New England 2012 Outlaw and Practice Info

Slalom Skateboarding in New England U.S.A.

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Glenn Chapman
Posts: 167
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New England 2012 Outlaw and Practice Info

Post by Glenn Chapman » Mon Jun 25, 2012 4:19 pm

We had our first outlaw for 2012 on the 202 hill in Antrim this past Sunday. We had a good turn out with about 10 skaters. Dave has the results and he can correct if I mixed up a few places. This is what I remember:
Glenn Chapman
Ben Chapman (he made a cameo visit, and kept improving all day)
Dr. Dan (stepping it up at the end to pressure the field)
Ryan R (riding my HS setup with skate shoes with out laces, not a bad showing)
Dave K (had a very fast raw run but ran into some come problems, if he cleans it up he could move up two spots)
Lindsey W (smooth and fast, she has improved every time I see her, keep up the good work)
Emil Looking (good in practice but had a hard fall and had to call it, he gets the tuff guy award of the day)
Bailey (went from 20 sec to 18 sec, most improved)
Josh (showed up a little late but ran the Dual TS. He also showed up with the prototype JTS, Josh Timing System. He said it would be ready for our next outlaw)
Katie P (Dr Dan's daughter, she was working it from the B start, and improved all day. She said she was going to be coming back, look out slalom skate world, two Parrish's on the hill, are we ready for that? You bet we are. Katie, hope to see you next time.)

Dual TS men
Glenn (I got him by 1/2 a board length the first run and he took me by 3/4 on a board length the second run)
Dr Dan
Dave K

Dual TS women

Dan Parrish
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Re: New England 2012 Outlaw and Practice Info

Post by Dan Parrish » Tue Jun 26, 2012 7:46 am

A great time!
Nice to see Ben back skating after wasting all that time -- in college.
Bailey looking like a contender!
Josh looks to be building a Trackmate killer box.

Skating with friends on a beautiful New England weekend, all is (momentarily) right in the world.

Here's the phone vid I took of the ladies' final dual:


Danilo Percich
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Re: New England 2012 Outlaw and Practice Info

Post by Danilo Percich » Tue Jun 26, 2012 5:16 pm

yeah !!!! seems like you had wonderfull time
see ya soon!!!!
good works girls you are rockin!!!!

Glenn Chapman
Posts: 167
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Re: New England 2012 Outlaw and Practice Info

Post by Glenn Chapman » Mon Jul 09, 2012 2:50 am

We had a nice little practice session on the 202 hill today. CMC, Dave K, Bailey, Dr Dan, Josh and myself. First up was a 50 cone straight, there was a slight downhill wind, even with spacing 6 to 7 feet it kept you busy. Then we set a GS from the top (well near the top). CMC had the run of the day, he got a huge gust and rode it all the way to the bottom, super fast run. Dr Dan bailed about half way down, he took on a little body damage. Hopefully he will recover quick and be back soon. Bailey was showing some sick style both with her new zebra print pads and new lid and killing it on the hill. Dave said he is getting a little worried, I think we all need to worry. Josh brought the timer down, it is getting close, looks like we will be trying it next session. I will be skating at BHS one night this week.

Dave Kirkpatrick
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Re: New England 2012 Outlaw and Practice Info

Post by Dave Kirkpatrick » Tue Jul 17, 2012 11:09 pm

Outlaw was fun, we needed that!

I think Emil will bounce right back -he's OK but haven't seen him on the hill since then. With the crew that we've got now, there should be a robust juniors class at the Can / Am.

We missed all of you last weekend. Just me and Bailey and HOT high noon sun - ugh! Ran 50 tight for as long as we could stand it, maybe I won't double DQ that course this year, and maybe she will beat me anyway.

I do have the official results from the "outlaw" and will track them down. I've been laying a bit low, as some have noticed, but back at 'em and ready to go. It FEELS like race season now!
What could POSSIBLY go wrong??

