Ma, NH, training days.

Slalom Skateboarding in New England U.S.A.

Moderators: Jonathan Harms, Ron Barbagallo, Maria Carrasco, Russel Cantor, Lynn Kramer, Karl Floitgraf

Eric Brammer
Posts: 324
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Ask Shaggy?

Post by Eric Brammer » Mon Sep 27, 2004 1:30 am

Terry + TK, would you just ask Mr. Schroeder if the hill I've got would do? We only used, um, a 3rd of it today, so there's plenty left! (btw, my feet are sore! Mr. Smith's Super-G is one long pup to do a step-by-step mearsuring of,as it's nearly a half-mile long) I'd post photos, but am computer illiterate (or ignorant?) on tossing pics up. I think this venue deserves one last fling, and it opens Oct 18 as a highway, so please give it due consideration. Thanks!
"Surfin' these Old Hills since back in The Day"

Alan Schroeder
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The hill is ...........

Post by Alan Schroeder » Wed Sep 29, 2004 6:24 am

PSR speaks the truth! Let's race on Sunday!

Glenn Chapman
Posts: 167
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Location: Beverly, MA

Post by Glenn Chapman » Wed Sep 29, 2004 2:06 pm

Post up the directions, we (Ben, Millie and I) will be coming from Eastern Mass. Hopefully you won't be starting to early (after 10:30?). I have talked to TK and Derek and they are interested. Team Woodward is also interested. Joe I, Matt, Paul P, Jim S, JG, Weasel and Karl (and anyone else I left out)are you guys going to come? Any Eastern Mass riders that need a ride maybe we can set up some carpool options. Sounds like some sweet pavement, we should all make the trip before it is gone. Remember that VT at this time of year is spectacular. Hopefully I will see you all on Sunday.

Derek Smith
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Post by Derek Smith » Wed Sep 29, 2004 3:55 pm

I'm going too, and will be driving solo at this point from the North Shore if anyone needs a ride. I can meet anyone on the way, maybe by the Mass Pike if you need a ride. You could even take a train somewhere and I'll pick you up. NO EXCUSES, IS SLALOM DEAD????

Christian Simsuangco
Posts: 33
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Post by Christian Simsuangco » Wed Sep 29, 2004 7:13 pm

slalom isn't dead, it just smells like it. i'd like to skate with you guys but i've got rugby every sunday until thanksgiving i think. saturday morning and afternoons are open pending the severity of my hangovers.
ride or die motha trucka.

Paul Pellerin
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Post by Paul Pellerin » Wed Sep 29, 2004 9:59 pm

I will be there unless my wife has made other plans. Post directions from Portland,ME so I can plan the tripp. I'm thinking about coming down sat. night & staying at a B&B. We need a break from our daughter. Let me know if you need cones. I have 100 (new) bright-red 3dm cones.

Glenn Help!!!

I can not seem to get my board dialed in. It does not feel right at all.

John G suggested you could assist since we are about the same size. I don't want to ruin your day at this perfect limited site. If it will take up too much time, we can dial it in the following week on your hill. However, I will need to use a board. Thanks for your assistance.

I hope slalom is not dead, I'm just getting into it. We should be skating every weekend until the snow flies.

Eric Brammer
Posts: 324
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RT 279

Post by Eric Brammer » Wed Sep 29, 2004 10:49 pm

Hey All, thanks for the positive interest! My previous markings for the MB-like Super-G have been washed away, but I'll try to scoot up on Saturday and re-chalk it. I'd also likely be putting up a 'squeaker' TS and a Hybrid that'll be for 'Training', although it'd just be a matter of getting Timing Gear to run one of those. They'll be on the truck pulloff,and well outa the way of the big course. There's NOTHING but road and woods at this spot,so pack accordingly. It's also a bit of a skate to (across the flats,maybe 1/4 mile from where we park) the hill, but it's very worth the jaunt. The "backside", towards New York has stickier,older tar, great for tuckin' and truckin'.
Um,directions,that's a bit tough. Do a mapquest search for 439 Austin Hill Road in Bennington,Vermont. I usually slide in from Rt-67A,taking the 2nd covered bridge (the one across from Big Boys Toys) on the left, and Austin Hill is your first Left after the cornfield. If we have 'lost souls' I recommend using the Hannaford Plaza parking lot as a place to regroup. Parking is limited,so using Hannaford as a way-station may be a prudent call. If you're still worried about directions,please e-mail me or call by Saturday evening.

