World rankings: Overall
Ranking, Rules and Discussion for International Slalom Skateboard Ranking

Moderator: Hans Koraeus

Ramón Königshausen
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Post by Ramón Königshausen » Wed Feb 27, 2008 5:11 pm

Jadranko Radovanovic wrote:What is the realistc goal of the ISSA ?

We have conflict of objectives. On one hand we want to spend less entry fee on the other hand the price purse is a big criteria for the Status.

Standard given entry fee (per discipline) which is the same at every competition of the same status.

Standard given prize purse of the same amout (per discipline) at every competion of the same status.

Whatever is left after the competition goes is collected in a kitty and will be distributed and/or used for the "common good" (the ISSA "houshold")

Just some sort of imagination of mine...

Feel the flow – Airflow Skateboards

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Antonio Saluena
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Post by Antonio Saluena » Sat Mar 29, 2008 7:16 pm

When will Slalomranking site be updated?


Antonio Saluena
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Post by Antonio Saluena » Tue Apr 15, 2008 10:49 am

Please update!!!

Jani Soderhall
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Re: Ranking update

Post by Jani Soderhall » Tue Apr 15, 2008 11:21 am

Antonio Saluena wrote:Please update!!!
Corky is on vacation this week, so I'm answering with my own thoughts and ideas...

I went to the ranking site earlier today and saw it wasn't updated, and reflected upon it for a few seconds, then realized that we're at the beginning of the year and the ranking is most likely not super interesting. Not that much happened up until March 31.

The reason why it hasn't been updated lately is that he is preparing a move of the site from the private server of Daniel Poweleit who has kindly hosted the system for several years (for free) onto the site. This is mostly reconfiguration and some adaptations, but a little bit tricky because the two environments are not configured the same way. Once the move is complete, we can start planning for a tighter integration between the two sites. They'll continue to have their own unique URLs though.

I would suspect that Corky will update it for April 30, just in time for the Trocadero Grand Prix.


Michel Dupont
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Post by Michel Dupont » Tue Apr 15, 2008 11:35 am

Antonio, are you in a hurry to take the first place? You know, it will not last for long.

Antonio Saluena
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Post by Antonio Saluena » Tue Apr 15, 2008 12:22 pm

Ok, thanx Jani!
Michel, great race in Dusseldorf! Can't wait to race again!

Karl Floitgraf
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Post by Karl Floitgraf » Thu May 01, 2008 5:15 pm

Could we please have an update? It's may now and we haven't had an update since last year. thanks

Marcus Seyffarth
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Post by Marcus Seyffarth » Thu May 08, 2008 9:57 pm

Its mid may soon, there have been a bunch of races. I'm wondering if I'm outside top 20? Nothing beats a solid comeback! is "only" 2 months old, was there a fight at the latest ranking conference? ;)

Marcus Seyffarth
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Post by Marcus Seyffarth » Tue Jun 03, 2008 10:08 pm

And here comes June...

Hans Koraeus
Corky - World Ranking Master Mind
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Post by Hans Koraeus » Wed Jun 04, 2008 2:13 am

The new world ranking site is taking time but that's how it is working on your free time which is non existing. ;-)

But rather than wait even more I agree that people need to have a look at the rankings. so here they are.

Ranking changes for 2008
There have been some small changes on the whole calculation procedure. Not very much but the main change is that whatever classes that is actually raced the ranking calculator will always create rank result lists for all the rank classes there are...

Masters (45-) Starting 2008
Masters Women (45-) Starting 2008
Juniors (-17)
Juniors (-14)
Juniors (-11)
Juniors Girls (-17)
Juniors Girls (-14)
Juniors Girls (-11)

Some old ranking classes have been taken away. TOT, JUN TOT (Male and Women)

PRO races don't get counted into other rank classes by automation. This is normal but has one implication and that is for the masters. So there might be the need for a PRO Masters maybe also in the future. The solution now if an event is running a PRO/AM and want to have the PRO masters in the masters world ranking, then they need to set up an OPEN Masters class to run also where both PRO and AM with age 45 and up can enter. If not only AM results will count to the masters class.

