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Another newbie

Posted: Wed May 30, 2007 10:29 pm
by ben hall
howdi guys im new to the slalom thing and im looking for a new board. at the moment i have a bahne blackhill, tracker rts rear,seismic front, with lush revolver wheels,

basically im looking to upgrade, any suggestions, so far ive spent a lot of time looking at the roe cutaway, insect boards and fibreflex.

im lookinf or an all round board ts to sgs, something that will encompass everything.


Posted: Wed May 30, 2007 10:51 pm
by Wesley Tucker

Before you do anything, I would suggest JUST buying some new wheels. The 3DM Hot Spot or Avalons and the Manx wheels are excellent choices. Keep it simple with something moderate in an 80a or 82a duromoter. Not too hard, not too soft.

Also, consider getting some quality bearings. You didn't mention what you're riding, but Oust and Pleasure Tool both have really good affordable racing bearings.

Get the wheels first and exchange out those Lush things. Once you've done that coupled with the Black hilll (I have one) with the Tracker RT-X/S (I have several) you'll have a better idea of what to do next.

Anyway, that's my suggestion. Get the wheels and spend some time on a real slalom racing set up. Then start thinking about the big bucks for trucks and decks.

P.S. Where are you?

Posted: Wed May 30, 2007 11:46 pm
by ben hall
why are people not fans of the revolvers, ive found them to be great so far, really grippy, responsive and prdictable ( i would quite like a softer back wheels though, ive got some turner cambrias coming in the post, soft rear and harder front (white and grey i think) .

As regards to the pockets pistol decks they look like cool decks, however the grphics are a real put off for me, i dont really like the punk inspred sort of thing.
Im keeping the blackhill as my daily get around, so i think im going ot get a new deck and keep the seismic on the front of the bahne. i like the way it rides.

What do people think of subsonics slalom efforts. i dont doubt the craftsmanship as i have a swift 42 which i love. but i was wondering about their other decks.

bearing wise i am unfortunatly riding lush night riders which are a little slow but with uk weather and uk prices decent bearings are a scary outlay.

please give me more suggestions


Subsonic slalom boards work

Posted: Thu May 31, 2007 2:19 am
by Pat Chewning
Paul Howard and Josh Burt have good success using the Subsonic boards -- and Scott Moore is such a big supporter of the local slalom scene .... You should try the Pauliwog model of slalom board.

Posted: Thu May 31, 2007 11:37 am
by ben hall
i did look at the pauliwog but it jst looked a little flat, i kinda like to be held in.

AXE Army

Posted: Thu May 31, 2007 2:48 pm
by Marty Schaub
Go to and check out the AXE line of slalom gear. Riders from newbies to pro crank on them to great success. I suggest the AXE II as an entry level deck for newbie slalom. It will not dissappoint as your ability progresses.


Gear in the UK...

Posted: Thu May 31, 2007 3:23 pm
by Martin Drayton
ben hall wrote:why are people not fans of the revolvers, ive found them to be great so far, really grippy, responsive and prdictable

bearing wise i am unfortunatly riding lush night riders which are a little slow but with uk weather and uk prices decent bearings are a scary outlay.

please give me more suggestions

Hi Ben, there is nothing wrong with the Revolvers, they are good wheels and possibly not known outside of the UK. I assume you too are in Blighty in which case I would suggest having a chat with Michael Stride of he may even have some top end decks/wheels/trucks that are suitable and at reduced prices.
Bear in mind some of the prices here are not that far off US prices, plus you won't have to wait too long for it to arrive and you might be able to go to a shop Michael supplies and see (and just as importantly-touch) the stuff yourself.
I believe Skaterbuilt Mike Maysey is only £45...
Get in touch with UK riders through and the Uk forum on another site at ... ingdom.htm
where there are always people looking to sell surplus kit.
You will love the Cambrias, I still use them for tricky courses and they make a great 1st slalom wheel. As your skills and confidence grow you may then start looking for bigger, faster wheels but they will certainly do while you are changing the rest of the set-up.
Good luck, hopefuly meet you at a UK event this summer!

