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Vermont Races

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2005 7:31 pm
by Eric Brammer
I re-read UR 13's comments on the courses set in Vermont. Sorry! That's not what I had hoped to hear, but I'll learn from this. Striking any kind of balances between the varied levels of experience with the grouping we had is tough. I chose to keep 'flow' high on the list, and stayed away from 'tech' or janky course sets. The TS I had hoped to use, that would've been a conehead nightmare, but may have provided more challenge? We'll likely never know. I had fun doing what little I did, and am stoked that Vermont pleased most folk. It is what it was, and it will get better if I get my act together (there were more than a few personal distractions for me, so please understand, this was not my finest hour). I'm certainly open to suggestions, and am also quite willing to step to one side. Vermont is my backyard, but these are not My hills (ask a local Indian, he'll agree!).

In any case, what I'd like to see is this; More course variations, with certain venues having primary course setters (as not to have a four-person course-set crew scramble to build 'something') for those hills. It would be nice to have the billing known ahead of time, not Day-Of-the-Race. Lastly, I'll be talking to both Okemo and Killington about hills on their respective properties for future events, while I believe friends of mine will talking to Mt. Snow + Haystack for possible future sites. I'd encourage other racers to look around in their backyards throughout New-England/NY/NJ. I'm sure there's untapped spots that'll welcome The Farm Outlaw Series.
For those who intend to be a course-setter or Organizer, keep in mind that you'll NEVER please everyone (though Mr. Chapman came pretty close!) with whatever you create. The thing is, keep trying, keep the Stoke level High, and use Your wisdom. Learn from what you make, then make it better. The Farm was a great series, and has many more successful aspects than negative ones. Let's not skew that perspective outa whack, but rather let's find the 'good things' and build on them! Peace Out, "PSR".

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2005 9:39 pm
by Karl Floitgraf
What I find works really well for all different levels is to set a flowy hybrid course. Bryan and I would push our bigger setups through the course pumping full speed. We would then loan out our tight setups for the same course. That way beginers can pump the course and make it at what ever speed feels comfortable. It's also good to put in some more challenging sections that won't make you blow out of the course if you hit a couple cones in. This works very well for everyone because everyone can pump it, make it and push themselves. An easy course to make has nothing to do with stringing the cones out really far, as long as it flows you can make some of the gate 6.5-7 foot and most people will make it.

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2005 12:27 am
by Adam Daniels
Flow is the key.....i really liked the top course that was setup on day 2 of the Farm Finale untill it got really wet, but even that was fun...i did a full four wheel drift around a giant offset at the bottom and managed to hang on/stay in one piece......if only my avalons could say the same about that one ;)

...also i bet Karl loved that course at well at the top ;) same thing for cmc......ouch!

Eric, would it be possible to have a few sessions up their this summer? we could all try new course setups and find what works for when an outlaw race comes....and i could finally drive my car up without finding a parent to drive :D

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2005 7:40 pm
by Miguel Marco
Eric, wassup man!

If this really is like 10 minutes from the Ball Mountain Dam, I won't miss a single race in your area! :D


Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2006 8:57 pm
by Will Deming
I am talking to Joe about bringing some races to Burlington, Vermont. there are a load of hills i have in mind, but im new to slalom and i need to know what your guys are looking for in a good slalom hill?

The roads are all wet so i havent been able to do much scoping, but if i could narrow down my search, i might be able to post them sooner.

Any imput is much appreciated

Thank you


Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2006 5:23 pm
by Eric Brammer
Firstly, Adam, please be in touch come springtime! I'll be quite happy to run some fast laps at Ball Mountain with you.

Miquel, you're letting a cat outa the bag there!! Yeah, that little gem is indeed nearby, and we'll be getting some sessions in for sure! I'm dusting off the ol' Vision Vex-Cave , just gotta dig up the Alva Hardcores for it and I'm set... ;-D

I'm not online much or often due to our move out further into the 'sticks' of rural Vermont. Should anyone need to reach me, call at 802 263 5908. With the skating being as good as it was last summer, I'm Really looking forward to this coming season. Meanwhile, anyone looking to Carve it up on snowboard, I'm riding Stratton/Okemo/Sunapee (same pass!) , and am coaching mostly just weekends now (besides, laying down fat arcs is far better midweek!!). Despite the lack of natural fluff, the groomed in manmade snow at Okemo has been awesome, and pretty decent at other larger resorts. Riding with CMC yesterday got me back into the LOW carving style again, much more fun than just Racer-turns! 8-)

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2006 6:02 pm
by Ron Barbagallo
Hey Eric, your taunting paid off - Randy got a new snowboard!

New board!

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2006 8:53 pm
by Eric Brammer
So, when are ya heading up here to RIDE! ?
I hope it's soon.
p.s. Just don't fall into one of my trenches! :-P

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2006 8:58 pm
by Ron Barbagallo
A bunch of us are going to Big Sky in a couple of weeks

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2006 8:58 pm
by Ron Barbagallo
A bunch of us are going to Big Sky in a couple of weeks