As I've said, bring fast toys as well as your race toys. I'll have at least two woodie Buttboard/Luges to romp with. and other big guns,too.
Anyone wishing to make it a weekend,keep in mind that Stratton has their annual Brewfest going on during Saturday. And,Vermont homebrew just Sucks! 8-P NOT!
Lastly, I just want to remind you all that this place needs to be kept clean. Respect the wishes of those few landowners whose farmfields are near the roadway. This is a nifty spot. My apologies about keeping it to myself for so long,but you'll see why when you get here!
"Surfin' these Old Hills since back in The Day"

Karl Floitgraf
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Post by Karl Floitgraf » Thu Sep 30, 2004 3:18 am

Looks I'll probably getting a ride with the chapmans (thanks guys). I can't wait.

Anyone coming have any footstops they would want to sell me? I'm looking for one.

Eric Brammer
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Post by Eric Brammer » Thu Sep 30, 2004 4:43 am

Karl, I use the foam stick-on or gummy plastic toe-risers Burton sells to fit onto their softboot bindings. They're kinda 'nike-swoosh' shaped, and are about 1/2" - 3/4" thick. For added security ,I'll toss a T-nut or two thru them to keep them in place. I'll look and see if I've got any extras laying around + bring them if I do. While this might not be as aggressive as what some people are using, but with no sharp, pointy, or upright Metal parts, I feel the blocks are worthwhile. I usually can find them for $5-$6 pair at the local snowboard shops.
"Surfin' these Old Hills since back in The Day"

Glenn Chapman
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Post by Glenn Chapman » Thu Sep 30, 2004 2:51 pm

Paul, I will try and help you out. I am not an expert truck tuner but will bring some extra bushings and wedges. We will leave Beverly about 6:30-7:00am I am planing on around 3-3.5hrs traveling time. Eric, if you send me your home phone I could give you a call when we turn off 91. Is Austin Hill Road the road that we will be riding on ? Are we planing on meeting at Hannafords in the morning? How far is the Hannafords (food for lunch) from the skating hill?

Eric Brammer
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439 Austin Hill/Rt 279 playground

Post by Eric Brammer » Thu Sep 30, 2004 10:07 pm

Glenn,my phone number is 802-375-9631, but it's Not a cellphone! By the time you're at Brattleboro I may be already underway towards Rt-279. You're welcome to try to call anyway.
I tossed up Hannaford Plaza as a parking/meeting possibility,as it's right off of Rt-7's Exit 1 and Rt-67a, very visible, easy to find, and it's about 1-1/2 miles from Austin Hill Rd. I put up the "439 Austin Hill" addy for those using mapquest to navigate by. The spot where you get a 'star' marker is maybe 100 ft. from the overpass. Austin Hill Rd. runs Under the new (and not on the map yet) Rt-279, and we'll be parking a few cars just uphill of that overpass. I'd say we can fit 5-6 cars there, so if some of you carpool in we'll be fine.
I'll be checking both my e-mails and phone messages over the weekend. If you've got questions, I'll try to help. Oh,yeah, Food nearby. Bennington has the usual Fast-food spots, such as Wendy's, BK, McD's, and KFC/TacoBell. There's a few other, better resturants in town as well. Town itself is only 3-5 miles from where we'll be at. Just don't forget to bring your own water/refreshments up to the course area, as we'll be out in the sun with little to no shade.
"Surfin' these Old Hills since back in The Day"

