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Back on track!

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2007 9:18 pm
by Robert Gaisek
I´m back on track after a 30 years-something hold up. I started last year with some longboarding and downhill, but when I visit the WC-comp in Gothenburg this summer I found the perfect way to ride a board.
I´m totally absorbed.
I found an old skater-friend (Mikka) to practice with and to learn from, so it couldn´t be any better.
So.......with friend like Mikka, Henke, Yoda, Emrik and many others, I´m looking foreward to next year and maybe some races.

I´m a happy old fart who feels young again.

me too!

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2007 10:18 pm
by Andrea Bonetti
I'm also back after 25 or maybe 30 years (I was born in 1966... slalomskating when I was 11 till 16 I'd guess).

You can't stop i, especially with the new style and technique.
More then welcome in the group. Are you passing by Västerås or Stockholm, bring your skate with you..

// Andrea

P.S. here you can see how my real FIRST time was, after 25 years (or 30).

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2007 7:23 am
by Robert Gaisek
My board is always with me.

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2007 1:30 pm
by Eric Brassard
Welcome abord Robert and have FUN......................

Eric Brassard (1963)