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Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2004 3:30 pm
by Jon Warburton

Following several years of negotiations, Empire Sports Promotions ltd are delighted to announce that we have now secured a one mile racecourse within the private estate of Longleat House, Wiltshire, England on Friday 3rd – Saturday 4th September 2004, with Sunday as a reserve rain day. Events will include stand-up, street luge, and slalom. More information will follow very soon.
Places are limited to 32 in each discipline so please begin preparing your applications now. we need to know the following -

Date of Birth
Disciplines you wish to enter
Previous racing results
Passport style photo (if possible)
Plus a few words to introduce yourself

our website will be up in a few days so sit tight and we'll post the address soon.

Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2004 7:15 pm
by Mike Johnson
Yes Jon i'm up for that, thanks for letting us great unwashed into your palatial abode....if we dont tug our forelocks do we get fed to the lions ;-)


Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2004 4:49 pm
by Jon Warburton
I would like to make it known that myself and event manager Caleb Clark are no longer involved in this event. I was ripped off for many weeks work and caleb quite simply hasnt got the time to deal with idiots. We do not feel that the promoter is capable of running an event to Longleats high standards as he has absolutely no experience and is not being completely truthful with Longleats staff. We feel that this is likely to result in the event foundering and eliminating any possibility of a true racing event at Longleat at any point in the future. I take no pleasure in posting this and wish any of you who get involved in this event the best of luck.
You'll need it

Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2004 1:47 am
by Paul Keleher

From an event i was really looking forward to, to this!!

i was dissapointed with the empire website, plus one or 2 other things ( see my Rant Elswhere!!)

Not sure now if i'll bother to register

see you at Brands then!!