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Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2005 5:12 am
by Karl Floitgraf

The season can't be over! No we in Needham won't accept it. So we are thinking, the sunday after columbus day weekend, the 16th of October we want to hold a little outlaw in the arboretum.

We promise a fast, fun course, inspired by gilmour. Tighter than most of the stuff from dafarm series, more tech.

This will have to be small scale, not too many people. We don't have our own timing system yet, so we need someone with one to want to come. We have a timer, we're good to go

Needham High Slalom Racing, is slalom boot camp. We have kids running almost any course in a month and loving every second of it. This organization is run 100% by the kids themself, come check out all our racers.

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2005 4:38 pm
by Miguel Marco
Way to go Karl! What you guys are doing to spread the stoke amongst the younguns is great. You are the future of slalom.

you rock, Karl

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2005 8:46 am
by Matthew Wilson

Glad that you are spreading the stoke like a bad strain of the flu! Maybe it will actually keep kids healthier as the weather gets colder.

Miss you all on the EC. Keep skatin'.

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2005 6:07 pm
by Karl Floitgraf
This is the type of thing we want to run

Thanks guys.

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2005 2:22 pm
by Derek Smith
I'll be there Karl, the arboretum rules. Tight tight tight.

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2005 3:39 am
by Paul Pellerin
Hey Karl,

Great video and music as well!! You guys are ripping. After wathching the video I was dying to go out and skate tight cones. More motivation than the Dog Town movie.

Looks like a great place to race. Don't give up on the season yet, I'm just about over the hump work-wise. I'm buried until the Oct. 17th tax deadline, but maybe I'll finish early. I will have lots of time after the 17th until Dec 15th. I will definately be making a few trips South over the next couple of months. I can take days off during the week and meet you guys after school. I also plan to skate with John Gilmour on his days off.

I can't wait to break in some of my new slalom equipment.


Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2005 3:44 am
by Joe Iacovelli

You need to throw a race next year. Portland is a cool place to visit and bring the family.

Start looking for a spot or better yet a festival that want us to entertain.


Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2005 4:39 am
by Karl Floitgraf
Hey Joe, what's wrong with boston? I'll throw a festival just for you if you come. Your crew afraid to skate a gilmourish course get beaten by a bunch of high school punks?:P :P

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2005 9:05 am
by Paul Pellerin
Hey Joe,

Nice to hear from you. The last dam race looked like a lot of fun. It's awesome to see such a large turnout.

I saw Leo's pictures of the race. Is that your little Nick attacking those cones? It's amazing to see the change from just a couple of months ago at the Farm. He looks a lot more confident based on the amount of body lien and the bending in his knees. Great to see!!!

Karl - BRING IT!!! You and all your punk ass friends with your fancy red racing club shirts - BRING IT!!! Oh shit, you guys practice daily and I saw the video. You might beat us old weekend warriors, but Joe's kid is going to kick your ass in a few years.

Joe, I would love to host a contest in Maine next year outlaw or otherwise. I have been looking for possible race sites the past few months. Also, I'm trying to get John Gilmour to come up and check out the sites. I want to make sure the site is acceptable. I don't want to have a bunch of racers that traveled from all over to be complaining before the free lobsters, steamers etc... I think an outlaw contest would be relatively easy to pull off. The park ranger (74 year old - hugh slalom fan) at Fort Williams indicated it should be ok, but final approval would be needed from the town's Dept. of Rec. Based on my limited experience, the site is ideal except for the steepness of the hill.

In regards to a non-outlaw race, I was thinking about the Yarmouth Clam Festival (3 day event, 60,000 people at the opening parade, paved Main Street this year (T/S), possible night (T/S) and hills run off from Main Street for G/S and/or H/S. The festival is held each year in the middle of July. Joe, I will call or e-mail you after the Oct. 17th tax deadline to discuss the race.

Karl, Boston is too dam hot in the middle of summer, but Bean Town in the Spring or Fall is great. Also, Boston can be tough to navigate for those unfamiliar with the city.