Same goes for women running PRO class. They will not get any AM ranking results or Women ranking results counted. Unless they also attend a specific Am or Women race. Women attending AM races will automatically get Women rank results though unless there is a specific Women race of course.

Actual class races always comes before calculated ones. But if no specific race was done for that class it will be calculated from other races. The exakt rules for this will be explained later. It's quite straight forward but still.

Once we get the site up there are now also info for each racer that shows exactly how the ranking point is calculated. This is not straight forward and by this i don't need to explain this as much as before since racers can have a look themselves.

Included races for 2008 (Status Prime and higher)
29 March 2008 Texas Cold Fusion Sizzler
12 March 2008 Pavel/GoG Outlaw
25 April 2008 University of Northern Colorado Spring Slalom Fest
10 May 2008 Trocadero Grand Prix - Paris Slalom World Cup

Here are the World Rankings for May 2008
Masters Women
Junior (-17)
Junior (-14)
Junior (-11)
Junior Girls (-17)
Junior Girls (-14)
Junior Girls (-11)

There are som really nice things going on with the new site but php programers are not standing in line to help out so it will have to take the time it takes. The most interesting feature is that all registered events will get there own "event site" whit articles, sign up and result possibilities. More on all this later. There are still some work to do...

Marcus Seyffarth
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Post by Marcus Seyffarth » Wed Jun 04, 2008 10:57 pm

Thank you for all the hard work! The new site looks very nice! I wasn't aware of that you was about to redesign the whole page...

However I think the calculations must be wrong I'm far to way back in the list ;-)

Cyril Schardijn
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Post by Cyril Schardijn » Thu Jun 05, 2008 7:55 pm

Thanks for the list, but could someone change my country.
Right now i'm listed as German and it shoud be the netherlands.
I'd rather spend my time between


Ricardo Damborenea
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Masters / legends divisions

Post by Ricardo Damborenea » Sat Jun 07, 2008 10:40 pm

I'm over 45 ! would love to be listed on the masters world ranking (apart from overal AM). My kids will love seing me in a "Top Ten" WW list ! :-)
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Flavio Badenes
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Re: Masters / legends divisions

Post by Flavio Badenes » Sun Jun 08, 2008 1:22 pm

Hi there again....I just read your PM from Wed Jun 04. Ok I will wait :-)

Zak Maytum
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Something's not quite right

Post by Zak Maytum » Thu Jun 12, 2008 7:24 pm

I think there is something wrong with the calculations. I'm not greatly invested in my world ranking, but it would be nice if everything were correct. For example, Richy Corrasco is ranked 10th for the 2008 season. However, (correct me if I'm wrong) he did not attend any of the races that that ranking was supposedly derived from.

I think Marcus said something about this too. Can anyone shed some light on this mystery?

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Steve Collins
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Post by Steve Collins » Fri Jun 13, 2008 4:13 am

I think Corky's list of "included" races is meant to be read as "most recently included". The rankings seem to be multi-year.

... and it looks like Richy has moved up to 6th: ... fixclass=y

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Post by Zak Maytum » Fri Jun 13, 2008 5:23 pm

Steve, I was actually referring to this list. The one for the 2008 season. This should only include races from 2008. ... ings.ranks
If it has brakes, It sucks.

Ramón Königshausen
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Post by Ramón Königshausen » Fri Jun 13, 2008 5:44 pm

Richy Carrasco attended Paris Slalom World Cup 2008. Does this answer your question?

PS: Normally you should be able to see the races that someone attended by clicking on the "Racer" button at the bottom in the left sidebar. However, this seems currently not to work.

Feel the flow – Airflow Skateboards

Real skateboard wheels come in green – ABEC11

Enjoy the ride – GOG Slalom & DH Trucks

Stefano Bellingeri
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Post by Stefano Bellingeri » Tue Aug 05, 2008 11:22 am

My dear friends,
when will be the world ranking updated?
Stefano Bellingeri
Skype: bellingerismu

Hans Koraeus
Corky - World Ranking Master Mind
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Post by Hans Koraeus » Fri Sep 05, 2008 2:00 am

Aug 31 - 2008

The new ranking site is going to be used from now on even if there are still a lot to do.