Posted: Sat Jun 02, 2007 2:46 pm
by Michael Stride
Ben, before you do 'anything' (To coin a phrase....)

Dont chuck the Lush wheels.

Wes hasnt ridden them. He doesnt know what they are like. Much as I doubt he's ridden Coretechs either. (Another brand thats good byut not made in the U.S.)

I dont sell the Lush wheels, but saying that I wouldnt diss them, or ditch them.

Personnally I wouldnt take advice from a man that wont go down a start ramp, rides paralel in the year 2007 (unless your names Bruce Brewington!) and pontifacates on products hes never used.

Just trust Martin Drayton for unbiased advice. I do.

Posted: Sat Jun 02, 2007 3:18 pm
by Michael Stride
sorry wes.

i dont believe you!

Whenyou even competeat a Worlds,let alone WIN an event then kindly refrain fromcalling me ignorant.

Pompous, I can handle that.

Posted: Sat Jun 02, 2007 9:49 pm
by Michael Stride
Notice how Wes neglects to mention Abec11 Zig Zags, or ANY Abec11 products.

Care to explain why your personal beefs shouldaffect the adviceyou give to keen newbies Wes?

If you cant give unbiased advice,dont give ANY at all.

Posted: Sat Jun 02, 2007 10:34 pm
by Chris Favero
Ben,i think wes'reccomendation on the wheels is good.Although i make and sell midrange decks,i think marty's advice on the sk8kings is spot on,richy and maria do an excellent job.i think martins suggestion of going to octane is good,nothing beats seeing it in person or standing on it.maybe go to one of the Hp sessions and check different setups.i am sure those guys will let you ride one of theirs.
last,go to and look at the tod oles or midnight special.i think the oles would fit your desire to have something for tight to G/S,plus,this deck locks your foot in.shipped,would run you in the neighborhood of 45 are custom,so whatever you want or even nothing,you could get.the Black formica looks sick all on its own.
trucks,run two trackers(rts/rtx wedged) with your revolvers and and it would be inexpensive and super responsive.

Btw the way,the personal insults to Wes were uncalled for.i have seen him take many ramps,ride a modified parralell stance and podium in some races.its fu<k!ng skateboarding for chrissakes

Posted: Sat Jun 02, 2007 10:45 pm
by Michael Stride
Sorry Chris,but how can Wes's advice on wheels be good?

He doesnt mention Abec11!!! Are you seriously saying that Ben shouldnt look at those? Which is essentially what Wes is doing.

I also doubt Wes has actually used the Lush wheels, and especially in a way that Ben might possibly.

Has he used the Coretechs????

Wes's advice is clouded by his own petty squabbles with 'industry' figures. This should NOT lead to an enthuiast newbie having to be told to take advice from someone like Wes with a pinch of salt. If he's going to omit an entrie range of great wheels(Abec 11) then he needs to have the decency to say why he feels that possibly the most podiumed wheel of 2006/7 so far is not in his own knowledge base.

Yes, it is only slalom,but if you want to encourage people to continue in the sport handing out GOODadvice is what is needed, and advice from someone who I dont think has travelled to ANY international races,and possibly hardly crossed his state border is not where Ben should be getting advice from.

Posted: Sat Jun 02, 2007 10:50 pm
by Cole Dano
Wow this is sad.

I wish instead of bitching one of you took the time to answer my question, one thread below. Maybe it was an uncool question, but this is the 'newbies' section after all, not the 'i got a big chip on my shoulder one'!

I guess this is why this forum is dead.

Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2007 1:50 pm
by Marty Schaub
Bravo Cole!

Spot on with your assessment of the ego/testosterone/mine's bigger than yours childhood sniping. The guy was looking for advice, give him what you think from your racing perspective and don't worry what someone else says.

Better yet just go skate......

Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2007 6:14 pm
by Luke Melo
ZigZags, Manx, and Hotspots are all great wheels that i have tried. i think any of them would be a fine choice