UKSSA withdraw from world ranking system
Ranking, Rules and Discussion for International Slalom Skateboard Ranking

Moderator: Hans Koraeus

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Chris Linford
Posts: 56
Joined: Tue Sep 03, 2002 2:00 am

UKSSA withdraw from world ranking system

Post by Chris Linford » Thu May 20, 2004 4:19 pm

As we are not recognised a slalom association and what we do we withdraw all support from this process.

I request that all UKSSA data is withdrawn from this site and we will activity try to distroy the scheme until recognition is paid and an applogy is sent to the second largest slalom series in the world.

Hans Koraeus
Corky - World Ranking Master Mind
Corky - World Ranking Master Mind
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Post by Hans Koraeus » Fri May 21, 2004 1:41 am


Who is not recognising you as a slalom association and what you do?

I'm not the best man to judge what you do since I have not been over there but anyone working for slalom skateboarding and in your case setting up the UKSSA slalom series have my greatest respect.

I think you are over reacting.

This is how it is:
All competitions are included in the World Ranking. We don't exclude anyone. The world have been divided into different regions. Every region has a predefined number of statuses to use. It's up to the skaters and organizers in each region to speak for their cause. For the European region we have the following statuses to give out...
1 Major
3 Mains
4 Primes
Unlimited Basics

There have been 6 competitions in the discussion for Mains.

May 29 Paris
Jun 05 Brands Hatch
Jun 10 Rimini
Jun 19 Grüningen
Jul 31 Köln
Sep 11 Antibes

Rimini is now cancelled. So far voices have been raised mainly for Paris, Grüningen, Köln and Antibes as Mains before Brands Hatch (and Rimini).

Have a look at the European region forum and make up your own view on the subject.

The way you play your cards is up to you Chris. But I get the feeling you think that the battle is already lost instead of trying to convince people of the good reasons why UK should have a Main competition. I think you have good reasons so let people hear them.

I also don't see the connection between "I request that all UKSSA data is withdrawn from this site" and the possibility that UK will not have a Main status competition for the world ranking.

Jon Warburton
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Post by Jon Warburton » Fri May 21, 2004 11:47 am


2 top events in france

0 in the UK

this is no dig at pierre(samray) he does sterling work promoting the sport and is a great racer and ambassador.

however, the hill at brands hatch has no peers in France.

i ride skateboards for me, not for a crowd or a camera.

Brands is obviously the better venue for RACING.

Corky, if you admit you do not have the relevant information then perhaps you should make an effort to find it before reaching a conclusion.

NO euros came to Brands last year and this in inexcusable in light of the British representation in europe during the past season. You guys owe us, big style.
its time to pay.

Hans Koraeus
Corky - World Ranking Master Mind
Corky - World Ranking Master Mind
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Location: Stockholm, Sweden

Post by Hans Koraeus » Fri May 21, 2004 2:09 pm

Jon, I agree with some of the things you say but not with others. To say that UK has no top events is an overstatement. Not getting a Main status is not the same as saying it is not a top event. There are only 4 Main statuses to give out so if Europe makes 10 great competitions 6 will not have Main status but they will still be great competitions. From year to year the Main statuses should not be a subscription to any single place. Others who show that they are also doing great competitions should also have that little extra spice of getting a Main status. But I mean, it shouldn't be the end of the world having it or not.

I also ride skateboard for me but I love crowds. That is for me what makes that extra special competition feeling compared to competitions among skateboard friends.

Concerning my conclusions they are in no way done yet but under discussion at the European region forum.

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