Hopefully all will be in place for next season with...
- Front page
With latest event articles, picture, latest ranking and past and coming events
- Event home page
Where all event articles will be together with registration, results and pictures.
- Ranking page
With links to racer home page
- Racer home page
With a nice result overview and pictures for specific racer
- Calendar
Whith a nice overview of the events for the season
- Article Admin
Administration rights for event organizer to add articles to their event.
- Photo admin
Administration rights for selected photographers to add photos (from themselves and others)
- Event manager
That get startlists directly from the site and give back results when event is over.
- Sponsor/publicity management
The site has been very clean from external sponsoring. Maybe time to open up the doors for that. There are many options and paths to take.

Josef Stefka
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Post by Josef Stefka » Tue Oct 14, 2008 12:00 pm

Corky please ,
Will be completed other info / Racers - Events ? For control?

Hans Koraeus
Corky - World Ranking Master Mind
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Post by Hans Koraeus » Sun Jan 25, 2009 3:27 am

Dec 31 - 2008

A new update of the ISSA world ranking site is up since a couple of days ago.
Timo Elverkemper and myself have started to get some speed up on the site.

Normally Jan 31 the ranking 2008 is closed and archived for the history. But since we have been a little bit late let's close the 2008 ranking around Feb 15.

So if you see any faults or results missing in the ranking let me know before Feb 15. Are your birth year correct? If not you may be missing some good placements in junior or Masters ranking.

Things to check out...

- Ranking point check
Go to the Racer section. Get up your racer home page. There will be much more things in the future but right now you see two lists.

The top lists shows what results and points are counted into your ranking point.

The list below shows the two best results from every event you have had during the year wich is the base for ranking point.

One racer may be included in multiple rank classes. Use the dropdown on top of the page to see them all.

There will later also be a complete list with all results and much more.

At the bottom of the info box for each racer you see the placing in the different rankings and the difference since last year. + moving up and - for falling down.

- Rookie ranking
From now on the Rookie ranking will be calculated each month together with the normal rankings. It is found together with all the other ranking in the "Rankings" section. At the very bottom of all the rankings.

Still a lot to do but at least we are moving forward.
- Right now we are working some more on the calendar bit.

Then we have...
- Going through and update all the old articles and rules texts.
- Letting organizers taking charge of the event page for info, articles, pictures and so on.
- Picture administration
- Simple registration for events
- What ever you slalom freaks would like us to work on

Guillaume Saint-Criq
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Post by Guillaume Saint-Criq » Sun Jan 25, 2009 12:54 pm

great great job Corky!
Thank you very much.

i will check all Pirates races results had been sent to you

looking forward to find results for each races.

Note that I am always ok to help in getting (european) results from organizers and save them in the system

Rick Floyd
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Post by Rick Floyd » Sun Jan 25, 2009 6:33 pm

Wow...nice! The Events / Results pages are a nice add too!

Congrats on making it all work as well as it does on this release.

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Claude Regnier
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Post by Claude Regnier » Mon Jan 26, 2009 2:00 am

Good Job guys!

I just turned 50. Give me a break will ya! 51?

Ouch! I'm hurt! Oh wait that's my back.
Many Happy Pumps!

Flavio Badenes
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Post by Flavio Badenes » Mon Jan 26, 2009 1:06 pm

Claude is right, I am only 51 and it says 52!!

Cat Young
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Post by Cat Young » Mon Jan 26, 2009 5:03 pm

I think he means the age we will be in 2009.

Flavio Badenes
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Post by Flavio Badenes » Mon Jan 26, 2009 7:06 pm

Cat Young wrote:I think he means the age we will be in 2009.
For sure he means our age in 2009.
We are just joking.