Eric Brammer
Posts: 324
Joined: Sat Sep 25, 2004 4:48 am

Rt - 279

Post by Eric Brammer » Thu Sep 30, 2004 11:38 pm

One question from your likely conesetter... Have we come to a consensus on a starting time? I'd kinda like to have things mapped out in advance, But I see a possibility of rain coming in for overnight Saturday (with Sunday being bright + clear again!) , which means I probably won't chalk the Super-G on Saturday as I had hoped. This is a long course, and it took awhile to lay out the last two times! Oh, someone had asked if we could use cones, and I'd love it if you'd pack them along too. I'd prefer using Turner cones on this, as my Poni cones are ancient, and quite light/thin.
"Surfin' these Old Hills since back in The Day"

Derek Smith
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Post by Derek Smith » Fri Oct 01, 2004 2:35 pm

I'll bring my 50 cones. TK has generously offered to lend us his timing equipment for the day as well. I'm thinking 10 or 10:30 AM Eric.

Glenn Chapman
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Post by Glenn Chapman » Fri Oct 01, 2004 5:43 pm

I will also bring my cones. I think we will get there around 10-10:30 as well. Karl and Brain will be car pooling with Ben and I. See you all on Sunday.

Eric Brammer
Posts: 324
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Rt - 279

Post by Eric Brammer » Fri Oct 01, 2004 11:55 pm

Derek,Glenn, thanks for the timetable. Shaggy will be bringing radios,Motorolas,and we'll use channel 8 (unless there's nearby heavy use on that band,but we'll start there),and I'll see about a starting flag that'll be see-able from a 1/3 mile away (good thing my Rec Park has a golf course,eh?!) as a start signal backup..
Is everyone O.K. with the Mapquest directions? I would've posted a link or some such, but I'm a bit daft when trying use a computer more advanced than my 386. Sorry,but not repentant. Don't be shy with either phone calls or e-mails if there's a question. Just ask Before Sunday morning,please.
I don't know what the body count will be, yet. However,What I'd like to do a form a winnings pot, with everyone tossing in a token fee, with the Winner taking 50%, second getting 25%, and 25% set aside for Timing Gear and Course Setting. If anyone is against this, speak soon. Otherwise I'll be hoping to have a $7/per entry fee. Considering the cost of other sports activities, I feel that's fair, and it'll inspire someone go faster,I'm sure. Anyone just there to freecarve/butboard,etc., please feel free to do so. There's a Lot of Hill here,so enjoy! Just don't hit Racers or Cones.
I had noted Parking earlier. Please go to the Austin Hill spot first, and IF there's a parking issue, we'll put someone (or two) at Hannaford. If you get waylayed and aren't sure where to go, I'll try to run down Hannaford at 11:00 am to scout for lost souls. In that,anyone who'll be travelling a good ways, you may want find someone going to this that has a cell-phone and exchange numbers.
You'll love the View from this place! You'll be looking down on both Bennington,and N. Bennington (actually has a great view of Benngton College Campus) looking to N. or E.. Go over the top, and the farmland in Hoosick Falls is to your N. + W.. If you hang out late (no, not saying you ought to stay too long),the Sunsets on th NY side are awesome! The leaves are just starting to turn, with higher ridges getting to about 50% Color,mostly reds and oranges. The weather looks to be in the low 60's,and Clear+Sunny. So,bring it on, we'll have ourselves a good rollicking time with this roadway!
"Surfin' these Old Hills since back in The Day"

Lisa Woodward
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Post by Lisa Woodward » Sat Oct 02, 2004 1:58 am

The girls and I are in for Sunday, can someone give us one specific address so we can plugg it into the GPS? Thanks! sounds like 10:30 is the time. We will see everyone there!!!


Terry Whalen
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VT Session

Post by Terry Whalen » Sat Oct 02, 2004 4:01 am

Have a great day on Sunday! Wish I could make it up to VT and lose seven bucks, just have too many family commitments this weekend to make the trip.

Hats off to Eric for finding such a great location the session!

Joe I - I'll give you a call.

New England Slalom is not dead - but I am.

Matthew Wilson
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oh the ache!

