Pumping advice - Thanks

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Mike River
Posts: 18
Joined: Sat Feb 26, 2005 6:40 pm
Location: Hastings, Southeast England

Pumping advice - Thanks

Post by Mike River » Wed Apr 13, 2005 1:36 pm

Thanks to all the folks that have given me tips on this forum (pumping a bahne).
Thought I might offer some tips of my own now that I have cracked it!
It really came to ahead after seeing Simon Levene pumping along the street in Brighton a couple of days ago. I tried to copy his posture and it really worked out well for me. Leaning forward while running the course but not worrying about speed. Using the pelvis to twist the board round the cones. After a while I found that I was getting faster. You really have to get the whole body moving and pump the board in a sideways motion, not up and down.
Focus on the pelvis and try to get everything going from there. With the arms moving across the body to counter balance.
To any newbies I would say go and watch some slalomers and copy what they do. Run through the cones and the pump will come naturally by itself. And then once you find it, you can work on it.
If you can get the right posture, and initiate the turns with the pelvis and hips then it will just flow. Above all, dont give up! Keep practicing!
Thanks again. Mike.

Andy Bittner
Posts: 394
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Location: Gaithersburg, MD

Good Advice

Post by Andy Bittner » Sun Apr 24, 2005 12:27 pm

Mike, Watching and learning from Simon Levene is always good advice. The first time I ever saw him skate (on video in the 80's), it instantly modified my slalom technique (for the better) and I'd already been skating slalom for nearly 20 years at that point. However, listening to and learning from Simon "The Smokestack" Levene can be hazardous to your health, as Simon tends to advocate a steady diet of steak and cigars.

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