Cat Young
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Post by Cat Young » Mon Jan 26, 2009 8:10 pm

Flavio Badenes wrote:
Cat Young wrote:I think he means the age we will be in 2009.
For sure he means our age in 2009.
We are just joking.
Last edited by Cat Young on Wed Jan 28, 2009 1:18 am, edited 1 time in total.

Stephen Lavin
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Post by Stephen Lavin » Wed Jan 28, 2009 12:37 am

Hans and Timo very impressive work. You guys have done a super job on the presentation, slicing and dicing of data. Way to go!


Hans Koraeus
Corky - World Ranking Master Mind
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Post by Hans Koraeus » Sat Feb 21, 2009 12:59 am

Hans Koraeus wrote:<center>
Dec 31 - 2008

A new update of the ISSA world ranking site is up since a couple of days ago.
Timo Elverkemper and myself have started to get some speed up on the site.

Normally Jan 31 the ranking 2008 is closed and archived for the history. But since we have been a little bit late let's close the 2008 ranking around Feb 15.

So if you see any faults or results missing in the ranking let me know before Feb 15. Are your birth year correct? If not you may be missing some good placements in junior or Masters ranking.

Things to check out...

- Ranking point check
Go to the Racer section. Get up your racer home page. There will be much more things in the future but right now you see two lists.

The top lists shows what results and points are counted into your ranking point.

The list below shows the two best results from every event you have had during the year wich is the base for ranking point.

One racer may be included in multiple rank classes. Use the dropdown on top of the page to see them all.

There will later also be a complete list with all results and much more.

At the bottom of the info box for each racer you see the placing in the different rankings and the difference since last year. + moving up and - for falling down.

- Rookie ranking
From now on the Rookie ranking will be calculated each month together with the normal rankings. It is found together with all the other ranking in the "Rankings" section. At the very bottom of all the rankings.

Still a lot to do but at least we are moving forward.
- Right now we are working some more on the calendar bit.

Then we have...
- Going through and update all the old articles and rules texts.
- Letting organizers taking charge of the event page for info, articles, pictures and so on.
- Picture administration
- Simple registration for events
- What ever you slalom freaks would like us to work on
Dec 31 - 2008

Ok, that's a wrap. This is now the final World Rankings for 2008.

Please don't find any errors. ;-)

We will continue our work trying to build a site around the World Ranking with more life and activity. This will not be possible though to do well without help from event organizers and others who want to help out trying to build something up around the international slalom skateboard scene.

Looking forward to a very interesting 2009.

Sebastien Leger
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Post by Sebastien Leger » Thu Sep 17, 2009 3:37 pm

No update on the ranking for this current season 2009?
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Rick Floyd
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Post by Rick Floyd » Thu Sep 17, 2009 4:20 pm

Sebastien Leger wrote:No update on the ranking for this current season 2009?
Seb - Corky just put out a call to event organizers to send in results. I have the Farm results and will prepare and send them, and am actively working on getting other event results together...AFTER Antrim. :-)

Of course, I will screw up your results because of the "language barrier" - but not to worry, you will likely be the top Junior racer in the world this year!

"All the money in the world can not buy sharing the excitement of life with other people. Nothing else matters."

- Jason Mitchell (Criddlezine Interview)

Hans Koraeus
Corky - World Ranking Master Mind
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Post by Hans Koraeus » Sat Dec 05, 2009 2:25 am

Talking shit
Oh, this feels strange. Haven't been reading or writing in this forum since feb 2009. After like 5-6 years or more of a very intense life since the start of this very forum it feel strange indeed. Unfortunatly this has become a quite depressing forum. Maybe it was before as well. I don't remember it starting like that though. I don't know if it is only me who feels like that but being away for so long I really get that feeling coming back again.

It makes me wonder and worry what new people or sponsors wanting to have a look at the heart of this sport on the net will think... :-|

Sure the forum is needed and all the hard discussion aso. But that is not the face we want to show for media aso. Don't build the slalom scene frontpage connected to this forum. Let it be the hidden dark room for those who really want to take the next step into the slalom jungle.