Post by Matthew Wilson » Mon Oct 04, 2004 8:09 pm

I'm aching for slalom. Work got busy again. I'm always here late and my wife always has the car anyway. I hope you all are skating hard. I miss and love you all.
slalom is good

Derek Smith
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Post by Derek Smith » Tue Oct 12, 2004 6:15 pm

Big congratulations to Ben Chapman and Bryan Werner on making Massachusetts proud this past weekend. Wicked Chowda crushes as always.

Ben Chapman
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Post by Ben Chapman » Wed Oct 13, 2004 12:23 am

thanks derek,
black socks racing was good in practice, but got a headwind. so are we skateing magnolia this weekend?

Derek Smith
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Post by Derek Smith » Wed Oct 13, 2004 2:56 pm

This weekend is on. Magnolia.

Matthew Wilson
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ooo, ooo

Post by Matthew Wilson » Wed Oct 13, 2004 6:42 pm

what day are folks going to be there?

This may be my last one with you guys! Yeah, Jessa and I might be moving. I may be hanging with the Colorado crowd very soon.

Jessa was accepted to here first choice school in Denver and we have begun working out the logistics of making the move. Leaving the Right Coast for the Left Center is a bit of a bittersweet thought for me. I love Colorado, but everyone knows that the East rules! You gotta have that tough edge to compete in the East. But alas, besides Jessa's school, the Rockies are calling my name.

So...this weekend, let me know what day people are heading to the Mag. I will do everything in my power to be there.

Can someone please teach me to slalom skateboard?
slalom is good

Karl Floitgraf
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Post by Karl Floitgraf » Wed Oct 13, 2004 9:55 pm

F**k PSATS on saturday, and no trains on sunday. I need to skate.

Glenn Chapman
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Post by Glenn Chapman » Thu Oct 14, 2004 6:02 pm

We will be able to ride on Sunday any time. Saturday would be bad for us. Ben has a HS cross country race and Millie has a soccer game. Hope to see you all on Sunday. Tentative plans race Sunday 2-5. Hottub (bring swimsuits and towels) and cookout 6-?. Give me a heads up if you want to come over for the cookout so I can plan for the food.

Joe Iacovelli
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Post by Joe Iacovelli » Thu Oct 14, 2004 6:54 pm

WHat would you guys think about a race in CT on Saturday of Thanksgiving weekend. I will come up there, but we've got guys in NJ, NY, and some new ones in CT that might make it out if it was closer. Will TK be at his Mom and Dad's in New Haven. WIll Henry J be home?

Let me know what you think. I'd bet we can lodge most everybody. We've got a closed road with a big hill and plenty of run out.

No hot tub though.

Like I want to hot tub with you guys...


Derek Smith
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Post by Derek Smith » Thu Oct 14, 2004 6:54 pm

the family and I will be there for the cookout, and I'll be there to race at 2.

Joe Iacovelli
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Post by Joe Iacovelli » Thu Oct 14, 2004 7:09 pm

Almost forgot.

I saw a story about our pals Ben and Brian coughing up some bearings and wheels to help put a skate together for Korten.

While I'm fully Catholic, I still believe in Karma. You reached out to somebody. I hardly know you guys, but I couldn't be any prouder of you.

You were good guys before, you are better guys now.

Congratualations to your parents.


Matthew Wilson
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Boys becoming men

Post by Matthew Wilson » Thu Oct 14, 2004 7:19 pm

Joe Iacovelli wrote:Almost forgot.

I saw a story about our pals Ben and Brian coughing up some bearings and wheels to help put a skate together for Korten.

While I'm fully Catholic, I still believe in Karma. You reached out to somebody. I hardly know you guys, but I couldn't be any prouder of you.

You were good guys before, you are better guys now.

Congratualations to your parents.

That's awesome!!! Nice job, guys. I thought that you both are stand-up dudes before. Your generosity just confirms that fact.

Who's Korten?
slalom is good

Joe Iacovelli
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Re: Boys becoming men

Post by Joe Iacovelli » Thu Oct 14, 2004 8:06 pm

Matthew Wilson wrote: Who's Korten?
Jim Korten is a slalom savant from from the mid period 80's - early 90's?. I've only read and heard his legend, running 3 footers, running one footed and backwards. JH Gilmour, Esq. has got the full skinny (of course).

