Christmas!

Hans Koraeus
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Post by Hans Koraeus » Sat Dec 25, 2010 3:51 am

<center>Ok, here we go. First version 1.0 of the World Ranking for 2010.

See if you can find any errors. Deadline for changes Jan 31.
Ver 1.0

Claude Regnier
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Thank you.

Post by Claude Regnier » Sat Dec 25, 2010 4:34 am

Thank you Corky! Great Xmas gift to end a pretty tough 1 & 1/2 of sk8ting.

All the best to everyone......!
Many Happy Pumps!

Jani Soderhall
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Post by Jani Soderhall » Sat Dec 25, 2010 1:52 pm

Help us review it all to make sure it's as accurate as possible.

One thing you need to act upon yourself is if you want to be registered as Pro and you are among the top AMs. That won't happen automatically as there were no Pro events in 2010. Just send an email to Corky or me and we'll update your status before the next ranking calculation.

Help us update the names too, and avoid duplicate registrations (sometime really hard to find!).

Here are some names we need sorted:

Raven Raven, racing in So Cal 2008 (Pro class).
Justin D, USA racing as Seismic World Cup, CO 2010.

All the Brazilian results are missing right now, but Flavio is working on getting hold of them. If you can help please do!

Besides those to my knowledge there is only one race which hasn't been included. It's the Pig City race for which I have the results, but for some reason didn't send them to Corky with the others. It'll be in for the next revision.

There's also one more race to be held this year. St Batz race on Dec 28.

Early next year Corky will do the final revision and then publish the final ranking Jan 31.
(No changes are possible after that, so better watch out for them now!!)



Gustavs Gailitis
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Post by Gustavs Gailitis » Sun Dec 26, 2010 11:15 am

Thank you, Corky, and rest of guys who helped to make this slalomranking happen also for 2010 ! ! !

Few ''errors'' concerning Latvian racers:

20th in Women ranking Jeff Jeff LAT is Sintija Erkevica LAT.

There is one junior guy missing in the ranking - Armins Stepanjans LAT (only one race for him in 2010: Baltic championships 4th in special slalom (juniors).

Everything else looks perfect - thanks again ;)
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Dominik Kowalski
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Post by Dominik Kowalski » Sun Dec 26, 2010 12:24 pm

PAVEL RULEZ - and there you go! Always drunk but never slow!!!!!!


Thanks Corky for your work.....
<a href="" target="_blank" class="postlink">SEX, DRUGS & BACKSIDE ROCK'N'ROLL...</a>
keep on rollin'...

Jani Soderhall
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Post by Jani Soderhall » Sun Dec 26, 2010 1:53 pm

Gustavs Gailitis wrote:There is one junior guy missing in the ranking - Armins Stepanjans LAT (only one race for him in 2010: Baltic championships 4th in special slalom (juniors).
Amazing how you noticed that. Probably the TS results were processed also for the special slalom. Should be easily correced.

Couldn't see yet how the JEFF JEFF came about, but thanks for pointing that out!


Pat Chewning
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Post by Pat Chewning » Sun Dec 26, 2010 9:51 pm

The Oregon State Games 2010 included slalomcross. The results of the slalomcross are not in the rankings....

(The 2010 ISSA BOD decided to include slalomcross in the rankings)

Jani Soderhall
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Post by Jani Soderhall » Sun Dec 26, 2010 10:51 pm

Yes, for the Membership ranking. But I'm not sure what we can do about it in the ranking.

Is it even a good idea to have it as an official discipline? Is it comparable to the other slalom disciplines, so that we can have them all together. Personally I have no clue. Maybe yes, maybe no. How many SlalomCross events has there been this year and how many may we have next year?


Pat Chewning
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Post by Pat Chewning » Mon Dec 27, 2010 1:13 am

We run a slalomcross every year at the Oregon State Games.

I was happy to see that this year the ISSA was going to recognize slalomcross events. Unfortunately, this idea (like others) was not executed and implemented completely.

I will report the event results, the ISSA can count them (or not) for ranking points.....


Please: Let's just have ONE ranking -- and make it the official ISSA ranking (whether posted on ISSA site or

It will just be more and more confusing if we have an ISSA MEMBERSHIP ranking, a SLALOMRANKING, another ranking........

Neil Orta
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Post by Neil Orta » Mon Dec 27, 2010 6:47 pm

Jani Soderhall wrote:Yes, for the Membership ranking. But I'm not sure what we can do about it in the ranking.

