[2011] NH Slalom Clinics & Outlaw Series

Slalom Skateboarding in New England U.S.A.

Moderators: Jonathan Harms, Ron Barbagallo, Maria Carrasco, Russel Cantor, Lynn Kramer, Karl Floitgraf

Dave Kirkpatrick
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[2011] NH Slalom Clinics & Outlaw Series

Post by Dave Kirkpatrick » Tue May 24, 2011 4:44 pm

Hey, since the world didn't end on May 21, we're still at it - I have a slalom training session most Sundays here in Antrim, NH, sometimes Saturday (and sometimes a random day, after work hours).

Anyone interested in getting on my email list, just let me know. I can get a text msg blast going too, if that's better.

If you're new to skating or new to slalom or just check it out - or if you want to help out on the race course, shoot video... you're invited!

CLINICS - TBA, I hope to have 2 real racing clinics on Summer Street (the Can/Am Race Course!) this year, you won't get to do cones on that hill outside of that. Sign up or volunteer, check this thread or message me.

OUTLAWS - also TBA. I expect to hold 2 or 3 NESRA races here in Antrim, expect Dr. Dan's will be held again in MA, and looking for new locations - we're willing to help you get set up. Burlington VT race is not likely this year, and no Farm... if you have an idea about a place to race in NE, let me know. We have some momentum right now, but need a few people to roll up their sleeves to keep it going.

Get in touch, or show up to skate!

What could POSSIBLY go wrong??

Dave Kirkpatrick
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Re: NH Slalom Clinics & Outlaw Series 2011

Post by Dave Kirkpatrick » Mon Jun 06, 2011 1:26 am

Dr. Dan, did you pin down a date yet? I will need to put some things on the calendar soon, especially the Summer Street clinics.
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Dave Kirkpatrick
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Re: NH Slalom Clinics & Outlaw Series 2011

Post by Dave Kirkpatrick » Mon Jun 06, 2011 2:08 am

I should throw out the "skirmish" times, just for fun. We picked up these mini-timers that make things so much more interesting - two light beacons and a timer that velcros to your board were about 50 bucks. It couldn't be easier to do a fair job of "keeping score" with almost no effort. If you want one, or more info, let me know as I'll be trying to get an order together soon.

30 cones HS, no ramps or starting box, just blaze it as fast as you can:

Glenn 9.73
Ryan 10.03
Dan 10.86
Dave K 10.89
David GW 11.95
Heather 12.80
Ken 14.49
Nick (DQ)

http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid= ... =1&theater
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Dan Parrish
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Re: NH Slalom Clinics & Outlaw Series 2011

Post by Dan Parrish » Sat Jun 11, 2011 5:19 am

The Race has been posted.

Saturday, July 23, 10:00 am

Moved it back a week so I could do it on a Saturday, leaving Sunday as a rain date.
Hope everyone can make it!

Dave Kirkpatrick
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Location: Antrim, NH USA

Re: NH Slalom Clinics & Outlaw Series 2011

Post by Dave Kirkpatrick » Tue Jun 14, 2011 2:03 am

Right on Dan! It's in my book, and I'll send it out to the skaters - thanks!!
What could POSSIBLY go wrong??

Dave Kirkpatrick
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Location: Antrim, NH USA

Re: NH Slalom Clinics & Outlaw Series 2011

Post by Dave Kirkpatrick » Wed Jul 06, 2011 3:15 am

I was hoping to have clinic / outlaw days in both July and August, downtown on Summer Street. Darn if it isn't July already.

I might still get one off 16/17 weekend, or 30/31 weekend (One day plus rain date). It doesn't take much to get this rolling, but much better the more we put into it. These downtown events help advertise the sport (recruiting!) and keep the community tuned into the idea that we do this once in a while, and everything works out fine. It's also our only chance to put cones on the real race course before the Can / Am.

Anyone care to offer availability to help or race on these dates?

Don't forget Dr. Dan's Outlaw on 7/23 - fun event, kinda like a block party, but kinda "c" shaped.
What could POSSIBLY go wrong??

Glenn Chapman
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Re: NH Slalom Clinics & Outlaw Series 2011

Post by Glenn Chapman » Wed Jul 06, 2011 8:52 pm

Yeah, let's do it. I could do either weekend. Let me know if you need anything.

David Graves-Witherell
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Re: NH Slalom Clinics & Outlaw Series 2011

Post by David Graves-Witherell » Thu Jul 07, 2011 3:00 am

Can't do the weekend of the 16th but the 30th looks open. Happy to help out too.

Glenn Chapman
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Re: NH Slalom Clinics & Outlaw Series 2011

Post by Glenn Chapman » Tue Jul 12, 2011 3:10 am

I am out for this weekend. If it is the weekend after Dr. Dan's I should be able to make it.

