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Molly: women rookie of the year!

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2006 5:16 am
by JF Boily
Congrats to our sexy racing partner from conecticut Molly Demming ! Girl you rock!
Women Rookie 2005:

1. Molly Deming, USA 1557
2. Olga Kiseleva, RUS 1338
3. Laura Henn, USA 1326
4. Lea Gasser, SUI 1258
5. Jaqueline Hofstetter, SUI 834
6. Emily Christopher, USA 791
7. Patrizia Kälin, SUI 769
8. Christina Pfiffner, SUI 567
9. Anna Beils, GER 507
10. Michelle Spalinger, SUI 219

Pierre and saltboy (drunk and happy)

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2006 7:04 pm
by Shane Anderson
Congratualtions Molly! It was great skating with you this past year. See you on the hill...


Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2006 8:34 pm
by Brian Peck

rookie of the year

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2006 7:07 pm
by trish erickson
Congrats Molly!

I am looking forward to meeting and skating with you in Texas.

Ride happy!

Utah Trish

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2006 8:32 pm
by Jani Soderhall
coneRacing wishes to congratulate Molly on her victory in the ladies category of the Rookie of the Year 2005 challenge. Her prices are currently being arranged and shipped (or has hopefully already reached her).

During the summer of 2005 I met with Olga Kiseleva (2:nd) and saw her race. I then thought she'd take this category without any problem. She's a very strong racer and the European (read Swiss) ladies will have problems facing her when the new season starts. It would be very interesting if we could have Molly race Olga and the top Swiss ladies in 2006. How about Paris?

Molly, keep going, and I hope to see you at a race one day!

Congratulations to the runner up lady rookies too: Laura, Lea, Jaqueline and all the others!


Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2006 9:33 pm
by Chris Barrett
Rock on molly, hope to see you cats in ottawa again this year or wherever we all end up.

Be advised: Toronto has some female racers who are well on their way to kickin ass and taking names. ;)

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2006 9:53 pm
by Ron Barbagallo
No one, no one, beats up on Team Fatboy!

Molly will take on all comers in a Chuck Norris manner...............and if that doesn't work, we'll get Jersey on ya'!

Congrats Molly!!!

Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2006 7:30 pm
by Marshall Deming
Hey, this is molly, but marsh has it programmed to always log on as anyways.....
thank you everyone! this is all very exciting for me. i really had no idea that i would even come close to getting a prize like rookie of the year. hopefully ill improve a lot for next season, especially with my new equipment, thank you very much, by the way! it's been hard sqeezing in some practice because all the nasty weather up here in CT.

And to all these up coming competitors, BRING IT ON
i think that its great that more women are getting into the sport and representing, ill be looking foward to seeing them rip the cones