Antrim Can / Am 2014, Sept 13-14

Slalom Skateboarding in New England U.S.A.

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Dave Kirkpatrick
Posts: 194
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Location: Antrim, NH USA

Antrim Can / Am 2014, Sept 13-14

Post by Dave Kirkpatrick » Tue Aug 19, 2014 9:31 pm

Hey all. Hard to know where to even begin here, so let me just start and keep it brief, especially the tragic back-story...

But first:

We're racing at Home And Harvest! Perhaps it's still called the Can / Am? The dates are September 13 & 14. I haven't even figured out race fee, accoutrements, prize pool, or anything like that, so hopefully you'll come because you love to skate! Despite this race sitting on the list with 2.5 cones for months, we never really pulled it together, so this race is likely to get just one. Ah well. We have cones, a hill, an invitation, our skates, and our friends. We'll make the most of it this time, maybe some of us can begin discussions about next year after the race.

More crammed into a nutshell: I'm not taking Friday off to set up, so Saturday AM will be setup and practice for Duals before the parade. Duals will start ASAP after the parade (noon-ish) and race until they're done. If we set up another course after that, that's a bonus, last year we got several jams in. If we offer a slide jam or freestyle or "longboard race" after that even better, stay tuned. Sunday will be GS to start, followed by Super G ("longboard race") after that. I'd really like to encourage more people to try a little cross-over into wiggling, that's why. Any of that could change depending on weather or whatnot, but that's half a plan anyway.

Meals: I hope to provide 2 light breakfasts on the hill and Saturday lunch, TBD. For the rest, you know where the good stuff is at the festival, or you can live on the Powerbars and Pringles you bring with you.

Lodging: Maharishi, 25pp/night, pillows and blankets provided, you bring linens.

Entry fee & registration: I won't keep you hanging long, let me do the math, check on local resources, and I welcome your comments on the subject of a cheap race vs. prize money and trinkets. If you let me know you're likely to come, ESPECIALLY if you want the housing, that's a help.

So what happened? What's the tragic back-story?

It's not that tragic. Simply put, my situation has changed. New job, crazy hours, very unsettled, plus some new interests, plus all the mundane & ongoing concerns over life, health, kids, money, etc... I just don't have the time or mental energy I once did. I had some good people trying to help, but they were very busy too, and learning and doing all things necessary to put on a big race - that takes a good chunk of time. Time Add to that my change of email and very poor track record for checking the old ones... At the end of the day I just didn't know where to even begin, or what to say about it.

And I'm glad I said nothing, because until last week what I would have said is "that's it, I'm done". But it turns out Dr. Dan had the cure for me - a few minutes on sunny Ashton Lane last Sunday did the trick - thanks Dan & fellow racers!

So apologies to those who would have traveled for this race with full and proper notice. And to those whose messages I left hanging out there. (I'd do the full Pee Wee Herman bit here, but I don't think it would translate in text.)

THE GOOD NEWS is we're STILL RACING on Sept 13 and 14 in September. I believe this makes 9 in a row. I'll follow up with details ASAP, I'll post here and on FB on the Can / Am page. If you need me I'm back, Facebook Msg is probably best, or message here on ISSA.

I hope to see you there!
What could POSSIBLY go wrong??

T Whalen
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Re: Antrim Can / Am 2014, Sept 13-14

Post by T Whalen » Thu Aug 28, 2014 4:35 am

Hi Dave,

Sent a PM.


Dave Kirkpatrick
Posts: 194
Joined: Sat Jul 12, 2008 9:39 pm
Location: Antrim, NH USA

Re: Antrim Can / Am 2014, Sept 13-14

Post by Dave Kirkpatrick » Sat Aug 30, 2014 12:10 am


There is no online signup, just let me know you're coming, or surprise me if you must. Facebook works, and / or note my new email: antrimrace at gmai1. c 6o3 464 q63l if you neet to hear a friendly voice.

I'd like a rough head count on the race, but more importantly if you want housing, you should let me know.

The housing is at Maharishi, pretty much like it has been, 25/pp/night, you bring linens, pillows and blankets provided - please contact me to set this up if you want it!!


I didn't get much practice in this Summer, I hope to cram a few brusher-uppers in over the next couple weeks. This Sunday I'll aim for 202 hill jam, but DO, hit me up if you are in for that, if I don't have a few coming I might go fishing or something...
What could POSSIBLY go wrong??

Dave Kirkpatrick
Posts: 194
Joined: Sat Jul 12, 2008 9:39 pm
Location: Antrim, NH USA

Re: Antrim Can / Am 2014, Sept 13-14

Post by Dave Kirkpatrick » Sat Sep 06, 2014 3:04 pm

Racers: Three things!

1 Practice

I'm putting out the call to practice tomorrow up here, 10:30 ish. If I get a few to come to (meet at 202), we could also poach Summer Street for a bit, check it out. The road is a bit uglier than I thought, after walking it a few times in the past week. I still think it will support Duals, there's a chance we'd want to shorten the course a bit. GS should be OK. I'd love to get a second opinion though. (and some time on that hill to refresh my muscle memory!)

2 Sign up.

It's not a sophisticated system this year. Please let your $35.00 paypal payment to be your official registration notice. I need a good idea of who's coming ASAP. If that's a problem, send an email to same address to let me know.

3 Housing.

Same as above, $25 pp/night, please let me know who and what nights if paying for multiples. I think I have only Saturday people so far. I should let MaHa know ASAP, so please

OK, FIVE things...

4 The Road

See above. It's a little rough. I won't be doing the fencing this year, this one will be a little more "outlaw" looking, Rick is fine with that. We'll need to do a bit more policing of the crowd, and check the course before starts. I'll have a few of us switching out race course crew, but could certainly use help, which brings us to...

5 Volunteers

We are the crew this year, this is our race. Please and thanks to everyone who can help on the street. The main event, I'm thinking, is 12-4, but we'll want to conehead the practice and qual runs too. I'll dig up who I can, but as usual, every other group in town has pressed the local volunteer force.

It always works out, but just sayin'.

Thanks all!

Dave K

PS. Sunday Super G open to all styles of longboard. I don't care if you use your runs to slide or tuck, some will race it, but everyone can have fun. If you aren't in the main event, $10.00 plus waiver and helmet will get you on the ramps Sunday afternoon, please share with all your longboard friends!
What could POSSIBLY go wrong??

Dan Parrish
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Re: Antrim Can / Am 2014, Sept 13-14

Post by Dan Parrish » Mon Sep 15, 2014 7:49 pm

Dave (and the Kirkpatrick clan),
Thank you so much for pulling the Antrim race back together this year. I everyone had a great time hanging out together and riding skateboards. The weather was perfect for skating and the races all seemed to be much closer and more competitive this year. I know we all enjoyed seeing Bailey step it up, especially when she gave a credible challenge to you! I hope someone posts some event pix up here.
Can't wait to do it again!

Miguel Marco
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Re: Antrim Can / Am 2014, Sept 13-14

Post by Miguel Marco » Thu Sep 18, 2014 11:31 pm

Yeap! What Dr. Dan said. :)

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