Dave Kirkpatrick
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Re: NH Slalom Clinics & Outlaw Series 2011

Post by Dave Kirkpatrick » Wed Jul 13, 2011 4:45 am

Let's say Sat the 30th is a go, rain date Sunday - I'll get the neighbors ready for a Summer Street Jam / Clinic.

A very awesome side note: I've gotten funding to set up a Summer skating program based on 6 new completes & safety gear, I'll run it through the rec dept. REC may help cover us with concerns about liability on local hills, and lends legitimacy to this fine sport in the eyes of The Villagers, who sometimes don't seem to love us enough...

I'll suggest ramp starts and flat pumping on Jameson early; intro/beginner course on Summer St. early; then The Antrim Jam for trinkets and bragging rights until we get worn out or chased off. (Kidding, we'll be fine!)

Everyone's welcome, especially beginners! Need info? Message me or send to te encenter@ t ds.net
Last edited by Dave Kirkpatrick on Wed Aug 31, 2011 11:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Glenn Chapman
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Re: NH Slalom Clinics & Outlaw Series 2011

Post by Glenn Chapman » Thu Jul 28, 2011 3:49 pm

Are we still on for Summer St this Saturday? If so what time are you planing on getting started? Thanks.

Dave Kirkpatrick
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Re: NH Slalom Clinics & Outlaw Series 2011

Post by Dave Kirkpatrick » Fri Jul 29, 2011 4:44 am

Glenn, change of plan for the Summer St. clinic - moving it ahead a couple ? weeks.

I don't have the new crew ready yet, and need to resolve a local issue before we hit downtown.

Still on for a skate!!

Let's skate Saturday at the 202 hill, (PLR is the alt location.) I'd be up for 10AM if I get a couple confirmed, otherwise tell me the better time.

If anyone needs info on the location, message me.

What could POSSIBLY go wrong??

Glenn Chapman
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Re: NH Slalom Clinics & Outlaw Series 2011

Post by Glenn Chapman » Fri Jul 29, 2011 3:32 pm

I am going to opt out of this weekend and skate down here. My son is coming home for the weekend and I want to spend some time with him. Let me know on th new date for summer and I will try and make it. Remember that the Worlds are Aug 19-21. Glenn

Dave Kirkpatrick
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Re: NH Slalom Clinics & Outlaw Series 2011

Post by Dave Kirkpatrick » Sat Jul 30, 2011 12:18 am

Sorry to move this w short notice, but I feel the downtown gig needs better planning. So it's SAT 10 AM at 202 for the hardcores - and yes, we'll call it a race. Given the hectic end of Summer schedules we all love to endure, not sure how many pre-fab Sunday Skates will fly from here on out...

I may have found the coordinator for a Saturday Skate - might be the new thing!
What could POSSIBLY go wrong??

Dave Kirkpatrick
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Re: NH Slalom Clinics & Outlaw Series 2011

Post by Dave Kirkpatrick » Wed Aug 31, 2011 11:22 pm

I've got child labor hard at work today assembling some Fullbags! The only thing more fun than skating with them is making them work for it!

Never got my Summer outlaw off the ground - October anyone? I'll have some fledgelings from the rec program by then.
What could POSSIBLY go wrong??

David Graves-Witherell
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Re: NH Slalom Clinics & Outlaw Series 2011

Post by David Graves-Witherell » Wed Sep 14, 2011 3:18 pm

October race sounds great. If it's on a Sunday I could probably get both Olivia and Maddie out w/ me.

Dave Kirkpatrick
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Re: NH Slalom Clinics & Outlaw Series 2011

Post by Dave Kirkpatrick » Sat Oct 01, 2011 7:53 pm

Alright, I'm committing. Going with Saturday as plan A, if I don't have a rain date the stress will eat me up. Location is either PLR or 202, with the other as a backup.

OCTOBER OUTLAW: I am planning to hold our Antrim race as predicted. Location TBA, check in at ISSA site or get on the text list by sending your email, cell #, and provider to me. Date: Saturday 10/29 with Sunday as a rain date. Registration: 10 AM, Racing at 11, Hybrid and GS, single lane jam. Extra race: uphill pump? I keep promising that, don't I... we'll see. Helmets required. Pads and gloves are STRONGLY recommended. Kids race at 4PM, parent signs waiver - required - followed by awards.

Entry: $20 suggested donation goes towards Ave A / Antrim Recreation Skate Program (they are not sponsors or facilitators) expenses, and perhaps extra prizes. Lunch: dogs and burgers or similar pub fare will be provided. Prizes and Sponsors: whatever I (or YOU, please-and-thank-you) can scrounge up before the race, with not too much effort. It's nice to see the juniors who are into this sport get stuff they can use. I have a small collection. For us OLD kids, it's mostly about bragging rights, possibly some points if ISSA will recognize this event as-is. The Astronaut Timer and the 2-run limit might conflict with ISSA rules. We could slim it down to 2 official runs (I'd prefer unlimited) but the fabulous and unique Dr Dan timer is what we have for this event. Backup plan is the practice timers. Or ONE cone = dq, photo finish. Grass roots, baby...