Karl - Just do it!!! The racers will come, the experienced racers will help you, they always come thru. They are a great bunch. Remember, they want you to be successful. You just need to ask them for help. Finally, don't wait unil the last minute to hold a race. We are a bunch of old farts with responsibilities. We need enough time to trick the spouse, I mean lie, beg, pay her off, all of the above, I mean to plan these things around family priorities and church (thanks Dr. Phil).

Karl - I'm trying like hell to make your race on the 16th, but I'm on Derek's team. I now have a PPS and the black socks.

I hope to race with all of you guys real soon and a lot more next year. My wife and I are making some major changes the next few months. Hopefully, the end result will allow me to skate more often and attend more races. Hey, someone has to come in last place. Not next year!!!

Best Regards,


Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2005 2:58 pm
by Derek Smith
I'm donating a new Pioneers park deck to the first place finisher at the Arboretum. If however I never see it used as intended, it will be confiscated.

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2005 3:09 pm
by Derek Smith
Joe Iacovelli wrote:Paul,

You need to throw a race next year. Portland is a cool place to visit and bring the family.

Start looking for a spot or better yet a festival that want us to entertain.

Slalom is not entertaining. You however Joe, are entertaining.

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2005 3:32 pm
by Glenn Chapman
Bring it on!!! I may have to start practicing for this race. If we can't make it I will give my timer to Derek. Is there enough room to do dual head to head racing?

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2005 3:36 pm
by Glenn Chapman
I think that the Pioneers deck needs to go to the first place 45+ year old rider who drives a white Ford Van. That way I may have a shot at it.

B-Town tree garden

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2005 4:13 pm
by Eric Brammer
Karl, my new # is 802 263 5908.
As everyone is saying, put it out there, and you'll have Racers show up.
Be aware of how many you get, as those cops-on-horseback are scary when they ask you to egress the premises!

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2005 5:43 pm
by Ron Barbagallo
There's no way that Joe is gonna turn down a Clam Festival!

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2005 6:09 pm
by Karl Floitgraf
Glenn Chapman wrote:Bring it on!!! I may have to start practicing for this race. If we can't make it I will give my timer to Derek. Is there enough room to do dual head to head racing?
There is, but I wouldn't reccomend it because it's easier for us to get shut down. So I think we'll run single lane, but we will take advantage of it and possibly snake the course accross the road.


Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2005 6:58 pm
by Paul Pellerin

I think you're right about Joe and clams. In fact he attended this festival a few years ago. I better not introduce him to my home-made clam cakes. They are the size of small whoopie-pies and yes we dig the hen clams.

Karl I told you they would rally and now you have a timer. It's on!! You and your crew better keep practicing as it appears you have the old timers full attention. Red is a good color for you guys. It will hide the blood after the old racers kick your ass. Derek you are going to take this one, right?

I'll donate something new. It kills me to give it away, but it hurts me more not seeing it used at all. Wheels I got wheels - perhaps a set of Avalons untrimmed or trimmed.

Glenn if you don't win that park board and need a 9"-10" park board and park wheels, I have a few of each in very good condition. Yours just for asking. No trucks. I never have enough trucks. Joe could you help me out here?

Screw it, I'm going practice tight cones this afternoon.


Sign up HERE for the Arboretum Outlaw, Oct 16

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2005 7:19 pm
by Karl Floitgraf
I'm too lazy to use NCDSA Contest Calender and it seems silly for a small event so I'm just going to make a sign up sheet here, post up that you want to come and I'll add your name

Arboretum Outlaw October 16th sign up
1. Bryan Werner
2. Kam Bumpus
3. Jake Hawkridge
4. Karl Floitgraf
5. Derek Smith
6. Glenn Chapman
7. Ben Chapman?
8. Millie Chapman?
9. Paul Pellerin
10. PSR?
11. Schwipps?
12. JG (I'm gonna put his name down, but I still think he might be too cool to come race at his own practice spot.)