I once had an idea of making a site were we only had the good things from the slalom scene going. Results, pictures, event articles, calendars and rankings. A site where you dared send a potential sponsor or people who wanted to have a look at our sport.

Well, come to think about it there was a try to get something like this going... . But since people were more occupied in throwing shit around the mission of failed and halted in early 2009.

Making things happen
Regardless of low motivation I have now started to take a look at the ranking and the event results for 2009. Since there is a small effort to get all the results together for a 2009 world ranking I will make my part in making this possible.

Results sent in to me are awaited in the format explained at

- rules
- events
- sendning in results

We will see what we can manage to get in. The most important are Major and Main events. But also Prime events could be of importance for many. And all results are of course interested to add if we think about the slalom event result archive for the future.

All events on slalomranking with a + sign in front of it means I have the results in the correct format but have not yet updated the database.

Events with a - sign means I don't have the results in correct format to be able to update the database.

Events with no + or - sign are regsitered with results and ready for the ranking calculation.

I just want to make it clear, I will not pull this forward myself. If something will be done you will all rather have to push me. So let's see if there is an enough interest to push this forward among you slalomers and event organizers out there.

Hans Koraeus
Corky - World Ranking Master Mind
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Post by Hans Koraeus » Sat Dec 05, 2009 9:36 pm

Well, well,

That's what you get for being away from the forum for 8-9 months. And me who thought I was the one who felt uncomfortable with posting here after all this time. :-)

Well no worries. The first part was not so important. Just talking shit as the title said. :-) The second part I have a very similar copy of beacuse I used it in an e-mail at the same time...
Making things happen
I have now started to take a look at the ranking and the event results I have for 2009.

Since there is a small effort to get all the results together for a final 2009 world ranking I will do my part for getting it together.

Results sent in to me are awaited in the format explained at
- rules
- events
- sendning in results

We will see what we can manage to get in. The most important are Major and Main events. But also Prime events could be of importance for many. And all results are interested to add if we think about the historic event results archive for the future.

All events on slalomranking with a + sign in front of it means I have the results in the correct format but have not yet updated the database.
Events with a - sign means I don't have the results in correct format to be able to update the database.
Events with no + or - sign are regsitered with results and ready for the ranking calculation.

Note that to see all events click the events link instead of looking at the frontpage. The frontpage have some filtering rules of what is showing and not.

I have said before, I will not pull this forward myself. If something will be done you will all rather have to push me. Let's see if there is an enough interest to push this forward.
Let's hope we can bring life into the ISSA world ranking again at

It is just that the vision I have for it will need more man-power than myself. We need a whole group of people doing their small piece. Not one person doing it all. That will never work in the long term. But still after this whole season bringing a halt to it I do start to wonder if people really care. Sure there are people who are sad about this but I mean... in my eyes this is a big failure for the whole sport. When I look at it now not much have happened since it halted. It's tragic but I just have to wait either for people (and ISSA) to wake up and do something to solve this or just let it die. But I will not take it on myself, it has to be a group effort solution.

Let's see what can come out of this, maybe the last, wakeup call.

For a starter what about an official vision from the ISSA BOD about what path they want to lay out for the coming season...

1. Is a special site for the World Ranking like wanted or important for the sport?
A site to handle all the fun stuff around the slalom scene, results, pictures, event articles, calendars and rankings. A site where you dare send a potential sponsor or people who wanted to have a look at our sport.

2. If yes, how can we make a long term solution to make it work?
A site like that can't be dependent on one or two persons alone. It has to be a whole team preferably with ISSA BOD at the stearing wheel. And note I say ISSA at the stearing wheel. Not necessarily those who actually do the work.

In my view there have been a misunderstanding of what the ISSA BOD is. I get the feeling that people think they should do everything. Also for those who want to be on the ISSA BOD. If you are selected in you "might" put som work down for ISSA. If not selected in you are free and don't have to do anything. In my view the only thing the BOD should do is lay out the path and give mandate to people to work in the name of ISSA for whatever they want to be done.