He apparently had a major accident, got hooked on drugs, and has been without a home for a while. He showed up at Morro, got to skate Sunday and got knocked out of the round of four by Keith.

Surf over to NCDSA and read the past 3-4 pages on the slalom board.

Eric Brammer
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Jim Korten

Post by Eric Brammer » Fri Oct 15, 2004 12:41 am

I almost didn't recognise J.K. at The Worlds. The years haven't been kind to him. However, I did walk right up to him and let him know that I was super-psyched to see him there, and even happier to know he was Racing again. The last time I saw him skate was in '92, I think.. He's just amazing, able to ride better one-footed than I can with both feet. When he was riding for Naked Boards, he was also Luging, so he was one of the few people that could seriously be a threat to Roger Hickey at that time. He exceeded 90 MPH using a motorcycle to help give him a 'booster', and that speed, while unofficial, wasn't broken until someone put Rockets on a streetluge! Why was he not a well-known rider? Well,Timing in the course of our sport's history certainly had a hand. In '92, there were few skaters, and damn few trying to Go Fast, and Slalom was, um, very comatose. His sponsors knew how good he was, but there was no venue really to show off The Skills. Another thing was the California Skate Scene's tendency to have Tunnel Vision. You might get noticed if you're from NorCal, but anyone East of that was S.O.L., excepting maybe the 'Zona ditch riding crew. Things have changed! Witness both the hospitality at The Worlds, and also just how many non-Cali sk8ers were competing. I wish J.K. all the best, and seriously hope that he gets whatever recognition he deserves. Moreover, I pray he stays healthy, and has a means of finding success in this world. Seeing that he's homeless just Hurts. However, I think that Good Things are just around the corner for him. I'm praying...
"Surfin' these Old Hills since back in The Day"

Matthew Wilson
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Sunday, Sunday, Sunday

Post by Matthew Wilson » Fri Oct 15, 2004 9:09 pm

Hey, is Sunday still a go 2-5 at Magnolia?
slalom is good

Glenn Chapman
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Post by Glenn Chapman » Fri Oct 15, 2004 10:40 pm

We are still on for Sunday. See you all at 2:00.

Matthew Wilson
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Post by Matthew Wilson » Fri Oct 15, 2004 11:08 pm

Nice. I'll sharpen my wheels.
slalom is good

Terry Kirby
Team RoeRacing
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The Weasel

Post by Terry Kirby » Sun Oct 17, 2004 1:52 am

Weasel, did you forget something? TK

Glenn Chapman
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Post by Glenn Chapman » Mon Oct 18, 2004 7:52 pm

We had a great day on Sunday. JG set a hard but fun course on the big hill. Then he cooked shrimp and scallops for all the riders. At the end of the day we set a dual and had a run off. Derek and Ben (both looking fast) raced for the crown. Black socks racing (Derek) beat wicked chowda racing (Ben). Little Ben Smith was looking good on is custom board, it won't be long before he will be spanking us all. Matt and Paul were working hard to get the course wired and were looking better by the end of the day. Thanks to all of you that made the trip. We hope to do a few more sunday sessions before it gets to cold.

Matthew Wilson
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Post by Matthew Wilson » Mon Oct 18, 2004 9:06 pm

WOW! Yesterday was fun.
Anyway...thanks for the great riding everyone. Paul, the shrimp and scallops were fantastic. Thanks for the treat.
JG, or should I say Chef Gilmour, thanks for cooking, always giving advice, and for the good conversation during the car ride to and from the park.
Derek, always a fun time skating with you.
Chapman family: thank you, thank you for having us all over to your home afterwards. I felt so spoiled, and I didn't even do anything to deserve it. You all are awesome.

Hope we get at least one more nice day to skate together.
slalom is good

Derek Smith
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Post by Derek Smith » Tue Oct 19, 2004 7:26 pm

Great time Sunday, thanks to JG for the cook/DJing, Paul for the seafood, the Chapmans for a fantastic time after, and all who skated. Everyone looked fast, Paul VS Matt was a nailbiter, the milliemeter ripped, BSR teammate Glenn made the first course clean and fast (impossible), and I've had nightmares about Wicked Chowda Racing every night this week. I woke up screaming wearing a lobster bib this morning. Let's do it again really soon.