Is it even a good idea to have it as an official discipline? Is it comparable to the other slalom disciplines, so that we can have them all together. Personally I have no clue. Maybe yes, maybe no. How many SlalomCross events has there been this year and how many may we have next year?

Since it was an official ISSA recognized event the results should be in the rankings, if it is not included in SlalomRanking.Com then that site should not be used by the ISSA as it does not recognize ISSA disciplines and therefore is not the official ISSA Ranking. (before anyone attempts to misread- I applaud Corky and any other for their efforts with the rankings shown on SlalomRanking.Com

This thread is on the ISSA site discussing the ISSA Rankings

While your questions regarding the discipline are valid Jani they have no relationship to the fact that slalomcross/bordercross IS an official ISSA recognized discipline. Maybe discussion amoug the board will change that for the future but for now the ISSA rankings need to reflect results of ISSA events.

Donald Campbell
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Post by Donald Campbell » Tue Dec 28, 2010 6:02 am

i more than applaud the effort done by corky and his helping hands to get things in line again!

i honestly think even applauding is not enough here!

jani and the current bod will surely handle the bordercross issue with the utmost care and attention given to detail,so there is no real reason to object at the moment,neil.

being with jani so or so since 2004 i know what kind of guy he is and you can rest assured that
any problem will be solved in a timely manner by the crew elected.
so sit back and watch the progress-something we didn't have in a looooooooooooong time.

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Post by Charles_Thubert » Tue Dec 28, 2010 9:28 am


Yanks to Corky and Jani for the ranking 2010.
It is cool!


Rob Ashby
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Post by Rob Ashby » Tue Dec 28, 2010 2:15 pm

Massive thanks to Corky and crew for sorting out the 2010 rankings - so nice to see the proper rankings again. Thank you, thank you, thank you - your work is very much appreciated.

Franco Di Giorgio
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update Italy

Post by Franco Di Giorgio » Tue Dec 28, 2010 3:52 pm

hello everyone!
good Christmas and new year
Jani, the guy who raced to 80 cones 26. Zurich September 2010
he is ITALIAN TOMMASO TASSELLARI and was born June 24, 1997 and not 1993 as it is written on the site
hello thanks
urban slalom and longboarding

Josef Stefka
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Post by Josef Stefka » Tue Dec 28, 2010 9:28 pm

Thanks so much for objective World ranking!
Happy New Slalom Year for everyone.

Jani Soderhall
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Post by Jani Soderhall » Tue Dec 28, 2010 11:04 pm

Pat Chewning wrote:Please: Let's just have ONE ranking -- and make it the official ISSA ranking (whether posted on ISSA site or

It will just be more and more confusing if we have an ISSA MEMBERSHIP ranking, a SLALOMRANKING, another ranking........
Well, to me it's obvious which one with be THE ranking 2011. You voted for me, Petr, Flavio and we were all campaigning for a switch back to the ranking (also known as Corkys ranking). We're currently discussing with fellow board members JBH and Fatboy to get ready for our January announcements.

Another item on our agenda is to better link the two sites and clearly show they're part of the family.

The urgent question right now is what do we do with 2010? The membership ranking was supposed to be the official one, but it was never completed (nor does it seem to have many supporters). I'm ready to take the decision to just forget about it, and use for the official ranking also for 2010. What are your thoughts?


Donald Campbell
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Post by Donald Campbell » Wed Dec 29, 2010 7:04 am

totally agree to your suggestion jani

the "member ranking" is definitely not what the sport needs.
it is also incomplete and therefore doesn't show any validity.

since we see the original ranking up and running again and also previous comments which can be regarded as the tip of the mountain there shouldn't be any questioning the obvious.

Ron Barbagallo
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Post by Ron Barbagallo » Wed Dec 29, 2010 3:55 pm

Hans Koraeus wrote:<center>Ok, here we go. First version 1.0 of the World Ranking for 2010.

See if you can find any errors. Deadline for changes Jan 31.
Ver 1.0

I've seen Lynn Kramer in a sports bra, I'm pretty sure she's a girl

She should probably not be in the Amateur Men standings
Evil Potentate
Team Fatboy - all hopped up on goofballs!

Still douchebags, but CLASSY douchebags ;)


Robert Gaisek
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Post by Robert Gaisek » Wed Dec 29, 2010 4:01 pm

I´ve seen her race in one......she´s not an amateur at all.

Donald Campbell
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Post by Donald Campbell » Wed Dec 29, 2010 5:26 pm

but you agree its a sports bra,right robo?