In politics, do you think the president or the senate are doing things? No, nothing at all. They are just sharing power/"money" down in the organisation out in the system to make things happen. If we think 5-7 guys in ISSA BOD will do all the work we will advance very slowly. There is a lot more to say about this but this is maybe not the topic. Not more than...

...a vision from the ISSA BOD where they want to take the slalom scene concerning the World Ranking. And a plan of how to achieve it.

Jonathan Harms
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Post by Jonathan Harms » Sun Dec 06, 2009 1:03 am

Hans Koraeus wrote:Sure the forum is needed and all the hard discussion aso. But that is not the face we want to show for media aso. Don't build the slalom scene frontpage connected to this forum.
Don't worry, Corky. You are not the only one who wants this. I've talked to several other people who agree that the main site should be focused on exactly what you describe:
Results, pictures, event articles, calendars and rankings. A site where you dared send a potential sponsor or people who wanted to have a look at our sport.
and have said they will work to help make it happen.
Results sent in to me are awaited in the format explained at
When I clicked on that link I consistently got a "Server not found" error message. Is the ending really .se or did you mean .com?
I just want to make it clear, I will not pull this forward myself. If something will be done you will all rather have to push me. So let's see if there is an enough interest to push this forward among you slalomers and event organizers out there.
Corky, I offer my help. I am familiar with the names of most of the racers and can help with making sure they're spelled correctly, removing duplicates, etc. I am fairly good at sorting, filtering and formatting data in Excel and Access, so perhaps I could help with formatting or data entry. And if you simply need someone to nag a few race organizers to send in their results, I can certainly do that--in the USA at least.

I'm sure there's more involved than that, but perhaps we can discuss it further off the forum. Check your PMs for my contact information.

Jonathan Harms
JBH - ISSA Treasurer
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Post by Jonathan Harms » Sun Dec 06, 2009 1:06 am

Hans Koraeus wrote:1. Is a special site for the World Ranking like wanted or important for the sport?
A site to handle all the fun stuff around the slalom scene, results, pictures, event articles, calendars and rankings. A site where you dare send a potential sponsor or people who wanted to have a look at our sport.
My personal opinion: I think the rankings should be a part or subsection of the main website, or at the very least a prominent link on the main page. If we want a "one-stop shop" for racers, sponsors, media and the general public, I think it should be the "main" site. I'm ignoring the technical side of it and focusing on the concept. Look at the IGSA site. It's very comprehensive. I think the concept of a good ISSA site should be similar. Have one main page that's visually interesting, flexible and easy to update, with much more content on it. The rankings, forum and other parts are just links from that main page.
2. If yes, how can we make a long term solution to make it work?
Honest conversations and shared responsibilities, conducted with a spirit that keeps the true goal in mind.
In my view there have been a misunderstanding of what the ISSA BOD is. I get the feeling that people think they should do everything. Also for those who want to be on the ISSA BOD. If you are selected in you "might" put som work down for ISSA. If not selected in you are free and don't have to do anything. In my view the only thing the BOD should do is lay out the path and give mandate to people to work in the name of ISSA for whatever they want to be done.
I agree.
...a vision from the ISSA BOD where they want to take the slalom scene concerning the World Ranking. And a plan of how to achieve it.
I am willing to help work on it.

Rick Floyd
Pink Floyd Skates
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Post by Rick Floyd » Sun Dec 06, 2009 2:47 am

I have consistently offered to help gather and format results from the six USA MAIN/MAJOR contests.

Here are the events:
Texas Sizzler
US Nationals

I only see the Worlds listed on the contest list - albeit with a minus sign infornt of it, indicating results have not been received, right?

So that means no results for any of the US events have been received in a format that works to determine ranking.

I am STILL offering to help. It is my understanding the US Nationals results were sent to Corky, so maybe they are just not on the list at I have the Farm results, but they are not in a correct Excel file format to be able to be opened - just emailed a request to get the results ina readable format. I have asked for Antrim results several times but received no response - anyone able to help there? I have Dixie, US Nationals and Worlds results in hand if needed.