I'll push this race back another week if weather requires and permits.
What could POSSIBLY go wrong??

Dave Kirkpatrick
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Re: NH Slalom Clinics & Outlaw Series 2011

Post by Dave Kirkpatrick » Sun Oct 02, 2011 7:12 pm

We have been given BASIC status from ISSA for this race - fabulous! Pick up a few extra points in this fun, beginner-friendly, possibly chilly event.

What could POSSIBLY go wrong??

Dave Kirkpatrick
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Location: Antrim, NH USA

Re: NH Slalom Clinics & Outlaw Series 2011

Post by Dave Kirkpatrick » Sat Oct 15, 2011 1:24 am

I'm leaning heavily towards the 202 hill for this. I had an interesting confrontation with the property owner a couple weeks ago that started a bit ugly, but ended rather well. Still, we'll want to avoid playing or hanging out in the runout. Take your run, turn it around, and get back to the top.

Kids might have more fun at the other hill...

Sign up at NCDSA to be counted. If this ends up being kid/jr heavy, PLR is the better location. I reserve the right to "waffle" up to 48 hours before the race.

What could POSSIBLY go wrong??

Dave Kirkpatrick
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Re: NH Slalom Clinics & Outlaw Series 2011

Post by Dave Kirkpatrick » Mon Oct 24, 2011 10:01 pm

A lot of people would have an easier time with Sunday, and are asking for that. Weather looks about the same both days. If you haven't registered and are waiting in the wings, you might miss the call. Please register at NCDSA or contact me directly. I will be sure to notify all of the registered participants, and post to ISSA and NCDSA as well as my "skaters" email list if there's a change. Expect that to be final within 48 hours. Final location too. The cell is really dodgy at PLR, so don't plan on calling ME to get your info the morning of the race...

If you are "hovering" and not currently registered, and NOT on my list... enjoy the "leaf peeping" if you make the drive on the wrong day!

PLEASE REGISTER if you are coming!

http://www.ncdsa.com/contest_registrati ... testID=528

What could POSSIBLY go wrong??

Dave Kirkpatrick
Posts: 194
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Re: NH Slalom Clinics & Outlaw Series 2011

Post by Dave Kirkpatrick » Wed Oct 26, 2011 4:40 pm

Antrim Jam - October Outlaw has officially been moved to Sunday 10/30, same times. 202 location, contact me for info or directions. Several skaters who could not make a Saturday will join the ranks now, plus a couple "maybe's". Weather forecast is more favorable for Sunday as well. Not everyone's checking email or checking in here, so make a call, invite a friend... one last horrah! in New England, let's make it fun!
What could POSSIBLY go wrong??

Dave Kirkpatrick
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Re: NH Slalom Clinics & Outlaw Series 2011

Post by Dave Kirkpatrick » Sat Oct 29, 2011 3:55 pm


"More favorable weather..." What fool said that?

EVERY time I updated or changed or posted about this race, the weather has changed to make me look like a dope. We went from two beautiful, chilly but sunny days to a few flurries Saturday that wouldn't stick to the ground to HOLY COW, a real Nor'Easter!!

The forecast is 6-10 inches Saturday night, continuing Sunday morning. So bring snow shovels, salt, and sand, and dress warmly. Try to get here early as the road doesn't get plowed.

Ha ha. I'm here all week, folks.

Jokes aside, this is the OFFICIAL NOTICE: October Outlaw - Antrim Jam is a CANCEL due to the soon to be historic October Blizzard.
What could POSSIBLY go wrong??

Dave Kirkpatrick
Posts: 194
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Location: Antrim, NH USA

Re: NH Slalom Clinics & Outlaw Series 2011

Post by Dave Kirkpatrick » Tue Apr 17, 2012 4:05 am

Back to the old grind. We'll be skating on most Sundays in Antrim again, and I've set up a program to get some NEW new skaters into the mix. If you want to skate with the big kids, or if you can help train the newcomers, message me your email addy to get on my list. Helping the noobs looks like a six week commitment to Sunday mornings on the bunny slope, followed by the regular skate - plus a few bigger clinics I can squeeze in on Summer Street.

Still hoping to get a midsummer Outlaw off the ground too - earlier, no snow this time!
What could POSSIBLY go wrong??

Dave Kirkpatrick
Posts: 194
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Location: Antrim, NH USA

Re: NH Slalom Clinics & Outlaw Series 2011

Post by Dave Kirkpatrick » Mon Apr 30, 2012 9:31 pm

Decent skate on Sunday. Windy enough that we'd set a course and turn around only to see half the cones in the grass... oh well. Lots of wrenching and getting the kids started, well worth it. Sunburn and ticks and Jack crashing... (Sorry Dan, it was all looking so good!). Still worth it.

Perhaps it's time to start the 2012 thread... feels all creepy and lonely posting here.
What could POSSIBLY go wrong??
