ok im new here and i was wondering if i ordered an ok set up

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Tim Bekmaz
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ok im new here and i was wondering if i ordered an ok set up

Post by Tim Bekmaz » Tue Dec 20, 2005 9:48 pm

i ordered a pps caughin cut complete, wedges, rts/x/ manx 80/84 i want to start running TS a few of my friends tell me i have a strong pump, i also need some advice on how to get speed i can pump but i cant get very fast i dont have a slalom board right now im pumping on a Longboard larry short humu with 85mm darts and bertz or ill pump my insect dragonfly with 155 seismics and 78a flashies i have the idea of pumping down chris chaput showed me form and all that good stuff i have it down i juss need to fine tune it, your help will be apreciated thanks


Etienne de Bary
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Post by Etienne de Bary » Tue Dec 20, 2005 11:34 pm

You can add wedge to the front truck, little by little as you get used to it. i adapt a Radikal clear bushing inside the RtS on a flat ring. Your rear truck should be stable, your front truck should turn as much as you can.

Bradley Elfman
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Radikal clear on rear

Post by Bradley Elfman » Wed Dec 21, 2005 4:41 pm


Do u think the Radikal clear would work for 140 lb, about 65 kg, rider? when you say flat ring, r u referring to the metal ring between bushing and nut, and do u ride the Radikal clear on bottom or both top and bottom.

I have the Radikal clears which are hard, but it seemed to hurt the response of the rear, so swithced to two Khrio yellows, medium hard. That is, while I have the rear stable with medium hard bushings and trucks only slightly loosened, I felt I lost a little turnability with the hard bushings, but on the other hand, don't want the rear swinging out on me.


Etienne de Bary
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Re: Radikal clear on rear

Post by Etienne de Bary » Wed Dec 21, 2005 5:13 pm

brad wrote:Do u think the Radikal clear would work for 140 lb, about 65 kg, rider? when you say flat ring, r u referring to the metal ring between bushing and nut
The clear Radikal bushing is really quite soft. i use it between the baseplate and the Hanger into both RtS and Airflow trucks, i use a small insert blue Khiro on top. While one has to squeeze quite a bit it's not so soft anymore once mounted, and it may be the occasion to put a new pivot cup if used. i use a common large flat ring instead of washer (baseplate -> ring -> flat side of bushing -> round side of bushing into -> hanger). These rings are 2mm thick with a 10mm hole, it works OK but if you can find a narrower ring with a smaller hole it would be better.
i'm in the 85kg range, but a lot of lighter riders including Celine have adopted this solution here.
Last edited by Etienne de Bary on Sat Dec 24, 2005 10:06 am, edited 1 time in total.

Bradley Elfman
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celine's bushings

Post by Bradley Elfman » Wed Dec 21, 2005 6:28 pm

hey if it's good enough for celine, .....

i just looked on the Radikal site and discovered that the clears are 75a, really soft i misread the first time around as 92a and had just had bad ressponse from some Khiro and Tracker hard bushings. The Radikal clears and the Khiro blues are about the same duro.

As I ordered several based on another's input, will give it a go.

What is the embase? I have had just bad luck with the inserts triangular shape, which I know a lot of racers are using on top, it just gets so unstable for me and the fit is a pain,so I use Khiro barrels which have a good fit.

Also, not clear on changing pivot cups. Do you order pivot cups or cannabalize another set of trucks?

I'm surprised that you are using such soft bushings on the rear, but then this tells me a lot about what is going on with my double yellows.

The washer/ring thing is confusing, but I assume I will do what needs to be done for the good fit.


Jani Soderhall
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Re: celine's bushings

Post by Jani Soderhall » Thu Dec 22, 2005 10:20 am

brad wrote:What is the embase?

Bradley Elfman
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rear bushings

Post by Bradley Elfman » Thu Dec 22, 2005 2:59 pm

Etienne, Jani,


I see why the flat side is against the embase, as putting the curved side of the Radikal clear against the embase results in a rocking motion of the truck.

Happy holidays.


Bradley Elfman
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top rear bushing

Post by Bradley Elfman » Fri Dec 23, 2005 8:37 pm

Etienne or anyone reading this,

I am wondering what advantage you see for the Khiro small inserts as a rear top bushing rather than the flat Khiro barrel bushing.

As you are not the first to recommend this setup, I have made the change from double Khiro yellow barrel to the Radikal clear on bottom and Khiro blue small insert on top, with the flat washer between the bushing and baseplate.

Maybe it's my imagination, but the setup seemed incredibly more turny than the double yellow (medium hard), and took a bit to get used to.

Etienne de Bary
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Post by Etienne de Bary » Sat Dec 24, 2005 8:31 am

i use both blue Khiro Barrel and insert, i never used harder ones. The small insert is fine on the rear set-up as there is just to hold the hanger well placed laterally, a red one sounds like a good idea too but i never tried.
The big blue insert is great on a RtX if you give a very strong wedge and if you are big (i use it on top too here), if you are not you'll have to find softer bushings, i use Elite which are a bit esoteric but very useful, others use Bone -Fred HBS loves them-, those softest clear "Stackpaper" or "Flypaper" are OK too. The big insert is i think optimal for front truck, very narrow and structured, it should offer more turning angle and better dynamic return too.

The big blue insert fits into the front split too (same conditions), at first the hanger fucks up the straight lips, but you just cut that off and then it's fine. i use a softer bushing on top, but not the white ones. i use a blue Elite.

Etienne de Bary
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Re: top rear bushing

Post by Etienne de Bary » Sat Dec 24, 2005 10:11 am

brad wrote:Maybe it's my imagination, but the setup seemed incredibly more turny than the double yellow (medium hard), and took a bit to get used to.
You should give a bit more wedge. The geometry is a bit modified. Got to squeeze it well to fit in its room.

Bradley Elfman
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bushings and wedging

Post by Bradley Elfman » Sat Dec 24, 2005 3:48 pm

i'm double wedged/dewedged front and back. the Khiro whites work well for me in front, they just wear down fast., but maybe i should give the inserts a go again, as I see what you mean regarding the turning geometry.

I have tried blue in front and at 65 kg, didn't have much luck. As my technique improves, I could go harder, but for now my wt requires very soft in front. If you use blues in front at 85 kg, physical constraints would indicate a softer bushing for 20kg lighter rider.
The change in the rear has made a big difference.

For persons starting out, the bushing advice is the one thing that needs to be translated for wt.

It would be interesting to try the othe bushing brands at some time.

Have a good holiday and thanks for taking the time to post.

All the other slalomers are too busy posting pictures of themselves from 1970 and deciding how to determine world champions to check in on this forum.

Bradley Elfman
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bottom bushing

Post by Bradley Elfman » Sun Dec 25, 2005 3:48 am

just 2 b clear

when we say bottom bushing, we r looking at at the board right side up as it would be ridden, so that the top bushing is actually next to the base plate. (?)

Bradley Elfman
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bottom bushing

Post by Bradley Elfman » Sun Dec 25, 2005 4:01 am

googling bottom bushing, i c the baseplate is the bottom of the truck, so bottom bushing is as seen when inserted.

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