Robert Gaisek
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Post by Robert Gaisek » Wed Dec 29, 2010 9:48 pm

I think so....didn´t want to stare.

Danilo Percich
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Post by Danilo Percich » Thu Dec 30, 2010 1:00 am

big thanks to Corky and everyones that help making the 2010 ranking

have a great new year party to all skaters

see ya on hill in 2011

fullbag dude!!!!!

julie and danilo

Flavio Badenes
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Post by Flavio Badenes » Thu Dec 30, 2010 8:37 am

robert gaisek wrote:I think so....didn´t want to stare.
and even if you wanted to you still couldn't she is too fast!!!

@Corky: THANK YOU!!!

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Post by Robert Gaisek » Thu Dec 30, 2010 9:28 am


Neil Orta
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Post by Neil Orta » Thu Dec 30, 2010 3:05 pm

The rankings shown on Slalomranking.Com are very impressive and show the obvious efforts of people who have worked hard to compile great amounts of data but the site does not reflect what was put into effect by the BOD of the ISSA. The classes recognized in 2010 by the ISSA are:

I did not agree with several things decided by the past BOD, doing away with the pro class was one of them but decisions were made and they should be followed or risk ruining the credibilty of the organization. The ranking uses the ISSA name but does not follow the structure of the ISSA. Masters should not be in with the Open class in the rankings as they do not race them in events, juniors do not race against open and yet they are seperated.

Jani Soderhall
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Post by Jani Soderhall » Thu Dec 30, 2010 5:46 pm


Everything the 2010 board decided have been implemented in the 2010 Membership ranking (I assume!). is a compensation for a year of lost race results done by volunteers that couldn't stand the lack of action by the 2010 BOD. It is "as-is", and does not respect a whole lot of things that the 2010 BOD decided upon. (It does however handle the joint race class Open" where Pros and Ams race together, but racers are still ranked according to a Pro/Am classes).

What provide is a more accurate ranking of skill level than the 2010 Membership Ranking. It includes ALL skaters, whether members or not, and it provides compatibility with previous years. It's also the best resource we have for historical results, being the most complete of any websites as to slalom results in any given year.

Your comments are valid, but difficult to adhere to. Right now we have a 2010 BOD that has gone all silent and a new BOD that is just about to start their mandate. One more day, and off we go! In the new BOD we have been trying to clarify what should become the official ranking for 2010 but it hasn't been settled yet. You will have to await January for that!


Hans Koraeus
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Post by Hans Koraeus » Thu Dec 30, 2010 6:49 pm

<center>ISSA World Ranking 2010 - Version 1.3

See if you can find any errors. Deadline for changes Jan 31.

Happy New Year!
Ver 1.0

Hans Koraeus
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Post by Hans Koraeus » Thu Dec 30, 2010 7:01 pm

Neil Orta wrote:...but decisions were made and they should be followed or risk ruining the credibilty of the organization.
I'm sorry Neil but you got it all wrong. It's not this ranking that is a risk of ruining the credibility of ISSA. This ranking is getting some credibility back. It's the previous BOD that has been the ruin of the credibility of ISSA.

I have no idea of all the things the BOD 2010 have decided but I would advise the new BOD to look over all the descisions made.

Thanks for all the support. Unfortunatly the slalom scene have lost 2 years of ranking progress. For 2011 my hope is just getting back to scratch and start moving forward from there.

Flavio Badenes
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Post by Flavio Badenes » Fri Dec 31, 2010 10:14 am

Corky, thank you so much for the ranking.

I can definitely say that it is indeed getting the ISSA credibility back in countries like Brazil for example, where the open class was badly criticized by all the skaters. I learned it the hard way, I am still discussing these facts with Brazilian skaters. It has been a though job to explain why we went for the open class. The same goes for Holland.

A few remarks from my side:

There are a few wrong names and that is my fault (sorry!!!) I will send all the correct names within 2 weeks.

On the Dutch ranking I see the name of Igor Lerchundi Mugica, he is NOT Dutch he is a Spanish skater. I know because he raced in Amsterdam.
Also the name of Cyril Schardijn is missing from the only Dutch ranking

For the rest it looks really good!!!!

Rob Ashby
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Post by Rob Ashby » Fri Dec 31, 2010 4:33 pm

I have just seen that Debbie Tix is in amongst the Men Am results (245) and is also down as being British not Dutch. Thanks.