Please let me know for sure what is needed, so I don't do un-necessary work.

I could use a hand with the formatting and placements, even though I have the directions to do so. For instance, how do you handle results when there are no ISSA classes, but only an A/B/C? Do you break out the classes and order them individually? Is a "place overall" worth less points to an AM class racer than than if he/she had raced within their division?

Thanks in advance for any help provided!

"All the money in the world can not buy sharing the excitement of life with other people. Nothing else matters."

- Jason Mitchell (Criddlezine Interview)

Derek Yerke
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Post by Derek Yerke » Mon Dec 07, 2009 5:06 am

This was my first year being part of the sport. I have checked slalom skateboarder a couple times a week since march, and enjoy the site. I have been really motivated by the rankings. My brother and I traveled to as many events as we could afford to see where we stand against the top guys. We couldn't make it to a main event, but I still hope to be included in this years rankings.

I have copies of full results posted by the event organizers for every event I attended. The prime events include the:
Sun Prairie Wiggle War
Southern Fried Cone Fest ,and
Epic Internatonal Skate Festival

I know the organizers of these events are highly motivated, but just in case there is a lapse in communication, I can send you the results and a link to where they are originally posted.

I would like to thank Corky for doing these rankings. I think it's very beneficial to the sport.
The Yerke Brothers - Derek Yerke
Bees Knees Skathletics
Go Green Longboarding

Joe Iacovelli
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Post by Joe Iacovelli » Mon Dec 07, 2009 5:41 am


Thanks for posting, it's important for Corky to know the new guys care. I'm sure we'll pull this together.


Rick Floyd
Pink Floyd Skates
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Post by Rick Floyd » Mon Dec 07, 2009 6:17 am

Derek Yerke wrote:I know the organizers of these events are highly motivated, but just in case there is a lapse in communication, I can send you the results and a link to where they are originally posted.
Right on Derek - the deal is, results have to be converted into a usable format for easily entering rankings in the system, at least as currently constructed.

I'm working on understanding the whole thing right now. Check back here for info.

Keep racing!

"All the money in the world can not buy sharing the excitement of life with other people. Nothing else matters."

- Jason Mitchell (Criddlezine Interview)

Hans Koraeus
Corky - World Ranking Master Mind
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Post by Hans Koraeus » Mon Dec 07, 2009 8:23 pm

Rick Floyd wrote:For instance, how do you handle results when there are no ISSA classes, but only an A/B/C?
If there are A/B/C/... classes that is handled just as a big Open class. I presume the classes are determinded by a qualifcation. The final results for the ranking with 16 racers in each class wil be...
1 1:st Class A
16 16:th Class A
17 1:st Class B
32 16:th Class B
33 1:st Class C
48 16:th Class C

Automatic class calculation
After having started to update results from Josef Stefka sent for the Czeck events this year I want to clarify how the results are handled. The ranking result machine is quite intelligent and will help out in sorting out all possible classes depending on age and sex.

Example 1 - One Open Class:
If you run just one big OPEN class just give me that result. You don't have to filter out juniors, masters and women. That the program will do by itself depending on age and sex. Note though that this is demanding that ages for juniors (17 and younger) and masters (45 and older) are correct in the ranking database for the racer. Also that the status of the racers is correct (PRO or Am).

Example 2 - One Open Class and One Junior class:
From the Open class the possible classes for masters and women will be sorted out. Also Pro and Am classes for men depedning on the rules concerning this.
From the junior class the possible classes for -17, -14 and -11 willl be sorted out. Also on Boy/Girl classes.

Example 3 - One Open Class, One -17 Junior class and One -11 Junior class:
Sometimes you might want a special class for the smallest racers beacuse you might set a super simple course for them.

From the Open class the possible classes for masters and women will be sorted out. Also Pro and Am classes for men depedning on the rules concerning this.
From the -17 junior class the possible classes for -17 and -14 willl be sorted out. Also on Boy/Girl classes.
From the -11 junior class the possible classes for -11 Boy/ -11 Girl classes will be sorted out.