Paul Pellerin
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Post by Paul Pellerin » Tue Oct 19, 2004 7:31 pm

Sunday was a lot of fun. It was my first time seeing dual slalom. It was fun to watch. I was amazed at the speed near the end of the course. You guys looked great!!!

I hope I can improve enough to compete with you guys. I set up cones yesterday for a short practice. Most of my time was spent sweeping the course.

Matt - you can't move until I win at least once. John and Glenn, thanks again for the advice. Derek it was nice to meet you and your family. I hope to skate Newburyport with you, before it closes for the winter. I plan on skating Rye at least once a week. Wed nights are best for me.

Let's plan on racing again soon. We should beable to get a few more sessions in before it's too cold.

Derek Smith
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Post by Derek Smith » Tue Oct 19, 2004 7:48 pm

Alright everyone, let's schedule another race where we can ALL get together. Joe, I think that Thanksgiving is going to be snowboard time for some of us. Good idea though, good effort. End of this month? Early November? What's the matter? You boys afraid of a little Chowda, or some black socks??????? You should be!!!!!!

PS. Paul, they water sealed Newburyport and painted the coping the other day, it's great, so smooth, and red paint chips all over your trucks, come help grind the paint off. I also will be going to Rye tomorrow night with another guy from 6-9 if you're game.

Ben Chapman
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Post by Ben Chapman » Wed Oct 20, 2004 1:59 am

sunday sunday sunday. all day:)

Elisa Campbell
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Post by Elisa Campbell » Wed Oct 20, 2004 9:40 pm

Is election day a possible skate day, or is everyone working?

Christian Simsuangco
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Post by Christian Simsuangco » Thu Oct 21, 2004 9:11 pm

last rugby game sunday then i'm free to skate. i'm goin back to long island to vote on election day.
ride or die motha trucka.

Derek Smith
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Post by Derek Smith » Fri Oct 22, 2004 2:24 pm

Election day is out for me, this Sunday is on.

Update: 2ish on Sunday at Magnolia all welcome.

Paul Pellerin
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Post by Paul Pellerin » Fri Oct 22, 2004 6:10 pm

I'm not sure if I can make it for Sunday. My wife's mom had an operation this week. It did not go well so I may have to watch Gabbie.

I will post Sat. afternoon to let you know. I hope to see everyone on Sunday.

Derek Smith
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Post by Derek Smith » Thu Jan 13, 2005 4:21 pm

Huge congratulations to Junior Men's America's Cup Champion Ben Chapman!! You rip Ben!!

Derek Smith
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Post by Derek Smith » Wed Apr 13, 2005 11:00 pm


Beau at Rye Airfield mentioned to me last night that he'd like us to put together a slalom demo of some kind for June 21st which is national skateboard day. It sounds like he'll have all kinds of things going on at the park and maybe a small race where people could try out slalom would be a good thing. He said he'll fence off a corner of the parking lot which is not too bad a spot for some tight/hybrid. Anyone interested in doing this? It would certainly be the right audience to get interested in slalom. TK he mentioned that you did something like this once?

Glenn Chapman
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Post by Glenn Chapman » Thu Apr 14, 2005 7:44 pm

I would be happy to ride or help out. I think that Ben and Millie would like to go.

Glenn Chapman
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Location: Beverly, MA

Post by Glenn Chapman » Mon Apr 18, 2005 9:10 pm

Friday night under the lights. TS dual show down
7:00-9:00 Delta parking lot.
I hear that TK is coming out of retierment to run this course.
Call me first to confirm if it is on.

Derek Smith
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Post by Derek Smith » Tue Apr 19, 2005 1:37 am

nah man, TK is all done. I heard he took up rollerblading. He'll never come???!!!

Paul Pellerin
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Post by Paul Pellerin » Tue Apr 26, 2005 7:45 pm


When is the next practice at Magnolia? What about this weekend?


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