Dave Kirkpatrick
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Re: New England 2012 Outlaw and Practice Info

Post by Dave Kirkpatrick » Wed Aug 01, 2012 3:41 am

I do believe there's a little outlaw race on August 25th in MA... with a real doctor on hand in case anything goes wrong. Very steep hill at the top, nice long, mellow runout... family event for sure

Need info?
What could POSSIBLY go wrong??

Glenn Chapman
Posts: 167
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Re: New England 2012 Outlaw and Practice Info

Post by Glenn Chapman » Wed Aug 01, 2012 10:55 pm

Sunday, Sunday, Sunday, Outlaw on the Antrim 202 hill (8/5/12). We will run weather permitting from 10-2(maybe later?). We will set a GS from the top and maybe a dual HS from about half way. If any new slalom skaters in the area want to come down and give it a try, post here and we will keep you updated with any times and venue changes.

Dave Kirkpatrick
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Location: Antrim, NH USA

Re: New England 2012 Outlaw and Practice Info

Post by Dave Kirkpatrick » Fri Sep 28, 2012 6:29 pm

Hey All,

I'm thinking of throwing down tape strips and calling it a race on Sunday Oct 28th - PLUS the Boston connection, Mitchell Pauley has some support and a sponsor for a mixed longboarding event on the 27th, wants to do beginner-friendly timed racing plus other stuff like slide comp.

If you are available and interested in one or the other, please let me know.
I'll commit to showing up with a timer in Boston area Saturday, and doing the same in Antrim on Sunday if there's enough interest.

Antrim skaters, should this be cheap ($10) with prizes, less cheap ($20) with food and prizes, or do we all just want to show up and get times?

What could POSSIBLY go wrong??

David Graves-Witherell
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Re: New England 2012 Outlaw and Practice Info

Post by David Graves-Witherell » Sat Oct 20, 2012 5:08 pm

I hope that we are still racing next Sunday. $10, $20 or just racing. It's all good. We were snowed out last year. It's 70 in MA today! Trying to find time with twins' dance and Fall softball schedule to run some cones this weekend to get ready. Haven't done anything since Antrim. I have next Sunday reserved so I hope to see you all again before the weather shuts is down until next year.

T Whalen
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Re: New England 2012 Outlaw and Practice Info

Post by T Whalen » Sun Oct 21, 2012 11:00 pm

Any more info on the Boston event?

I am a maybe for Sunday in Antrim.

Glenn Chapman
Posts: 167
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Re: New England 2012 Outlaw and Practice Info

Post by Glenn Chapman » Thu Oct 25, 2012 12:45 am

It is on for Sunday, stay tuned for more details. Ben and I will be heading up in the morning, We should have some room for a couple more skaters, so if you need a ride let me know.

T Whalen
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Re: New England 2012 Outlaw and Practice Info

Post by T Whalen » Sat Oct 27, 2012 4:33 pm

Have fun tomorrow guys!

Unfortunately I will not be able to make it.

Glenn Chapman
Posts: 167
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Location: Beverly, MA

Re: New England 2012 Outlaw and Practice Info

Post by Glenn Chapman » Mon Oct 29, 2012 2:40 pm

Well we got it in, we ran a GS and a HS. I left the results with Dave K so hopefully he will post it up with the fastest times. We had a new skater show up and he was killing it, Mitch was charging it from the top, nice work. Bailey was improving each run until she went down two cones from the finish line. She picked up a little road rash but earned a lot of respect from the rest of us. There is a new grudge match up in NE, it has been brewing all summer and these two just keep up-ing the bar on each other, both of them are getting faster, way to go Lindsey and DGW. Dave finally set up the Death or Glory FB and was looking smooth clean and fast on the GS; he also set a great time on the HS. Out this week with injuries and illness were Rick F and Oliver; get well soon my friends. We just finished up as the bands of drizzle started moving in. Lets try and get one more outlaw in prior to the snow season. Anyone wanting to practice; get in touch with me, I will be skating in Beverly one or more nights a week.

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