So far it is already better than July 4th 2004! LOL

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2005 5:01 pm
by Karl Floitgraf

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2005 4:08 am
by Paul Pellerin

Thanks for the update. I'm glad you changed the date as I would not have made the race this weekend. Don't be lazy and post the race on the contest calender. Please post date, time and directions.


Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2005 8:41 pm
by Jim Siener
Karl, what time are you going to race? Do you realize that this day is the same as the Head of the Charles? Boston will be swarming with college kids and parents. Hopefully they will steer clear of the Arbortem. Post up a race time. If I can swing skating and also seeing my neice's crew race I will be there.


Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2005 3:47 pm
by Eric Brammer
Hey Karl and Crew, I'm just letting you know I cannot be there these next few weeks..
My mom's fall (broken neck) has required me to head to Colorado, so I'm gone for awhile. Anyone who believes in Prayer, keep my mom in mind, as she and Dad need all the Grace the good Lord can provide.

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2005 4:39 pm
by Nick Chamberlain
I think I might just come to watch on sunday. Might try a run if you guys give me some pointers, but idk, Ill just have fun :)

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2005 2:15 pm
by Derek Smith
Karl, I can't come this weekend. Have a great race.

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2005 9:33 pm
by Paul Pellerin

I will definately be there. I've been working 90hr weeks since the Farm, so we plan on a family day. Skate in the morning with the best high school slalom racing team in the country and hit the aquarium with Gabbie in the afternoon. Please post time, directions etc... ASAP. Let me know if you need extra cones.

Nick - hope to see you there.

Eric, sorry to hear about your mom's accident - both in my prayers bro.

Derek, Sorry you can't make it. I predict black socks racing will kick ass next year!!! Good motivation.

All the old timers are dropping out (with good reasons), good thing TS is my best event.
Any other old timers racing??

See you sunday.

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2005 11:05 pm
by Karl Floitgraf
I hope the weather works out, if it does we I'll need to know whose coming in order to decide whether to hold a race or just skate.

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2005 1:00 am
by Karl Floitgraf
So we got rained out, sucks. Hope no one went too far.

Here's my idea about this race and the unpredictible nature of out weather: From about now untill it snows and then the first month or two after winter it's really hard to plan a race because it's more likely to have bad weather than good. But that doesn't mean we don't get good days. We can put this skate jam together in a few days, so just keep your eyes on the forcast. If we get a dry sunday 55+ degrees call me 781 492 9312. You never know, there are a couple freak days during the winter, I can remember pumping my board around New Year's Day 2004.

Anyone else interested being on the to be contacted list just post your phone number here.

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2005 6:33 pm
by Paul Pellerin

Indian Summer is here!!! What about this weekend? Do it!! Hopefully, I'll have a new PPS TS prototype soon. Sick looking.

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2005 7:55 pm
by Paul Pellerin

I forgot to mentioned that I may of found I great outlaw spot here in Portland. The city has built a connector road off of a bridge (4 lanes plus breakdown lanes on each side of fresh asphalt). Looks possible to run a duel TS and duel hybird. The road is closed at this point. The past two Sundays, I did not notice anyone working on the road. The hill starts at the bridge, runs flat along the bay (no run out issues here) and another hill where it connects to another ramp. I will check out the quality of the asphalt this week, determine which hill is fastest, which is easier to access and determine when the road is going to open for traffic. I plan on running cones there this weekend. Perhaps a fall TS outlaw series, before the snow flys??

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2005 12:22 am
by Karl Floitgraf
WE'RE ON SATURDAY NOVEMBER 5TH 9 AM TIGHT SLALOM ALL ARE WELCOME ... tnG=Search Park at the North or South Gate.

My Cell phone number 781 492 9312, call me for details.

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2005 3:31 am
by Paul Pellerin

Nice chatting with you. I'll be there Sat. I just checked out the video of the this place again. Looks like a nice flowing course. Great motivation!! I spoke with Gilmour and he wants to attend the race. If he can adjust his work schedule, he is in.