Example 4 - One Pro Class, One Am Class:
Sometimes you might want to seperate the racers in Pro and Am classes. Often because you want to set a more challenging course for the Pros.

From the Pro class nothing is derived. A pro class is a pro class and only counted as such. Even if women and juniors attend the results will just count for the Pro ranking nothing else.
From the Am class the possible classes for masters, juniors and women will be sorted out.

Note! That if a junior or a woman enter the pro class they will not have any points for the Women or junior classes automatically. For this they have to also attend the Am Class.

So even if this sounds complex it is actually done to make it simple (and fair). Don't filter out classes yourself. Just send in the results as they were run. The program will do that work for you. But once again... it's important that you personal data is correct for this to work.

Check out you personal data here. Click on your name and make sure your ranking age is correct. If not give me a mail. Urgent if you are 45 years old or more. Or 17 years old or less. Hopefully the sex will be correct but it has happened that it has been registered incorrectly so watch out.

Last remark for this time
When sending in the results in the awaited format make sure the file is a clean text file with no formatting. I.e. if you can open the file in "Notepad" and it looks ok then everything is good.

Miguel Marco
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Post by Miguel Marco » Mon Dec 07, 2009 9:41 pm

Corky or Rick, I wll send you the results for the Antrim Can/Am Slalom Championships as soon as I can. I need to talk to the organizers first to see if everything is ok with them.

Rick Floyd
Pink Floyd Skates
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Post by Rick Floyd » Mon Dec 07, 2009 10:31 pm

Miguel Marco wrote:Corky or Rick, I wll send you the results for the Antrim Can/Am Slalom Championships as soon as I can. I need to talk to the organizers first to see if everything is ok with them.
Mig - if you only have spreadsheet results, send them to me and I will format them in a text file for Corky. If you have them formatted, then send them directly to him.

Just curious - what needs to be checked with the organizers?

"All the money in the world can not buy sharing the excitement of life with other people. Nothing else matters."

- Jason Mitchell (Criddlezine Interview)

Miguel Marco
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Post by Miguel Marco » Mon Dec 07, 2009 11:32 pm

Rick Floyd wrote:what needs to be checked with the organizers?
If they want to do it themselves or trust me to do it, like last year...

Joe Iacovelli
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Post by Joe Iacovelli » Mon Dec 07, 2009 11:47 pm


Brian and I trust you with everything except our girlfriends, and car keys. Let the results fly. Thanks for your help. I'm interested to see if Pederson is rookie of the year.


Steve Pederson
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Post by Steve Pederson » Tue Dec 08, 2009 12:58 am

Last edited by Steve Pederson on Fri Feb 12, 2010 3:39 am, edited 1 time in total.

Miguel Marco
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Post by Miguel Marco » Tue Dec 08, 2009 11:39 pm

Joe Iacovelli wrote:Brian and I trust you with everything except our girlfriends, and car keys.
Cheap bastards! Although I understand about the car keys, due to my luck this summer... :D
Joe Iacovelli wrote:I'm interested to see if Pederson is rookie of the year.
And maybe Louis has a chance for Pro rookie of the year, if there is such a thing... my memory sucks...

Hans Koraeus
Corky - World Ranking Master Mind
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Post by Hans Koraeus » Thu Dec 10, 2009 2:11 am

Hmm, if you guys want a world ranking placement as a Christmas present you better hurry up sending in results...

No use calculating anything until we have all Major and Main events registered.

Jonathan Harms
JBH - ISSA Treasurer
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Post by Jonathan Harms » Thu Dec 10, 2009 3:50 am

I have e-mailed Gareth Roe to ask for results from the 2009 World Championships and the 2009 Oregon State Games, both of which are listed as "-" (not yet submitted) on If/when I get them, I will either convert them to text or ask for help from Rick F. or Steve P., and will send them to you (Corky) as soon as possible.