Jani Soderhall
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Post by Jani Soderhall » Sat Jan 01, 2011 4:40 pm

If girls race in the Am class they will count both as Am Men and women.
Same for Lynn Kramer who has run Mens Pro.

We have the ambition to clarify and better explain the ranking rules for 2011, but the new BoD needs to get together and take certain strategic decisions first.


Hans Koraeus
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Post by Hans Koraeus » Mon Jan 03, 2011 5:26 pm

Flavio Badenes wrote:On the Dutch ranking I see the name of Igor Lerchundi Mugica, he is NOT Dutch he is a Spanish skater.
Fixed now. Will be updated for next ranking update (1.5)
Flavio Badenes wrote:Also the name of Cyril Schardijn is missing from the only Dutch ranking
She is not in the 2010 season ranking because she has not competed this year. At least no results have been registered for her this year.

See all Dutch racers here. You can click on them to get into their ranking racer homepage. Where you can check their registered results.
Rob Ashby wrote:I have just seen that Debbie Tix is ... being British not Dutch
Fixed now. Will be updated for next ranking update (1.5)
Jani wrote:If girls race in the Am class they will count both as Am Men and women
Jani wrote:Same for Lynn Kramer who has run Mens Pro
Not correct. All results may transform into other classes except the PRO class.
Racers in a PRO class does not get automatic points in Master, Women or junior classes.
If running a PRO/AM event with a lot of Masters in the PRO class (age 45+) that also wants to get Master points you have to run that class specifically. If not the Master class will automatically be created only from the AM class.

Flavio Badenes
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Post by Flavio Badenes » Mon Jan 03, 2011 6:23 pm

You are right Hans HE didn't compete :-) Thanks!

Ok, now the Brazilians:

AM Ranking:

- Renato Serra e Renato Sms are the same person, please use Renato Serra

- Bruno Alves e Bruninho Bruninho are the same person, please use Bruno Alves

- Fernando Camargo e Fefe Fefe are the same person, please use Fernando Camargo

PRO Ranking:

- We are missing Jorge Galasso, third place in Santana de Parnaíba.

Thank you

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Location: Paris

Post by Charles_Thubert » Mon Jan 03, 2011 10:20 pm

Hy Hans,

Vincent de locquirec and Vincent Tanguy is the same person!please use Vincent Tanguy


Vincent Tanguy
Posts: 64
Joined: Sun Dec 27, 2009 11:26 pm
Location: Brittany, France

Post by Vincent Tanguy » Mon Jan 03, 2011 10:40 pm

Thanks Charles !

And if I can disturb you one more time, I took part in the Pirate Slalom #3 held on 31 January in Paris. There was probably a Vincent without last name, it was me ! (finished 12th in GS and 11th in HS).
And thanks for this, it's really fun to see my name in the "World Ranking" ! (best motivation to keep going !)
No turn, no fun.

Posts: 148
Joined: Mon Dec 12, 2005 9:51 am
Location: Paris

Post by Charles_Thubert » Tue Jan 04, 2011 9:29 am

Camille Du Dossen
Rank Race Id

His real name is Camille Prigent

Mathieu Du Dossen
Rank Race Id

His real name is Mathieu Habasque

Cyril Schardijn
Posts: 97
Joined: Thu Oct 11, 2007 8:49 pm
Location: Netherlands

Dutch girls

Post by Cyril Schardijn » Tue Jan 04, 2011 12:55 pm

I miss
Gwyn Schardijn and Iris Blom in the list of Girls -17.
They are only listed in women but since they are 14 and 15 they should be listed in girls also?
I'd rather spend my time between


Flavio Badenes
Posts: 870
Joined: Mon Sep 25, 2006 4:26 pm
Location: Amsterdam/Holland

Re: Dutch girls

Post by Flavio Badenes » Tue Jan 04, 2011 2:40 pm

Cyril Schardijn wrote:I miss
Gwyn Schardijn and Iris Blom in the list of Girls -17.
They are only listed in women but since they are 14 and 15 they should be listed in girls also?
I agree Cyril

Jani Soderhall
ISSA President 2011-2024
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Re: Dutch girls

Post by Jani Soderhall » Tue Jan 04, 2011 10:24 pm

Cyril Schardijn wrote:They are only listed in women but since they are 14 and 15 they should be listed in girls also?
Please supply their year of birth and it'll be automatically handled from now on.
Help us get this correct for all juniors (and also masters). If you're 40 or above, give us your birth year now and you'll be automatically taken into the master class when you reach 45.