See you guys soon.

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2005 4:44 pm
by Glenn Chapman
I will not be able to make it on Saturday. I just talked to Derek and he said that he also had plans. If you want to use my timer give me a call and we can make plans when you can pick it up.

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2005 7:46 pm
by Jim Siener
Karl, I got family plans on Saturday morning. Sorry but I can't make it.

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2005 9:30 pm
by William Tway
I spoke with Gilmour and he wants to attend the race. If he can adjust his work schedule, he is in.

Have fun this weekend!!!

I can die now!

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2005 10:41 pm
by Wesley Tucker
Paul Pellerin wrote:I spoke with Gilmour and he wants to attend the race. If he can adjust his work schedule, he is in.
Gilmour . . . work . . . same paragraph . . .


Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2005 11:53 pm
by T Whalen

I can't make it either due to family obligations.

Have a great race on Saturday!


Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2005 8:53 pm
by Nick Chamberlain
i may be able to come to this one, might be a little late though

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2005 1:57 am
by Karl Floitgraf
For all those not able to attend the Anti Hillbillie Tight Slalom Jam:

We understand many people can not make it due to the short notice which is unavoidable on account of the unpredictability of the weather. But 75 degrees and sunny, it doesn't get much better than that.

Anyway when I post up the times there is a formula for everyone to figure how you would have done,

(Average Time of the Needham Racing team)+ 2 seconds = your new time :P


So we're still going there are some people coming, and it'll still be a blast.

Special thanks to Glenn Chapman for letting us use his timer.

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2005 4:35 pm
by Jim Siener
Karl, change in family plans, I'll be there to skate. Should be a great day.

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2005 1:32 am
by Paul Pellerin

Cange in plans. I can't make it!! Just Kidding!!

My in-laws are going to watch Gabbie tomorrow. It may add a little time to our trip, but it will allow us to stay longer. Also, I'll be more focused on racing as well.

I will be there between 9:00 and 10:00am. I'll pick up the timer from the Chapman's on my way down. I'll call you around 8:30 to let you know where I'm at. I plan on meeting you at the 19B Needham exit.

Jim glad you can make it. CMC hope you make it as well. The old timers need all the help we can get.

Gilmour can not make it. However, he skated with the crew today and beat them by seven cones or more. They have been humbled a bit for now.

See you at the hill.

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2005 4:29 pm
by Karl Floitgraf

1. Bryan 15.08
2. CMC 15.21
3. Karl 15.66
4. Jake 17.12
5. Jim 17.36
6. Paul 18.90
7. Mario 22.05

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2005 5:26 am
by Paul Pellerin
Karl & Bryan,

My wife and I had a great time Sat. Rachelle really enjoyed being the timer. The perfect day, excellent asphalt, nice course and pumped up racers. It would have been better with a few more racers, but than again we may have gotten kicked out sooner. It was great to see Bryan and CMC battle it out, with Karl on their heels. Jake and Jim had a battle going on as well. Mario and myself were racing against the clock and improved our times each and every run. In the end, the trash talking Weasel backed up his words and just beat CMC. The young guns won this battle. The Weasel has set his sights on John Gilmour and vows to overtake him next year. Tune in.

It was fun to watch the videos and very helpful. I noticed right away that I need to use my upper body more and be in a high pump gear asap. What a great tool to use to improve your racing technique and style. Everyone is improving so much!!! Karl compare the video of you racing at Magnolia Woods #4 and last week end. Two completely different racers.

This spot would be great for an outlaw contest next year. I think you will need a permit. Based on the way the series is growing, next year you would have 40-60 racers attending this great race site.

If anyone is up for race this SUNDAY in Portland let me know(partly sunny - high of 52).
I checked out the connector road and it is just about perfect. The paper indicated the road opens Nov. 18th, so this weekend is it for this location. I'll supply the race refreshments and the after race food and drinks.

Thanks for the cool T-shirt.